# -*- coding: Latin-1 -*- """pefile, Portable Executable reader module All the PE file basic structures are available with their default names as attributes of the instance returned. Processed elements such as the import table are made available with lowercase names, to differentiate them from the upper case basic structure names. pefile has been tested against the limits of valid PE headers, that is, malware. Lots of packed malware attempt to abuse the format way beyond its standard use. To the best of my knowledge most of the abuses are handled gracefully. Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Ero Carrera All rights reserved. For detailed copyright information see the file COPYING in the root of the distribution archive. """ __author__ = 'Ero Carrera' __version__ = '' __contact__ = 'ero@dkbza.org' import os import struct import time import math import re import exceptions import string import array sha1, sha256, sha512, md5 = None, None, None, None try: import hashlib sha1 = hashlib.sha1 sha256 = hashlib.sha256 sha512 = hashlib.sha512 md5 = hashlib.md5 except ImportError: try: import sha sha1 = sha.new except ImportError: pass try: import md5 md5 = md5.new except ImportError: pass fast_load = False IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE = 0x5A4D IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE = 0x454E IMAGE_OS2_SIGNATURE_LE = 0x454C IMAGE_VXD_SIGNATURE = 0x454C IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE = 0x00004550 IMAGE_NUMBEROF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES= 16 IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG = 0x80000000L IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG64 = 0x8000000000000000L OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC_PE = 0x10b OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC_PE_PLUS = 0x20b directory_entry_types = [ ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT', 0), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT', 1), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE', 2), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION', 3), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_SECURITY', 4), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC', 5), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG', 6), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COPYRIGHT', 7), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_GLOBALPTR', 8), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS', 9), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_LOAD_CONFIG', 10), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT', 11), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT', 12), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT', 13), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_COM_DESCRIPTOR',14), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESERVED', 15) ] DIRECTORY_ENTRY = dict([(e[1], e[0]) for e in directory_entry_types]+directory_entry_types) image_characteristics = [ ('IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED', 0x0001), ('IMAGE_FILE_EXECUTABLE_IMAGE', 0x0002), ('IMAGE_FILE_LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED', 0x0004), ('IMAGE_FILE_LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED', 0x0008), ('IMAGE_FILE_AGGRESIVE_WS_TRIM', 0x0010), ('IMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE', 0x0020), ('IMAGE_FILE_16BIT_MACHINE', 0x0040), ('IMAGE_FILE_BYTES_REVERSED_LO', 0x0080), ('IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE', 0x0100), ('IMAGE_FILE_DEBUG_STRIPPED', 0x0200), ('IMAGE_FILE_REMOVABLE_RUN_FROM_SWAP', 0x0400), ('IMAGE_FILE_NET_RUN_FROM_SWAP', 0x0800), ('IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM', 0x1000), ('IMAGE_FILE_DLL', 0x2000), ('IMAGE_FILE_UP_SYSTEM_ONLY', 0x4000), ('IMAGE_FILE_BYTES_REVERSED_HI', 0x8000) ] IMAGE_CHARACTERISTICS = dict([(e[1], e[0]) for e in image_characteristics]+image_characteristics) section_characteristics = [ ('IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE', 0x00000020), ('IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA', 0x00000040), ('IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA', 0x00000080), ('IMAGE_SCN_LNK_OTHER', 0x00000100), ('IMAGE_SCN_LNK_INFO', 0x00000200), ('IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE', 0x00000800), ('IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT', 0x00001000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_FARDATA', 0x00008000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PURGEABLE', 0x00020000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_16BIT', 0x00020000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_LOCKED', 0x00040000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PRELOAD', 0x00080000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1BYTES', 0x00100000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2BYTES', 0x00200000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4BYTES', 0x00300000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8BYTES', 0x00400000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_16BYTES', 0x00500000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_32BYTES', 0x00600000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES', 0x00700000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_128BYTES', 0x00800000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_256BYTES', 0x00900000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_512BYTES', 0x00A00000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1024BYTES', 0x00B00000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2048BYTES', 0x00C00000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4096BYTES', 0x00D00000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8192BYTES', 0x00E00000), ('IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_MASK', 0x00F00000), ('IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL', 0x01000000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE', 0x02000000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED', 0x04000000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED', 0x08000000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED', 0x10000000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE', 0x20000000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ', 0x40000000), ('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE', 0x80000000L) ] SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS = dict([(e[1], e[0]) for e in section_characteristics]+section_characteristics) debug_types = [ ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_UNKNOWN', 0), ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_COFF', 1), ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW', 2), ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_FPO', 3), ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_MISC', 4), ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_EXCEPTION', 5), ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_FIXUP', 6), ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_OMAP_TO_SRC', 7), ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_OMAP_FROM_SRC', 8), ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_BORLAND', 9), ('IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_RESERVED10', 10) ] DEBUG_TYPE = dict([(e[1], e[0]) for e in debug_types]+debug_types) subsystem_types = [ ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_UNKNOWN', 0), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_NATIVE', 1), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_GUI', 2), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI', 3), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_OS2_CUI', 5), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_POSIX_CUI', 7), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CE_GUI', 9), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_APPLICATION', 10), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER', 11), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER', 12), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_EFI_ROM', 13), ('IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_XBOX', 14)] SUBSYSTEM_TYPE = dict([(e[1], e[0]) for e in subsystem_types]+subsystem_types) machine_types = [ ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_UNKNOWN', 0), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AM33', 0x1d3), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64', 0x8664), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM', 0x1c0), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_EBC', 0xebc), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386', 0x14c), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64', 0x200), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MR32', 0x9041), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16', 0x266), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU', 0x366), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU16',0x466), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPC', 0x1f0), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_POWERPCFP',0x1f1), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000', 0x166), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3', 0x1a2), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3DSP', 0x1a3), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH4', 0x1a6), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH5', 0x1a8), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB', 0x1c2), ('IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_WCEMIPSV2',0x169), ] MACHINE_TYPE = dict([(e[1], e[0]) for e in machine_types]+machine_types) relocation_types = [ ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE', 0), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH', 1), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW', 2), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW', 3), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHADJ', 4), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_MIPS_JMPADDR', 5), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_SECTION', 6), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_REL', 7), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_MIPS_JMPADDR16', 9), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_IA64_IMM64', 9), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64', 10), ('IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH3ADJ', 11) ] RELOCATION_TYPE = dict([(e[1], e[0]) for e in relocation_types]+relocation_types) dll_characteristics = [ ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_RESERVED_0x0001', 0x0001), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_RESERVED_0x0002', 0x0002), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_RESERVED_0x0004', 0x0004), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_RESERVED_0x0008', 0x0008), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_DYNAMIC_BASE', 0x0040), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_FORCE_INTEGRITY', 0x0080), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NX_COMPAT', 0x0100), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NO_ISOLATION', 0x0200), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NO_SEH', 0x0400), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_NO_BIND', 0x0800), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_RESERVED_0x1000', 0x1000), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_WDM_DRIVER', 0x2000), ('IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_TERMINAL_SERVER_AWARE', 0x8000) ] DLL_CHARACTERISTICS = dict([(e[1], e[0]) for e in dll_characteristics]+dll_characteristics) # Resource types resource_type = [ ('RT_CURSOR', 1), ('RT_BITMAP', 2), ('RT_ICON', 3), ('RT_MENU', 4), ('RT_DIALOG', 5), ('RT_STRING', 6), ('RT_FONTDIR', 7), ('RT_FONT', 8), ('RT_ACCELERATOR', 9), ('RT_RCDATA', 10), ('RT_MESSAGETABLE', 11), ('RT_GROUP_CURSOR', 12), ('RT_GROUP_ICON', 14), ('RT_VERSION', 16), ('RT_DLGINCLUDE', 17), ('RT_PLUGPLAY', 19), ('RT_VXD', 20), ('RT_ANICURSOR', 21), ('RT_ANIICON', 22), ('RT_HTML', 23), ('RT_MANIFEST', 24) ] RESOURCE_TYPE = dict([(e[1], e[0]) for e in resource_type]+resource_type) # Language definitions lang = [ ('LANG_NEUTRAL', 0x00), ('LANG_INVARIANT', 0x7f), ('LANG_AFRIKAANS', 0x36), ('LANG_ALBANIAN', 0x1c), ('LANG_ARABIC', 0x01), ('LANG_ARMENIAN', 0x2b), ('LANG_ASSAMESE', 0x4d), ('LANG_AZERI', 0x2c), ('LANG_BASQUE', 0x2d), ('LANG_BELARUSIAN', 0x23), ('LANG_BENGALI', 0x45), ('LANG_BULGARIAN', 0x02), ('LANG_CATALAN', 0x03), ('LANG_CHINESE', 0x04), ('LANG_CROATIAN', 0x1a), ('LANG_CZECH', 0x05), ('LANG_DANISH', 0x06), ('LANG_DIVEHI', 0x65), ('LANG_DUTCH', 0x13), ('LANG_ENGLISH', 0x09), ('LANG_ESTONIAN', 0x25), ('LANG_FAEROESE', 0x38), ('LANG_FARSI', 0x29), ('LANG_FINNISH', 0x0b), ('LANG_FRENCH', 0x0c), ('LANG_GALICIAN', 0x56), ('LANG_GEORGIAN', 0x37), ('LANG_GERMAN', 0x07), ('LANG_GREEK', 0x08), ('LANG_GUJARATI', 0x47), ('LANG_HEBREW', 0x0d), ('LANG_HINDI', 0x39), ('LANG_HUNGARIAN', 0x0e), ('LANG_ICELANDIC', 0x0f), ('LANG_INDONESIAN', 0x21), ('LANG_ITALIAN', 0x10), ('LANG_JAPANESE', 0x11), ('LANG_KANNADA', 0x4b), ('LANG_KASHMIRI', 0x60), ('LANG_KAZAK', 0x3f), ('LANG_KONKANI', 0x57), ('LANG_KOREAN', 0x12), ('LANG_KYRGYZ', 0x40), ('LANG_LATVIAN', 0x26), ('LANG_LITHUANIAN', 0x27), ('LANG_MACEDONIAN', 0x2f), ('LANG_MALAY', 0x3e), ('LANG_MALAYALAM', 0x4c), ('LANG_MANIPURI', 0x58), ('LANG_MARATHI', 0x4e), ('LANG_MONGOLIAN', 0x50), ('LANG_NEPALI', 0x61), ('LANG_NORWEGIAN', 0x14), ('LANG_ORIYA', 0x48), ('LANG_POLISH', 0x15), ('LANG_PORTUGUESE', 0x16), ('LANG_PUNJABI', 0x46), ('LANG_ROMANIAN', 0x18), ('LANG_RUSSIAN', 0x19), ('LANG_SANSKRIT', 0x4f), ('LANG_SERBIAN', 0x1a), ('LANG_SINDHI', 0x59), ('LANG_SLOVAK', 0x1b), ('LANG_SLOVENIAN', 0x24), ('LANG_SPANISH', 0x0a), ('LANG_SWAHILI', 0x41), ('LANG_SWEDISH', 0x1d), ('LANG_SYRIAC', 0x5a), ('LANG_TAMIL', 0x49), ('LANG_TATAR', 0x44), ('LANG_TELUGU', 0x4a), ('LANG_THAI', 0x1e), ('LANG_TURKISH', 0x1f), ('LANG_UKRAINIAN', 0x22), ('LANG_URDU', 0x20), ('LANG_UZBEK', 0x43), ('LANG_VIETNAMESE', 0x2a), ('LANG_GAELIC', 0x3c), ('LANG_MALTESE', 0x3a), ('LANG_MAORI', 0x28), ('LANG_RHAETO_ROMANCE',0x17), ('LANG_SAAMI', 0x3b), ('LANG_SORBIAN', 0x2e), ('LANG_SUTU', 0x30), ('LANG_TSONGA', 0x31), ('LANG_TSWANA', 0x32), ('LANG_VENDA', 0x33), ('LANG_XHOSA', 0x34), ('LANG_ZULU', 0x35), ('LANG_ESPERANTO', 0x8f), ('LANG_WALON', 0x90), ('LANG_CORNISH', 0x91), ('LANG_WELSH', 0x92), ('LANG_BRETON', 0x93) ] LANG = dict(lang+[(e[1], e[0]) for e in lang]) # Sublanguage definitions sublang = [ ('SUBLANG_NEUTRAL', 0x00), ('SUBLANG_DEFAULT', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_SYS_DEFAULT', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_SAUDI_ARABIA', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_IRAQ', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_EGYPT', 0x03), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_LIBYA', 0x04), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_ALGERIA', 0x05), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_MOROCCO', 0x06), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_TUNISIA', 0x07), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_OMAN', 0x08), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_YEMEN', 0x09), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_SYRIA', 0x0a), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_JORDAN', 0x0b), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_LEBANON', 0x0c), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_KUWAIT', 0x0d), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_UAE', 0x0e), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_BAHRAIN', 0x0f), ('SUBLANG_ARABIC_QATAR', 0x10), ('SUBLANG_AZERI_LATIN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_AZERI_CYRILLIC', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_CHINESE_HONGKONG', 0x03), ('SUBLANG_CHINESE_SINGAPORE', 0x04), ('SUBLANG_CHINESE_MACAU', 0x05), ('SUBLANG_DUTCH', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_DUTCH_BELGIAN', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_UK', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_AUS', 0x03), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CAN', 0x04), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_NZ', 0x05), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_EIRE', 0x06), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_SOUTH_AFRICA', 0x07), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_JAMAICA', 0x08), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_CARIBBEAN', 0x09), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_BELIZE', 0x0a), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_TRINIDAD', 0x0b), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_ZIMBABWE', 0x0c), ('SUBLANG_ENGLISH_PHILIPPINES', 0x0d), ('SUBLANG_FRENCH', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_FRENCH_BELGIAN', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_FRENCH_CANADIAN', 0x03), ('SUBLANG_FRENCH_SWISS', 0x04), ('SUBLANG_FRENCH_LUXEMBOURG', 0x05), ('SUBLANG_FRENCH_MONACO', 0x06), ('SUBLANG_GERMAN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_GERMAN_SWISS', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_GERMAN_AUSTRIAN', 0x03), ('SUBLANG_GERMAN_LUXEMBOURG', 0x04), ('SUBLANG_GERMAN_LIECHTENSTEIN', 0x05), ('SUBLANG_ITALIAN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_ITALIAN_SWISS', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_SASIA', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_KASHMIRI_INDIA', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_KOREAN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_MALAY_MALAYSIA', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_MALAY_BRUNEI_DARUSSALAM', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_NEPALI_INDIA', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_NORWEGIAN_NYNORSK', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_SERBIAN_LATIN', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_SERBIAN_CYRILLIC', 0x03), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_MEXICAN', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_MODERN', 0x03), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_GUATEMALA', 0x04), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_COSTA_RICA', 0x05), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_PANAMA', 0x06), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC', 0x07), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_VENEZUELA', 0x08), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_COLOMBIA', 0x09), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_PERU', 0x0a), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_ARGENTINA', 0x0b), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_ECUADOR', 0x0c), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_CHILE', 0x0d), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_URUGUAY', 0x0e), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_PARAGUAY', 0x0f), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_BOLIVIA', 0x10), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_EL_SALVADOR', 0x11), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_HONDURAS', 0x12), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_NICARAGUA', 0x13), ('SUBLANG_SPANISH_PUERTO_RICO', 0x14), ('SUBLANG_SWEDISH', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_SWEDISH_FINLAND', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_URDU_PAKISTAN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_URDU_INDIA', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_UZBEK_LATIN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_UZBEK_CYRILLIC', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_DUTCH_SURINAM', 0x03), ('SUBLANG_ROMANIAN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_ROMANIAN_MOLDAVIA', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_RUSSIAN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_RUSSIAN_MOLDAVIA', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_CROATIAN', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_LITHUANIAN_CLASSIC', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_GAELIC', 0x01), ('SUBLANG_GAELIC_SCOTTISH', 0x02), ('SUBLANG_GAELIC_MANX', 0x03) ] SUBLANG = dict(sublang+[(e[1], e[0]) for e in sublang]) class UnicodeStringWrapperPostProcessor: """This class attemps to help the process of identifying strings that might be plain Unicode or Pascal. A list of strings will be wrapped on it with the hope the overlappings will help make the decission about their type.""" def __init__(self, pe, rva_ptr): self.pe = pe self.rva_ptr = rva_ptr self.string = None def get_rva(self): """Get the RVA of the string.""" return self.rva_ptr def __str__(self): """Return the escaped ASCII representation of the string.""" def convert_char(char): if char in string.printable: return char else: return r'\x%02x' % ord(char) if self.string: return ''.join([convert_char(c) for c in self.string]) return '' def invalidate(self): """Make this instance None, to express it's no known string type.""" self = None def render_pascal_16(self): self.string = self.pe.get_string_u_at_rva( self.rva_ptr+2, max_length=self.__get_pascal_16_length()) def ask_pascal_16(self, next_rva_ptr): """The next RVA is taken to be the one immediately following this one. Such RVA could indicate the natural end of the string and will be checked with the possible length contained in the first word. """ length = self.__get_pascal_16_length() if length == (next_rva_ptr - (self.rva_ptr+2)) / 2: self.length = length return True return False def __get_pascal_16_length(self): return self.__get_word_value_at_rva(self.rva_ptr) def __get_word_value_at_rva(self, rva): try: data = self.pe.get_data(self.rva_ptr, 2) except PEFormatError, e: return False if len(data)<2: return False return struct.unpack('self.__format_length__: data = data[:self.__format_length__] # OC Patch: # Some malware have incorrect header lengths. # Fail gracefully if this occurs # Buggy malware: a29b0118af8b7408444df81701ad5a7f # elif len(data)' % (' '.join( [' '.join(s.split()) for s in self.dump()] )) def dump(self, indentation=0): """Returns a string representation of the structure.""" dump = [] dump.append('[%s]' % self.name) # Refer to the __set_format__ method for an explanation # of the following construct. for keys in self.__keys__: for key in keys: val = getattr(self, key) if isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, long): val_str = '0x%-8X' % (val) if key == 'TimeDateStamp' or key == 'dwTimeStamp': try: val_str += ' [%s UTC]' % time.asctime(time.gmtime(val)) except exceptions.ValueError, e: val_str += ' [INVALID TIME]' else: val_str = ''.join(filter(lambda c:c != '\0', str(val))) dump.append('%-30s %s' % (key+':', val_str)) return dump class SectionStructure(Structure): """Convenience section handling class.""" def get_data(self, start, length=None): """Get data chunk from a section. Allows to query data from the section by passing the addresses where the PE file would be loaded by default. It is then possible to retrieve code and data by its real addresses as it would be if loaded. """ offset = start - self.VirtualAddress if length: end = offset+length else: end = len(self.data) return self.data[offset:end] def get_rva_from_offset(self, offset): return offset - self.PointerToRawData + self.VirtualAddress def get_offset_from_rva(self, rva): return (rva - self.VirtualAddress) + self.PointerToRawData def contains_offset(self, offset): """Check whether the section contains the file offset provided.""" if not self.PointerToRawData: # bss and other sections containing only uninitialized data must have 0 # and do not take space in the file return False return self.PointerToRawData <= offset < self.VirtualAddress + self.SizeOfRawData def contains_rva(self, rva): """Check whether the section contains the address provided.""" # PECOFF documentation v8 says: # The total size of the section when loaded into memory. # If this value is greater than SizeOfRawData, the section is zero-padded. # This field is valid only for executable images and should be set to zero # for object files. if len(self.data) < self.SizeOfRawData: size = self.Misc_VirtualSize else: size = max(self.SizeOfRawData, self.Misc_VirtualSize) return self.VirtualAddress <= rva < self.VirtualAddress + size def contains(self, rva): #print "DEPRECATION WARNING: you should use contains_rva() instead of contains()" return self.contains_rva(rva) def set_data(self, data): """Set the data belonging to the section.""" self.data = data def get_entropy(self): """Calculate and return the entropy for the section.""" return self.entropy_H( self.data ) def get_hash_sha1(self): """Get the SHA-1 hex-digest of the section's data.""" if sha1 is not None: return sha1( self.data ).hexdigest() def get_hash_sha256(self): """Get the SHA-256 hex-digest of the section's data.""" if sha256 is not None: return sha256( self.data ).hexdigest() def get_hash_sha512(self): """Get the SHA-512 hex-digest of the section's data.""" if sha512 is not None: return sha512( self.data ).hexdigest() def get_hash_md5(self): """Get the MD5 hex-digest of the section's data.""" if md5 is not None: return md5( self.data ).hexdigest() def entropy_H(self, data): """Calculate the entropy of a chunk of data.""" if len(data) == 0: return 0.0 occurences = array.array('L', [0]*256) for x in data: occurences[ord(x)] += 1 entropy = 0 for x in occurences: if x: p_x = float(x) / len(data) entropy -= p_x*math.log(p_x, 2) return entropy class DataContainer: """Generic data container.""" def __init__(self, **args): for key, value in args.items(): setattr(self, key, value) class ImportDescData(DataContainer): """Holds import descriptor information. dll: name of the imported DLL imports: list of imported symbols (ImportData instances) struct: IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR sctruture """ class ImportData(DataContainer): """Holds imported symbol's information. ordinal: Ordinal of the symbol name: Name of the symbol bound: If the symbol is bound, this contains the address. """ class ExportDirData(DataContainer): """Holds export directory information. struct: IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY structure symbols: list of exported symbols (ExportData instances) """ class ExportData(DataContainer): """Holds exported symbols' information. ordinal: ordinal of the symbol address: address of the symbol name: name of the symbol (None if the symbol is exported by ordinal only) forwarder: if the symbol is forwarded it will contain the name of the target symbol, None otherwise. """ class ResourceDirData(DataContainer): """Holds resource directory information. struct: IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY structure entries: list of entries (ResourceDirEntryData instances) """ class ResourceDirEntryData(DataContainer): """Holds resource directory entry data. struct: IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY structure name: If the resource is identified by name this attribute will contain the name string. None otherwise. If identified by id, the id is availabe at 'struct.Id' id: the id, also in struct.Id directory: If this entry has a lower level directory this attribute will point to the ResourceDirData instance representing it. data: If this entry has no futher lower directories and points to the actual resource data, this attribute will reference the corresponding ResourceDataEntryData instance. (Either of the 'directory' or 'data' attribute will exist, but not both.) """ class ResourceDataEntryData(DataContainer): """Holds resource data entry information. struct: IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY structure lang: Primary language ID sublang: Sublanguage ID """ class DebugData(DataContainer): """Holds debug information. struct: IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY structure """ class BaseRelocationData(DataContainer): """Holds base relocation information. struct: IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION structure entries: list of relocation data (RelocationData instances) """ class RelocationData(DataContainer): """Holds relocation information. type: Type of relocation The type string is can be obtained by RELOCATION_TYPE[type] rva: RVA of the relocation """ class TlsData(DataContainer): """Holds TLS information. struct: IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY structure """ class BoundImportDescData(DataContainer): """Holds bound import descriptor data. This directory entry will provide with information on the DLLs this PE files has been bound to (if bound at all). The structure will contain the name and timestamp of the DLL at the time of binding so that the loader can know whether it differs from the one currently present in the system and must, therefore, re-bind the PE's imports. struct: IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR structure name: DLL name entries: list of entries (BoundImportRefData instances) the entries will exist if this DLL has forwarded symbols. If so, the destination DLL will have an entry in this list. """ class BoundImportRefData(DataContainer): """Holds bound import forwader reference data. Contains the same information as the bound descriptor but for forwarded DLLs, if any. struct: IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF structure name: dll name """ class PE: """A Portable Executable representation. This class provides access to most of the information in a PE file. It expects to be supplied the name of the file to load or PE data to process and an optional argument 'fast_load' (False by default) which controls whether to load all the directories information, which can be quite time consuming. pe = pefile.PE('module.dll') pe = pefile.PE(name='module.dll') would load 'module.dll' and process it. If the data would be already available in a buffer the same could be achieved with: pe = pefile.PE(data=module_dll_data) The "fast_load" can be set to a default by setting its value in the module itself by means,for instance, of a "pefile.fast_load = True". That will make all the subsequent instances not to load the whole PE structure. The "full_load" method can be used to parse the missing data at a later stage. Basic headers information will be available in the attributes: DOS_HEADER NT_HEADERS FILE_HEADER OPTIONAL_HEADER All of them will contain among their attrbitues the members of the corresponding structures as defined in WINNT.H The raw data corresponding to the header (from the beginning of the file up to the start of the first section) will be avaiable in the instance's attribute 'header' as a string. The sections will be available as a list in the 'sections' attribute. Each entry will contain as attributes all the structure's members. Directory entries will be available as attributes (if they exist): (no other entries are processed at this point) DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT (list of ImportDescData instances) DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT (ExportDirData instance) DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE (ResourceDirData instance) DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG (list of DebugData instances) DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC (list of BaseRelocationData instances) DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT (list of BoundImportData instances) The following dictionary attributes provide ways of mapping different constants. They will accept the numeric value and return the string representation and the opposite, feed in the string and get the numeric constant: DIRECTORY_ENTRY IMAGE_CHARACTERISTICS SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS DEBUG_TYPE SUBSYSTEM_TYPE MACHINE_TYPE RELOCATION_TYPE RESOURCE_TYPE LANG SUBLANG """ # # Format specifications for PE structures. # __IMAGE_DOS_HEADER_format__ = ('IMAGE_DOS_HEADER', ('H,e_magic', 'H,e_cblp', 'H,e_cp', 'H,e_crlc', 'H,e_cparhdr', 'H,e_minalloc', 'H,e_maxalloc', 'H,e_ss', 'H,e_sp', 'H,e_csum', 'H,e_ip', 'H,e_cs', 'H,e_lfarlc', 'H,e_ovno', '8s,e_res', 'H,e_oemid', 'H,e_oeminfo', '20s,e_res2', 'L,e_lfanew')) __IMAGE_FILE_HEADER_format__ = ('IMAGE_FILE_HEADER', ('H,Machine', 'H,NumberOfSections', 'L,TimeDateStamp', 'L,PointerToSymbolTable', 'L,NumberOfSymbols', 'H,SizeOfOptionalHeader', 'H,Characteristics')) __IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY_format__ = ('IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY', ('L,VirtualAddress', 'L,Size')) __IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_format__ = ('IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER', ('H,Magic', 'B,MajorLinkerVersion', 'B,MinorLinkerVersion', 'L,SizeOfCode', 'L,SizeOfInitializedData', 'L,SizeOfUninitializedData', 'L,AddressOfEntryPoint', 'L,BaseOfCode', 'L,BaseOfData', 'L,ImageBase', 'L,SectionAlignment', 'L,FileAlignment', 'H,MajorOperatingSystemVersion', 'H,MinorOperatingSystemVersion', 'H,MajorImageVersion', 'H,MinorImageVersion', 'H,MajorSubsystemVersion', 'H,MinorSubsystemVersion', 'L,Reserved1', 'L,SizeOfImage', 'L,SizeOfHeaders', 'L,CheckSum', 'H,Subsystem', 'H,DllCharacteristics', 'L,SizeOfStackReserve', 'L,SizeOfStackCommit', 'L,SizeOfHeapReserve', 'L,SizeOfHeapCommit', 'L,LoaderFlags', 'L,NumberOfRvaAndSizes' )) __IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64_format__ = ('IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64', ('H,Magic', 'B,MajorLinkerVersion', 'B,MinorLinkerVersion', 'L,SizeOfCode', 'L,SizeOfInitializedData', 'L,SizeOfUninitializedData', 'L,AddressOfEntryPoint', 'L,BaseOfCode', 'Q,ImageBase', 'L,SectionAlignment', 'L,FileAlignment', 'H,MajorOperatingSystemVersion', 'H,MinorOperatingSystemVersion', 'H,MajorImageVersion', 'H,MinorImageVersion', 'H,MajorSubsystemVersion', 'H,MinorSubsystemVersion', 'L,Reserved1', 'L,SizeOfImage', 'L,SizeOfHeaders', 'L,CheckSum', 'H,Subsystem', 'H,DllCharacteristics', 'Q,SizeOfStackReserve', 'Q,SizeOfStackCommit', 'Q,SizeOfHeapReserve', 'Q,SizeOfHeapCommit', 'L,LoaderFlags', 'L,NumberOfRvaAndSizes' )) __IMAGE_NT_HEADERS_format__ = ('IMAGE_NT_HEADERS', ('L,Signature',)) __IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER_format__ = ('IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER', ('8s,Name', 'L,Misc,Misc_PhysicalAddress,Misc_VirtualSize', 'L,VirtualAddress', 'L,SizeOfRawData', 'L,PointerToRawData', 'L,PointerToRelocations', 'L,PointerToLinenumbers', 'H,NumberOfRelocations', 'H,NumberOfLinenumbers', 'L,Characteristics')) __IMAGE_DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_format__ = ('IMAGE_DELAY_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR', ('L,grAttrs', 'L,szName', 'L,phmod', 'L,pIAT', 'L,pINT', 'L,pBoundIAT', 'L,pUnloadIAT', 'L,dwTimeStamp')) __IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_format__ = ('IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR', ('L,OriginalFirstThunk,Characteristics', 'L,TimeDateStamp', 'L,ForwarderChain', 'L,Name', 'L,FirstThunk')) __IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY_format__ = ('IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY', ('L,Characteristics', 'L,TimeDateStamp', 'H,MajorVersion', 'H,MinorVersion', 'L,Name', 'L,Base', 'L,NumberOfFunctions', 'L,NumberOfNames', 'L,AddressOfFunctions', 'L,AddressOfNames', 'L,AddressOfNameOrdinals')) __IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_format__ = ('IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY', ('L,Characteristics', 'L,TimeDateStamp', 'H,MajorVersion', 'H,MinorVersion', 'H,NumberOfNamedEntries', 'H,NumberOfIdEntries')) __IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_format__ = ('IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY', ('L,Name', 'L,OffsetToData')) __IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY_format__ = ('IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY', ('L,OffsetToData', 'L,Size', 'L,CodePage', 'L,Reserved')) __VS_VERSIONINFO_format__ = ( 'VS_VERSIONINFO', ('H,Length', 'H,ValueLength', 'H,Type' )) __VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_format__ = ( 'VS_FIXEDFILEINFO', ('L,Signature', 'L,StrucVersion', 'L,FileVersionMS', 'L,FileVersionLS', 'L,ProductVersionMS', 'L,ProductVersionLS', 'L,FileFlagsMask', 'L,FileFlags', 'L,FileOS', 'L,FileType', 'L,FileSubtype', 'L,FileDateMS', 'L,FileDateLS')) __StringFileInfo_format__ = ( 'StringFileInfo', ('H,Length', 'H,ValueLength', 'H,Type' )) __StringTable_format__ = ( 'StringTable', ('H,Length', 'H,ValueLength', 'H,Type' )) __String_format__ = ( 'String', ('H,Length', 'H,ValueLength', 'H,Type' )) __Var_format__ = ( 'Var', ('H,Length', 'H,ValueLength', 'H,Type' )) __IMAGE_THUNK_DATA_format__ = ('IMAGE_THUNK_DATA', ('L,ForwarderString,Function,Ordinal,AddressOfData',)) __IMAGE_THUNK_DATA64_format__ = ('IMAGE_THUNK_DATA', ('Q,ForwarderString,Function,Ordinal,AddressOfData',)) __IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY_format__ = ('IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY', ('L,Characteristics', 'L,TimeDateStamp', 'H,MajorVersion', 'H,MinorVersion', 'L,Type', 'L,SizeOfData', 'L,AddressOfRawData', 'L,PointerToRawData')) __IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_format__ = ('IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION', ('L,VirtualAddress', 'L,SizeOfBlock') ) __IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY_format__ = ('IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY', ('L,StartAddressOfRawData', 'L,EndAddressOfRawData', 'L,AddressOfIndex', 'L,AddressOfCallBacks', 'L,SizeOfZeroFill', 'L,Characteristics' ) ) __IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64_format__ = ('IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY', ('Q,StartAddressOfRawData', 'Q,EndAddressOfRawData', 'Q,AddressOfIndex', 'Q,AddressOfCallBacks', 'L,SizeOfZeroFill', 'L,Characteristics' ) ) __IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_format__ = ('IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR', ('L,TimeDateStamp', 'H,OffsetModuleName', 'H,NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs')) __IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF_format__ = ('IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF', ('L,TimeDateStamp', 'H,OffsetModuleName', 'H,Reserved') ) def __init__(self, name=None, data=None, fast_load=None): self.sections = [] self.__warnings = [] self.PE_TYPE = None if not name and not data: return # This list will keep track of all the structures created. # That will allow for an easy iteration through the list # in order to save the modifications made self.__structures__ = [] if not fast_load: fast_load = globals()['fast_load'] self.__parse__(name, data, fast_load) def __unpack_data__(self, format, data, file_offset): """Apply structure format to raw data. Returns and unpacked structure object if successful, None otherwise. """ structure = Structure(format, file_offset=file_offset) #if len(data) < structure.sizeof(): # return None try: structure.__unpack__(data) except PEFormatError, err: self.__warnings.append( 'Corrupt header "%s" at file offset %d. Exception: %s' % ( format[0], file_offset, str(err)) ) return None self.__structures__.append(structure) return structure def __parse__(self, fname, data, fast_load): """Parse a Portable Executable file. Loads a PE file, parsing all its structures and making them available through the instance's attributes. """ if fname: fd = file(fname, 'rb') self.__data__ = fd.read() fd.close() elif data: self.__data__ = data self.DOS_HEADER = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_DOS_HEADER_format__, self.__data__, file_offset=0) if not self.DOS_HEADER or self.DOS_HEADER.e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE: raise PEFormatError('DOS Header magic not found.') # OC Patch: # Check for sane value in e_lfanew # if self.DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew > len(self.__data__): raise PEFormatError('Invalid e_lfanew value, probably not a PE file') nt_headers_offset = self.DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew self.NT_HEADERS = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_NT_HEADERS_format__, self.__data__[nt_headers_offset:], file_offset = nt_headers_offset) # We better check the signature right here, before the file screws # around with sections: # OC Patch: # Some malware will cause the Signature value to not exist at all if not self.NT_HEADERS or not self.NT_HEADERS.Signature: raise PEFormatError('NT Headers not found.') if self.NT_HEADERS.Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE: raise PEFormatError('Invalid NT Headers signature.') self.FILE_HEADER = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_FILE_HEADER_format__, self.__data__[nt_headers_offset+4:], file_offset = nt_headers_offset+4) image_flags = self.retrieve_flags(IMAGE_CHARACTERISTICS, 'IMAGE_FILE_') if not self.FILE_HEADER: raise PEFormatError('File Header missing') # Set the image's flags according the the Characteristics member self.set_flags(self.FILE_HEADER, self.FILE_HEADER.Characteristics, image_flags) optional_header_offset = \ nt_headers_offset+4+self.FILE_HEADER.sizeof() # Note: location of sections can be controlled from PE header: sections_offset = optional_header_offset + self.FILE_HEADER.SizeOfOptionalHeader self.OPTIONAL_HEADER = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_format__, self.__data__[optional_header_offset:], file_offset = optional_header_offset) # According to solardesigner's findings for his # Tiny PE project, the optional header does not # need fields beyond "Subsystem" in order to be # loadable by the Windows loader (given that zeroes # are acceptable values and the header is loaded # in a zeroed memory page) # If trying to parse a full Optional Header fails # we try to parse it again with some 0 padding # MINIMUM_VALID_OPTIONAL_HEADER_RAW_SIZE = 69 if ( self.OPTIONAL_HEADER is None and len(self.__data__[optional_header_offset:]) >= MINIMUM_VALID_OPTIONAL_HEADER_RAW_SIZE ): # Add enough zeroes to make up for the unused fields # padding_length = 128 # Create padding # padded_data = self.__data__[optional_header_offset:] + ( '\0' * padding_length) self.OPTIONAL_HEADER = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_format__, padded_data, file_offset = optional_header_offset) # Check the Magic in the OPTIONAL_HEADER and set the PE file # type accordingly # if self.OPTIONAL_HEADER is not None: if self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Magic == OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC_PE: self.PE_TYPE = OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC_PE elif self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Magic == OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC_PE_PLUS: self.PE_TYPE = OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC_PE_PLUS self.OPTIONAL_HEADER = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64_format__, self.__data__[optional_header_offset:], file_offset = optional_header_offset) # Again, as explained above, we try to parse # a reduced form of the Optional Header which # is still valid despite not including all # structure members # MINIMUM_VALID_OPTIONAL_HEADER_RAW_SIZE = 69+4 if ( self.OPTIONAL_HEADER is None and len(self.__data__[optional_header_offset:]) >= MINIMUM_VALID_OPTIONAL_HEADER_RAW_SIZE ): padding_length = 128 padded_data = self.__data__[optional_header_offset:] + ( '\0' * padding_length) self.OPTIONAL_HEADER = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER64_format__, padded_data, file_offset = optional_header_offset) if not self.FILE_HEADER: raise PEFormatError('File Header missing') # OC Patch: # Die gracefully if there is no OPTIONAL_HEADER field # 975440f5ad5e2e4a92c4d9a5f22f75c1 if self.PE_TYPE is None or self.OPTIONAL_HEADER is None: raise PEFormatError("No Optional Header found, invalid PE32 or PE32+ file") dll_characteristics_flags = self.retrieve_flags(DLL_CHARACTERISTICS, 'IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS_') # Set the Dll Characteristics flags according the the DllCharacteristics member self.set_flags( self.OPTIONAL_HEADER, self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics, dll_characteristics_flags) self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY = [] #offset = (optional_header_offset + self.FILE_HEADER.SizeOfOptionalHeader) offset = (optional_header_offset + self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.sizeof()) self.NT_HEADERS.FILE_HEADER = self.FILE_HEADER self.NT_HEADERS.OPTIONAL_HEADER = self.OPTIONAL_HEADER # The NumberOfRvaAndSizes is sanitized to stay within # reasonable limits so can be casted to an int # if self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.NumberOfRvaAndSizes > 0x10: self.__warnings.append( 'Suspicious NumberOfRvaAndSizes in the Optional Header. ' + 'Normal values are never larger than 0x10, the value is: 0x%x' % self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.NumberOfRvaAndSizes ) for i in xrange(int(0x7fffffffL & self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.NumberOfRvaAndSizes)): if len(self.__data__[offset:]) == 0: break if len(self.__data__[offset:]) < 8: data = self.__data__[offset:]+'\0'*8 else: data = self.__data__[offset:] dir_entry = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY_format__, data, file_offset = offset) if dir_entry is None: break # Would fail if missing an entry # 1d4937b2fa4d84ad1bce0309857e70ca offending sample try: dir_entry.name = DIRECTORY_ENTRY[i] except (KeyError, AttributeError): break offset += dir_entry.sizeof() self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY.append(dir_entry) # If the offset goes outside the optional header, # the loop is broken, regardless of how many directories # NumberOfRvaAndSizes says there are # # We assume a normally sized optional header, hence that we do # a sizeof() instead of reading SizeOfOptionalHeader. # Then we add a default number of drectories times their size, # if we go beyond that, we assume the number of directories # is wrong and stop processing if offset >= (optional_header_offset + self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.sizeof() + 8*16) : break offset = self.parse_sections(sections_offset) # OC Patch: # There could be a problem if there are no raw data sections # greater than 0 # fc91013eb72529da005110a3403541b6 example # Should this throw an exception in the minimum header offset # can't be found? # rawDataPointers = [ s.PointerToRawData for s in self.sections if s.PointerToRawData>0] if len(rawDataPointers) > 0: lowest_section_offset = min(rawDataPointers) else: lowest_section_offset = None if not lowest_section_offset or lowest_section_offset len(self.__data__): self.__warnings.append( 'Possibly corrupt file. AddressOfEntryPoint lies outside the file. ' + 'AddressOfEntryPoint: 0x%x' % self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint ) else: self.__warnings.append( 'AddressOfEntryPoint lies outside the sections\' boundaries. ' + 'AddressOfEntryPoint: 0x%x' % self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.AddressOfEntryPoint ) if not fast_load: self.parse_data_directories() def get_warnings(self): """Return the list of warnings. Non-critical problems found when parsing the PE file are appended to a list of warnings. This method returns the full list. """ return self.__warnings def show_warnings(self): """Print the list of warnings. Non-critical problems found when parsing the PE file are appended to a list of warnings. This method prints the full list to standard output. """ for warning in self.__warnings: print '>', warning def full_load(self): """Process the data directories. This mathod will load the data directories which might not have been loaded if the "fast_load" option was used. """ self.parse_data_directories() def write(self, filename=None): """Write the PE file. This function will process all headers and components of the PE file and include all changes made (by just assigning to attributes in the PE objects) and write the changes back to a file whose name is provided as an argument. The filename is optional. The data to be written to the file will be returned as a 'str' object. """ file_data = list(self.__data__) for struct in self.__structures__: struct_data = list(struct.__pack__()) offset = struct.get_file_offset() file_data[offset:offset+len(struct_data)] = struct_data if hasattr(self, 'VS_VERSIONINFO'): if hasattr(self, 'FileInfo'): for entry in self.FileInfo: if hasattr(entry, 'StringTable'): for st_entry in entry.StringTable: for key, entry in st_entry.entries.items(): offsets = st_entry.entries_offsets[key] lengths = st_entry.entries_lengths[key] if len( entry ) > lengths[1]: uc = zip( list(entry[:lengths[1]]), ['\0'] * lengths[1] ) l = list() map(l.extend, uc) file_data[ offsets[1] : offsets[1] + lengths[1]*2 ] = l else: uc = zip( list(entry), ['\0'] * len(entry) ) l = list() map(l.extend, uc) file_data[ offsets[1] : offsets[1] + len(entry)*2 ] = l remainder = lengths[1] - len(entry) file_data[ offsets[1] + len(entry)*2 : offsets[1] + lengths[1]*2 ] = [ u'\0' ] * remainder*2 new_file_data = ''.join( [ chr(ord(c)) for c in file_data ] ) if filename: f = file(filename, 'wb+') f.write(new_file_data) f.close() return new_file_data def parse_sections(self, offset): """Fetch the PE file sections. The sections will be readily available in the "sections" attribute. Its attributes will contain all the section information plus "data" a buffer containing the section's data. The "Characteristics" member will be processed and attributes representing the section characteristics (with the 'IMAGE_SCN_' string trimmed from the constant's names) will be added to the section instance. Refer to the SectionStructure class for additional info. """ self.sections = [] for i in xrange(self.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections): section = SectionStructure(self.__IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER_format__) if not section: break section_offset = offset + section.sizeof() * i section.set_file_offset(section_offset) section.__unpack__(self.__data__[section_offset:]) self.__structures__.append(section) if section.SizeOfRawData > len(self.__data__): self.__warnings.append( ('Error parsing section %d. ' % i) + 'SizeOfRawData is larger than file.') if section.PointerToRawData > len(self.__data__): self.__warnings.append( ('Error parsing section %d. ' % i) + 'PointerToRawData points beyond the end of the file.') if section.Misc_VirtualSize > 0x10000000: self.__warnings.append( ('Suspicious value found parsing section %d. ' % i) + 'VirtualSize is extremely large > 256MiB.') if section.VirtualAddress > 0x10000000: self.__warnings.append( ('Suspicious value found parsing section %d. ' % i) + 'VirtualAddress is beyond 0x10000000.') # # Some packer used a non-aligned PointerToRawData in the sections, # which causes several common tools not to load the section data # properly as they blindly read from the indicated offset. # It seems that Windows will round the offset down to the largest # offset multiple of FileAlignment which is smaller than # PointerToRawData. The following code will do the same. # #alignment = self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment section_data_start = section.PointerToRawData if ( self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment != 0 and (section.PointerToRawData % self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment) != 0): self.__warnings.append( ('Error parsing section %d. ' % i) + 'Suspicious value for FileAlignment in the Optional Header. ' + 'Normally the PointerToRawData entry of the sections\' structures ' + 'is a multiple of FileAlignment, this might imply the file ' + 'is trying to confuse tools which parse this incorrectly') section_data_end = section_data_start+section.SizeOfRawData section.set_data(self.__data__[section_data_start:section_data_end]) section_flags = self.retrieve_flags(SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS, 'IMAGE_SCN_') # Set the section's flags according the the Characteristics member self.set_flags(section, section.Characteristics, section_flags) if ( section.__dict__.get('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE', False) and section.__dict__.get('IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE', False) ): self.__warnings.append( ('Suspicious flags set for section %d. ' % i) + 'Both IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE and IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE are set.' + 'This might indicate a packed executable.') self.sections.append(section) if self.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections > 0 and self.sections: return offset + self.sections[0].sizeof()*self.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections else: return offset def retrieve_flags(self, flag_dict, flag_filter): """Read the flags from a dictionary and return them in a usable form. Will return a list of (flag, value) for all flags in "flag_dict" matching the filter "flag_filter". """ return [(f[0], f[1]) for f in flag_dict.items() if isinstance(f[0], str) and f[0].startswith(flag_filter)] def set_flags(self, obj, flag_field, flags): """Will process the flags and set attributes in the object accordingly. The object "obj" will gain attritutes named after the flags provided in "flags" and valued True/False, matching the results of applyin each flag value from "flags" to flag_field. """ for flag in flags: if flag[1] & flag_field: setattr(obj, flag[0], True) else: setattr(obj, flag[0], False) def parse_data_directories(self): """Parse and process the PE file's data directories.""" directory_parsing = ( ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT', self.parse_import_directory), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT', self.parse_export_directory), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE', self.parse_resources_directory), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG', self.parse_debug_directory), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC', self.parse_relocations_directory), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS', self.parse_directory_tls), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DELAY_IMPORT', self.parse_delay_import_directory), ('IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT', self.parse_directory_bound_imports) ) for entry in directory_parsing: # OC Patch: # try: dir_entry = self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DATA_DIRECTORY[ DIRECTORY_ENTRY[entry[0]]] except IndexError: break if dir_entry.VirtualAddress: value = entry[1](dir_entry.VirtualAddress, dir_entry.Size) if value: setattr(self, entry[0][6:], value) def parse_directory_bound_imports(self, rva, size): """""" bnd_descr = Structure(self.__IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_format__) bnd_descr_size = bnd_descr.sizeof() start = rva bound_imports = [] while True: bnd_descr = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR_format__, self.__data__[rva:rva+bnd_descr_size], file_offset = rva) if bnd_descr is None: # If can't parse directory then silently return. # This directory does not necesarily have to be valid to # still have a valid PE file self.__warnings.append( 'The Bound Imports directory exists but can\'t be parsed.') return if bnd_descr.all_zeroes(): break rva += bnd_descr.sizeof() forwarder_refs = [] for idx in xrange(bnd_descr.NumberOfModuleForwarderRefs): # Both structures IMAGE_BOUND_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR and # IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF have the same size. bnd_frwd_ref = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF_format__, self.__data__[rva:rva+bnd_descr_size], file_offset = rva) # OC Patch: if not bnd_frwd_ref: raise PEFormatError( "IMAGE_BOUND_FORWARDER_REF cannot be read") rva += bnd_frwd_ref.sizeof() name_str = self.get_string_from_data( start+bnd_frwd_ref.OffsetModuleName, self.__data__) if not name_str: break forwarder_refs.append(BoundImportRefData( struct = bnd_frwd_ref, name = name_str)) name_str = self.get_string_from_data( start+bnd_descr.OffsetModuleName, self.__data__) if not name_str: break bound_imports.append( BoundImportDescData( struct = bnd_descr, name = name_str, entries = forwarder_refs)) return bound_imports def parse_directory_tls(self, rva, size): """""" if self.PE_TYPE == OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC_PE: format = self.__IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY_format__ elif self.PE_TYPE == OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC_PE_PLUS: format = self.__IMAGE_TLS_DIRECTORY64_format__ tls_struct = self.__unpack_data__( format, self.get_data(rva), file_offset = self.get_offset_from_rva(rva)) if not tls_struct: return None return TlsData( struct = tls_struct ) def parse_relocations_directory(self, rva, size): """""" rlc = Structure(self.__IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION_format__) rlc_size = rlc.sizeof() end = rva+size relocations = [] while rva>12) reloc_offset = (word&0x0fff) entries.append( RelocationData( type = reloc_type, rva = reloc_offset+rva)) return entries def parse_debug_directory(self, rva, size): """""" dbg = Structure(self.__IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY_format__) dbg_size = dbg.sizeof() debug = [] for idx in xrange(size/dbg_size): try: data = self.get_data(rva+dbg_size*idx, dbg_size) except PEFormatError, e: self.__warnings.append( 'Invalid debug information. Can\'t read ' + 'data at RVA: 0x%x' % rva) return None dbg = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_DEBUG_DIRECTORY_format__, data, file_offset = self.get_offset_from_rva(rva+dbg_size*idx)) if not dbg: return None debug.append( DebugData( struct = dbg)) return debug def parse_resources_directory(self, rva, size=0, base_rva = None, level = 0): """Parse the resources directory. Given the rva of the resources directory, it will process all its entries. The root will have the corresponding member of its structure, IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY plus 'entries', a list of all the entries in the directory. Those entries will have, correspondingly, all the structure's members (IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY) and an additional one, "directory", pointing to the IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY structure representing upper layers of the tree. This one will also have an 'entries' attribute, pointing to the 3rd, and last, level. Another directory with more entries. Those last entries will have a new atribute (both 'leaf' or 'data_entry' can be used to access it). This structure finally points to the resource data. All the members of this structure, IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY, are available as its attributes. """ # OC Patch: original_rva = rva if base_rva is None: base_rva = rva resources_section = self.get_section_by_rva(rva) try: # If the RVA is invalid all would blow up. Some EXEs seem to be # specially nasty and have an invalid RVA. data = self.get_data(rva) except PEFormatError, e: self.__warnings.append( 'Invalid resources directory. Can\'t read ' + 'directory data at RVA: 0x%x' % rva) return None # Get the resource directory structure, that is, the header # of the table preceding the actual entries # resource_dir = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_format__, data, file_offset = self.get_offset_from_rva(rva) ) if resource_dir is None: # If can't parse resources directory then silently return. # This directory does not necesarily have to be valid to # still have a valid PE file self.__warnings.append( 'Invalid resources directory. Can\'t parse ' + 'directory data at RVA: 0x%x' % rva) return None dir_entries = [] # Advance the rva to the positon immediately following the directory # table header and pointing to the first entry in the table # rva += resource_dir.sizeof() number_of_entries = ( resource_dir.NumberOfNamedEntries + resource_dir.NumberOfIdEntries ) strings_to_postprocess = list() for idx in xrange(number_of_entries): res = self.parse_resource_entry(rva) if res is None: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing the resources directory, ' + 'Entry %d is invalid, RVA = 0x%x. ' % (idx, rva) ) break entry_name = None entry_id = None # If all named entries have been processed, only Id ones # remain if idx >= resource_dir.NumberOfNamedEntries: entry_id = res.Name else: ustr_offset = base_rva+res.NameOffset try: #entry_name = self.get_string_u_at_rva(ustr_offset, max_length=16) entry_name = UnicodeStringWrapperPostProcessor(self, ustr_offset) strings_to_postprocess.append(entry_name) except PEFormatError, excp: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing the resources directory, ' + 'attempting to read entry name. ' + 'Can\'t read unicode string at offset 0x%x' % (ustr_offset) ) if res.DataIsDirectory: # OC Patch: # # One trick malware can do is to recursively reference # the next directory. This causes hilarity to ensue when # trying to parse everything correctly. # If the original RVA given to this function is equal to # the next one to parse, we assume that it's a trick. # Instead of raising a PEFormatError this would skip some # reasonable data so we just break. # # 9ee4d0a0caf095314fd7041a3e4404dc is the offending sample if original_rva == (base_rva + res.OffsetToDirectory): break else: entry_directory = self.parse_resources_directory( base_rva+res.OffsetToDirectory, base_rva=base_rva, level = level+1) if not entry_directory: break dir_entries.append( ResourceDirEntryData( struct = res, name = entry_name, id = entry_id, directory = entry_directory)) else: struct = self.parse_resource_data_entry( base_rva + res.OffsetToDirectory) if struct: entry_data = ResourceDataEntryData( struct = struct, lang = res.Name & 0xff, sublang = (res.Name>>8) & 0xff) dir_entries.append( ResourceDirEntryData( struct = res, name = entry_name, id = entry_id, data = entry_data)) else: break # Check if this entry contains version information # if level == 0 and res.Id == RESOURCE_TYPE['RT_VERSION']: if len(dir_entries)>0: last_entry = dir_entries[-1] rt_version_struct = None try: rt_version_struct = last_entry.directory.entries[0].directory.entries[0].data.struct except: # Maybe a malformed directory structure...? # Lets ignore it pass if rt_version_struct is not None: self.parse_version_information(rt_version_struct) rva += res.sizeof() string_rvas = [s.get_rva() for s in strings_to_postprocess] string_rvas.sort() for idx, s in enumerate(strings_to_postprocess): s.render_pascal_16() resource_directory_data = ResourceDirData( struct = resource_dir, entries = dir_entries) return resource_directory_data def parse_resource_data_entry(self, rva): """Parse a data entry from the resources directory.""" try: # If the RVA is invalid all would blow up. Some EXEs seem to be # specially nasty and have an invalid RVA. data = self.get_data(rva) except PEFormatError, excp: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing a resource directory data entry, ' + 'the RVA is invalid: 0x%x' % ( rva ) ) return None data_entry = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY_format__, data, file_offset = self.get_offset_from_rva(rva) ) return data_entry def parse_resource_entry(self, rva): """Parse a directory entry from the resources directory.""" resource = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_format__, self.get_data(rva), file_offset = self.get_offset_from_rva(rva) ) if resource is None: return None #resource.NameIsString = (resource.Name & 0x80000000L) >> 31 resource.NameOffset = resource.Name & 0x7FFFFFFFL resource.__pad = resource.Name & 0xFFFF0000L resource.Id = resource.Name & 0x0000FFFFL resource.DataIsDirectory = (resource.OffsetToData & 0x80000000L) >> 31 resource.OffsetToDirectory = resource.OffsetToData & 0x7FFFFFFFL return resource def parse_version_information(self, version_struct): """Parse version information structure. The date will be made available in three attributes of the PE object. VS_VERSIONINFO will contain the first three fields of the main structure: 'Length', 'ValueLength', and 'Type' VS_FIXEDFILEINFO will hold the rest of the fields, accessible as sub-attributes: 'Signature', 'StrucVersion', 'FileVersionMS', 'FileVersionLS', 'ProductVersionMS', 'ProductVersionLS', 'FileFlagsMask', 'FileFlags', 'FileOS', 'FileType', 'FileSubtype', 'FileDateMS', 'FileDateLS' FileInfo is a list of all StringFileInfo and VarFileInfo structures. StringFileInfo structures will have a list as an attribute named 'StringTable' containing all the StringTable structures. Each of those structures contains a dictionary 'entries' with all the key/value version information string pairs. VarFileInfo structures will have a list as an attribute named 'Var' containing all Var structures. Each Var structure will have a dictionary as an attribute named 'entry' which will contain the name and value of the Var. """ # Retrieve the data for the version info resource # start_offset = self.get_offset_from_rva( version_struct.OffsetToData ) raw_data = self.__data__[ start_offset : start_offset+version_struct.Size ] # Map the main structure and the subsequent string # versioninfo_struct = self.__unpack_data__( self.__VS_VERSIONINFO_format__, raw_data, file_offset = start_offset ) if versioninfo_struct is None: return ustr_offset = version_struct.OffsetToData + versioninfo_struct.sizeof() try: versioninfo_string = self.get_string_u_at_rva( ustr_offset ) except PEFormatError, excp: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing the version information, ' + 'attempting to read VS_VERSION_INFO string. Can\'t ' + 'read unicode string at offset 0x%x' % ( ustr_offset ) ) versioninfo_string = None # If the structure does not contain the expected name, it's assumed to be invalid # if versioninfo_string != u'VS_VERSION_INFO': self.__warnings.append('Invalid VS_VERSION_INFO block') return # Set the PE object's VS_VERSIONINFO to this one # self.VS_VERSIONINFO = versioninfo_struct # The the Key attribute to point to the unicode string identifying the structure # self.VS_VERSIONINFO.Key = versioninfo_string # Process the fixed version information, get the offset and structure # fixedfileinfo_offset = self.dword_align( versioninfo_struct.sizeof() + 2 * (len(versioninfo_string) + 1), version_struct.OffsetToData) fixedfileinfo_struct = self.__unpack_data__( self.__VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_format__, raw_data[fixedfileinfo_offset:], file_offset = start_offset+fixedfileinfo_offset ) if not fixedfileinfo_struct: return # Set the PE object's VS_FIXEDFILEINFO to this one # self.VS_FIXEDFILEINFO = fixedfileinfo_struct # Start parsing all the StringFileInfo and VarFileInfo structures # # Get the first one # stringfileinfo_offset = self.dword_align( fixedfileinfo_offset + fixedfileinfo_struct.sizeof(), version_struct.OffsetToData) original_stringfileinfo_offset = stringfileinfo_offset # Set the PE object's attribute that will contain them all. # self.FileInfo = list() while True: # Process the StringFileInfo/VarFileInfo struct # stringfileinfo_struct = self.__unpack_data__( self.__StringFileInfo_format__, raw_data[stringfileinfo_offset:], file_offset = start_offset+stringfileinfo_offset ) if stringfileinfo_struct is None: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing StringFileInfo/VarFileInfo struct' ) return None # Get the subsequent string defining the structure. # ustr_offset = ( version_struct.OffsetToData + stringfileinfo_offset + versioninfo_struct.sizeof() ) try: stringfileinfo_string = self.get_string_u_at_rva( ustr_offset ) except PEFormatError, excp: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing the version information, ' + 'attempting to read StringFileInfo string. Can\'t ' + 'read unicode string at offset 0x%x' % ( ustr_offset ) ) break # Set such string as the Key attribute # stringfileinfo_struct.Key = stringfileinfo_string # Append the structure to the PE object's list # self.FileInfo.append(stringfileinfo_struct) # Parse a StringFileInfo entry # if stringfileinfo_string == u'StringFileInfo': if stringfileinfo_struct.Type == 1 and stringfileinfo_struct.ValueLength == 0: stringtable_offset = self.dword_align( stringfileinfo_offset + stringfileinfo_struct.sizeof() + 2*(len(stringfileinfo_string)+1), version_struct.OffsetToData) stringfileinfo_struct.StringTable = list() # Process the String Table entries # while True: stringtable_struct = self.__unpack_data__( self.__StringTable_format__, raw_data[stringtable_offset:], file_offset = start_offset+stringtable_offset ) if not stringtable_struct: break ustr_offset = ( version_struct.OffsetToData + stringtable_offset + stringtable_struct.sizeof() ) try: stringtable_string = self.get_string_u_at_rva( ustr_offset ) except PEFormatError, excp: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing the version information, ' + 'attempting to read StringTable string. Can\'t ' + 'read unicode string at offset 0x%x' % ( ustr_offset ) ) break stringtable_struct.LangID = stringtable_string stringtable_struct.entries = dict() stringtable_struct.entries_offsets = dict() stringtable_struct.entries_lengths = dict() stringfileinfo_struct.StringTable.append(stringtable_struct) entry_offset = self.dword_align( stringtable_offset + stringtable_struct.sizeof() + 2*(len(stringtable_string)+1), version_struct.OffsetToData) # Process all entries in the string table # while entry_offset < stringtable_offset + stringtable_struct.Length: string_struct = self.__unpack_data__( self.__String_format__, raw_data[entry_offset:], file_offset = start_offset+entry_offset ) if not string_struct: break ustr_offset = ( version_struct.OffsetToData + entry_offset + string_struct.sizeof() ) try: key = self.get_string_u_at_rva( ustr_offset ) key_offset = self.get_offset_from_rva( ustr_offset ) except PEFormatError, excp: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing the version information, ' + 'attempting to read StringTable Key string. Can\'t ' + 'read unicode string at offset 0x%x' % ( ustr_offset ) ) break value_offset = self.dword_align( 2*(len(key)+1) + entry_offset + string_struct.sizeof(), version_struct.OffsetToData) ustr_offset = version_struct.OffsetToData + value_offset try: value = self.get_string_u_at_rva( ustr_offset, max_length = string_struct.ValueLength ) value_offset = self.get_offset_from_rva( ustr_offset ) except PEFormatError, excp: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing the version information, ' + 'attempting to read StringTable Value string. ' + 'Can\'t read unicode string at offset 0x%x' % ( ustr_offset ) ) break if string_struct.Length == 0: entry_offset = stringtable_offset + stringtable_struct.Length else: entry_offset = self.dword_align( string_struct.Length+entry_offset, version_struct.OffsetToData) key_as_char = [] for c in key: if ord(c)>128: key_as_char.append('\\x%02x' %ord(c)) else: key_as_char.append(c) key_as_char = ''.join(key_as_char) setattr(stringtable_struct, key_as_char, value) stringtable_struct.entries[key] = value stringtable_struct.entries_offsets[key] = (key_offset, value_offset) stringtable_struct.entries_lengths[key] = (len(key), len(value)) stringtable_offset = self.dword_align( stringtable_struct.Length + stringtable_offset, version_struct.OffsetToData) if stringtable_offset >= stringfileinfo_struct.Length: break # Parse a VarFileInfo entry # elif stringfileinfo_string == u'VarFileInfo': varfileinfo_struct = stringfileinfo_struct varfileinfo_struct.name = 'VarFileInfo' if varfileinfo_struct.Type == 1 and varfileinfo_struct.ValueLength == 0: var_offset = self.dword_align( stringfileinfo_offset + varfileinfo_struct.sizeof() + 2*(len(stringfileinfo_string)+1), version_struct.OffsetToData) varfileinfo_struct.Var = list() # Process all entries # while True: var_struct = self.__unpack_data__( self.__Var_format__, raw_data[var_offset:], file_offset = start_offset+var_offset ) if not var_struct: break ustr_offset = ( version_struct.OffsetToData + var_offset + var_struct.sizeof() ) try: var_string = self.get_string_u_at_rva( ustr_offset ) except PEFormatError, excp: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing the version information, ' + 'attempting to read VarFileInfo Var string. ' + 'Can\'t read unicode string at offset 0x%x' % (ustr_offset)) break varfileinfo_struct.Var.append(var_struct) varword_offset = self.dword_align( 2*(len(var_string)+1) + var_offset + var_struct.sizeof(), version_struct.OffsetToData) orig_varword_offset = varword_offset while varword_offset < orig_varword_offset + var_struct.ValueLength: word1 = self.get_word_from_data( raw_data[varword_offset:varword_offset+2], 0) word2 = self.get_word_from_data( raw_data[varword_offset+2:varword_offset+4], 0) varword_offset += 4 var_struct.entry = {var_string: '0x%04x 0x%04x' % (word1, word2)} var_offset = self.dword_align( var_offset+var_struct.Length, version_struct.OffsetToData) if var_offset <= var_offset+var_struct.Length: break # Increment and align the offset # stringfileinfo_offset = self.dword_align( stringfileinfo_struct.Length+stringfileinfo_offset, version_struct.OffsetToData) # Check if all the StringFileInfo and VarFileInfo items have been processed # if stringfileinfo_struct.Length == 0 or stringfileinfo_offset >= versioninfo_struct.Length: break def parse_export_directory(self, rva, size): """Parse the export directory. Given the rva of the export directory, it will process all its entries. The exports will be made available through a list "exports" containing a tuple with the following elements: (ordinal, symbol_address, symbol_name) And also through a dicionary "exports_by_ordinal" whose keys will be the ordinals and the values tuples of the from: (symbol_address, symbol_name) The symbol addresses are relative, not absolute. """ try: export_dir = self.__unpack_data__( self.__IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY_format__, self.get_data(rva), file_offset = self.get_offset_from_rva(rva) ) except PEFormatError: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing export directory at RVA: 0x%x' % ( rva ) ) return if not export_dir: return try: address_of_names = self.get_data( export_dir.AddressOfNames, export_dir.NumberOfNames*4) address_of_name_ordinals = self.get_data( export_dir.AddressOfNameOrdinals, export_dir.NumberOfNames*4) address_of_functions = self.get_data( export_dir.AddressOfFunctions, export_dir.NumberOfFunctions*4) except PEFormatError: self.__warnings.append( 'Error parsing export directory at RVA: 0x%x' % ( rva ) ) return exports = [] for i in xrange(export_dir.NumberOfNames): symbol_name = self.get_string_at_rva( self.get_dword_from_data(address_of_names, i)) symbol_ordinal = self.get_word_from_data( address_of_name_ordinals, i) if symbol_ordinal*4=rva and symbol_address=rva and symbol_address len(self.__data__): continue if section.PointerToRawData > len(self.__data__): continue if section.VirtualAddress >= max_virtual_address: continue padding_length = section.VirtualAddress - len(data) if padding_length>0: data += '\0'*padding_length elif padding_length<0: data = data[:padding_length] data += section.data return data def get_data(self, rva, length=None): """Get data regardless of the section where it lies on. Given a rva and the size of the chunk to retrieve, this method will find the section where the data lies and return the data. """ s = self.get_section_by_rva(rva) if not s: if rva len(data): return None return struct.unpack(' len(self.__data__): return None return self.get_dword_from_data(self.__data__[offset:offset+4], 0) def set_dword_at_rva(self, rva, dword): """Set the double word value at the file offset corresponding to the given RVA.""" return self.set_bytes_at_rva(rva, self.get_data_from_dword(dword)) def set_dword_at_offset(self, offset, dword): """Set the double word value at the given file offset.""" return self.set_bytes_at_offset(offset, self.get_data_from_dword(dword)) ## # Word get/set ## def get_data_from_word(self, word): """Return a two byte string representing the word value. (little endian).""" return struct.pack(' len(data): return None return struct.unpack(' len(self.__data__): return None return self.get_word_from_data(self.__data__[offset:offset+2], 0) def set_word_at_rva(self, rva, word): """Set the word value at the file offset corresponding to the given RVA.""" return self.set_bytes_at_rva(rva, self.get_data_from_word(word)) def set_word_at_offset(self, offset, word): """Set the word value at the given file offset.""" return self.set_bytes_at_offset(offset, self.get_data_from_word(word)) ## # Quad-Word get/set ## def get_data_from_qword(self, word): """Return a eight byte string representing the quad-word value. (little endian).""" return struct.pack(' len(data): return None return struct.unpack(' len(self.__data__): return None return self.get_qword_from_data(self.__data__[offset:offset+8], 0) def set_qword_at_rva(self, rva, qword): """Set the quad-word value at the file offset corresponding to the given RVA.""" return self.set_bytes_at_rva(rva, self.get_data_from_qword(qword)) def set_qword_at_offset(self, offset, qword): """Set the quad-word value at the given file offset.""" return self.set_bytes_at_offset(offset, self.get_data_from_qword(qword)) ## # Set bytes ## def set_bytes_at_rva(self, rva, data): """Overwrite, with the given string, the bytes at the file offset corresponding to the given RVA. Return True if successful, False otherwise. It can fail if the offset is outside the file's boundaries. """ offset = self.get_physical_by_rva(rva) if not offset: raise False return self.set_bytes_at_offset(offset, data) def set_bytes_at_offset(self, offset, data): """Overwrite the bytes at the given file offset with the given string. Return True if successful, False otherwise. It can fail if the offset is outside the file's boundaries. """ if not isinstance(data, str): raise TypeError('data should be of type: str') if offset >= 0 and offset < len(self.__data__): self.__data__ = ( self.__data__[:offset] + data + self.__data__[offset+len(data):] ) else: return False # Refresh the section's data with the modified information # for section in self.sections: section_data_start = section.PointerToRawData section_data_end = section_data_start+section.SizeOfRawData section.data = self.__data__[section_data_start:section_data_end] return True def relocate_image(self, new_ImageBase): """Apply the relocation information to the image using the provided new image base. This method will apply the relocation information to the image. Given the new base, all the relocations will be processed and both the raw data and the section's data will be fixed accordingly. The resulting image can be retrieved as well through the method: get_memory_mapped_image() In order to get something that would more closely match what could be found in memory once the Windows loader finished its work. """ relocation_difference = new_ImageBase - self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase for reloc in self.DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC: virtual_address = reloc.struct.VirtualAddress size_of_block = reloc.struct.SizeOfBlock # We iterate with an index because if the relocation is of type # IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHADJ we need to also process the next entry # at once and skip it for the next interation # entry_idx = 0 while entry_idx>16)&0xffff ) elif entry.type == RELOCATION_TYPE['IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW']: # Fix the low 16bits of a relocation # # Add low 16 bits of relocation_difference to the 16bit value # at RVA=entry.rva self.set_word_at_rva( entry.rva, ( self.get_word_at_rva(entry.rva) + relocation_difference)&0xffff) elif entry.type == RELOCATION_TYPE['IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW']: # Handle all high and low parts of a 32bit relocation # # Add relocation_difference to the value at RVA=entry.rva self.set_dword_at_rva( entry.rva, self.get_dword_at_rva(entry.rva)+relocation_difference) elif entry.type == RELOCATION_TYPE['IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHADJ']: # Fix the high 16bits of a relocation and adjust # # Add high 16bits of relocation_difference to the 32bit value # composed from the (16bit value at RVA=entry.rva)<<16 plus # the 16bit value at the next relocation entry. # # If the next entry is beyond the array's limits, # abort... the table is corrupt # if entry_idx == len(reloc.entries): break next_entry = reloc.entries[entry_idx] entry_idx += 1 self.set_word_at_rva( entry.rva, ((self.get_word_at_rva(entry.rva)<<16) + next_entry.rva + relocation_difference & 0xffff0000) >> 16 ) elif entry.type == RELOCATION_TYPE['IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64']: # Apply the difference to the 64bit value at the offset # RVA=entry.rva self.set_qword_at_rva( entry.rva, self.get_qword_at_rva(entry.rva) + relocation_difference) def verify_checksum(self): return self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.CheckSum == self.generate_checksum() def generate_checksum(self): # Get the offset to the CheckSum field in the OptionalHeader # checksum_offset = self.OPTIONAL_HEADER.__file_offset__ + 0x40 # 64 checksum = 0 for i in range( len(self.__data__) / 4 ): # Skip the checksum field # if i == checksum_offset / 4: continue dword = struct.unpack('L', self.__data__[ i*4 : i*4+4 ])[0] checksum = (checksum & 0xffffffff) + dword + (checksum>>32) if checksum > 2**32: checksum = (checksum & 0xffffffff) + (checksum >> 32) checksum = (checksum & 0xffff) + (checksum >> 16) checksum = (checksum) + (checksum >> 16) checksum = checksum & 0xffff return checksum + len(self.__data__)