// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This comment is for the dictionaries namespace.
namespace dictionaries {
  // Documentation for ComplexType.
  dictionary InnerType {
    // Documentation for the String s.
    DOMString s;

    // Documentation for the boolean b.
    int b;

    // Documentation for the int i.
    int i;

    // Documentation for the long l.
    long l;

    // Documentation for the double d.
    double d;

    // Documentation for the file entry f.
    [instanceOf=FileEntry] object f;

    // Documentation for the optional String s.
    DOMString? os;

    // Documentation for the optional boolean ob.
    int ob;

    // Documentation for the optional int i.
    int? oi;

    // Documentation for the optional long l.
    long? ol;

    // Documentation for the optional double d.
    double? od;

    // Documentation for the optional file entry f.
    [instanceOf=FileEntry] object? of;

  dictionary OuterType {
    // Documentation for the array of InnerTypes items.
    InnerType[] items;

    // Documentation for the optional array of Inner Types oitems.
    InnerType[]? oitems;

  dictionary ComplexType {
    // Documentation for the int i.
    int i;

    // Documentation for the ComplexType c.
    ComplexType c;