#!/usr/bin/python2.4 # Copyright 2008, Google Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer # in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the # distribution. # * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Utility to use a browser to visit multiple URLs. Prerequisites: 1. The command_line package from tools/site_compare 2. Either the IE BHO or Firefox extension (or both) Installation: 1. Build the IE BHO, or call regsvr32 on a prebuilt binary 2. Add a file called "measurepageloadtimeextension@google.com" to the default Firefox profile directory under extensions, containing the path to the Firefox extension root Invoke with the command line arguments as documented within the command line. """ import command_line import scrapers import socket import time from drivers import windowing # Constants MAX_URL = 1024 PORT = 42492 def SetupIterationCommandLine(cmd): """Adds the necessary flags for iteration to a command. Args: cmd: an object created by cmdline.AddCommand """ cmd.AddArgument( ["-b", "--browser"], "Browser to use (ie, firefox, chrome)", type="string", required=True) cmd.AddArgument( ["-b1v", "--browserver"], "Version of browser", metaname="VERSION") cmd.AddArgument( ["-p", "--browserpath"], "Path to browser.", type="string", required=False) cmd.AddArgument( ["-u", "--url"], "URL to visit") cmd.AddArgument( ["-l", "--list"], "File containing list of URLs to visit", type="readfile") cmd.AddMutualExclusion(["--url", "--list"]) cmd.AddArgument( ["-s", "--startline"], "First line of URL list", type="int") cmd.AddArgument( ["-e", "--endline"], "Last line of URL list (exclusive)", type="int") cmd.AddArgument( ["-c", "--count"], "Number of lines of URL file to use", type="int") cmd.AddDependency("--startline", "--list") cmd.AddRequiredGroup(["--url", "--list"]) cmd.AddDependency("--endline", "--list") cmd.AddDependency("--count", "--list") cmd.AddMutualExclusion(["--count", "--endline"]) cmd.AddDependency("--count", "--startline") cmd.AddArgument( ["-t", "--timeout"], "Amount of time (seconds) to wait for browser to " "finish loading", type="int", default=300) cmd.AddArgument( ["-sz", "--size"], "Browser window size", default=(800, 600), type="coords") def Iterate(command, iteration_func): """Iterates over a list of URLs, calling a function on each. Args: command: the command line containing the iteration flags iteration_func: called for each URL with (proc, wnd, url, result) """ # Retrieve the browser scraper to use to invoke the browser scraper = scrapers.GetScraper((command["--browser"], command["--browserver"])) def AttachToBrowser(path, timeout): """Invoke the browser process and connect to the socket.""" (proc, frame, wnd) = scraper.GetBrowser(path) if not wnd: raise ValueError("Could not invoke browser.") # Try to connect the socket. If it fails, wait and try # again. Do this for ten seconds s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, socket.IPPROTO_TCP) for attempt in xrange(10): try: s.connect(("localhost", PORT)) except socket.error: time.sleep(1) continue break try: s.getpeername() except socket.error: raise ValueError("Could not connect to browser") if command["--size"]: # Resize and reposition the frame windowing.MoveAndSizeWindow(frame, (0, 0), command["--size"], wnd) s.settimeout(timeout) Iterate.proc = proc Iterate.wnd = wnd Iterate.s = s def DetachFromBrowser(): """Close the socket and kill the process if necessary.""" if Iterate.s: Iterate.s.close() Iterate.s = None if Iterate.proc: if not windowing.WaitForProcessExit(Iterate.proc, 0): try: windowing.EndProcess(Iterate.proc) windowing.WaitForProcessExit(Iterate.proc, 0) except pywintypes.error: # Exception here most likely means the process died on its own pass Iterate.proc = None if command["--browserpath"]: browser = command["--browserpath"] else: browser = None # Read the URLs from the file if command["--url"]: url_list = [command["--url"]] else: startline = command["--startline"] if command["--count"]: endline = startline+command["--count"] else: endline = command["--endline"] url_list = [] file = open(command["--list"], "r") for line in xrange(startline-1): file.readline() for line in xrange(endline-startline): url_list.append(file.readline().strip()) timeout = command["--timeout"] # Loop through the URLs and send them through the socket Iterate.s = None Iterate.proc = None Iterate.wnd = None for url in url_list: # Invoke the browser if necessary if not Iterate.proc: AttachToBrowser(browser, timeout) # Send the URL and wait for a response Iterate.s.send(url + "\n") response = "" while (response.find("\n") < 0): try: recv = Iterate.s.recv(MAX_URL) response = response + recv # Workaround for an oddity: when Firefox closes # gracefully, somehow Python doesn't detect it. # (Telnet does) if not recv: raise socket.error except socket.timeout: response = url + ",hang\n" DetachFromBrowser() except socket.error: # If there was a socket error, it's probably a crash response = url + ",crash\n" DetachFromBrowser() # If we received a timeout response, restart the browser if response[-9:] == ",timeout\n": DetachFromBrowser() # Invoke the iteration function iteration_func(url, Iterate.proc, Iterate.wnd, response) # We're done DetachFromBrowser()