ECHO OFF REM Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. REM Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be REM found in the LICENSE file. REM Copies an installer and symbols from a build directory on a network share REM into the directory \[out|build]\[Debug|Release] on the current drive. REM REM Usage: REM \\build.share\\src\tools\win\copy-installer.bat REM REM By default, the script will copy the Debug build in the tree, falling back REM to the Release build if one is not found. Similarly, the ninja output REM directory is preferred over the devenv output directory. Specify REM "out|build" and/or "Debug|Release" (case matters) on the command line in REM any order to influence selection. The defaults for location and build type REM can also be overridden in a given build tree by creating a REM "copy-installer.cfg" file alongside the .gclient file that sets the OUTPUT REM and/or BUILDTYPE variables. REM REM Install Robocopy for superior performance on Windows XP if desired (it is REM present by default on Vista+). SETLOCAL REM Get the path to the build tree's src directory. CALL :_canonicalize "%~dp0..\.." SET FROM=%RET% REM Read local configuration (set OUTPUT and BUILDTYPE there). IF EXIST "%FROM%\..\copy-installer.cfg" CALL "%FROM%\..\copy-installer.cfg" REM Read OUTPUT and/or BUILDTYPE from command line. FOR %%a IN (%1 %2) do ( IF "%%a"=="out" SET OUTPUT=out IF "%%a"=="build" SET OUTPUT=build IF "%%a"=="Debug" SET BUILDTYPE=Debug IF "%%a"=="Release" SET BUILDTYPE=Release ) CALL :_find_build IF "%OUTPUT%%BUILDTYPE%"=="" ( ECHO No build found to copy. EXIT 1 ) SET FROM=%FROM%\%OUTPUT%\%BUILDTYPE% SET TO=\%OUTPUT%\%BUILDTYPE% REM Figure out what files to copy based on the component type (shared/static). IF EXIST "%FROM%\base.dll" ( SET TOCOPY=*.pdb setup.exe setup.exe.manifest chrome.packed.7z *.dll SET INSTALLER=setup.exe ) ELSE ( SET TOCOPY=*.pdb mini_installer.exe SET INSTALLER=mini_installer.exe ) CALL :_copyfiles REM incremental_chrome_dll=1 puts chrome_dll.pdb into the "initial" dir. IF EXIST "%FROM%\initial" ( SET FROM=%FROM%\initial SET TOCOPY=*.pdb CALL :_copyfiles ) ECHO Ready to run/debug %TO%\%INSTALLER%. GOTO :EOF REM All labels henceforth are subroutines intended to be invoked by CALL. REM Canonicalize the first argument, returning it in RET. :_canonicalize SET RET=%~f1 GOTO :EOF REM Search for a mini_installer.exe in the candidate build outputs. :_find_build IF "%OUTPUT%"=="" ( SET OUTPUTS=out build ) ELSE ( SET OUTPUTS=%OUTPUT% SET OUTPUT= ) IF "%BUILDTYPE%"=="" ( SET BUILDTYPES=Debug Release ) ELSE ( SET BUILDTYPES=%BUILDTYPE% SET BUILDTYPE= ) FOR %%o IN (%OUTPUTS%) DO ( FOR %%f IN (%BUILDTYPES%) DO ( IF EXIST "%FROM%\%%o\%%f\mini_installer.exe" ( SET OUTPUT=%%o SET BUILDTYPE=%%f GOTO :EOF ) ) ) GOTO :EOF REM Branch to handle copying via robocopy (fast) or xcopy (slow). :_copyfiles robocopy /? 1> nul 2> nul IF NOT "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="9009" ( robocopy "%FROM%" "%TO%" %TOCOPY% /J /MT /XX ) ELSE ( IF NOT EXIST "%TO%" mkdir "%TO%" call :_xcopy_hack %TOCOPY% ) GOTO :EOF REM We can't use a loop since we have wildcards, so we make a call REM to this with the files to copy. :_xcopy_hack SHIFT IF "%0"=="" GOTO :EOF xcopy "%FROM%\%0" "%TO%" /d /y GOTO _xcopy_hack