# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import threading import zlib from profile_chrome import controllers from profile_chrome import util from pylib import cmd_helper _SYSTRACE_OPTIONS = [ # Compress the trace before sending it over USB. '-z', # Use a large trace buffer to increase the polling interval. '-b', '16384' ] # Interval in seconds for sampling systrace data. _SYSTRACE_INTERVAL = 15 _TRACING_ON_PATH = '/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on' class SystraceController(controllers.BaseController): def __init__(self, device, categories, ring_buffer): controllers.BaseController.__init__(self) self._device = device self._categories = categories self._ring_buffer = ring_buffer self._done = threading.Event() self._thread = None self._trace_data = None def __repr__(self): return 'systrace' @staticmethod def GetCategories(device): return device.RunShellCommand('atrace --list_categories') def StartTracing(self, _): self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._CollectData) self._thread.start() def StopTracing(self): self._done.set() def PullTrace(self): self._thread.join() self._thread = None if self._trace_data: output_name = 'systrace-%s' % util.GetTraceTimestamp() with open(output_name, 'w') as out: out.write(self._trace_data) return output_name def IsTracingOn(self): result = self._RunAdbShellCommand(['cat', _TRACING_ON_PATH]) return result.strip() == '1' def _RunAdbShellCommand(self, command): # We use a separate interface to adb because the one from AndroidCommands # isn't re-entrant. # TODO(jbudorick) Look at providing a way to unhandroll this once the # adb rewrite has fully landed. device_param = (['-s', str(self._device)] if str(self._device) else []) cmd = ['adb'] + device_param + ['shell'] + command return cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput(cmd) def _RunATraceCommand(self, command): cmd = ['atrace', '--%s' % command] + _SYSTRACE_OPTIONS + self._categories return self._RunAdbShellCommand(cmd) def _ForceStopAtrace(self): # atrace on pre-M Android devices cannot be stopped asynchronously # correctly. Use synchronous mode to force stop. cmd = ['atrace', '-t', '0'] return self._RunAdbShellCommand(cmd) def _CollectData(self): trace_data = [] self._RunATraceCommand('async_start') try: while not self._done.is_set(): self._done.wait(_SYSTRACE_INTERVAL) if not self._ring_buffer or self._done.is_set(): trace_data.append( self._DecodeTraceData(self._RunATraceCommand('async_dump'))) finally: trace_data.append( self._DecodeTraceData(self._RunATraceCommand('async_stop'))) if self.IsTracingOn(): self._ForceStopAtrace() self._trace_data = ''.join([zlib.decompress(d) for d in trace_data]) @staticmethod def _DecodeTraceData(trace_data): try: trace_start = trace_data.index('TRACE:') except ValueError: raise RuntimeError('Systrace start marker not found') trace_data = trace_data[trace_start + 6:] # Collapse CRLFs that are added by adb shell. if trace_data.startswith('\r\n'): trace_data = trace_data.replace('\r\n', '\n') # Skip the initial newline. return trace_data[1:]