#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """Shards a given test suite and runs the shards in parallel. ShardingSupervisor is called to process the command line options and creates the specified number of worker threads. These threads then run each shard of the test in a separate process and report on the results. When all the shards have been completed, the supervisor reprints any lines indicating a test failure for convenience. If only one shard is to be run, a single subprocess is started for that shard and the output is identical to gtest's output. """ from cStringIO import StringIO import optparse import os import pty import Queue import random import re import subprocess import sys import threading SS_USAGE = "Usage: python %prog [options] path/to/test [gtest_args]" SS_DEFAULT_NUM_CORES = 4 SS_DEFAULT_SHARDS_PER_CORE = 5 # num_shards = cores * SHARDS_PER_CORE SS_DEFAULT_RUNS_PER_CORE = 1 # num_workers = cores * RUNS_PER_CORE def DetectNumCores(): """Detects the number of cores on the machine. Returns: The number of cores on the machine or DEFAULT_NUM_CORES if it could not be found. """ try: # Linux, Unix, MacOS if hasattr(os, "sysconf"): if "SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN" in os.sysconf_names: # Linux, Unix return int(os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN")) else: # OSX return int(os.popen2("sysctl -n hw.ncpu")[1].read()) # Windows return int(os.environ["NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS"]) except ValueError: return SS_DEFAULT_NUM_CORES def RunShard(test, num_shards, index, gtest_args, stdout, stderr): """Runs a single test shard in a subprocess. Returns: The Popen object representing the subprocess handle. """ args = [test] args.extend(gtest_args) env = os.environ.copy() env["GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS"] = str(num_shards) env["GTEST_SHARD_INDEX"] = str(index) # Use a unique log file for each shard # Allows ui_tests to be run in parallel on the same machine env["CHROME_LOG_FILE"] = "chrome_log_%d" % index return subprocess.Popen( args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, env=env, bufsize=0) class ShardRunner(threading.Thread): """Worker thread that manages a single shard at a time. Attributes: supervisor: The ShardingSupervisor that this worker reports to. counter: Called to get the next shard index to run. """ def __init__(self, supervisor, counter, test_fail, test_timeout): """Inits ShardRunner with a supervisor and counter.""" threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.supervisor = supervisor self.counter = counter self.test_fail = test_fail self.test_timeout = test_timeout def SearchForFailure(self, regex, prefix, line, description): results = regex.search(line) if results: log_line = "%s: %s%s\n" % (description, prefix, results.group(1)) self.supervisor.LogLineFailure(log_line) return True return False def run(self): """Runs shards and outputs the results. Gets the next shard index from the supervisor, runs it in a subprocess, and collects the output. Each line is prefixed with 'N>', where N is the current shard index. """ while True: try: index = self.counter.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: break prefix = "%i>" % index chars = StringIO() shard_running = True shard = RunShard( self.supervisor.test, self.supervisor.num_shards, index, self.supervisor.gtest_args, subprocess.PIPE, subprocess.STDOUT) while shard_running: char = shard.stdout.read(1) if not char and shard.poll() is not None: shard_running = False chars.write(char) if char == "\n" or not shard_running: line = chars.getvalue() if not line and not shard_running: break if not self.SearchForFailure( self.test_fail, prefix, line, "FAILED"): self.SearchForFailure(self.test_timeout, prefix, line, "TIMEOUT") line = prefix + line self.supervisor.LogOutputLine(index, line) chars.close() chars = StringIO() self.supervisor.ShardIndexCompleted(index) if shard.returncode != 0: self.supervisor.LogShardFailure(index) class ShardingSupervisor(object): """Supervisor object that handles the worker threads. Attributes: test: Name of the test to shard. num_shards: Total number of shards to split the test into. num_runs: Total number of worker threads to create for running shards. color: Indicates which coloring mode to use in the output. gtest_args: The options to pass to gtest. failure_log: List of statements from shard output indicating a failure. failed_shards: List of shards that contained failing tests. """ SHARD_COMPLETED = object() def __init__( self, test, num_shards, num_runs, color, reorder, gtest_args): """Inits ShardingSupervisor with given options and gtest arguments.""" self.test = test self.num_shards = num_shards self.num_runs = num_runs self.color = color self.reorder = reorder self.gtest_args = gtest_args self.failure_log = [] self.failed_shards = [] self.shards_completed = [False] * num_shards self.shard_output = [Queue.Queue() for _ in range(num_shards)] def ShardTest(self): """Runs the test and manages the worker threads. Runs the test and outputs a summary at the end. All the tests in the suite are run by creating (cores * runs_per_core) threads and (cores * shards_per_core) shards. When all the worker threads have finished, the lines saved in the failure_log are printed again. Returns: The number of shards that had failing tests. """ # Regular expressions for parsing GTest logs. Test names look like # SomeTestCase.SomeTest # SomeName/SomeTestCase.SomeTest/1 # This regex also matches SomeName.SomeTest/1 and # SomeName/SomeTestCase.SomeTest, which should be harmless. test_name_regex = r"((\w+/)?\w+\.\w+(/\d+)?)" # Regex for filtering out ANSI escape codes when using color. ansi_code_regex = r"(?:\x1b\[.*?[a-zA-Z])?" test_fail = re.compile( ansi_code_regex + "\[\s+FAILED\s+\] " + ansi_code_regex + test_name_regex) test_timeout = re.compile( "Test timeout \([0-9]+ ms\) exceeded for " + test_name_regex) workers = [] counter = Queue.Queue() for i in range(self.num_shards): counter.put(i) # Disable stdout buffering to read shard output one character at a time. # This allows for shard crashes that do not end with a "\n". sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), "w", 0) for i in range(self.num_runs): worker = ShardRunner(self, counter, test_fail, test_timeout) worker.start() workers.append(worker) if self.reorder: self.WaitForShards() else: for worker in workers: worker.join() # Re-enable stdout buffering. sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ return self.PrintSummary() def LogLineFailure(self, line): """Saves a line in the failure log to be printed at the end. Args: line: The line to save in the failure_log. """ if line not in self.failure_log: self.failure_log.append(line) def LogShardFailure(self, index): """Records that a test in the given shard has failed. Args: index: The index of the failing shard. """ self.failed_shards.append(index) def WaitForShards(self): for shard_index in range(self.num_shards): while True: line = self.shard_output[shard_index].get() if line is self.SHARD_COMPLETED: break sys.stdout.write(line) def LogOutputLine(self, index, line): if self.reorder: self.shard_output[index].put(line) else: sys.stdout.write(line) def ShardIndexCompleted(self, index): self.shard_output[index].put(self.SHARD_COMPLETED) def PrintSummary(self): """Prints a summary of the test results. If any shards had failing tests, the list is sorted and printed. Then all the lines that indicate a test failure are reproduced. Returns: The number of shards that had failing tests. """ sys.stderr.write("\n") num_failed = len(self.failed_shards) if num_failed > 0: self.failed_shards.sort() if self.color: sys.stderr.write("\x1b[1;5;31m") sys.stderr.write("SHARDS THAT FAILED: %s\n" % str(self.failed_shards)) else: if self.color: sys.stderr.write("\x1b[1;5;32m") sys.stderr.write("ALL SHARDS PASSED!\n") if self.failure_log: if self.color: sys.stderr.write("\x1b[1;5;31m") sys.stderr.write("TESTS THAT DID NOT PASS:\n") if self.color: sys.stderr.write("\x1b[m") for line in self.failure_log: sys.stderr.write(line) if self.color: sys.stderr.write("\x1b[m") return num_failed def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=SS_USAGE) parser.add_option( "-n", "--shards_per_core", type="int", default=SS_DEFAULT_SHARDS_PER_CORE, help="number of shards to generate per CPU") parser.add_option( "-r", "--runs_per_core", type="int", default=SS_DEFAULT_RUNS_PER_CORE, help="number of shards to run in parallel per CPU") parser.add_option( "-c", "--color", action="store_true", default=sys.stdout.isatty(), help="force color output, also used by gtest if --gtest_color is not" " specified") parser.add_option( "--no-color", action="store_false", dest="color", help="disable color output") parser.add_option( "-s", "--runshard", type="int", help="single shard index to run") parser.add_option( "--reorder", action="store_true", help="ensure that all output from an earlier shard is printed before" " output from a later shard") parser.add_option("--random-seed", action="store_true", help="shuffle the tests with a random seed value") parser.disable_interspersed_args() (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not args: parser.error("You must specify a path to test!") if not os.path.exists(args[0]): parser.error("%s does not exist!" % args[0]) num_cores = DetectNumCores() if options.shards_per_core < 1: parser.error("You must have at least 1 shard per core!") num_shards = num_cores * options.shards_per_core if options.runs_per_core < 1: parser.error("You must have at least 1 run per core!") num_runs = num_cores * options.runs_per_core gtest_args = ["--gtest_color=%s" % { True: "yes", False: "no"}[options.color]] + args[1:] if options.random_seed: seed = random.randint(1, 99999) gtest_args.extend(["--gtest_shuffle", "--gtest_random_seed=%i" % seed]) if options.runshard != None: # run a single shard and exit if (options.runshard < 0 or options.runshard >= num_shards): parser.error("Invalid shard number given parameters!") shard = RunShard( args[0], num_shards, options.runshard, gtest_args, None, None) shard.communicate() return shard.poll() # shard and run the whole test ss = ShardingSupervisor(args[0], num_shards, num_runs, options.color, options.reorder, gtest_args) return ss.ShardTest() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())