#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # memcheck_analyze.py ''' Given a valgrind XML file, parses errors and uniques them.''' import logging import optparse import os import re import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError # Global symbol table (yuck) TheAddressTable = None GDB_LINE_RE = re.compile(r'Line ([0-9]*) of "([^"]*)".*') def _GdbOutputToFileLine(output_line): ''' Parse the gdb output line, return a pair (file, line num) ''' match = GDB_LINE_RE.match(output_line) if match: return match.groups()[1], match.groups()[0] else: return None def ResolveAddressesWithinABinary(binary_name, load_address, address_list): ''' For each address, return a pair (file, line num) ''' commands = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() commands.write('add-symbol-file "%s" %s\n' % (binary_name, load_address)) for addr in address_list: commands.write('info line *%s\n' % addr) commands.write('quit\n') commands.flush() gdb_commandline = 'gdb -batch -x %s 2>/dev/null' % commands.name gdb_pipe = os.popen(gdb_commandline) result = gdb_pipe.readlines() address_count = 0 ret = {} for line in result: if line.startswith('Line'): ret[address_list[address_count]] = _GdbOutputToFileLine(line) address_count += 1 if line.startswith('No line'): ret[address_list[address_count]] = (None, None) address_count += 1 gdb_pipe.close() commands.close() return ret class _AddressTable(object): ''' Object to do batched line number lookup. ''' def __init__(self): self._load_addresses = {} self._binaries = {} self._all_resolved = False def AddBinaryAt(self, binary, load_address): ''' Register a new shared library or executable. ''' self._load_addresses[binary] = load_address def Add(self, binary, address): ''' Register a lookup request. ''' if binary == '': logging.warn('adding address %s in empty binary?' % address) if binary in self._binaries: self._binaries[binary].append(address) else: self._binaries[binary] = [address] self._all_resolved = False def ResolveAll(self): ''' Carry out all lookup requests. ''' self._translation = {} for binary in self._binaries.keys(): if binary != '' and binary in self._load_addresses: load_address = self._load_addresses[binary] addr = ResolveAddressesWithinABinary(binary, load_address, self._binaries[binary]) self._translation[binary] = addr self._all_resolved = True def GetFileLine(self, binary, addr): ''' Get the (filename, linenum) result of a previously-registered lookup request. ''' if self._all_resolved: if binary in self._translation: if addr in self._translation[binary]: return self._translation[binary][addr] return (None, None) # These are functions (using C++ mangled names) that we look for in stack # traces. We don't show stack frames while pretty printing when they are below # any of the following: _TOP_OF_STACK_POINTS = [ # Don't show our testing framework. "testing::Test::Run()", # Also don't show the internals of libc/pthread. "start_thread" ] def getTextOf(top_node, name): ''' Returns all text in all DOM nodes with a certain |name| that are children of |top_node|. ''' text = "" for nodes_named in top_node.getElementsByTagName(name): text += "".join([node.data for node in nodes_named.childNodes if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE]) return text def getCDATAOf(top_node, name): ''' Returns all CDATA in all DOM nodes with a certain |name| that are children of |top_node|. ''' text = "" for nodes_named in top_node.getElementsByTagName(name): text += "".join([node.data for node in nodes_named.childNodes if node.nodeType == node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE]) if (text == ""): return None return text def removeCommonRoot(source_dir, directory): '''Returns a string with the string prefix |source_dir| removed from |directory|.''' if source_dir: # Do this for safety, just in case directory is an absolute path outside of # source_dir. prefix = os.path.commonprefix([source_dir, directory]) return directory[len(prefix) + 1:] return directory # Constants that give real names to the abbreviations in valgrind XML output. INSTRUCTION_POINTER = "ip" OBJECT_FILE = "obj" FUNCTION_NAME = "fn" SRC_FILE_DIR = "dir" SRC_FILE_NAME = "file" SRC_LINE = "line" def gatherFrames(node, source_dir): frames = [] for frame in node.getElementsByTagName("frame"): frame_dict = { INSTRUCTION_POINTER : getTextOf(frame, INSTRUCTION_POINTER), OBJECT_FILE : getTextOf(frame, OBJECT_FILE), FUNCTION_NAME : getTextOf(frame, FUNCTION_NAME), SRC_FILE_DIR : removeCommonRoot( source_dir, getTextOf(frame, SRC_FILE_DIR)), SRC_FILE_NAME : getTextOf(frame, SRC_FILE_NAME), SRC_LINE : getTextOf(frame, SRC_LINE) } frames += [frame_dict] if frame_dict[FUNCTION_NAME] in _TOP_OF_STACK_POINTS: break global TheAddressTable if TheAddressTable != None and frame_dict[SRC_LINE] == "": # Try using gdb TheAddressTable.Add(frame_dict[OBJECT_FILE], frame_dict[INSTRUCTION_POINTER]) return frames class ValgrindError: ''' Takes a node and reads all the data from it. A ValgrindError is immutable and is hashed on its pretty printed output. ''' def __init__(self, source_dir, error_node, commandline): ''' Copies all the relevant information out of the DOM and into object properties. Args: error_node: The DOM node we're extracting from. source_dir: Prefix that should be stripped from the node. commandline: The command that was run under valgrind ''' # Valgrind errors contain one pair, plus an optional # pair, plus an optional , # plus (since 3.5.0) a pair. # (Origin is nicely enclosed; too bad the other two aren't.) # The most common way to see all three in one report is # a syscall with a parameter that points to uninitialized memory, e.g. # Format: # # 0x6d # 1 # SyscallParam # Syscall param write(buf) points to uninitialised byte(s) # # # ... # # # Address 0x5c9af4f is 7 bytes inside a block of ... # # # ... # # # # Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation # # # ... # # # # # insert_a_suppression_name_here # Memcheck:Param # write(buf) # __write_nocancel # ... # main # # # Memcheck:Param # write(buf) # fun:__write_nocancel # ... # fun:main # } # ]]> # # # # # Each frame looks like this: # # 0x83751BC # /data/dkegel/chrome-build/src/out/Release/base_unittests # _ZN7testing8internal12TestInfoImpl7RunTestEPNS_8TestInfoE # /data/dkegel/chrome-build/src/testing/gtest/src # gtest-internal-inl.h # 655 # # although the dir, file, and line elements are missing if there is # no debug info. self._kind = getTextOf(error_node, "kind") self._backtraces = [] self._suppression = None self._commandline = commandline # Iterate through the nodes, parsing pairs. description = None for node in error_node.childNodes: if node.localName == "what" or node.localName == "auxwhat": description = "".join([n.data for n in node.childNodes if n.nodeType == n.TEXT_NODE]) elif node.localName == "xwhat": description = getTextOf(node, "text") elif node.localName == "stack": self._backtraces.append([description, gatherFrames(node, source_dir)]) description = None elif node.localName == "origin": description = getTextOf(node, "what") stack = node.getElementsByTagName("stack")[0] frames = gatherFrames(stack, source_dir) self._backtraces.append([description, frames]) description = None stack = None frames = None elif node.localName == "suppression": self._suppression = getCDATAOf(node, "rawtext"); def __str__(self): ''' Pretty print the type and backtrace(s) of this specific error, including suppression (which is just a mangled backtrace).''' output = self._kind + "\n" if (self._commandline): output += self._commandline + "\n" for backtrace in self._backtraces: output += backtrace[0] + "\n" filter = subprocess.Popen("c++filt -n", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, close_fds=True) buf = "" for frame in backtrace[1]: buf += (frame[FUNCTION_NAME] or frame[INSTRUCTION_POINTER]) + "\n" (stdoutbuf, stderrbuf) = filter.communicate(buf.encode('latin-1')) demangled_names = stdoutbuf.split("\n") i = 0 for frame in backtrace[1]: output += (" " + demangled_names[i]) i = i + 1 global TheAddressTable if TheAddressTable != None and frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] == "": # Try using gdb foo = TheAddressTable.GetFileLine(frame[OBJECT_FILE], frame[INSTRUCTION_POINTER]) if foo[0] != None: output += (" (" + foo[0] + ":" + foo[1] + ")") elif frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] != "": output += (" (" + frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] + "/" + frame[SRC_FILE_NAME] + ":" + frame[SRC_LINE] + ")") else: output += " (" + frame[OBJECT_FILE] + ")" output += "\n" # TODO(dank): stop synthesizing suppressions once everyone has # valgrind-3.5 and we can rely on xml if (self._suppression == None): output += "Suppression:\n" for frame in backtrace[1]: output += " fun:" + (frame[FUNCTION_NAME] or "*") + "\n" if (self._suppression != None): output += "Suppression:" output += self._suppression return output def UniqueString(self): ''' String to use for object identity. Don't print this, use str(obj) instead.''' rep = self._kind + " " for backtrace in self._backtraces: for frame in backtrace[1]: rep += frame[FUNCTION_NAME] if frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] != "": rep += frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] + "/" + frame[SRC_FILE_NAME] else: rep += frame[OBJECT_FILE] return rep def __hash__(self): return hash(self.UniqueString()) def __eq__(self, rhs): return self.UniqueString() == rhs def find_and_truncate(f): f.seek(0) while True: line = f.readline() if line == "": return False if '' in line: # valgrind often has garbage after upon crash f.truncate() return True class MemcheckAnalyze: ''' Given a set of Valgrind XML files, parse all the errors out of them, unique them and output the results.''' def __init__(self, source_dir, files, show_all_leaks=False, use_gdb=False): '''Reads in a set of files. Args: source_dir: Path to top of source tree for this build files: A list of filenames. show_all_leaks: whether to show even less important leaks ''' # Beyond the detailed errors parsed by ValgrindError above, # the xml file contain records describing suppressions that were used: # # # 28 # pango_font_leak_todo # # # 378 # bug_13243 # # /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib0x27000 # giving the filename and load address of each binary that was mapped # into the process. global TheAddressTable if use_gdb: TheAddressTable = _AddressTable() self._errors = set() self._suppcounts = {} badfiles = set() start = time.time() self._parse_failed = False for file in files: # Wait up to three minutes for valgrind to finish writing all files, # but after that, just skip incomplete files and warn. f = open(file, "r+") found = False firstrun = True origsize = os.path.getsize(file) while (not found and (firstrun or ((time.time() - start) < 180.0))): firstrun = False f.seek(0) found = find_and_truncate(f) if not found: time.sleep(1) f.close() if not found: badfiles.add(file) else: newsize = os.path.getsize(file) if origsize > newsize+1: logging.warn(str(origsize - newsize) + " bytes of junk were after in %s!" % file) try: parsed_file = parse(file); except ExpatError, e: self._parse_failed = True logging.warn("could not parse %s: %s" % (file, e)) lineno = e.lineno - 1 context_lines = 5 context_start = max(0, lineno - context_lines) context_end = lineno + context_lines + 1 context_file = open(file, "r") for i in range(0, context_start): context_file.readline() for i in range(context_start, context_end): context_data = context_file.readline().rstrip() if i != lineno: logging.warn(" %s" % context_data) else: logging.warn("> %s" % context_data) context_file.close() continue if TheAddressTable != None: load_objs = parsed_file.getElementsByTagName("load_obj") for load_obj in load_objs: obj = getTextOf(load_obj, "obj") ip = getTextOf(load_obj, "ip") TheAddressTable.AddBinaryAt(obj, ip) commandline = None preamble = parsed_file.getElementsByTagName("preamble")[0]; for node in preamble.getElementsByTagName("line"): if node.localName == "line": for x in node.childNodes: if x.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE and "Command" in x.data: commandline = x.data break raw_errors = parsed_file.getElementsByTagName("error") for raw_error in raw_errors: # Ignore "possible" leaks for now by default. if (show_all_leaks or getTextOf(raw_error, "kind") != "Leak_PossiblyLost"): error = ValgrindError(source_dir, raw_error, commandline) self._errors.add(error) suppcountlist = parsed_file.getElementsByTagName("suppcounts") if len(suppcountlist) > 0: suppcountlist = suppcountlist[0] for node in suppcountlist.getElementsByTagName("pair"): count = getTextOf(node, "count"); name = getTextOf(node, "name"); if name in self._suppcounts: self._suppcounts[name] += int(count) else: self._suppcounts[name] = int(count) if len(badfiles) > 0: logging.warn("valgrind didn't finish writing %d files?!" % len(badfiles)) for file in badfiles: logging.warn("Last 20 lines of %s :" % file) os.system("tail -n 20 '%s' 1>&2" % file) def Report(self): if self._parse_failed: logging.error("FAIL! Couldn't parse Valgrind output file") return -2 print "-----------------------------------------------------" print "Suppressions used:" print " count name" for item in sorted(self._suppcounts.items(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k)): print "%7s %s" % (item[1], item[0]) print "-----------------------------------------------------" if self._errors: logging.error("FAIL! There were %s errors: " % len(self._errors)) global TheAddressTable if TheAddressTable != None: TheAddressTable.ResolveAll() for error in self._errors: logging.error(error) return -1 logging.info("PASS! No errors found!") return 0 def _main(): '''For testing only. The MemcheckAnalyze class should be imported instead.''' retcode = 0 parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] ") parser.add_option("", "--source_dir", help="path to top of source tree for this build" "(used to normalize source paths in baseline)") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not len(args) >= 1: parser.error("no filename specified") filenames = args analyzer = MemcheckAnalyze(options.source_dir, filenames, use_gdb=True) retcode = analyzer.Report() sys.exit(retcode) if __name__ == "__main__": _main()