// Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. /** * @fileoverview Classes and functions used during recording and playback. */ var Benchmark = Benchmark || {}; Benchmark.functionList = [ ['setTimeout', 'setTimeout'], ['clearTimeout', 'clearTimeout'], ['setInterval', 'setInterval'], ['clearInterval', 'clearInterval'], ['XMLHttpRequest', 'XMLHttpRequest'], ['addEventListenerToWindow', 'addEventListener'], ['addEventListenerToNode', 'addEventListener', ['Node', 'prototype']], ['removeEventListenerFromNode', 'removeEventListener', ['Node', 'prototype']], ['addEventListenerToXHR', 'addEventListener', ['XMLHttpRequest', 'prototype']], ['random', 'random', ['Math']], ['Date', 'Date'], ['documentWriteln', 'writeln', ['document']], ['documentWrite', 'write', ['document']] ]; Benchmark.timeoutMapping = []; Benchmark.ignoredListeners = ['mousemove', 'mouseover', 'mouseout']; Benchmark.originals = {}; Benchmark.overrides = { setTimeout: function(callback, timeout) { var event = {type: 'timeout', timeout: timeout}; var eventId = Benchmark.agent.createAsyncEvent(event); var timerId = Benchmark.originals.setTimeout.call(this, function() { Benchmark.agent.fireAsyncEvent(eventId, callback); }, Benchmark.playback ? 0 : timeout); Benchmark.timeoutMapping[timerId] = eventId; return timerId; }, clearTimeout: function(timerId) { var eventId = Benchmark.timeoutMapping[timerId]; if (eventId == undefined) return; Benchmark.agent.cancelAsyncEvent(eventId); Benchmark.originals.clearTimeout.call(this, timerId); }, setInterval: function(callback, timeout) { console.warn('setInterval'); }, clearInterval: function(timerId) { console.warn('clearInterval'); }, XMLHttpRequest: function() { return new Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper(); }, addEventListener: function(type, listener, useCapture, target, targetType, originalFunction) { var event = {type: 'addEventListener', target: targetType, eventType: type}; var eventId = Benchmark.agent.createAsyncEvent(event); listener.eventId = eventId; listener.wrapper = function(e) { Benchmark.agent.fireAsyncEvent(eventId, function() { listener.call(target, e); }); }; originalFunction.call(target, type, listener.wrapper, useCapture); }, addEventListenerToWindow: function(type, listener, useCapture) { if (Benchmark.ignoredListeners.indexOf(type) != -1) return; Benchmark.overrides.addEventListener( type, listener, useCapture, this, 'window', Benchmark.originals.addEventListenerToWindow); }, addEventListenerToNode: function(type, listener, useCapture) { if (Benchmark.ignoredListeners.indexOf(type) != -1) return; Benchmark.overrides.addEventListener( type, listener, useCapture, this, 'node', Benchmark.originals.addEventListenerToNode); }, addEventListenerToXHR: function(type, listener, useCapture) { Benchmark.overrides.addEventListener( type, listener, useCapture, this, 'xhr', Benchmark.originals.addEventListenerToXHR); }, removeEventListener: function(type, listener, useCapture, target, originalFunction) { Benchmark.agent.cancelAsyncEvent(listener.eventId); originalFunction.call(target, listener.wrapper, useCapture); }, removeEventListenerFromWindow: function(type, listener, useCapture) { removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture, this, Benchmark.originals.removeEventListenerFromWindow); }, removeEventListenerFromNode: function(type, listener, useCapture) { removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture, this, Benchmark.originals.removeEventListenerFromNode); }, removeEventListenerFromXHR: function(type, listener, useCapture) { removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture, this, Benchmark.originals.removeEventListenerFromXHR); }, random: function() { return Benchmark.agent.random(); }, Date: function() { var a = arguments; var D = Benchmark.originals.Date, d; switch(a.length) { case 0: d = new D(Benchmark.agent.dateNow()); break; case 1: d = new D(a[0]); break; case 2: d = new D(a[0], a[1]); break; case 3: d = new D(a[0], a[1], a[2]); break; default: Benchmark.die('window.Date', arguments); } d.getTimezoneOffset = function() { return -240; }; return d; }, dateNow: function() { return Benchmark.agent.dateNow(); }, documentWriteln: function() { console.warn('writeln'); }, documentWrite: function() { console.warn('write'); } }; /** * Replaces window functions specified by Benchmark.functionList with overrides * and optionally saves original functions to Benchmark.originals. * @param {Object} wnd Window object. * @param {boolean} storeOriginals When true, original functions are saved to * Benchmark.originals. */ Benchmark.installOverrides = function(wnd, storeOriginals) { // Substitute window functions with overrides. for (var i = 0; i < Benchmark.functionList.length; ++i) { var info = Benchmark.functionList[i], object = wnd; var propertyName = info[1], pathToProperty = info[2]; if (pathToProperty) for (var j = 0; j < pathToProperty.length; ++j) object = object[pathToProperty[j]]; if (storeOriginals) Benchmark.originals[info[0]] = object[propertyName]; object[propertyName] = Benchmark.overrides[info[0]]; } wnd.__defineSetter__('onload', function() { console.warn('window.onload setter')} ); // Substitute window functions of static frames when DOM content is loaded. Benchmark.originals.addEventListenerToWindow.call(wnd, 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { var frames = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); for (var i = 0, frame; frame = frames[i]; ++i) { Benchmark.installOverrides(frame.contentWindow); } }, true); // Substitute window functions of dynamically added frames. Benchmark.originals.addEventListenerToWindow.call( wnd, 'DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument', function(e) { if (e.target.tagName && e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'iframe') return; if (e.target.contentWindow) Benchmark.installOverrides(e.target.contentWindow); }, true); }; // Install overrides on top window. Benchmark.installOverrides(window, true); /** * window.XMLHttpRequest wrapper. Notifies Benchmark.agent when request is * opened, aborted, and when it's ready state changes to DONE. * @constructor */ Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper = function() { this.request = new Benchmark.originals.XMLHttpRequest(); this.wrapperReadyState = 0; }; // Create XMLHttpRequestWrapper functions and property accessors using original // ones. (function() { var request = new Benchmark.originals.XMLHttpRequest(); for (var property in request) { if (property === 'channel') continue; // Quick fix for FF. if (typeof(request[property]) == 'function') { (function(property) { var f = Benchmark.originals.XMLHttpRequest.prototype[property]; Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper.prototype[property] = function() { f.apply(this.request, arguments); }; })(property); } else { (function(property) { Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper.prototype.__defineGetter__(property, function() { return this.request[property]; }); Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper.prototype.__defineSetter__(property, function(value) { this.request[property] = value; }); })(property); } } })(); // Define onreadystatechange getter. Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper.prototype.__defineGetter__('onreadystatechange', function() { return this.clientOnReadyStateChange; }); // Define onreadystatechange setter. Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper.prototype.__defineSetter__('onreadystatechange', function(value) { this.clientOnReadyStateChange = value; }); Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper.prototype.__defineGetter__('readyState', function() { return this.wrapperReadyState; }); Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper.prototype.__defineSetter__('readyState', function() {}); /** * Wrapper for XMLHttpRequest.open. */ Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper.prototype.open = function() { var url = Benchmark.extractURL(arguments[1]); var event = {type: 'request', method: arguments[0], url: url}; this.eventId = Benchmark.agent.createAsyncEvent(event); var request = this.request; var requestWrapper = this; Benchmark.originals.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open.apply(request, arguments); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState != 4 || requestWrapper.cancelled) return; var callback = requestWrapper.clientOnReadyStateChange || function() {}; Benchmark.agent.fireAsyncEvent(requestWrapper.eventId, function() { requestWrapper.wrapperReadyState = 4; callback.call(request); }); } }; /** * Wrapper for XMLHttpRequest.abort. */ Benchmark.XMLHttpRequestWrapper.prototype.abort = function() { this.cancelled = true; Benchmark.originals.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.abort.apply( this.request, arguments); Benchmark.agent.cancelAsyncEvent(this.eventId); }; /** * Driver url for reporting results. * @const {string} */ Benchmark.DRIVER_URL = '/benchmark/'; /** * Posts request as json to Benchmark.DRIVER_URL. * @param {Object} request Request to post. */ Benchmark.post = function(request, async) { if (async === undefined) async = true; var xmlHttpRequest = new Benchmark.originals.XMLHttpRequest(); xmlHttpRequest.open("POST", Benchmark.DRIVER_URL, async); xmlHttpRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json"); xmlHttpRequest.send(JSON.stringify(request)); }; /** * Extracts url string. * @param {(string|Object)} url Object or string representing url. * @return {string} Extracted url. */ Benchmark.extractURL = function(url) { if (typeof(url) == 'string') return url; return url.nI || url.G || ''; }; /** * Logs error message to console and throws an exception. * @param {string} message Error message */ Benchmark.die = function(message) { // Debugging stuff. var position = top.Benchmark.playback ? top.Benchmark.agent.timelinePosition : top.Benchmark.agent.timeline.length; message = message + ' at position ' + position; console.error(message); Benchmark.post({error: message}); console.log(Benchmark.originals.setTimeout.call(window, function() {}, 9999)); try { (0)() } catch(ex) { console.error(ex.stack); } throw message; };