# Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Shared process-related utility functions."""

import errno
import os
import subprocess
import sys

class CommandNotFound(Exception): pass

TASKKILL = os.path.join(os.environ['WINDIR'], 'system32', 'taskkill.exe')
# On windows 2000 there is no taskkill.exe, we need to have pskill somewhere
# in the path.
PSKILL = 'pskill.exe'

def KillAll(executables):
  """Tries to kill all copies of each process in the processes list.  Returns
  an error if any running processes couldn't be killed.
  result = 0
  if os.path.exists(TASKKILL):
    command = [TASKKILL, '/f', '/im']
    process_not_found_err = TASKKILL_PROCESS_NOT_FOUND_ERR
    command = [PSKILL, '/t']
    process_not_found_err = PSKILL_PROCESS_NOT_FOUND_ERR

  for name in executables:
    new_error = RunCommand(command + [name])
    # Ignore "process not found" error.
    if new_error != 0 and new_error != process_not_found_err:
      result = new_error
  return result

def RunCommandFull(command, verbose=True, collect_output=False,
  """Runs the command list.

  Prints the given command (which should be a list of one or more strings).
  If specified, prints its stderr (and optionally stdout) to stdout,
  line-buffered, converting line endings to CRLF (see note below).  If
  specified, collects the output as a list of lines and returns it.  Waits
  for the command to terminate and returns its status.

    command: the full command to run, as a list of one or more strings
    verbose: if True, combines all output (stdout and stderr) into stdout.
             Otherwise, prints only the command's stderr to stdout.
    collect_output: if True, collects the output of the command as a list of
                    lines and returns it
    print_output: if True, prints the output of the command

    A tuple consisting of the process's exit status and output.  If
    collect_output is False, the output will be [].

    CommandNotFound if the command executable could not be found.
  print '\n' + subprocess.list2cmdline(command).replace('\\', '/') + '\n', ###

  if verbose:
    out = subprocess.PIPE
    err = subprocess.STDOUT
    out = file(os.devnull, 'w')
    err = subprocess.PIPE
    proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=out, stderr=err, bufsize=1)
  except OSError, e:
    if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
      raise CommandNotFound('Unable to find "%s"' % command[0])

  output = []

  if verbose:
    read_from = proc.stdout
    read_from = proc.stderr
  line = read_from.readline()
  while line:
    line = line.rstrip()

    if collect_output:

    if print_output:
      # Windows Python converts \n to \r\n automatically whenever it
      # encounters it written to a text file (including stdout).  The only
      # way around it is to write to a binary file, which isn't feasible for
      # stdout. So we end up with \r\n here even though we explicitly write
      # \n.  (We could write \r instead, which doesn't get converted to \r\n,
      # but that's probably more troublesome for people trying to read the
      # files.)
      print line + '\n',

      # Python on windows writes the buffer only when it reaches 4k. This is
      # not fast enough for all purposes.
    line = read_from.readline()

  # Make sure the process terminates.

  if not verbose:
  return (proc.returncode, output)

def RunCommand(command, verbose=True):
  """Runs the command list, printing its output and returning its exit status.

  Prints the given command (which should be a list of one or more strings),
  then runs it and prints its stderr (and optionally stdout) to stdout,
  line-buffered, converting line endings to CRLF.  Waits for the command to
  terminate and returns its status.

    command: the full command to run, as a list of one or more strings
    verbose: if True, combines all output (stdout and stderr) into stdout.
             Otherwise, prints only the command's stderr to stdout.

    The process's exit status.

    CommandNotFound if the command executable could not be found.
  return RunCommandFull(command, verbose)[0]

def RunCommandsInParallel(commands, verbose=True, collect_output=False,
  """Runs a list of commands in parallel, waits for all commands to terminate
  and returns their status. If specified, the ouput of commands can be
  returned and/or printed.

    commands: the list of commands to run, each as a list of one or more
    verbose: if True, combines stdout and stderr into stdout.
             Otherwise, prints only the command's stderr to stdout.
    collect_output: if True, collects the output of the each command as a list
                    of lines and returns it.
    print_output: if True, prints the output of each command.

    A list of tuples consisting of each command's exit status and output.  If
    collect_output is False, the output will be [].

    CommandNotFound if any of the command executables could not be found.

  command_num = len(commands)
  outputs = [[] for i in xrange(command_num)]
  procs = [None for i in xrange(command_num)]
  eofs = [False for i in xrange(command_num)]

  for command in commands:
    print '\n' + subprocess.list2cmdline(command).replace('\\', '/') + '\n',

  if verbose:
    out = subprocess.PIPE
    err = subprocess.STDOUT
    out = file(os.devnull, 'w')
    err = subprocess.PIPE

  for i in xrange(command_num):
      command = commands[i]
      procs[i] = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=out, stderr=err, bufsize=1)
    except OSError, e:
      if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
        raise CommandNotFound('Unable to find "%s"' % command[0])
      # We could consider terminating the processes already started.
      # But Popen.kill() is only available in version 2.6.
      # For now the clean up is done by KillAll.

  while True:
    eof_all = True
    for i in xrange(command_num):
      if eofs[i]:
      if verbose:
        read_from = procs[i].stdout
        read_from = procs[i].stderr
      line = read_from.readline()
      if line:
        eof_all = False
        line = line.rstrip()
        if print_output:
          # Windows Python converts \n to \r\n automatically whenever it
          # encounters it written to a text file (including stdout).  The only
          # way around it is to write to a binary file, which isn't feasible
          # for stdout. So we end up with \r\n here even though we explicitly
          # write \n.  (We could write \r instead, which doesn't get converted
          # to \r\n, but that's probably more troublesome for people trying to
          # read the files.)
          print line + '\n',
        eofs[i] = True
    if eof_all:

  # Make sure the process terminates.
  for i in xrange(command_num):

  if not verbose:

  return [(procs[i].returncode, outputs[i]) for i in xrange(command_num)]