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- telemetry.core.chrome.browser_backend.BrowserBackend(__builtin__.object)
- DesktopBrowserBackend
class DesktopBrowserBackend(telemetry.core.chrome.browser_backend.BrowserBackend) |
The backend for controlling a locally-executed browser instance, on Linux,
Mac or Windows. |
- Method resolution order:
- DesktopBrowserBackend
- telemetry.core.chrome.browser_backend.BrowserBackend
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- Close(self)
- CreateForwarder(self, *port_pairs)
- GetBrowserStartupArgs(self)
- GetStackTrace(self)
- GetStandardOutput(self)
- IsBrowserRunning(self)
- SetProfileDirectory(self, profile_dir)
- __del__(self)
- __init__(self, options, executable, flash_path, is_content_shell, delete_profile_dir_after_run=True)
Data descriptors defined here:
- pid
- profile_directory
Methods inherited from telemetry.core.chrome.browser_backend.BrowserBackend:
- GetProcessName(self, cmd_line)
- Returns a user-friendly name for the process of the given |cmd_line|.
- GetRemotePort(self, _)
- GetTraceResultAndReset(self)
- Request(self, path, timeout=None)
- SetBrowser(self, browser)
- StartTracing(self, custom_categories=None, timeout=60)
- custom_categories is an optional string containing a list of
comma separated categories that will be traced instead of the
default category set. Example: use
"webkit,cc,disabled-by-default-cc.debug" to trace only those three
event categories.
- StopTracing(self)
Data descriptors inherited from telemetry.core.chrome.browser_backend.BrowserBackend:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- browser
- chrome_branch_number
- extension_dict_backend
- misc_web_contents_backend
- Access to chrome://oobe/login page which is neither a tab nor an
- supports_extensions
- True if this browser backend supports extensions.
- supports_tab_control
- supports_tracing
- tab_list_backend
- wpr_mode
Data and other attributes inherited from telemetry.core.chrome.browser_backend.BrowserBackend:
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