# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import copy import os.path import re class ParseException(Exception): """Thrown when data in the model is invalid. """ def __init__(self, parent, message): hierarchy = _GetModelHierarchy(parent) hierarchy.append(message) Exception.__init__( self, 'Model parse exception at:\n' + '\n'.join(hierarchy)) class Model(object): """Model of all namespaces that comprise an API. Properties: - |namespaces| a map of a namespace name to its model.Namespace """ def __init__(self): self.namespaces = {} def AddNamespace(self, json, source_file): """Add a namespace's json to the model and returns the namespace. """ namespace = Namespace(json, source_file) self.namespaces[namespace.name] = namespace return namespace class Namespace(object): """An API namespace. Properties: - |name| the name of the namespace - |unix_name| the unix_name of the namespace - |source_file| the file that contained the namespace definition - |source_file_dir| the directory component of |source_file| - |source_file_filename| the filename component of |source_file| - |types| a map of type names to their model.Type - |functions| a map of function names to their model.Function - |events| a map of event names to their model.Function - |properties| a map of property names to their model.Property """ def __init__(self, json, source_file): self.name = json['namespace'] self.unix_name = UnixName(self.name) self.source_file = source_file self.source_file_dir, self.source_file_filename = os.path.split(source_file) self.parent = None _AddTypes(self, json, self) _AddFunctions(self, json, self) _AddEvents(self, json, self) _AddProperties(self, json, self) class Type(object): """A Type defined in the json. Properties: - |name| the type name - |description| the description of the type (if provided) - |properties| a map of property unix_names to their model.Property - |functions| a map of function names to their model.Function - |events| a map of event names to their model.Event - |from_client| indicates that instances of the Type can originate from the users of generated code, such as top-level types and function results - |from_json| indicates that instances of the Type can originate from the JSON (as described by the schema), such as top-level types and function parameters - |type_| the PropertyType of this Type - |item_type| if this is an array, the type of items in the array - |simple_name| the name of this Type without a namespace """ def __init__(self, parent, name, json, namespace): if json.get('type') == 'array': self.type_ = PropertyType.ARRAY self.item_type = Property(self, name + "Element", json['items'], namespace, from_json=True, from_client=True) elif 'enum' in json: self.enum_values = [] for value in json['enum']: self.enum_values.append(value) self.type_ = PropertyType.ENUM elif json.get('type') == 'string': self.type_ = PropertyType.STRING else: if not ( 'properties' in json or 'additionalProperties' in json or 'functions' in json or 'events' in json): raise ParseException(self, name + " has no properties or functions") self.type_ = PropertyType.OBJECT self.name = name self.simple_name = _StripNamespace(self.name, namespace) self.unix_name = UnixName(self.name) self.description = json.get('description') self.from_json = True self.from_client = True self.parent = parent self.instance_of = json.get('isInstanceOf', None) _AddFunctions(self, json, namespace) _AddEvents(self, json, namespace) _AddProperties(self, json, namespace, from_json=True, from_client=True) additional_properties_key = 'additionalProperties' additional_properties = json.get(additional_properties_key) if additional_properties: self.properties[additional_properties_key] = Property( self, additional_properties_key, additional_properties, namespace, is_additional_properties=True) class Function(object): """A Function defined in the API. Properties: - |name| the function name - |params| a list of parameters to the function (order matters). A separate parameter is used for each choice of a 'choices' parameter. - |description| a description of the function (if provided) - |callback| the callback parameter to the function. There should be exactly one - |optional| whether the Function is "optional"; this only makes sense to be present when the Function is representing a callback property. - |simple_name| the name of this Function without a namespace """ def __init__(self, parent, json, namespace, from_json=False, from_client=False): self.name = json['name'] self.simple_name = _StripNamespace(self.name, namespace) self.params = [] self.description = json.get('description') self.callback = None self.optional = json.get('optional', False) self.parent = parent self.nocompile = json.get('nocompile') options = json.get('options', {}) self.conditions = options.get('conditions', []) self.actions = options.get('actions', []) self.supports_listeners = options.get('supportsListeners', True) self.supports_rules = options.get('supportsRules', False) def GeneratePropertyFromParam(p): return Property(self, p['name'], p, namespace, from_json=from_json, from_client=from_client) self.filters = [GeneratePropertyFromParam(filter) for filter in json.get('filters', [])] callback_param = None for param in json.get('parameters', []): if param.get('type') == 'function': if callback_param: # No ParseException because the webstore has this. # Instead, pretend all intermediate callbacks are properties. self.params.append(GeneratePropertyFromParam(callback_param)) callback_param = param else: self.params.append(GeneratePropertyFromParam(param)) if callback_param: self.callback = Function(self, callback_param, namespace, from_client=True) self.returns = None if 'returns' in json: self.returns = Property(self, 'return', json['returns'], namespace) class Property(object): """A property of a type OR a parameter to a function. Properties: - |name| name of the property as in the json. This shouldn't change since it is the key used to access DictionaryValues - |unix_name| the unix_style_name of the property. Used as variable name - |optional| a boolean representing whether the property is optional - |description| a description of the property (if provided) - |type_| the model.PropertyType of this property - |compiled_type| the model.PropertyType that this property should be compiled to from the JSON. Defaults to |type_|. - |ref_type| the type that the REF property is referencing. Can be used to map to its model.Type - |item_type| a model.Property representing the type of each element in an ARRAY - |properties| the properties of an OBJECT parameter - |from_client| indicates that instances of the Type can originate from the users of generated code, such as top-level types and function results - |from_json| indicates that instances of the Type can originate from the JSON (as described by the schema), such as top-level types and function parameters - |simple_name| the name of this Property without a namespace """ def __init__(self, parent, name, json, namespace, is_additional_properties=False, from_json=False, from_client=False): self.name = name self.simple_name = _StripNamespace(self.name, namespace) self._unix_name = UnixName(self.name) self._unix_name_used = False self.optional = json.get('optional', False) self.functions = {} self.has_value = False self.description = json.get('description') self.parent = parent self.from_json = from_json self.from_client = from_client self.instance_of = json.get('isInstanceOf', None) self.params = [] self.returns = None _AddProperties(self, json, namespace) if is_additional_properties: self.type_ = PropertyType.ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES elif '$ref' in json: self.ref_type = json['$ref'] self.type_ = PropertyType.REF elif 'enum' in json and json.get('type') == 'string': # Non-string enums (as in the case of [legalValues=(1,2)]) should fall # through to the next elif. self.enum_values = [] for value in json['enum']: self.enum_values.append(value) self.type_ = PropertyType.ENUM elif 'type' in json: self.type_ = self._JsonTypeToPropertyType(json['type']) if self.type_ == PropertyType.ARRAY: self.item_type = Property(self, name + "Element", json['items'], namespace, from_json=from_json, from_client=from_client) elif self.type_ == PropertyType.OBJECT: # These members are read when this OBJECT Property is used as a Type type_ = Type(self, self.name, json, namespace) # self.properties will already have some value from |_AddProperties|. self.properties.update(type_.properties) self.functions = type_.functions elif self.type_ == PropertyType.FUNCTION: for p in json.get('parameters', []): self.params.append(Property(self, p['name'], p, namespace, from_json=from_json, from_client=from_client)) if 'returns' in json: self.returns = Property(self, 'return', json['returns'], namespace) elif 'choices' in json: if not json['choices'] or len(json['choices']) == 0: raise ParseException(self, 'Choices has no choices') self.choices = {} self.type_ = PropertyType.CHOICES self.compiled_type = self.type_ for choice_json in json['choices']: choice = Property(self, self.name, choice_json, namespace, from_json=from_json, from_client=from_client) choice.unix_name = UnixName(self.name + choice.type_.name) # The existence of any single choice is optional choice.optional = True self.choices[choice.type_] = choice elif 'value' in json: self.has_value = True self.value = json['value'] if type(self.value) == int: self.type_ = PropertyType.INTEGER self.compiled_type = self.type_ else: # TODO(kalman): support more types as necessary. raise ParseException( self, '"%s" is not a supported type' % type(self.value)) else: raise ParseException( self, 'Property has no type, $ref, choices, or value') if 'compiled_type' in json: if 'type' in json: self.compiled_type = self._JsonTypeToPropertyType(json['compiled_type']) else: raise ParseException(self, 'Property has compiled_type but no type') else: self.compiled_type = self.type_ def _JsonTypeToPropertyType(self, json_type): try: return { 'any': PropertyType.ANY, 'array': PropertyType.ARRAY, 'binary': PropertyType.BINARY, 'boolean': PropertyType.BOOLEAN, 'integer': PropertyType.INTEGER, 'int64': PropertyType.INT64, 'function': PropertyType.FUNCTION, 'number': PropertyType.DOUBLE, 'object': PropertyType.OBJECT, 'string': PropertyType.STRING, }[json_type] except KeyError: raise NotImplementedError('Type %s not recognized' % json_type) def GetUnixName(self): """Gets the property's unix_name. Raises AttributeError if not set. """ if not self._unix_name: raise AttributeError('No unix_name set on %s' % self.name) self._unix_name_used = True return self._unix_name def SetUnixName(self, unix_name): """Set the property's unix_name. Raises AttributeError if the unix_name has already been used (GetUnixName has been called). """ if unix_name == self._unix_name: return if self._unix_name_used: raise AttributeError( 'Cannot set the unix_name on %s; ' 'it is already used elsewhere as %s' % (self.name, self._unix_name)) self._unix_name = unix_name def Copy(self): """Makes a copy of this model.Property object and allow the unix_name to be set again. """ property_copy = copy.copy(self) property_copy._unix_name_used = False return property_copy unix_name = property(GetUnixName, SetUnixName) class _PropertyTypeInfo(object): """This class is not an inner class of |PropertyType| so it can be pickled. """ def __init__(self, is_fundamental, name): self.is_fundamental = is_fundamental self.name = name def __repr__(self): return self.name def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, _PropertyTypeInfo) and self.name == other.name def __ne__(self, other): # Yes. You seriously do need this. return not (self == other) class PropertyType(object): """Enum of different types of properties/parameters. """ INTEGER = _PropertyTypeInfo(True, "INTEGER") INT64 = _PropertyTypeInfo(True, "INT64") DOUBLE = _PropertyTypeInfo(True, "DOUBLE") BOOLEAN = _PropertyTypeInfo(True, "BOOLEAN") STRING = _PropertyTypeInfo(True, "STRING") ENUM = _PropertyTypeInfo(False, "ENUM") ARRAY = _PropertyTypeInfo(False, "ARRAY") REF = _PropertyTypeInfo(False, "REF") CHOICES = _PropertyTypeInfo(False, "CHOICES") OBJECT = _PropertyTypeInfo(False, "OBJECT") FUNCTION = _PropertyTypeInfo(False, "FUNCTION") BINARY = _PropertyTypeInfo(False, "BINARY") ANY = _PropertyTypeInfo(False, "ANY") ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES = _PropertyTypeInfo(False, "ADDITIONAL_PROPERTIES") def UnixName(name): """Returns the unix_style name for a given lowerCamelCase string. """ # First replace any lowerUpper patterns with lower_Upper. s1 = re.sub('([a-z])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', name) # Now replace any ACMEWidgets patterns with ACME_Widgets s2 = re.sub('([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])', r'\1_\2', s1) # Finally, replace any remaining periods, and make lowercase. return s2.replace('.', '_').lower() def _StripNamespace(name, namespace): if name.startswith(namespace.name + '.'): return name[len(namespace.name + '.'):] return name def _GetModelHierarchy(entity): """Returns the hierarchy of the given model entity.""" hierarchy = [] while entity: try: hierarchy.append(entity.name) except AttributeError: hierarchy.append(repr(entity)) entity = entity.parent hierarchy.reverse() return hierarchy def _AddTypes(model, json, namespace): """Adds Type objects to |model| contained in the 'types' field of |json|. """ model.types = {} for type_json in json.get('types', []): type_ = Type(model, type_json['id'], type_json, namespace) model.types[type_.name] = type_ def _AddFunctions(model, json, namespace): """Adds Function objects to |model| contained in the 'functions' field of |json|. """ model.functions = {} for function_json in json.get('functions', []): function = Function(model, function_json, namespace, from_json=True) model.functions[function.name] = function def _AddEvents(model, json, namespace): """Adds Function objects to |model| contained in the 'events' field of |json|. """ model.events = {} for event_json in json.get('events', []): event = Function(model, event_json, namespace, from_client=True) model.events[event.name] = event def _AddProperties(model, json, namespace, from_json=False, from_client=False): """Adds model.Property objects to |model| contained in the 'properties' field of |json|. """ model.properties = {} for name, property_json in json.get('properties', {}).items(): model.properties[name] = Property( model, name, property_json, namespace, from_json=from_json, from_client=from_client)