#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Run Performance Test Bisect Tool This script is used by a try bot to run the bisect script with the parameters specified in the bisect config file. It checks out a copy of the depot in a subdirectory 'bisect' of the working directory provided, annd runs the bisect scrip there. """ import optparse import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys import traceback from auto_bisect import bisect_perf_regression from auto_bisect import bisect_utils from auto_bisect import math_utils from auto_bisect import source_control CROS_BOARD_ENV = 'BISECT_CROS_BOARD' CROS_IP_ENV = 'BISECT_CROS_IP' SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) SRC_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, os.path.pardir) BISECT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'auto_bisect', 'bisect.cfg') RUN_TEST_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'run-perf-test.cfg') WEBKIT_RUN_TEST_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join( SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'WebKit', 'Tools', 'run-perf-test.cfg') BISECT_SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, 'auto_bisect') class Goma(object): def __init__(self, path_to_goma): self._abs_path_to_goma = None self._abs_path_to_goma_file = None if not path_to_goma: return self._abs_path_to_goma = os.path.abspath(path_to_goma) filename = 'goma_ctl.bat' if os.name == 'nt' else 'goma_ctl.sh' self._abs_path_to_goma_file = os.path.join(self._abs_path_to_goma, filename) def __enter__(self): if self._HasGomaPath(): self._SetupAndStart() return self def __exit__(self, *_): if self._HasGomaPath(): self._Stop() def _HasGomaPath(self): return bool(self._abs_path_to_goma) def _SetupEnvVars(self): if os.name == 'nt': os.environ['CC'] = (os.path.join(self._abs_path_to_goma, 'gomacc.exe') + ' cl.exe') os.environ['CXX'] = (os.path.join(self._abs_path_to_goma, 'gomacc.exe') + ' cl.exe') else: os.environ['PATH'] = os.pathsep.join([self._abs_path_to_goma, os.environ['PATH']]) def _SetupAndStart(self): """Sets up goma and launches it. Args: path_to_goma: Path to goma directory. Returns: True if successful.""" self._SetupEnvVars() # Sometimes goma is lingering around if something went bad on a previous # run. Stop it before starting a new process. Can ignore the return code # since it will return an error if it wasn't running. self._Stop() if subprocess.call([self._abs_path_to_goma_file, 'start']): raise RuntimeError('Goma failed to start.') def _Stop(self): subprocess.call([self._abs_path_to_goma_file, 'stop']) def _LoadConfigFile(config_file_path): """Attempts to load the specified config file as a module and grab the global config dict. Args: config_file_path: Path to the config file. Returns: If successful, returns the config dict loaded from the file. If no such dictionary could be loaded, returns the empty dictionary. """ try: local_vars = {} execfile(config_file_path, local_vars) return local_vars['config'] except Exception: print traceback.print_exc() print return {} def _ValidateConfigFile(config_contents, required_parameters): """Validates the config file contents, checking whether all values are non-empty. Args: config_contents: A config dictionary. required_parameters: A list of parameters to check for. Returns: True if valid. """ for parameter in required_parameters: if parameter not in config_contents: return False value = config_contents[parameter] if not value or type(value) is not str: return False return True def _ValidatePerfConfigFile(config_contents): """Validates the perf config file contents. This is used when we're doing a perf try job, rather than a bisect. The config file is called run-perf-test.cfg by default. The parameters checked are the required parameters; any additional optional parameters won't be checked and validation will still pass. Args: config_contents: A config dictionary. Returns: True if valid. """ return _ValidateConfigFile(config_contents, required_parameters=['command']) def _ValidateBisectConfigFile(config_contents): """Validates the bisect config file contents. The parameters checked are the required parameters; any additional optional parameters won't be checked and validation will still pass. Args: config_contents: A config dictionary. Returns: True if valid. """ return _ValidateConfigFile( config_contents, required_parameters=['command', 'good_revision', 'bad_revision']) def _OutputFailedResults(text_to_print): bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart('Results - Failed') print print text_to_print print bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed() def _CreateBisectOptionsFromConfig(config): print config['command'] opts_dict = {} opts_dict['command'] = config['command'] opts_dict['metric'] = config.get('metric') if config['repeat_count']: opts_dict['repeat_test_count'] = int(config['repeat_count']) if config['truncate_percent']: opts_dict['truncate_percent'] = int(config['truncate_percent']) if config['max_time_minutes']: opts_dict['max_time_minutes'] = int(config['max_time_minutes']) if config.has_key('use_goma'): opts_dict['use_goma'] = config['use_goma'] if config.has_key('goma_dir'): opts_dict['goma_dir'] = config['goma_dir'] if config.has_key('improvement_direction'): opts_dict['improvement_direction'] = int(config['improvement_direction']) if config.has_key('bug_id') and str(config['bug_id']).isdigit(): opts_dict['bug_id'] = config['bug_id'] opts_dict['build_preference'] = 'ninja' opts_dict['output_buildbot_annotations'] = True if '--browser=cros' in config['command']: opts_dict['target_platform'] = 'cros' if os.environ[CROS_BOARD_ENV] and os.environ[CROS_IP_ENV]: opts_dict['cros_board'] = os.environ[CROS_BOARD_ENV] opts_dict['cros_remote_ip'] = os.environ[CROS_IP_ENV] else: raise RuntimeError('CrOS build selected, but BISECT_CROS_IP or' 'BISECT_CROS_BOARD undefined.') elif 'android' in config['command']: if 'android-chrome-shell' in config['command']: opts_dict['target_platform'] = 'android' elif 'android-chrome' in config['command']: opts_dict['target_platform'] = 'android-chrome' else: opts_dict['target_platform'] = 'android' return bisect_perf_regression.BisectOptions.FromDict(opts_dict) def _ParseCloudLinksFromOutput(output): html_results_pattern = re.compile( r'\s(?Phttp://storage.googleapis.com/' + 'chromium-telemetry/html-results/results-[a-z0-9-_]+)\s', re.MULTILINE) profiler_pattern = re.compile( r'\s(?Phttps://console.developers.google.com/' + 'm/cloudstorage/b/[a-z-]+/o/profiler-[a-z0-9-_.]+)\s', re.MULTILINE) results = { 'html-results': html_results_pattern.findall(output), 'profiler': profiler_pattern.findall(output), } return results def _ParseAndOutputCloudLinks( results_without_patch, results_with_patch, annotations_dict): cloud_links_without_patch = _ParseCloudLinksFromOutput( results_without_patch[2]) cloud_links_with_patch = _ParseCloudLinksFromOutput( results_with_patch[2]) cloud_file_link = (cloud_links_without_patch['html-results'][0] if cloud_links_without_patch['html-results'] else '') profiler_file_links_with_patch = cloud_links_with_patch['profiler'] profiler_file_links_without_patch = cloud_links_without_patch['profiler'] # Calculate the % difference in the means of the 2 runs. percent_diff_in_means = None std_err = None if (results_with_patch[0].has_key('mean') and results_with_patch[0].has_key('values')): percent_diff_in_means = (results_with_patch[0]['mean'] / max(0.0001, results_without_patch[0]['mean'])) * 100.0 - 100.0 std_err = math_utils.PooledStandardError( [results_with_patch[0]['values'], results_without_patch[0]['values']]) if percent_diff_in_means is not None and std_err is not None: bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart('Results - %.02f +- %0.02f delta' % (percent_diff_in_means, std_err)) print ' %s %s %s' % (''.center(10, ' '), 'Mean'.center(20, ' '), 'Std. Error'.center(20, ' ')) print ' %s %s %s' % ('Patch'.center(10, ' '), ('%.02f' % results_with_patch[0]['mean']).center(20, ' '), ('%.02f' % results_with_patch[0]['std_err']).center(20, ' ')) print ' %s %s %s' % ('No Patch'.center(10, ' '), ('%.02f' % results_without_patch[0]['mean']).center(20, ' '), ('%.02f' % results_without_patch[0]['std_err']).center(20, ' ')) if cloud_file_link: bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepLink('HTML Results', cloud_file_link) bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed() elif cloud_file_link: bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepLink('HTML Results', cloud_file_link) if profiler_file_links_with_patch and profiler_file_links_without_patch: for i in xrange(len(profiler_file_links_with_patch)): bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepLink( '%s[%d]' % (annotations_dict.get('profiler_link1'), i), profiler_file_links_with_patch[i]) for i in xrange(len(profiler_file_links_without_patch)): bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepLink( '%s[%d]' % (annotations_dict.get('profiler_link2'), i), profiler_file_links_without_patch[i]) def _ResolveRevisionsFromConfig(config): if not 'good_revision' in config and not 'bad_revision' in config: return (None, None) bad_revision = source_control.ResolveToRevision( config['bad_revision'], 'chromium', bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME, 100) if not bad_revision: raise RuntimeError('Failed to resolve [%s] to git hash.', config['bad_revision']) good_revision = source_control.ResolveToRevision( config['good_revision'], 'chromium', bisect_utils.DEPOT_DEPS_NAME, -100) if not good_revision: raise RuntimeError('Failed to resolve [%s] to git hash.', config['good_revision']) return (good_revision, bad_revision) def _GetStepAnnotationStringsDict(config): if 'good_revision' in config and 'bad_revision' in config: return { 'build1': 'Building [%s]' % config['good_revision'], 'build2': 'Building [%s]' % config['bad_revision'], 'run1': 'Running [%s]' % config['good_revision'], 'run2': 'Running [%s]' % config['bad_revision'], 'sync1': 'Syncing [%s]' % config['good_revision'], 'sync2': 'Syncing [%s]' % config['bad_revision'], 'results_label1': config['good_revision'], 'results_label2': config['bad_revision'], 'profiler_link1': 'Profiler Data - %s' % config['good_revision'], 'profiler_link2': 'Profiler Data - %s' % config['bad_revision'], } else: return { 'build1': 'Building With Patch', 'build2': 'Building Without Patch', 'run1': 'Running With Patch', 'run2': 'Running Without Patch', 'results_label1': 'Patch', 'results_label2': 'ToT', 'profiler_link1': 'With Patch - Profiler Data', 'profiler_link2': 'Without Patch - Profiler Data', } def _RunBuildStepForPerformanceTest(bisect_instance, build_string, sync_string, revision): if revision: bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart(sync_string) if not source_control.SyncToRevision(revision, 'gclient'): raise RuntimeError('Failed [%s].' % sync_string) bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed() bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart(build_string) if bisect_utils.RunGClient(['runhooks']): raise RuntimeError('Failed to run gclient runhooks') if not bisect_instance.ObtainBuild('chromium'): raise RuntimeError('Patched version failed to build.') bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed() def _RunCommandStepForPerformanceTest(bisect_instance, opts, reset_on_first_run, upload_on_last_run, results_label, run_string): bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart(run_string) results = bisect_instance.RunPerformanceTestAndParseResults( opts.command, opts.metric, reset_on_first_run=reset_on_first_run, upload_on_last_run=upload_on_last_run, results_label=results_label) if results[1]: raise RuntimeError('Patched version failed to run performance test.') bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed() return results def _RunPerformanceTest(config): """Runs a performance test with and without the current patch. Args: config: Contents of the config file, a dictionary. Attempts to build and run the current revision with and without the current patch, with the parameters passed in. """ # Bisect script expects to be run from the src directory os.chdir(SRC_DIR) opts = _CreateBisectOptionsFromConfig(config) revisions = _ResolveRevisionsFromConfig(config) annotations_dict = _GetStepAnnotationStringsDict(config) b = bisect_perf_regression.BisectPerformanceMetrics(opts, os.getcwd()) _RunBuildStepForPerformanceTest(b, annotations_dict.get('build1'), annotations_dict.get('sync1'), revisions[0]) results_with_patch = _RunCommandStepForPerformanceTest( b, opts, True, True, annotations_dict['results_label1'], annotations_dict['run1']) bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart('Reverting Patch') # TODO: When this is re-written to recipes, this should use bot_update's # revert mechanism to fully revert the client. But for now, since we know that # the perf try bot currently only supports src/ and src/third_party/WebKit, we # simply reset those two directories. bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(['reset', '--hard']) bisect_utils.CheckRunGit(['reset', '--hard'], os.path.join('third_party', 'WebKit')) bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed() _RunBuildStepForPerformanceTest(b, annotations_dict.get('build2'), annotations_dict.get('sync2'), revisions[1]) results_without_patch = _RunCommandStepForPerformanceTest( b, opts, False, True, annotations_dict['results_label2'], annotations_dict['run2']) # Find the link to the cloud stored results file. _ParseAndOutputCloudLinks( results_without_patch, results_with_patch, annotations_dict) def _SetupAndRunPerformanceTest(config, path_to_goma): """Attempts to build and run the current revision with and without the current patch, with the parameters passed in. Args: config: The config read from run-perf-test.cfg. path_to_goma: Path to goma directory. Returns: An exit code: 0 on success, otherwise 1. """ if platform.release() == 'XP': print 'Windows XP is not supported for perf try jobs because it lacks ' print 'goma support. Please refer to crbug.com/330900.' return 1 try: with Goma(path_to_goma) as _: config['use_goma'] = bool(path_to_goma) if config['use_goma']: config['goma_dir'] = os.path.abspath(path_to_goma) _RunPerformanceTest(config) return 0 except RuntimeError, e: bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed() _OutputFailedResults('Error: %s' % e.message) return 1 def _RunBisectionScript( config, working_directory, path_to_goma, path_to_extra_src, dry_run): """Attempts to execute the bisect script with the given parameters. Args: config: A dict containing the parameters to pass to the script. working_directory: A working directory to provide to the bisect script, where it will store it's own copy of the depot. path_to_goma: Path to goma directory. path_to_extra_src: Path to extra source file. dry_run: Do a dry run, skipping sync, build, and performance testing steps. Returns: An exit status code: 0 on success, otherwise 1. """ _PrintConfigStep(config) # Construct the basic command with all necessary arguments. cmd = [ 'python', os.path.join(BISECT_SCRIPT_DIR, 'bisect_perf_regression.py'), '--command', config['command'], '--good_revision', config['good_revision'], '--bad_revision', config['bad_revision'], '--working_directory', working_directory, '--output_buildbot_annotations' ] # Add flags for any optional config parameters if given in the config. options = [ ('metric', '--metric'), ('repeat_count', '--repeat_test_count'), ('truncate_percent', '--truncate_percent'), ('max_time_minutes', '--max_time_minutes'), ('bisect_mode', '--bisect_mode'), ('improvement_direction', '--improvement_direction'), ('bug_id', '--bug_id'), ('builder_type', '--builder_type'), ] for config_key, flag in options: if config.has_key(config_key): cmd.extend([flag, config[config_key]]) cmd.extend(['--build_preference', 'ninja']) # Possibly set the target platform name based on the browser name in a # Telemetry command. if 'android-chrome-shell' in config['command']: cmd.extend(['--target_platform', 'android']) elif 'android-chrome' in config['command']: cmd.extend(['--target_platform', 'android-chrome']) elif 'android' in config['command']: cmd.extend(['--target_platform', 'android']) if path_to_goma: # For Windows XP platforms, goma service is not supported. # Moreover we don't compile chrome when gs_bucket flag is set instead # use builds archives, therefore ignore goma service for Windows XP. # See http://crbug.com/330900. if platform.release() == 'XP': print ('Goma doesn\'t have a win32 binary, therefore it is not supported ' 'on Windows XP platform. Please refer to crbug.com/330900.') path_to_goma = None cmd.append('--use_goma') cmd.append('--goma_dir') cmd.append(os.path.abspath(path_to_goma)) if path_to_extra_src: cmd.extend(['--extra_src', path_to_extra_src]) if dry_run: cmd.extend([ '--debug_ignore_build', '--debug_ignore_sync', '--debug_ignore_perf_test' ]) cmd = [str(c) for c in cmd] with Goma(path_to_goma) as _: return_code = subprocess.call(cmd) if return_code: print ('Error: bisect_perf_regression.py returned with error %d\n' % return_code) return return_code def _PrintConfigStep(config): """Prints out the given config, along with Buildbot annotations.""" bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepStart('Config') print for k, v in config.iteritems(): print ' %s : %s' % (k, v) print bisect_utils.OutputAnnotationStepClosed() def _OptionParser(): """Returns the options parser for run-bisect-perf-regression.py.""" usage = ('%prog [options] [-- chromium-options]\n' 'Used by a try bot to run the bisection script using the parameters' ' provided in the auto_bisect/bisect.cfg file.') parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option('-w', '--working_directory', type='str', help='A working directory to supply to the bisection ' 'script, which will use it as the location to checkout ' 'a copy of the chromium depot.') parser.add_option('-p', '--path_to_goma', type='str', help='Path to goma directory. If this is supplied, goma ' 'builds will be enabled.') parser.add_option('--path_to_config', type='str', help='Path to the config file to use. If this is supplied, ' 'the bisect script will use this to override the default ' 'config file path. The script will attempt to load it ' 'as a bisect config first, then a perf config.') parser.add_option('--extra_src', type='str', help='Path to extra source file. If this is supplied, ' 'bisect script will use this to override default behavior.') parser.add_option('--dry_run', action="store_true", help='The script will perform the full bisect, but ' 'without syncing, building, or running the performance ' 'tests.') return parser def main(): """Entry point for run-bisect-perf-regression.py. Reads the config file, and then tries to either bisect a regression or just run a performance test, depending on the particular config parameters specified in the config file. """ parser = _OptionParser() opts, _ = parser.parse_args() # Use the default config file path unless one was specified. config_path = BISECT_CONFIG_PATH if opts.path_to_config: config_path = opts.path_to_config config = _LoadConfigFile(config_path) # Check if the config is valid for running bisect job. config_is_valid = _ValidateBisectConfigFile(config) if config and config_is_valid: if not opts.working_directory: print 'Error: missing required parameter: --working_directory\n' parser.print_help() return 1 return _RunBisectionScript( config, opts.working_directory, opts.path_to_goma, opts.extra_src, opts.dry_run) # If it wasn't valid for running a bisect, then maybe the user wanted # to run a perf test instead of a bisect job. Try reading any possible # perf test config files. perf_cfg_files = [RUN_TEST_CONFIG_PATH, WEBKIT_RUN_TEST_CONFIG_PATH] for current_perf_cfg_file in perf_cfg_files: if opts.path_to_config: path_to_perf_cfg = opts.path_to_config else: path_to_perf_cfg = os.path.join( os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])), current_perf_cfg_file) config = _LoadConfigFile(path_to_perf_cfg) config_is_valid = _ValidatePerfConfigFile(config) if config and config_is_valid: return _SetupAndRunPerformanceTest(config, opts.path_to_goma) print ('Error: Could not load config file. Double check your changes to ' 'auto_bisect/bisect.cfg or run-perf-test.cfg for syntax errors.\n') return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())