#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright (c) 2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """ Commandline modification of Xcode project files """ import sys import os import optparse import re import tempfile import random import subprocess random.seed() # Seed the generator # All known project build path source tree path reference types PBX_VALID_SOURCE_TREE_TYPES = ('"<group>"', 'SOURCE_ROOT', '"<absolute>"', 'BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR', 'DEVELOPER_DIR', 'SDKROOT', 'CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR') # Paths with some characters appear quoted QUOTE_PATH_RE = re.compile('\s|-|\+') # Supported Xcode file types EXTENSION_TO_XCODE_FILETYPE = { '.h' : 'sourcecode.c.h', '.c' : 'sourcecode.c.c', '.cpp' : 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp', '.cc' : 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp', '.cxx' : 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp', '.m' : 'sourcecode.c.objc', '.mm' : 'sourcecode.c.objcpp', } # File types that can be added to a Sources phase SOURCES_XCODE_FILETYPES = ( 'sourcecode.c.c', 'sourcecode.cpp.cpp', 'sourcecode.c.objc', 'sourcecode.c.objcpp' ) # Avoid inserting source files into these common Xcode group names. Because # Xcode allows any names for these groups this list cannot be authoritative, # but these are common names in the Xcode templates. NON_SOURCE_GROUP_NAMES = ( 'Frameworks', 'Resources', 'Products', 'Derived Sources', 'Configurations', 'Documentation', 'Frameworks and Libraries', 'External Frameworks and Libraries', 'Libraries' ) def NewUUID(): """Create a new random Xcode UUID""" __pychecker__ = 'unusednames=i' elements = [] for i in range(24): elements.append(hex(random.randint(0, 15))[-1].upper()) return ''.join(elements) def CygwinPathClean(path): """Folks use Cygwin shells with standard Win32 Python which can't handle Cygwin paths. Run everything through cygpath if we can (conveniently cygpath does the right thing with normal Win32 paths). """ # Look for Unix-like path with Win32 Python if sys.platform == 'win32' and path.startswith('/'): cygproc = subprocess.Popen(('cygpath', '-a', '-w', path), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout_content, stderr_content) = cygproc.communicate() return stdout_content.rstrip() # Convert all paths to cygpaths if we're using cygwin python if sys.platform == 'cygwin': cygproc = subprocess.Popen(('cygpath', '-a', '-u', path), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (stdout_content, stderr_content) = cygproc.communicate() return stdout_content.rstrip() # Fallthrough for all other cases return path class XcodeProject(object): """Class for reading/writing Xcode project files. This is not a general parser or representation. It is restricted to just the Xcode internal objects we need. Args: path: Absolute path to Xcode project file (including project.pbxproj filename) Attributes: path: Full path to the project.pbxproj file name: Project name (wrapper directory basename without extension) source_root_path: Absolute path for Xcode's SOURCE_ROOT """ EXPECTED_PROJECT_HEADER_RE = re.compile( r'^// !\$\*UTF8\*\$!\n' \ '\{\n' \ '\tarchiveVersion = 1;\n' \ '\tclasses = \{\n' \ '\t\};\n' \ '\tobjectVersion = \d+;\n' \ '\tobjects = \{\n' \ '\n') SECTION_BEGIN_RE = re.compile(r'^/\* Begin (.*) section \*/\n$') SECTION_END_RE = re.compile(r'^/\* End (.*) section \*/\n$') PROJECT_ROOT_OBJECT_RE = re.compile( r'^\trootObject = ([0-9A-F]{24}) /\* Project object \*/;\n$') def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self.name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)))[0] # Load project. Ideally we would use plistlib, but sadly that only reads # XML plists. A real parser with pyparsing # (http://pyparsing.wikispaces.com/) might be another option, but for now # we'll do the simple (?!?) thing. project_fh = open(self.path, 'rU') self._raw_content = project_fh.readlines() project_fh.close() # Store and check header if len(self._raw_content) < 8: print >> sys.stderr, ''.join(self._raw_content) raise RuntimeError('XcodeProject file "%s" too short' % path) self._header = tuple(self._raw_content[:8]) if not self.__class__.EXPECTED_PROJECT_HEADER_RE.match(''.join(self._header)): print >> sys.stderr, ''.join(self._header) raise RuntimeError('XcodeProject file "%s" wrong header' % path) # Find and store tail (some projects have additional whitespace at end) self._tail = [] for tail_line in reversed(self._raw_content): self._tail.insert(0, tail_line) if tail_line == '\t};\n': break # Ugly ugly project parsing, turn each commented section into a separate # set of objects. For types we don't have a custom representation for, # store the raw lines. self._section_order = [] self._sections = {} parse_line_no = len(self._header) while parse_line_no < (len(self._raw_content) - len(self._tail)): section_header_match = self.__class__.SECTION_BEGIN_RE.match( self._raw_content[parse_line_no]) # Loop to next section header if not section_header_match: parse_line_no += 1 continue section = section_header_match.group(1) self._section_order.append(section) self._sections[section] = [] # Advance to first line of the section parse_line_no += 1 # Read in the section, using custom classes where we need them section_end_match = self.__class__.SECTION_END_RE.match( self._raw_content[parse_line_no]) while not section_end_match: # Unhandled lines content = self._raw_content[parse_line_no] # Sections we can parse line-by-line if section in ('PBXBuildFile', 'PBXFileReference'): content = eval('%s.FromContent(content)' % section) # Multiline sections elif section in ('PBXGroup', 'PBXVariantGroup', 'PBXProject', 'PBXNativeTarget', 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase'): # Accumulate lines content_lines = [] while 1: content_lines.append(content) if content == '\t\t};\n': break parse_line_no += 1 content = self._raw_content[parse_line_no] content = eval('%s.FromContent(content_lines)' % section) self._sections[section].append(content) parse_line_no += 1 section_end_match = self.__class__.SECTION_END_RE.match( self._raw_content[parse_line_no]) # Validate section end if section_header_match.group(1) != section: raise RuntimeError( 'XcodeProject parse, section "%s" ended inside section "%s"' % (section_end_match.group(1), section)) # Back around parse loop # Sanity overall group structure if (not self._sections.has_key('PBXProject') or len(self._sections['PBXProject']) != 1): raise RuntimeError('PBXProject section insane') root_obj_parsed = self.__class__.PROJECT_ROOT_OBJECT_RE.match( self._tail[1]) if not root_obj_parsed: raise RuntimeError('XcodeProject unable to parse project root object:\n%s' % self._tail[1]) if root_obj_parsed.group(1) != self._sections['PBXProject'][0].uuid: raise RuntimeError('XcodeProject root object does not match PBXProject') self._root_group_uuid = self._sections['PBXProject'][0].main_group_uuid # Source root self.source_root_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( # Directory that contains the project package os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path)), # Any relative path self._sections['PBXProject'][0].project_root)) # Build the absolute paths of the groups with these helpers def GroupAbsRealPath(*elements): return os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.path.join(*elements))) def GroupPathRecurse(group, parent_path): descend = False if group.source_tree == '"<absolute>"': group.abs_path = GroupAbsRealPath(group.path) descend = True elif group.source_tree == '"<group>"': if group.path: group.abs_path = GroupAbsRealPath(parent_path, group.path) else: group.abs_path = parent_path descend = True elif group.source_tree == 'SOURCE_ROOT': if group.path: group.abs_path = GroupAbsRealPath(self.source_root_path, group.path) else: group.abs_path = GroupAbsRealPath(self.source_root_path) descend = True if descend: for child_uuid in group.child_uuids: # Try a group first found_uuid = False for other_group in self._sections['PBXGroup']: if other_group.uuid == child_uuid: found_uuid = True GroupPathRecurse(other_group, group.abs_path) break if self._sections.has_key('PBXVariantGroup'): for other_group in self._sections['PBXVariantGroup']: if other_group.uuid == child_uuid: found_uuid = True GroupPathRecurse(other_group, group.abs_path) break if not found_uuid: for file_ref in self._sections['PBXFileReference']: if file_ref.uuid == child_uuid: found_uuid = True if file_ref.source_tree == '"<absolute>"': file_ref.abs_path = GroupAbsRealPath(file_ref.path) elif group.source_tree == '"<group>"': file_ref.abs_path = GroupAbsRealPath(group.abs_path, file_ref.path) elif group.source_tree == 'SOURCE_ROOT': file_ref.abs_path = GroupAbsRealPath(self.source_root_path, file_ref.path) break if not found_uuid: raise RuntimeError('XcodeProject group descent failed to find %s' % child_uuid) self._root_group = None for group in self._sections['PBXGroup']: if group.uuid == self._root_group_uuid: self._root_group = group GroupPathRecurse(group, self.source_root_path) if not self._root_group: raise RuntimeError('XcodeProject failed to find root group by UUID') def FileContent(self): """Generate and return the project file content as a list of lines""" content = [] content.extend(self._header[:-1]) for section in self._section_order: content.append('\n/* Begin %s section */\n' % section) for section_content in self._sections[section]: content.append(str(section_content)) content.append('/* End %s section */\n' % section) content.extend(self._tail) return content def Update(self): """Rewrite the project file in place with all updated metadata""" __pychecker__ = 'no-deprecated' # Not concerned with temp_path security here, just needed a unique name temp_path = tempfile.mktemp(dir=os.path.dirname(self.path)) outfile = open(temp_path, 'w') outfile.writelines(self.FileContent()) outfile.close() # Rename is weird on Win32, see the docs, os.unlink(self.path) os.rename(temp_path, self.path) def NativeTargets(self): """Obtain all PBXNativeTarget instances for this project Returns: List of PBXNativeTarget instances """ if self._sections.has_key('PBXNativeTarget'): return self._sections['PBXNativeTarget'] else: return [] def NativeTargetForName(self, name): """Obtain the target with a given name. Args: name: Target name Returns: PBXNativeTarget instance or None """ for target in self.NativeTargets(): if target.name == name: return target return None def FileReferences(self): """Obtain all PBXFileReference instances for this project Returns: List of PBXFileReference instances """ return self._sections['PBXFileReference'] def SourcesBuildPhaseForTarget(self, target): """Obtain the PBXSourcesBuildPhase instance for a target. Xcode allows only one PBXSourcesBuildPhase per target and each target has a unique PBXSourcesBuildPhase. Args: target: PBXNativeTarget instance Returns: PBXSourcesBuildPhase instance """ sources_uuid = None for i in range(len(target.build_phase_names)): if target.build_phase_names[i] == 'Sources': sources_uuid = target.build_phase_uuids[i] break if not sources_uuid: raise RuntimeError('Missing PBXSourcesBuildPhase for target "%s"' % target.name) for sources_phase in self._sections['PBXSourcesBuildPhase']: if sources_phase.uuid == sources_uuid: return sources_phase raise RuntimeError('Missing PBXSourcesBuildPhase for UUID "%s"' % sources_uuid) def BuildFileForUUID(self, uuid): """Look up a PBXBuildFile by UUID Args: uuid: UUID of the PBXBuildFile to find Raises: RuntimeError if no PBXBuildFile exists for |uuid| Returns: PBXBuildFile instance """ for build_file in self._sections['PBXBuildFile']: if build_file.uuid == uuid: return build_file raise RuntimeError('Missing PBXBuildFile for UUID "%s"' % uuid) def FileReferenceForUUID(self, uuid): """Look up a PBXFileReference by UUID Args: uuid: UUID of the PBXFileReference to find Raises: RuntimeError if no PBXFileReference exists for |uuid| Returns: PBXFileReference instance """ for file_ref in self._sections['PBXFileReference']: if file_ref.uuid == uuid: return file_ref raise RuntimeError('Missing PBXFileReference for UUID "%s"' % uuid) def RemoveSourceFileReference(self, file_ref): """Remove a source file's PBXFileReference from the project, cleaning up all PBXGroup and PBXBuildFile references to that PBXFileReference and furthermore, removing any PBXBuildFiles from all PBXNativeTarget source lists. Args: file_ref: PBXFileReference instance Raises: RuntimeError if |file_ref| is not a source file reference in PBXBuildFile """ self._sections['PBXFileReference'].remove(file_ref) # Clean up build files removed_build_files = [] for build_file in self._sections['PBXBuildFile']: if build_file.file_ref_uuid == file_ref.uuid: if build_file.type != 'Sources': raise RuntimeError('Removing PBXBuildFile not of "Sources" type') removed_build_files.append(build_file) removed_build_file_uuids = [] for build_file in removed_build_files: removed_build_file_uuids.append(build_file.uuid) self._sections['PBXBuildFile'].remove(build_file) # Clean up source references to the removed build files for source_phase in self._sections['PBXSourcesBuildPhase']: removal_indexes = [] for i in range(len(source_phase.file_uuids)): if source_phase.file_uuids[i] in removed_build_file_uuids: removal_indexes.append(i) for removal_index in removal_indexes: del source_phase.file_uuids[removal_index] del source_phase.file_names[removal_index] # Clean up group references for group in self._sections['PBXGroup']: removal_indexes = [] for i in range(len(group.child_uuids)): if group.child_uuids[i] == file_ref.uuid: removal_indexes.append(i) for removal_index in removal_indexes: del group.child_uuids[removal_index] del group.child_names[removal_index] def RelativeSourceRootPath(self, abs_path): """Convert a path to one relative to the project's SOURCE_ROOT if possible. Generally this follows Xcode semantics, that is, a path is only converted if it is a subpath of SOURCE_ROOT. Args: abs_path: Absolute path to convert Returns: String SOURCE_ROOT relative path if possible or None if not relative to SOURCE_ROOT. """ if abs_path.startswith(self.source_root_path + os.path.sep): return abs_path[len(self.source_root_path + os.path.sep):] else: # Try to construct a relative path (bodged from ActiveState recipe # 302594 since we can't assume Python 2.5 with os.path.relpath() source_root_parts = self.source_root_path.split(os.path.sep) target_parts = abs_path.split(os.path.sep) # Guard against drive changes on Win32 and cygwin if sys.platform == 'win32' and source_root_parts[0] <> target_parts[0]: return None if sys.platform == 'cygwin' and source_root_parts[2] <> target_parts[2]: return None for i in range(min(len(source_root_parts), len(target_parts))): if source_root_parts[i] <> target_parts[i]: break else: i += 1 rel_parts = [os.path.pardir] * (len(source_root_parts) - i) rel_parts.extend(target_parts[i:]) return os.path.join(*rel_parts) def RelativeGroupPath(self, abs_path): """Convert a path to a group-relative path if possible Args: abs_path: Absolute path to convert Returns: Parent PBXGroup instance if possible or None """ needed_path = os.path.dirname(abs_path) possible_groups = [ g for g in self._sections['PBXGroup'] if g.abs_path == needed_path and not g.name in NON_SOURCE_GROUP_NAMES ] if len(possible_groups) < 1: return None elif len(possible_groups) == 1: return possible_groups[0] # Multiple groups match, try to find the best using some simple # heuristics. Does only one group contain source? groups_with_source = [] for group in possible_groups: for child_uuid in group.child_uuids: try: self.FileReferenceForUUID(child_uuid) except RuntimeError: pass else: groups_with_source.append(group) break if len(groups_with_source) == 1: return groups_with_source[0] # Is only one _not_ the root group? non_root_groups = [ g for g in possible_groups if g is not self._root_group ] if len(non_root_groups) == 1: return non_root_groups[0] # Best guess if len(non_root_groups): return non_root_groups[0] elif len(groups_with_source): return groups_with_source[0] else: return possible_groups[0] def AddSourceFile(self, path): """Add a source file to the project, attempting to position it in the GUI group heirarchy reasonably. NOTE: Adding a source file does not add it to any targets Args: path: Absolute path to the file to add Returns: PBXFileReference instance for the newly added source. """ # Guess at file type root, extension = os.path.splitext(path) if EXTENSION_TO_XCODE_FILETYPE.has_key(extension): source_type = EXTENSION_TO_XCODE_FILETYPE[extension] else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown source file extension "%s"' % extension) # Is group-relative possible for an existing group? parent_group = self.RelativeGroupPath(os.path.abspath(path)) if parent_group: new_file_ref = PBXFileReference(NewUUID(), os.path.basename(path), source_type, None, os.path.basename(path), '"<group>"', None) # Chrome tries to keep its lists name sorted, try to match i = 0 while i < len(parent_group.child_uuids): # Only files are sorted, they keep groups at the top try: self.FileReferenceForUUID(parent_group.child_uuids[i]) if new_file_ref.name.lower() < parent_group.child_names[i].lower(): break except RuntimeError: pass # Must be a child group i += 1 parent_group.child_names.insert(i, new_file_ref.name) parent_group.child_uuids.insert(i, new_file_ref.uuid) self._sections['PBXFileReference'].append(new_file_ref) return new_file_ref # Group-relative failed, how about SOURCE_ROOT relative in the main group src_rel_path = self.RelativeSourceRootPath(os.path.abspath(path)) if src_rel_path: src_rel_path = src_rel_path.replace('\\', '/') # Convert to Unix new_file_ref = PBXFileReference(NewUUID(), os.path.basename(path), source_type, None, src_rel_path, 'SOURCE_ROOT', None) self._root_group.child_uuids.append(new_file_ref.uuid) self._root_group.child_names.append(new_file_ref.name) self._sections['PBXFileReference'].append(new_file_ref) return new_file_ref # Win to Unix absolute paths probably not practical raise RuntimeError('Could not construct group or source PBXFileReference ' 'for path "%s"' % path) def AddSourceFileToSourcesBuildPhase(self, source_ref, source_phase): """Add a PBXFileReference to a PBXSourcesBuildPhase, creating a new PBXBuildFile as needed. Args: source_ref: PBXFileReference instance appropriate for use in PBXSourcesBuildPhase source_phase: PBXSourcesBuildPhase instance """ # Prevent duplication for source_uuid in source_phase.file_uuids: build_file = self.BuildFileForUUID(source_uuid) if build_file.file_ref_uuid == source_ref.uuid: return # Create PBXBuildFile new_build_file = PBXBuildFile(NewUUID(), source_ref.name, 'Sources', source_ref.uuid, '') self._sections['PBXBuildFile'].append(new_build_file) # Add to sources phase list (name sorted) i = 0 while i < len(source_phase.file_names): if source_ref.name.lower() < source_phase.file_names[i].lower(): break i += 1 source_phase.file_names.insert(i, new_build_file.name) source_phase.file_uuids.insert(i, new_build_file.uuid) class PBXProject(object): """Class for PBXProject data section of an Xcode project file. Attributes: uuid: Project UUID main_group_uuid: UUID of the top-level PBXGroup project_root: Relative path from project file wrapper to source_root_path """ PBXPROJECT_HEADER_RE = re.compile( r'^\t\t([0-9A-F]{24}) /\* Project object \*/ = {\n$') PBXPROJECT_MAIN_GROUP_RE = re.compile( r'^\t\t\tmainGroup = ([0-9A-F]{24})(?: /\* .* \*/)?;\n$') PBXPROJECT_ROOT_RE = re.compile( r'^\t\t\tprojectRoot = (.*);\n$') @classmethod def FromContent(klass, content_lines): header_parsed = klass.PBXPROJECT_HEADER_RE.match(content_lines[0]) if not header_parsed: raise RuntimeError('PBXProject unable to parse header content:\n%s' % content_lines[0]) main_group_uuid = None project_root = '' for content_line in content_lines: group_parsed = klass.PBXPROJECT_MAIN_GROUP_RE.match(content_line) if group_parsed: main_group_uuid = group_parsed.group(1) root_parsed = klass.PBXPROJECT_ROOT_RE.match(content_line) if root_parsed: project_root = root_parsed.group(1) if project_root.startswith('"'): project_root = project_root[1:-1] if not main_group_uuid: raise RuntimeError('PBXProject missing main group') return klass(content_lines, header_parsed.group(1), main_group_uuid, project_root) def __init__(self, raw_lines, uuid, main_group_uuid, project_root): self.uuid = uuid self._raw_lines = raw_lines self.main_group_uuid = main_group_uuid self.project_root = project_root def __str__(self): return ''.join(self._raw_lines) class PBXBuildFile(object): """Class for PBXBuildFile data from an Xcode project file. Attributes: uuid: UUID for this instance name: Basename of the build file type: 'Sources' or 'Frameworks' file_ref_uuid: UUID of the PBXFileReference for this file """ PBXBUILDFILE_LINE_RE = re.compile( r'^\t\t([0-9A-F]{24}) /\* (.+) in (.+) \*/ = ' '{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = ([0-9A-F]{24}) /\* (.+) \*/; (.*)};\n$') @classmethod def FromContent(klass, content_line): parsed = klass.PBXBUILDFILE_LINE_RE.match(content_line) if not parsed: raise RuntimeError('PBXBuildFile unable to parse content:\n%s' % content_line) if parsed.group(2) != parsed.group(5): raise RuntimeError('PBXBuildFile name mismatch "%s" vs "%s"' % (parsed.group(2), parsed.group(5))) if not parsed.group(3) in ('Sources', 'Frameworks', 'Resources', 'CopyFiles', 'Headers', 'Copy Into Framework', 'Rez', 'Copy Generated Headers'): raise RuntimeError('PBXBuildFile unknown type "%s"' % parsed.group(3)) return klass(parsed.group(1), parsed.group(2), parsed.group(3), parsed.group(4), parsed.group(6)) def __init__(self, uuid, name, type, file_ref_uuid, raw_extras): self.uuid = uuid self.name = name self.type = type self.file_ref_uuid = file_ref_uuid self._raw_extras = raw_extras def __str__(self): return '\t\t%s /* %s in %s */ = ' \ '{isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = %s /* %s */; %s};\n' % ( self.uuid, self.name, self.type, self.file_ref_uuid, self.name, self._raw_extras) class PBXFileReference(object): """Class for PBXFileReference data from an Xcode project file. Attributes: uuid: UUID for this instance name: Basename of the file file_type: current active file type (explicit or assumed) path: source_tree relative path (or absolute if source_tree is absolute) source_tree: Source tree type (see PBX_VALID_SOURCE_TREE_TYPES) abs_path: Absolute path to the file """ PBXFILEREFERENCE_HEADER_RE = re.compile( r'^\t\t([0-9A-F]{24}) /\* (.+) \*/ = {isa = PBXFileReference; ') PBXFILEREFERENCE_FILETYPE_RE = re.compile( r' (lastKnownFileType|explicitFileType) = ([^\;]+); ') PBXFILEREFERENCE_PATH_RE = re.compile(r' path = ([^\;]+); ') PBXFILEREFERENCE_SOURCETREE_RE = re.compile(r' sourceTree = ([^\;]+); ') @classmethod def FromContent(klass, content_line): header_parsed = klass.PBXFILEREFERENCE_HEADER_RE.match(content_line) if not header_parsed: raise RuntimeError('PBXFileReference unable to parse header content:\n%s' % content_line) type_parsed = klass.PBXFILEREFERENCE_FILETYPE_RE.search(content_line) if not type_parsed: raise RuntimeError('PBXFileReference unable to parse type content:\n%s' % content_line) if type_parsed.group(1) == 'lastKnownFileType': last_known_type = type_parsed.group(2) explicit_type = None else: last_known_type = None explicit_type = type_parsed.group(2) path_parsed = klass.PBXFILEREFERENCE_PATH_RE.search(content_line) if not path_parsed: raise RuntimeError('PBXFileReference unable to parse path content:\n%s' % content_line) tree_parsed = klass.PBXFILEREFERENCE_SOURCETREE_RE.search(content_line) if not tree_parsed: raise RuntimeError( 'PBXFileReference unable to parse source tree content:\n%s' % content_line) return klass(header_parsed.group(1), header_parsed.group(2), last_known_type, explicit_type, path_parsed.group(1), tree_parsed.group(1), content_line) def __init__(self, uuid, name, last_known_file_type, explicit_file_type, path, source_tree, raw_line): self.uuid = uuid self.name = name self._last_known_file_type = last_known_file_type self._explicit_file_type = explicit_file_type if explicit_file_type: self.file_type = explicit_file_type else: self.file_type = last_known_file_type self.path = path self.source_tree = source_tree self.abs_path = None self._raw_line = raw_line def __str__(self): # Raw available? if self._raw_line: return self._raw_line # Construct our own if self._last_known_file_type: print_file_type = 'lastKnownFileType = %s; ' % self._last_known_file_type elif self._explicit_file_type: print_file_type = 'explicitFileType = %s; ' % self._explicit_file_type else: raise RuntimeError('No known file type for stringification') name_attribute = '' if self.name != self.path: name_attribute = 'name = %s; ' % self.name print_path = self.path if QUOTE_PATH_RE.search(print_path): print_path = '"%s"' % print_path return '\t\t%s /* %s */ = ' \ '{isa = PBXFileReference; ' \ 'fileEncoding = 4; ' \ '%s' \ '%s' \ 'path = %s; sourceTree = %s; };\n' % ( self.uuid, self.name, print_file_type, name_attribute, print_path, self.source_tree) class PBXGroup(object): """Class for PBXGroup data from an Xcode project file. Attributes: uuid: UUID for this instance name: Group (folder) name path: source_tree relative path (or absolute if source_tree is absolute) source_tree: Source tree type (see PBX_VALID_SOURCE_TREE_TYPES) abs_path: Absolute path to the group child_uuids: Ordered list of PBXFileReference UUIDs child_names: Ordered list of PBXFileReference names """ PBXGROUP_HEADER_RE = re.compile(r'^\t\t([0-9A-F]{24}) (?:/\* .* \*/ )?= {\n$') PBXGROUP_FIELD_RE = re.compile(r'^\t\t\t(.*) = (.*);\n$') PBXGROUP_CHILD_RE = re.compile(r'^\t\t\t\t([0-9A-F]{24}) /\* (.*) \*/,\n$') @classmethod def FromContent(klass, content_lines): # Header line header_parsed = klass.PBXGROUP_HEADER_RE.match(content_lines[0]) if not header_parsed: raise RuntimeError('PBXGroup unable to parse header content:\n%s' % content_lines[0]) name = None path = '' source_tree = None tab_width = None uses_tabs = None indent_width = None child_uuids = [] child_names = [] # Parse line by line content_line_no = 0 while 1: content_line_no += 1 content_line = content_lines[content_line_no] if content_line == '\t\t};\n': break if content_line == '\t\t\tisa = PBXGroup;\n': continue if content_line == '\t\t\tisa = PBXVariantGroup;\n': continue # Child groups if content_line == '\t\t\tchildren = (\n': content_line_no += 1 content_line = content_lines[content_line_no] while content_line != '\t\t\t);\n': child_parsed = klass.PBXGROUP_CHILD_RE.match(content_line) if not child_parsed: raise RuntimeError('PBXGroup unable to parse child content:\n%s' % content_line) child_uuids.append(child_parsed.group(1)) child_names.append(child_parsed.group(2)) content_line_no += 1 content_line = content_lines[content_line_no] continue # Back to top of loop on end of children # Other fields field_parsed = klass.PBXGROUP_FIELD_RE.match(content_line) if not field_parsed: raise RuntimeError('PBXGroup unable to parse field content:\n%s' % content_line) if field_parsed.group(1) == 'name': name = field_parsed.group(2) elif field_parsed.group(1) == 'path': path = field_parsed.group(2) elif field_parsed.group(1) == 'sourceTree': if not field_parsed.group(2) in PBX_VALID_SOURCE_TREE_TYPES: raise RuntimeError('PBXGroup unknown source tree type "%s"' % field_parsed.group(2)) source_tree = field_parsed.group(2) elif field_parsed.group(1) == 'tabWidth': tab_width = field_parsed.group(2) elif field_parsed.group(1) == 'usesTabs': uses_tabs = field_parsed.group(2) elif field_parsed.group(1) == 'indentWidth': indent_width = field_parsed.group(2) else: raise RuntimeError('PBXGroup unknown field "%s"' % field_parsed.group(1)) if path and path.startswith('"'): path = path[1:-1] if name and name.startswith('"'): name = name[1:-1] return klass(header_parsed.group(1), name, path, source_tree, child_uuids, child_names, tab_width, uses_tabs, indent_width) def __init__(self, uuid, name, path, source_tree, child_uuids, child_names, tab_width, uses_tabs, indent_width): self.uuid = uuid self.name = name self.path = path self.source_tree = source_tree self.child_uuids = child_uuids self.child_names = child_names self.abs_path = None # Semantically I'm not sure these aren't an error, but they # appear in some projects self._tab_width = tab_width self._uses_tabs = uses_tabs self._indent_width = indent_width def __str__(self): if self.name: header_comment = '/* %s */ ' % self.name elif self.path: header_comment = '/* %s */ ' % self.path else: header_comment = '' if self.name: if QUOTE_PATH_RE.search(self.name): name_attribute = '\t\t\tname = "%s";\n' % self.name else: name_attribute = '\t\t\tname = %s;\n' % self.name else: name_attribute = '' if self.path: if QUOTE_PATH_RE.search(self.path): path_attribute = '\t\t\tpath = "%s";\n' % self.path else: path_attribute = '\t\t\tpath = %s;\n' % self.path else: path_attribute = '' child_lines = [] for x in range(len(self.child_uuids)): child_lines.append('\t\t\t\t%s /* %s */,\n' % (self.child_uuids[x], self.child_names[x])) children = ''.join(child_lines) tab_width_attribute = '' if self._tab_width: tab_width_attribute = '\t\t\ttabWidth = %s;\n' % self._tab_width uses_tabs_attribute = '' if self._uses_tabs: uses_tabs_attribute = '\t\t\tusesTabs = %s;\n' % self._uses_tabs indent_width_attribute = '' if self._indent_width: indent_width_attribute = '\t\t\tindentWidth = %s;\n' % self._indent_width return '\t\t%s %s= {\n' \ '\t\t\tisa = %s;\n' \ '\t\t\tchildren = (\n' \ '%s' \ '\t\t\t);\n' \ '%s' \ '%s' \ '%s' \ '\t\t\tsourceTree = %s;\n' \ '%s' \ '%s' \ '\t\t};\n' % ( self.uuid, header_comment, self.__class__.__name__, children, indent_width_attribute, name_attribute, path_attribute, self.source_tree, tab_width_attribute, uses_tabs_attribute) class PBXVariantGroup(PBXGroup): pass class PBXNativeTarget(object): """Class for PBXNativeTarget data from an Xcode project file. Attributes: name: Target name build_phase_uuids: Ordered list of build phase UUIDs build_phase_names: Ordered list of build phase names NOTE: We do not have wrapper classes for all build phase data types! """ PBXNATIVETARGET_HEADER_RE = re.compile( r'^\t\t([0-9A-F]{24}) /\* (.*) \*/ = {\n$') PBXNATIVETARGET_BUILD_PHASE_RE = re.compile( r'^\t\t\t\t([0-9A-F]{24}) /\* (.*) \*/,\n$') @classmethod def FromContent(klass, content_lines): header_parsed = klass.PBXNATIVETARGET_HEADER_RE.match(content_lines[0]) if not header_parsed: raise RuntimeError('PBXNativeTarget unable to parse header content:\n%s' % content_lines[0]) build_phase_uuids = [] build_phase_names = [] content_line_no = 0 while 1: content_line_no += 1 content_line = content_lines[content_line_no] if content_line == '\t\t};\n': break if content_line == '\t\t\tisa = PBXNativeTarget;\n': continue # Build phases groups if content_line == '\t\t\tbuildPhases = (\n': content_line_no += 1 content_line = content_lines[content_line_no] while content_line != '\t\t\t);\n': phase_parsed = klass.PBXNATIVETARGET_BUILD_PHASE_RE.match( content_line) if not phase_parsed: raise RuntimeError( 'PBXNativeTarget unable to parse build phase content:\n%s' % content_line) build_phase_uuids.append(phase_parsed.group(1)) build_phase_names.append(phase_parsed.group(2)) content_line_no += 1 content_line = content_lines[content_line_no] break # Don't care about the rest of the content return klass(content_lines, header_parsed.group(2), build_phase_uuids, build_phase_names) def __init__(self, raw_lines, name, build_phase_uuids, build_phase_names): self._raw_lines = raw_lines self.name = name self.build_phase_uuids = build_phase_uuids self.build_phase_names = build_phase_names def __str__(self): return ''.join(self._raw_lines) class PBXSourcesBuildPhase(object): """Class for PBXSourcesBuildPhase data from an Xcode project file. Attributes: uuid: UUID for this instance build_action_mask: Xcode magic mask constant run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing: deployment postprocess flag file_uuids: Ordered list of PBXBuildFile UUIDs file_names: Ordered list of PBXBuildFile names (basename) """ PBXSOURCESBUILDPHASE_HEADER_RE = re.compile( r'^\t\t([0-9A-F]{24}) /\* Sources \*/ = {\n$') PBXSOURCESBUILDPHASE_FIELD_RE = re.compile(r'^\t\t\t(.*) = (.*);\n$') PBXSOURCESBUILDPHASE_FILE_RE = re.compile( r'^\t\t\t\t([0-9A-F]{24}) /\* (.*) in Sources \*/,\n$') @classmethod def FromContent(klass, content_lines): header_parsed = klass.PBXSOURCESBUILDPHASE_HEADER_RE.match(content_lines[0]) if not header_parsed: raise RuntimeError( 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase unable to parse header content:\n%s' % content_lines[0]) # Parse line by line build_action_mask = None run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing = None file_uuids = [] file_names = [] content_line_no = 0 while 1: content_line_no += 1 content_line = content_lines[content_line_no] if content_line == '\t\t};\n': break if content_line == '\t\t\tisa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;\n': continue # Files if content_line == '\t\t\tfiles = (\n': content_line_no += 1 content_line = content_lines[content_line_no] while content_line != '\t\t\t);\n': file_parsed = klass.PBXSOURCESBUILDPHASE_FILE_RE.match(content_line) if not file_parsed: raise RuntimeError( 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase unable to parse file content:\n%s' % content_line) file_uuids.append(file_parsed.group(1)) file_names.append(file_parsed.group(2)) content_line_no += 1 content_line = content_lines[content_line_no] continue # Back to top of loop on end of files list # Other fields field_parsed = klass.PBXSOURCESBUILDPHASE_FIELD_RE.match(content_line) if not field_parsed: raise RuntimeError( 'PBXSourcesBuildPhase unable to parse field content:\n%s' % content_line) if field_parsed.group(1) == 'buildActionMask': build_action_mask = field_parsed.group(2) elif field_parsed.group(1) == 'runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing': run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing = field_parsed.group(2) else: raise RuntimeError('PBXSourcesBuildPhase unknown field "%s"' % field_parsed.group(1)) return klass(header_parsed.group(1), build_action_mask, run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing, file_uuids, file_names) def __init__(self, uuid, build_action_mask, run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing, file_uuids, file_names): self.uuid = uuid self.build_action_mask = build_action_mask self.run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing = \ run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing self.file_uuids = file_uuids self.file_names = file_names def __str__(self): file_lines = [] for x in range(len(self.file_uuids)): file_lines.append('\t\t\t\t%s /* %s in Sources */,\n' % (self.file_uuids[x], self.file_names[x])) files = ''.join(file_lines) return '\t\t%s /* Sources */ = {\n' \ '\t\t\tisa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;\n' \ '\t\t\tbuildActionMask = %s;\n' \ '\t\t\tfiles = (\n' \ '%s' \ '\t\t\t);\n' \ '\t\t\trunOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = %s;\n' \ '\t\t};\n' % ( self.uuid, self.build_action_mask, files, self.run_only_for_deployment_postprocessing) def Usage(optparse): optparse.print_help() print '\n' \ 'Commands:\n' \ ' list_native_targets: List Xcode "native" (source compilation)\n' \ ' targets by name.\n' \ ' list_target_sources: List project-relative source files in the\n' \ ' specified Xcode "native" target.\n' \ ' remove_source [sourcefile ...]: Remove the specified source files\n' \ ' from every target in the project (target is ignored).\n' \ ' add_source [sourcefile ...]: Add the specified source files\n' \ ' to the specified target.\n' sys.exit(2) def Main(): # Use argument structure like xcodebuild commandline option_parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage='usage: %prog -p projectname [ -t targetname ] ' \ '<command> [...]', add_help_option=False) option_parser.add_option( '-h', '--help', action='store_true', dest='help', default=False, help=optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP) option_parser.add_option( '-p', '--project', action='store', type='string', dest='project', metavar='projectname', help='Manipulate the project specified by projectname.') option_parser.add_option( '-t', '--target', action='store', type='string', dest='target', metavar='targetname', help='Manipulate the target specified by targetname.') (options, args) = option_parser.parse_args() # Since we have more elaborate commands, handle help if options.help: Usage(option_parser) # Xcode project file if not options.project: option_parser.error('Xcode project file must be specified.') project_path = os.path.abspath(CygwinPathClean(options.project)) if project_path.endswith('.xcodeproj'): project_path = os.path.join(project_path, 'project.pbxproj') if not project_path.endswith(os.sep + 'project.pbxproj'): option_parser.error('Invalid Xcode project file path \"%s\"' % project_path) if not os.path.exists(project_path): option_parser.error('Missing Xcode project file \"%s\"' % project_path) # Construct project object project = XcodeProject(project_path) # Switch on command if len(args) < 1: Usage(option_parser) # List native target names elif args[0] == 'list_native_targets': # List targets if len(args) != 1: option_parser.error('list_native_targets takes no arguments') # Ape xcodebuild output target_names = [] for target in project.NativeTargets(): target_names.append(target.name) print 'Information about project "%s"\n Native Targets:\n %s' % ( project.name, '\n '.join(target_names)) # List files in a native target elif args[0] == 'list_target_sources': if len(args) != 1: option_parser.error('list_target_sources takes no arguments') if not options.target: option_parser.error('list_target_sources requires a target') # Validate target and get list of files target = project.NativeTargetForName(options.target) if not target: option_parser.error('No native target named "%s"' % options.target) sources_phase = project.SourcesBuildPhaseForTarget(target) target_files = [] for source_uuid in sources_phase.file_uuids: build_file = project.BuildFileForUUID(source_uuid) file_ref = project.FileReferenceForUUID(build_file.file_ref_uuid) pretty_path = project.RelativeSourceRootPath(file_ref.abs_path) if pretty_path: target_files.append(pretty_path) else: target_files.append(file_ref.abs_path) # Ape xcodebuild output print 'Information about project "%s" target "%s"\n' \ ' Files:\n %s' % (project.name, options.target, '\n '.join(target_files)) # Remove source files elif args[0] == 'remove_source': if len(args) < 2: option_parser.error('remove_source needs one or more source files') if options.target: option_parser.error( 'remove_source does not support removal from a single target') for source_path in args[1:]: source_path = CygwinPathClean(source_path) found = False for file_ref in project.FileReferences(): # Try undecorated path, abs_path and our prettified paths if (file_ref.path == source_path or ( file_ref.abs_path and ( file_ref.abs_path == os.path.abspath(source_path) or project.RelativeSourceRootPath(file_ref.abs_path) == source_path))): # Found a matching file ref, remove it found = True project.RemoveSourceFileReference(file_ref) if not found: option_parser.error('No matching source file "%s"' % source_path) project.Update() # Add source files elif args[0] == 'add_source': if len(args) < 2: option_parser.error('add_source needs one or more source files') if not options.target: option_parser.error('add_source requires a target') # Look for the target we want to add too. target = project.NativeTargetForName(options.target) if not target: option_parser.error('No native target named "%s"' % options.target) # Get the sources build phase sources_phase = project.SourcesBuildPhaseForTarget(target) # Loop new sources for source_path in args[1:]: source_path = CygwinPathClean(source_path) if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(source_path)): option_parser.error('File "%s" not found' % source_path) # Don't generate duplicate file references if we don't need them source_ref = None for file_ref in project.FileReferences(): # Try undecorated path, abs_path and our prettified paths if (file_ref.path == source_path or ( file_ref.abs_path and ( file_ref.abs_path == os.path.abspath(source_path) or project.RelativeSourceRootPath(file_ref.abs_path) == source_path))): source_ref = file_ref break if not source_ref: # Create a new source file ref source_ref = project.AddSourceFile(os.path.abspath(source_path)) # Add the new source file reference to the target if its a safe type if source_ref.file_type in SOURCES_XCODE_FILETYPES: project.AddSourceFileToSourcesBuildPhase(source_ref, sources_phase) project.Update() # Private sanity check. On an unmodified project make sure our output is # the same as the input elif args[0] == 'parse_sanity': if ''.join(project.FileContent()) != ''.join(project._raw_content): option_parser.error('Project rewrite sanity fail "%s"' % project.path) else: Usage(option_parser) if __name__ == '__main__': Main()