#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # suppressions.py """Post-process Valgrind suppression matcher. Suppressions are defined as follows: # optional one-line comments anywhere in the suppressions file. { Toolname:Errortype fun:function_name obj:object_filename fun:wildcarded_fun*_name # an ellipsis wildcards zero or more functions in a stack. ... fun:some_other_function_name } If ran from the command line, suppressions.py does a self-test of the Suppression class. """ import os import re import sys ELLIPSIS = '...' def GlobToRegex(glob_pattern): """Translate glob wildcards (*?) into regex syntax. Escape the rest.""" regex = '' for char in glob_pattern: if char == '*': regex += '.*' elif char == '?': regex += '.' else: regex += re.escape(char) return ''.join(regex) def StripAndSkipCommentsIterator(lines): """Generator of (line_no, line) pairs that strips comments and whitespace.""" for (line_no, line) in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() # Drop \n if line.startswith('#'): continue # Comments # Skip comment lines, but not empty lines, they indicate the end of a # suppression. Add one to the line number as well, since most editors use # 1-based numberings, and enumerate is 0-based. yield (line_no + 1, line) class Suppression(object): """This class represents a single stack trace suppression. Attributes: description: A string representing the error description. type: A string representing the error type, e.g. Memcheck:Leak. stack: The lines comprising the stack trace for the suppression. regex: The actual regex used to match against scraped reports. """ def __init__(self, description, type, stack, defined_at, regex): """Inits Suppression. description, type, stack, regex: same as class attributes defined_at: file:line identifying where the suppression was defined """ self.description = description self.type = type self.stack = stack self.defined_at = defined_at self.regex = re.compile(regex, re.MULTILINE) def Match(self, suppression_from_report): """Returns bool indicating whether this suppression matches the suppression generated from Valgrind error report. We match our suppressions against generated suppressions (not against reports) since they have the same format while the reports are taken from XML, contain filenames, they are demangled, and are generally more difficult to parse. Args: suppression_from_report: list of strings (function names). Returns: True if the suppression is not empty and matches the report. """ if not self.stack: return False lines = [f.strip() for f in suppression_from_report] return self.regex.match('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') is not None def FilenameToTool(filename): """Return the name of the tool that a file is related to, or None. Example mappings: tools/heapcheck/suppressions.txt -> heapcheck tools/valgrind/tsan/suppressions.txt -> tsan tools/valgrind/drmemory/suppressions.txt -> drmemory tools/valgrind/drmemory/suppressions_full.txt -> drmemory tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt -> memcheck tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions_mac.txt -> memcheck """ filename = os.path.abspath(filename) parts = filename.split(os.sep) tool = parts[-2] if tool in ('heapcheck', 'drmemory', 'memcheck', 'tsan'): return tool return None def ReadSuppressionsFromFile(filename): """Read suppressions from the given file and return them as a list""" tool_to_parser = { "drmemory": ReadDrMemorySuppressions, "memcheck": ReadValgrindStyleSuppressions, "tsan": ReadValgrindStyleSuppressions, "heapcheck": ReadValgrindStyleSuppressions, } tool = FilenameToTool(filename) assert tool in tool_to_parser, ( "unknown tool %s for filename %s" % (tool, filename)) parse_func = tool_to_parser[tool] input_file = file(filename, 'r') try: return parse_func(input_file, filename) except SuppressionError: input_file.close() raise class ValgrindStyleSuppression(Suppression): """A suppression using the Valgrind syntax. Most tools, even ones that are not Valgrind-based, use this syntax, ie Heapcheck, TSan, etc. Attributes: Same as Suppression. """ def __init__(self, description, type, stack, defined_at): """Creates a suppression using the Memcheck, TSan, and Heapcheck syntax.""" regex = '{\n.*\n%s\n' % type for line in stack: if line == ELLIPSIS: regex += '(.*\n)*' else: regex += GlobToRegex(line) regex += '\n' regex += '(.*\n)*' regex += '}' # In the recent version of valgrind-variant we've switched # from memcheck's default Addr[1248]/Value[1248]/Cond suppression types # to simply Unaddressable/Uninitialized. # The suppression generator no longer gives us "old" types thus # for the "new-type" suppressions: # * Memcheck:Unaddressable should also match Addr* reports, # * Memcheck:Uninitialized should also match Cond and Value reports, # # We also want to support legacy suppressions (e.g. copied from # upstream bugs etc), so: # * Memcheck:Addr[1248] suppressions should match Unaddressable reports, # * Memcheck:Cond and Memcheck:Value[1248] should match Uninitialized. # Please note the latest two rules only apply to the # tools/valgrind/waterfall.sh suppression matcher and the real # valgrind-variant Memcheck will not suppress # e.g. Addr1 printed as Unaddressable with Addr4 suppression. # Be careful to check the access size while copying legacy suppressions! for sz in [1, 2, 4, 8]: regex = regex.replace("\nMemcheck:Addr%d\n" % sz, "\nMemcheck:(Addr%d|Unaddressable)\n" % sz) regex = regex.replace("\nMemcheck:Value%d\n" % sz, "\nMemcheck:(Value%d|Uninitialized)\n" % sz) regex = regex.replace("\nMemcheck:Cond\n", "\nMemcheck:(Cond|Uninitialized)\n") regex = regex.replace("\nMemcheck:Unaddressable\n", "\nMemcheck:(Addr.|Unaddressable)\n") regex = regex.replace("\nMemcheck:Uninitialized\n", "\nMemcheck:(Cond|Value.|Uninitialized)\n") return super(ValgrindStyleSuppression, self).__init__( description, type, stack, defined_at, regex) def __str__(self): """Stringify.""" lines = [self.description, self.type] + self.stack return "{\n %s\n}\n" % "\n ".join(lines) class SuppressionError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, happened_at): self._message = message self._happened_at = happened_at def __str__(self): return 'Error reading suppressions at %s!\n%s' % ( self._happened_at, self._message) def ReadValgrindStyleSuppressions(lines, supp_descriptor): """Given a list of lines, returns a list of suppressions. Args: lines: a list of lines containing suppressions. supp_descriptor: should typically be a filename. Used only when printing errors. """ result = [] cur_descr = '' cur_type = '' cur_stack = [] in_suppression = False nline = 0 for line in lines: nline += 1 line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#'): continue if not in_suppression: if not line: # empty lines between suppressions pass elif line.startswith('{'): in_suppression = True pass else: raise SuppressionError('Expected: "{"', "%s:%d" % (supp_descriptor, nline)) elif line.startswith('}'): result.append( ValgrindStyleSuppression(cur_descr, cur_type, cur_stack, "%s:%d" % (supp_descriptor, nline))) cur_descr = '' cur_type = '' cur_stack = [] in_suppression = False elif not cur_descr: cur_descr = line continue elif not cur_type: if (not line.startswith("Memcheck:") and not line.startswith("ThreadSanitizer:") and (line != "Heapcheck:Leak")): raise SuppressionError( 'Expected "Memcheck:TYPE", "ThreadSanitizer:TYPE" ' 'or "Heapcheck:Leak", got "%s"' % line, "%s:%d" % (supp_descriptor, nline)) supp_type = line.split(':')[1] if not supp_type in ["Addr1", "Addr2", "Addr4", "Addr8", "Cond", "Free", "Jump", "Leak", "Overlap", "Param", "Value1", "Value2", "Value4", "Value8", "Race", "UnlockNonLocked", "InvalidLock", "Unaddressable", "Uninitialized"]: raise SuppressionError('Unknown suppression type "%s"' % supp_type, "%s:%d" % (supp_descriptor, nline)) cur_type = line continue elif re.match("^fun:.*|^obj:.*|^\.\.\.$", line): cur_stack.append(line.strip()) elif len(cur_stack) == 0 and cur_type == "Memcheck:Param": cur_stack.append(line.strip()) else: raise SuppressionError( '"fun:function_name" or "obj:object_file" or "..." expected', "%s:%d" % (supp_descriptor, nline)) return result def PresubmitCheckSuppressions(supps): """Check a list of suppressions and return a list of SuppressionErrors. Mostly useful for separating the checking logic from the Presubmit API for testing. """ known_supp_names = {} # Key: name, Value: suppression. errors = [] for s in supps: if re.search("<.*suppression.name.here>", s.description): # Suppression name line is # for Memcheck, # for TSan, # name= for DrMemory errors.append( SuppressionError( "You've forgotten to put a suppression name like bug_XXX", s.defined_at)) continue if s.description in known_supp_names: errors.append( SuppressionError( 'Suppression named "%s" is defined more than once, ' 'see %s' % (s.description, known_supp_names[s.description].defined_at), s.defined_at)) else: known_supp_names[s.description] = s return errors def PresubmitCheck(input_api, output_api): """A helper function useful in PRESUBMIT.py Returns a list of errors or []. """ sup_regex = re.compile('suppressions.*\.txt$') filenames = [f.AbsoluteLocalPath() for f in input_api.AffectedFiles() if sup_regex.search(f.LocalPath())] errors = [] # TODO(timurrrr): warn on putting suppressions into a wrong file, # e.g. TSan suppression in a memcheck file. for f in filenames: try: supps = ReadSuppressionsFromFile(f) errors.extend(PresubmitCheckSuppressions(supps)) except SuppressionError as e: errors.append(e) return [output_api.PresubmitError(str(e)) for e in errors] class DrMemorySuppression(Suppression): """A suppression using the DrMemory syntax. Attributes: instr: The instruction to match. Rest inherited from Suppression. """ def __init__(self, name, report_type, instr, stack, defined_at): """Constructor.""" self.instr = instr # Construct the regex. regex = '{\n' if report_type == 'LEAK': regex += '(POSSIBLE )?LEAK' else: regex += report_type regex += '\nname=.*\n' # TODO(rnk): Implement http://crbug.com/107416#c5 . # drmemory_analyze.py doesn't generate suppressions with an instruction in # them, so these suppressions will always fail to match. We should override # Match to fetch the instruction from the report and try to match against # that. if instr: regex += 'instruction=%s\n' % GlobToRegex(instr) for line in stack: if line == ELLIPSIS: regex += '(.*\n)*' else: regex += GlobToRegex(line) regex += '\n' regex += '(.*\n)*' # Match anything left in the stack. regex += '}' return super(DrMemorySuppression, self).__init__(name, report_type, stack, defined_at, regex) def __str__(self): """Stringify.""" text = self.type + "\n" if self.description: text += "name=%s\n" % self.description if self.instr: text += "instruction=%s\n" % self.instr text += "\n".join(self.stack) text += "\n" return text # Possible DrMemory error report types. Keep consistent with suppress_name # array in drmemory/drmemory/report.c. DRMEMORY_ERROR_TYPES = [ 'UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS', 'UNINITIALIZED READ', 'INVALID HEAP ARGUMENT', 'LEAK', 'POSSIBLE LEAK', 'WARNING', ] # Regexes to match valid drmemory frames. DRMEMORY_FRAME_PATTERNS = [ re.compile(r"^.*\!.*$"), re.compile(r"^\<.*\+0x.*\>$"), re.compile(r"^\$"), re.compile(r"^system call .*$"), re.compile(r"^\*$"), re.compile(r"^\.\.\.$"), ] def ReadDrMemorySuppressions(lines, supp_descriptor): """Given a list of lines, returns a list of DrMemory suppressions. Args: lines: a list of lines containing suppressions. supp_descriptor: should typically be a filename. Used only when parsing errors happen. """ lines = StripAndSkipCommentsIterator(lines) suppressions = [] for (line_no, line) in lines: if not line: continue if line not in DRMEMORY_ERROR_TYPES: raise SuppressionError('Expected a DrMemory error type, ' 'found %r instead\n Valid error types: %s' % (line, ' '.join(DRMEMORY_ERROR_TYPES)), "%s:%d" % (supp_descriptor, line_no)) # Suppression starts here. report_type = line name = '' instr = None stack = [] defined_at = "%s:%d" % (supp_descriptor, line_no) found_stack = False for (line_no, line) in lines: if not found_stack and line.startswith('name='): name = line.replace('name=', '') elif not found_stack and line.startswith('instruction='): instr = line.replace('instruction=', '') else: # Unrecognized prefix indicates start of stack trace. found_stack = True if not line: # Blank line means end of suppression. break if not any([regex.match(line) for regex in DRMEMORY_FRAME_PATTERNS]): raise SuppressionError( ('Unexpected stack frame pattern at line %d\n' + 'Frames should be one of the following:\n' + ' module!function\n' + ' \n' + ' \n' + ' system call Name\n' + ' *\n' + ' ...\n') % line_no, defined_at) stack.append(line) if len(stack) == 0: # In case we hit EOF or blank without any stack frames. raise SuppressionError('Suppression "%s" has no stack frames, ends at %d' % (name, line_no), defined_at) if stack[-1] == ELLIPSIS: raise SuppressionError('Suppression "%s" ends in an ellipsis on line %d' % (name, line_no), defined_at) suppressions.append( DrMemorySuppression(name, report_type, instr, stack, defined_at)) return suppressions def ParseSuppressionOfType(lines, supp_descriptor, def_line_no, report_type): """Parse the suppression starting on this line. Suppressions start with a type, have an optional name and instruction, and a stack trace that ends in a blank line. """ def TestStack(stack, positive, negative, suppression_parser=None): """A helper function for SelfTest() that checks a single stack. Args: stack: the stack to match the suppressions. positive: the list of suppressions that must match the given stack. negative: the list of suppressions that should not match. suppression_parser: optional arg for the suppression parser, default is ReadValgrindStyleSuppressions. """ if not suppression_parser: suppression_parser = ReadValgrindStyleSuppressions for supp in positive: parsed = suppression_parser(supp.split("\n"), "positive_suppression") assert parsed[0].Match(stack.split("\n")), ( "Suppression:\n%s\ndidn't match stack:\n%s" % (supp, stack)) for supp in negative: parsed = suppression_parser(supp.split("\n"), "negative_suppression") assert not parsed[0].Match(stack.split("\n")), ( "Suppression:\n%s\ndid match stack:\n%s" % (supp, stack)) def TestFailPresubmit(supp_text, error_text, suppression_parser=None): """A helper function for SelfTest() that verifies a presubmit check fires. Args: supp_text: suppression text to parse. error_text: text of the presubmit error we expect to find. suppression_parser: optional arg for the suppression parser, default is ReadValgrindStyleSuppressions. """ if not suppression_parser: suppression_parser = ReadValgrindStyleSuppressions try: supps = suppression_parser(supp_text.split("\n"), "") except SuppressionError, e: # If parsing raised an exception, match the error text here. assert error_text in str(e), ( "presubmit text %r not in SuppressionError:\n%r" % (error_text, str(e))) else: # Otherwise, run the presubmit checks over the supps. We expect a single # error that has text matching error_text. errors = PresubmitCheckSuppressions(supps) assert len(errors) == 1, ( "expected exactly one presubmit error, got:\n%s" % errors) assert error_text in str(errors[0]), ( "presubmit text %r not in SuppressionError:\n%r" % (error_text, str(errors[0]))) def SelfTest(): """Tests the Suppression.Match() capabilities.""" test_memcheck_stack_1 = """{ test Memcheck:Leak fun:absolutly fun:brilliant obj:condition fun:detection fun:expression }""" test_memcheck_stack_2 = """{ test Memcheck:Uninitialized fun:absolutly fun:brilliant obj:condition fun:detection fun:expression }""" test_memcheck_stack_3 = """{ test Memcheck:Unaddressable fun:absolutly fun:brilliant obj:condition fun:detection fun:expression }""" test_memcheck_stack_4 = """{ test Memcheck:Addr4 fun:absolutly fun:brilliant obj:condition fun:detection fun:expression }""" test_heapcheck_stack = """{ test Heapcheck:Leak fun:absolutly fun:brilliant obj:condition fun:detection fun:expression }""" test_tsan_stack = """{ test ThreadSanitizer:Race fun:absolutly fun:brilliant obj:condition fun:detection fun:expression }""" positive_memcheck_suppressions_1 = [ "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nfun:absolutly\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nfun:ab*ly\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nfun:absolutly\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\n...\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\n...\nfun:detection\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nfun:absolutly\n...\nfun:detection\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nfun:ab*ly\n...\nfun:detection\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\n...\nobj:condition\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\n...\nobj:condition\nfun:detection\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\n...\nfun:brilliant\nobj:condition\n}", ] positive_memcheck_suppressions_2 = [ "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Uninitialized\nfun:absolutly\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Uninitialized\nfun:ab*ly\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Uninitialized\nfun:absolutly\nfun:brilliant\n}", # Legacy suppression types "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Value1\n...\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Cond\n...\nfun:detection\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Value8\nfun:absolutly\nfun:brilliant\n}", ] positive_memcheck_suppressions_3 = [ "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Unaddressable\nfun:absolutly\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Unaddressable\nfun:absolutly\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Unaddressable\nfun:absolutly\nfun:brilliant\n}", # Legacy suppression types "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr1\n...\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr8\n...\nfun:detection\n}", ] positive_memcheck_suppressions_4 = [ "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr4\nfun:absolutly\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Unaddressable\nfun:absolutly\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr4\nfun:absolutly\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Unaddressable\n...\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr4\n...\nfun:detection\n}", ] positive_heapcheck_suppressions = [ "{\nzzz\nHeapcheck:Leak\n...\nobj:condition\n}", "{\nzzz\nHeapcheck:Leak\nfun:absolutly\n}", ] positive_tsan_suppressions = [ "{\nzzz\nThreadSanitizer:Race\n...\nobj:condition\n}", "{\nzzz\nThreadSanitizer:Race\nfun:absolutly\n}", ] negative_memcheck_suppressions_1 = [ "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nfun:abnormal\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nfun:ab*liant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nobj:condition\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr8\nfun:brilliant\n}", ] negative_memcheck_suppressions_2 = [ "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Cond\nfun:abnormal\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Value2\nfun:abnormal\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Uninitialized\nfun:ab*liant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Value4\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nobj:condition\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr8\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Unaddressable\nfun:brilliant\n}", ] negative_memcheck_suppressions_3 = [ "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr1\nfun:abnormal\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Uninitialized\nfun:absolutly\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr2\nfun:ab*liant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Value4\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nobj:condition\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr8\nfun:brilliant\n}", ] negative_memcheck_suppressions_4 = [ "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr1\nfun:abnormal\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr4\nfun:abnormal\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Unaddressable\nfun:abnormal\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr1\nfun:absolutly\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr2\nfun:ab*liant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Value4\nfun:brilliant\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nobj:condition\n}", "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Addr8\nfun:brilliant\n}", ] negative_heapcheck_suppressions = [ "{\nzzz\nMemcheck:Leak\nfun:absolutly\n}", "{\nzzz\nHeapcheck:Leak\nfun:brilliant\n}", ] negative_tsan_suppressions = [ "{\nzzz\nThreadSanitizer:Leak\nfun:absolutly\n}", "{\nzzz\nThreadSanitizer:Race\nfun:brilliant\n}", ] TestStack(test_memcheck_stack_1, positive_memcheck_suppressions_1, negative_memcheck_suppressions_1) TestStack(test_memcheck_stack_2, positive_memcheck_suppressions_2, negative_memcheck_suppressions_2) TestStack(test_memcheck_stack_3, positive_memcheck_suppressions_3, negative_memcheck_suppressions_3) TestStack(test_memcheck_stack_4, positive_memcheck_suppressions_4, negative_memcheck_suppressions_4) TestStack(test_heapcheck_stack, positive_heapcheck_suppressions, negative_heapcheck_suppressions) TestStack(test_tsan_stack, positive_tsan_suppressions, negative_tsan_suppressions) # TODO(timurrrr): add TestFailPresubmit tests. ### DrMemory self tests. # http://crbug.com/96010 suppression. stack_96010 = """{ UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS name= *!TestingProfile::FinishInit *!TestingProfile::TestingProfile *!BrowserAboutHandlerTest_WillHandleBrowserAboutURL_Test::TestBody *!testing::Test::Run }""" suppress_96010 = [ "UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS\nname=zzz\n...\n*!testing::Test::Run\n", ("UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS\nname=zzz\n...\n" + "*!BrowserAboutHandlerTest_WillHandleBrowserAboutURL_Test::TestBody\n"), "UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS\nname=zzz\n...\n*!BrowserAboutHandlerTest*\n", "UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS\nname=zzz\n*!TestingProfile::FinishInit\n", # No name should be needed "UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS\n*!TestingProfile::FinishInit\n", # Whole trace ("UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS\n" + "*!TestingProfile::FinishInit\n" + "*!TestingProfile::TestingProfile\n" + "*!BrowserAboutHandlerTest_WillHandleBrowserAboutURL_Test::TestBody\n" + "*!testing::Test::Run\n"), ] negative_96010 = [ # Wrong type "UNINITIALIZED READ\nname=zzz\n*!TestingProfile::FinishInit\n", # No ellipsis "UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS\nname=zzz\n*!BrowserAboutHandlerTest*\n", ] TestStack(stack_96010, suppress_96010, negative_96010, suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) # Invalid heap arg stack_invalid = """{ INVALID HEAP ARGUMENT name=asdf *!foo }""" suppress_invalid = [ "INVALID HEAP ARGUMENT\n*!foo\n", ] negative_invalid = [ "UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS\n*!foo\n", ] TestStack(stack_invalid, suppress_invalid, negative_invalid, suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) # Suppress only ntdll stack_in_ntdll = """{ UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS name= ntdll.dll!RtlTryEnterCriticalSection }""" stack_not_ntdll = """{ UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS name= notntdll.dll!RtlTryEnterCriticalSection }""" suppress_in_ntdll = [ "UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS\nntdll.dll!RtlTryEnterCriticalSection\n", ] suppress_in_any = [ "UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS\n*!RtlTryEnterCriticalSection\n", ] TestStack(stack_in_ntdll, suppress_in_ntdll + suppress_in_any, [], suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) # Make sure we don't wildcard away the "not" part and match ntdll.dll by # accident. TestStack(stack_not_ntdll, suppress_in_any, suppress_in_ntdll, suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) # Suppress a POSSIBLE LEAK with LEAK. stack_foo_possible = """{ POSSIBLE LEAK name=foo possible *!foo }""" suppress_foo_possible = [ "POSSIBLE LEAK\n*!foo\n" ] suppress_foo_leak = [ "LEAK\n*!foo\n" ] TestStack(stack_foo_possible, suppress_foo_possible + suppress_foo_leak, [], suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) # Don't suppress LEAK with POSSIBLE LEAK. stack_foo_leak = """{ LEAK name=foo leak *!foo }""" TestStack(stack_foo_leak, suppress_foo_leak, suppress_foo_possible, suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) # Test that the presubmit checks work. forgot_to_name = """ UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS name= ntdll.dll!RtlTryEnterCriticalSection """ TestFailPresubmit(forgot_to_name, 'forgotten to put a suppression', suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) named_twice = """ UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS name=http://crbug.com/1234 *!foo UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS name=http://crbug.com/1234 *!bar """ TestFailPresubmit(named_twice, 'defined more than once', suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) forgot_stack = """ UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS name=http://crbug.com/1234 """ TestFailPresubmit(forgot_stack, 'has no stack frames', suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) ends_in_ellipsis = """ UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS name=http://crbug.com/1234 ntdll.dll!RtlTryEnterCriticalSection ... """ TestFailPresubmit(ends_in_ellipsis, 'ends in an ellipsis', suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) bad_stack_frame = """ UNADDRESSABLE ACCESS name=http://crbug.com/1234 fun:memcheck_style_frame """ TestFailPresubmit(bad_stack_frame, 'Unexpected stack frame pattern', suppression_parser=ReadDrMemorySuppressions) # Test FilenameToTool. filenames_to_tools = { "tools/heapcheck/suppressions.txt": "heapcheck", "tools/valgrind/tsan/suppressions.txt": "tsan", "tools/valgrind/drmemory/suppressions.txt": "drmemory", "tools/valgrind/drmemory/suppressions_full.txt": "drmemory", "tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions.txt": "memcheck", "tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions_mac.txt": "memcheck", "asdf/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions_mac.txt": "memcheck", "foo/bar/baz/tools/valgrind/memcheck/suppressions_mac.txt": "memcheck", "foo/bar/baz/tools/valgrind/suppressions.txt": None, "tools/valgrind/suppressions.txt": None, } for (filename, expected_tool) in filenames_to_tools.items(): filename.replace('/', os.sep) # Make the path look native. tool = FilenameToTool(filename) assert tool == expected_tool, ( "failed to get expected tool for filename %r, expected %s, got %s" % (filename, expected_tool, tool)) # Test ValgrindStyleSuppression.__str__. supp = ValgrindStyleSuppression("http://crbug.com/1234", "Memcheck:Leak", ["...", "fun:foo"], "supp.txt:1") # Intentional 3-space indent. =/ supp_str = ("{\n" " http://crbug.com/1234\n" " Memcheck:Leak\n" " ...\n" " fun:foo\n" "}\n") assert str(supp) == supp_str, ( "str(supp) != supp_str:\nleft: %s\nright: %s" % (str(supp), supp_str)) # Test DrMemorySuppression.__str__. supp = DrMemorySuppression( "http://crbug.com/1234", "LEAK", None, ["...", "*!foo"], "supp.txt:1") supp_str = ("LEAK\n" "name=http://crbug.com/1234\n" "...\n" "*!foo\n") assert str(supp) == supp_str, ( "str(supp) != supp_str:\nleft: %s\nright: %s" % (str(supp), supp_str)) supp = DrMemorySuppression( "http://crbug.com/1234", "UNINITIALIZED READ", "test 0x08(%eax) $0x01", ["ntdll.dll!*", "*!foo"], "supp.txt:1") supp_str = ("UNINITIALIZED READ\n" "name=http://crbug.com/1234\n" "instruction=test 0x08(%eax) $0x01\n" "ntdll.dll!*\n" "*!foo\n") assert str(supp) == supp_str, ( "str(supp) != supp_str:\nleft: %s\nright: %s" % (str(supp), supp_str)) if __name__ == '__main__': SelfTest() print 'PASS'