#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # memcheck_analyze.py ''' Given a valgrind XML file, parses errors and uniques them.''' import logging import optparse import os import subprocess import sys import time from xml.dom.minidom import parse from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError # These are functions (using C++ mangled names) that we look for in stack # traces. We don't show stack frames while pretty printing when they are below # any of the following: _TOP_OF_STACK_POINTS = [ # Don't show our testing framework. "testing::Test::Run()", # Also don't show the internals of libc/pthread. "start_thread" ] def getTextOf(top_node, name): ''' Returns all text in all DOM nodes with a certain |name| that are children of |top_node|. ''' text = "" for nodes_named in top_node.getElementsByTagName(name): text += "".join([node.data for node in nodes_named.childNodes if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE]) return text def removeCommonRoot(source_dir, directory): '''Returns a string with the string prefix |source_dir| removed from |directory|.''' if source_dir: # Do this for safety, just in case directory is an absolute path outside of # source_dir. prefix = os.path.commonprefix([source_dir, directory]) return directory[len(prefix) + 1:] return directory # Constants that give real names to the abbreviations in valgrind XML output. INSTRUCTION_POINTER = "ip" OBJECT_FILE = "obj" FUNCTION_NAME = "fn" SRC_FILE_DIR = "dir" SRC_FILE_NAME = "file" SRC_LINE = "line" def gatherFrames(node, source_dir): frames = [] for frame in node.getElementsByTagName("frame"): frame_dict = { INSTRUCTION_POINTER : getTextOf(frame, INSTRUCTION_POINTER), OBJECT_FILE : getTextOf(frame, OBJECT_FILE), FUNCTION_NAME : getTextOf(frame, FUNCTION_NAME), SRC_FILE_DIR : removeCommonRoot( source_dir, getTextOf(frame, SRC_FILE_DIR)), SRC_FILE_NAME : getTextOf(frame, SRC_FILE_NAME), SRC_LINE : getTextOf(frame, SRC_LINE) } frames += [frame_dict] if frame_dict[FUNCTION_NAME] in _TOP_OF_STACK_POINTS: break return frames class ValgrindError: ''' Takes a node and reads all the data from it. A ValgrindError is immutable and is hashed on its pretty printed output. ''' def __init__(self, source_dir, error_node): ''' Copies all the relevant information out of the DOM and into object properties. Args: error_node: The DOM node we're extracting from. source_dir: Prefix that should be stripped from the node. ''' # Valgrind errors contain one pair, plus an optional # pair, plus an optional . # (Origin is nicely enclosed; too bad the other two aren't.) # The most common way to see all three in one report is # a syscall with a parameter that points to uninitialized memory, e.g. # Format: # # 0x6d # 1 # SyscallParam # Syscall param write(buf) points to uninitialised byte(s) # # # ... # # # Address 0x5c9af4f is 7 bytes inside a block of ... # # # ... # # # # Uninitialised value was created by a heap allocation # # # ... # # # self._kind = getTextOf(error_node, "kind") self._backtraces = [] # Iterate through the nodes, parsing pairs. description = None for node in error_node.childNodes: if node.localName == "what" or node.localName == "auxwhat": description = "".join([n.data for n in node.childNodes if n.nodeType == n.TEXT_NODE]) elif node.localName == "stack": self._backtraces.append([description, gatherFrames(node, source_dir)]) description = None elif node.localName == "origin": description = getTextOf(node, "what") stack = node.getElementsByTagName("stack")[0] frames = gatherFrames(stack, source_dir) self._backtraces.append([description, frames]) description = None stack = None frames = None def __str__(self): ''' Pretty print the type and backtrace(s) of this specific error, including suppression (which is just a mangled backtrace).''' output = self._kind + "\n" for backtrace in self._backtraces: output += backtrace[0] + "\n" filter = subprocess.Popen("c++filt -n", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True, close_fds=True) buf = "" for frame in backtrace[1]: buf += (frame[FUNCTION_NAME] or frame[INSTRUCTION_POINTER]) + "\n" (stdoutbuf, stderrbuf) = filter.communicate(buf.encode('latin-1')) demangled_names = stdoutbuf.split("\n") i = 0 for frame in backtrace[1]: output += (" " + demangled_names[i] + " (") i = i + 1 if frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] != "": output += (frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] + "/" + frame[SRC_FILE_NAME] + ":" + frame[SRC_LINE]) else: output += frame[OBJECT_FILE] output += ")\n" output += "Suppression:\n" for frame in backtrace[1]: output += " fun:" + (frame[FUNCTION_NAME] or "*") + "\n" return output def UniqueString(self): ''' String to use for object identity. Don't print this, use str(obj) instead.''' rep = self._kind + " " for backtrace in self._backtraces: for frame in backtrace[1]: rep += frame[FUNCTION_NAME] if frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] != "": rep += frame[SRC_FILE_DIR] + "/" + frame[SRC_FILE_NAME] else: rep += frame[OBJECT_FILE] return rep def __hash__(self): return hash(self.UniqueString()) def __eq__(self, rhs): return self.UniqueString() == rhs class MemcheckAnalyze: ''' Given a set of Valgrind XML files, parse all the errors out of them, unique them and output the results.''' def __init__(self, source_dir, files, show_all_leaks=False): '''Reads in a set of files. Args: source_dir: Path to top of source tree for this build files: A list of filenames. show_all_leaks: whether to show even less important leaks ''' self._errors = set() badfiles = set() start = time.time() self._parse_failed = False for file in files: # Wait up to three minutes for valgrind to finish writing all files, # but after that, just skip incomplete files and warn. f = open(file, "r") found = False firstrun = True while (firstrun or ((time.time() - start) < 180.0)): firstrun = False f.seek(0) if sum((1 for line in f if '' in line)) > 0: found = True break time.sleep(1) f.close() if not found: badfiles.add(file) else: try: raw_errors = parse(file).getElementsByTagName("error") for raw_error in raw_errors: # Ignore "possible" leaks for now by default. if (show_all_leaks or getTextOf(raw_error, "kind") != "Leak_PossiblyLost"): error = ValgrindError(source_dir, raw_error) self._errors.add(error) except ExpatError, e: self._parse_failed = True logging.warn("could not parse %s: %s" % (file, e)) lineno = e.lineno - 1 context_lines = 5 context_start = max(0, lineno - context_lines) context_end = lineno + context_lines + 1 context_file = open(file, "r") for i in range(0, context_start): context_file.readline() for i in range(context_start, context_end): context_data = context_file.readline().rstrip() if i != lineno: logging.warn(" %s" % context_data) else: logging.warn("> %s" % context_data) context_file.close() continue if len(badfiles) > 0: logging.warn("valgrind didn't finish writing %d files?!" % len(badfiles)) for file in badfiles: logging.warn("Last 100 lines of %s :" % file) os.system("tail -n 100 '%s'" % file) def Report(self): if self._parse_failed: logging.error("FAIL! Couldn't parse Valgrind output file") return -2 if self._errors: logging.error("FAIL! There were %s errors: " % len(self._errors)) for error in self._errors: logging.error(error) return -1 logging.info("PASS! No errors found!") return 0 def _main(): '''For testing only. The MemcheckAnalyze class should be imported instead.''' retcode = 0 parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] ") parser.add_option("", "--source_dir", help="path to top of source tree for this build" "(used to normalize source paths in baseline)") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if not len(args) >= 1: parser.error("no filename specified") filenames = args analyzer = MemcheckAnalyze(options.source_dir, filenames) retcode = analyzer.Report() sys.exit(retcode) if __name__ == "__main__": _main()