# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. from core import perf_benchmark from measurements import session_restore import page_sets from profile_creators import profile_generator from profile_creators import small_profile_extender from telemetry import benchmark class _SessionRestoreTypical25(perf_benchmark.PerfBenchmark): """Base Benchmark class for session restore benchmarks. A cold start means none of the Chromium files are in the disk cache. A warm start assumes the OS has already cached much of Chromium's content. For warm tests, you should repeat the page set to ensure it's cached. Use Typical25PageSet to match what the SmallProfileCreator uses. TODO(slamm): Make SmallProfileCreator and this use the same page_set ref. """ page_set = page_sets.Typical25PageSet tag = None # override with 'warm' or 'cold' PROFILE_TYPE = 'small_profile' @classmethod def Name(cls): return 'session_restore' @classmethod def ProcessCommandLineArgs(cls, parser, args): super(_SessionRestoreTypical25, cls).ProcessCommandLineArgs(parser, args) generator = profile_generator.ProfileGenerator( small_profile_extender.SmallProfileExtender, cls.PROFILE_TYPE) out_dir = generator.Run(args) if out_dir: args.browser_options.profile_dir = out_dir else: args.browser_options.dont_override_profile = True @classmethod def ValueCanBeAddedPredicate(cls, _, is_first_result): return cls.tag == 'cold' or not is_first_result def CreateStorySet(self, _): """Return a story set that only has the first story. The session restore measurement skips the navigation step and only tests session restore by having the browser start-up. The first story is used to get WPR set up and hold results. """ story_set = self.page_set() for story in story_set.stories[1:]: story_set.RemoveStory(story) return story_set def CreatePageTest(self, options): is_cold = (self.tag == 'cold') return session_restore.SessionRestore(cold=is_cold) # crbug.com/325479, crbug.com/381990, crbug.com/511273 @benchmark.Disabled('android', 'linux', 'reference') class SessionRestoreColdTypical25(_SessionRestoreTypical25): """Test by clearing system cache and profile before repeats.""" tag = 'cold' options = {'pageset_repeat': 5} @classmethod def Name(cls): return 'session_restore.cold.typical_25' # crbug.com/325479, crbug.com/381990, crbug.com/511273 @benchmark.Disabled('android', 'linux', 'reference', 'xp') class SessionRestoreWarmTypical25(_SessionRestoreTypical25): """Test without clearing system cache or profile before repeats. The first result is discarded. """ tag = 'warm' options = {'pageset_repeat': 20} @classmethod def Name(cls): return 'session_restore.warm.typical_25'