// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/aura_shell/shell_tooltip_manager.h" #include #include "base/location.h" #include "base/string_split.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "ui/aura/client/aura_constants.h" #include "ui/aura/event.h" #include "ui/aura/window.h" #include "ui/aura_shell/shell.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/base/text/text_elider.h" #include "ui/gfx/font.h" #include "ui/gfx/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" #include "ui/gfx/screen.h" #include "ui/views/background.h" #include "ui/views/border.h" #include "ui/views/controls/label.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" namespace { SkColor kTooltipBackground = 0xFFFFFFCC; SkColor kTooltipBorder = 0xFF000000; int kTooltipBorderWidth = 1; int kTooltipTimeoutMs = 500; // FIXME: get cursor offset from actual cursor size. int kCursorOffsetX = 10; int kCursorOffsetY = 15; // Maximum number of characters we allow in a tooltip. const size_t kMaxTooltipLength = 1024; // Maximum number of lines we allow in the tooltip. const size_t kMaxLines = 6; // Trims the tooltip to fit, setting |text| to the clipped result, // |max_width| to the width (in pixels) of the clipped text and |line_count| // to the number of lines of text in the tooltip. |x| and |y| give the // location of the tooltip in screen coordinates. void TrimTooltipToFit(string16* text, int* max_width, int* line_count, int x, int y) { *max_width = 0; *line_count = 0; // Clamp the tooltip length to kMaxTooltipLength so that we don't // accidentally DOS the user with a mega tooltip. if (text->length() > kMaxTooltipLength) *text = text->substr(0, kMaxTooltipLength); // Determine the available width for the tooltip. int available_width = aura::TooltipClient::GetMaxWidth(x, y); // Split the string into at most kMaxLines lines. std::vector lines; base::SplitString(*text, '\n', &lines); if (lines.size() > kMaxLines) lines.resize(kMaxLines); *line_count = static_cast(lines.size()); // Format each line to fit. gfx::Font font = aura::TooltipClient::GetDefaultFont(); string16 result; for (std::vector::iterator i = lines.begin(); i != lines.end(); ++i) { string16 elided_text = ui::ElideText(*i, font, available_width, false); *max_width = std::max(*max_width, font.GetStringWidth(elided_text)); if (!result.empty()) result.push_back('\n'); result.append(elided_text); } *text = result; } // Creates a widget of type TYPE_TOOLTIP views::Widget* CreateTooltip() { views::Widget* widget = new views::Widget; views::Widget::InitParams params; // For aura, since we set the type to TOOLTIP_TYPE, the widget will get // auto-parented to the MenuAndTooltipsContainer. params.type = views::Widget::InitParams::TYPE_TOOLTIP; params.keep_on_top = true; params.accept_events = false; params.transparent = true; params.ownership = views::Widget::InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET; widget->Init(params); return widget; } } // namespace namespace aura_shell { // Displays a widget with tooltip using a views::Label. class ShellTooltipManager::Tooltip { public: Tooltip() { label_.set_background( views::Background::CreateSolidBackground(kTooltipBackground)); label_.set_border( views::Border::CreateSolidBorder(kTooltipBorderWidth, kTooltipBorder)); label_.set_parent_owned(false); widget_.reset(CreateTooltip()); widget_->SetContentsView(&label_); widget_->Activate(); } ~Tooltip() { widget_->Close(); } // Updates the text on the tooltip and resizes to fit. void SetText(string16 tooltip_text, gfx::Point location) { int max_width, line_count; TrimTooltipToFit(&tooltip_text, &max_width, &line_count, location.x(), location.y()); label_.SetText(tooltip_text); SetTooltipBounds(location, max_width + 2 * kTooltipBorderWidth, label_.GetPreferredSize().height()); } // Shows the tooltip. void Show() { widget_->Show(); } // Hides the tooltip. void Hide() { widget_->Hide(); } bool IsVisible() { return widget_->IsVisible(); } private: views::Label label_; scoped_ptr widget_; // Adjusts the bounds given by the arguments to fit inside the desktop // and applies the adjusted bounds to the label_. void SetTooltipBounds(gfx::Point mouse_pos, int tooltip_width, int tooltip_height) { gfx::Rect tooltip_rect(mouse_pos.x(), mouse_pos.y(), tooltip_width, tooltip_height); tooltip_rect.Offset(kCursorOffsetX, kCursorOffsetY); gfx::Rect monitor_bounds = gfx::Screen::GetMonitorAreaNearestPoint(tooltip_rect.origin()); widget_->SetBounds(tooltip_rect.AdjustToFit(monitor_bounds)); } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ShellTooltipManager public: ShellTooltipManager::ShellTooltipManager() : aura::EventFilter(NULL), tooltip_window_(NULL), tooltip_(new Tooltip) { tooltip_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kTooltipTimeoutMs), this, &ShellTooltipManager::TooltipTimerFired); } ShellTooltipManager::~ShellTooltipManager() { if (tooltip_window_) tooltip_window_->RemoveObserver(this); } void ShellTooltipManager::UpdateTooltip(aura::Window* target) { // If tooltip is visible, we may want to hide it. If it is not, we are ok. if (tooltip_window_ == target && tooltip_->IsVisible()) UpdateIfRequired(); } bool ShellTooltipManager::PreHandleKeyEvent(aura::Window* target, aura::KeyEvent* event) { return false; } bool ShellTooltipManager::PreHandleMouseEvent(aura::Window* target, aura::MouseEvent* event) { switch (event->type()) { case ui::ET_MOUSE_MOVED: if (tooltip_window_ != target) { if (tooltip_window_) tooltip_window_->RemoveObserver(this); tooltip_window_ = target; tooltip_window_->AddObserver(this); } curr_mouse_loc_ = event->location(); if (tooltip_timer_.IsRunning()) tooltip_timer_.Reset(); if (tooltip_->IsVisible()) UpdateIfRequired(); break; case ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED: case ui::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED: case ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED: case ui::ET_MOUSEWHEEL: // Hide the tooltip for click, release, drag, wheel events. if (tooltip_->IsVisible()) tooltip_->Hide(); break; default: break; } return false; } ui::TouchStatus ShellTooltipManager::PreHandleTouchEvent( aura::Window* target, aura::TouchEvent* event) { return ui::TOUCH_STATUS_UNKNOWN; } void ShellTooltipManager::OnWindowDestroyed(aura::Window* window) { if (tooltip_window_ == window) { tooltip_window_->RemoveObserver(this); tooltip_window_ = NULL; } } void ShellTooltipManager::TooltipTimerFired() { UpdateIfRequired(); } void ShellTooltipManager::UpdateIfRequired() { string16 tooltip_text; if (tooltip_window_) { void* property = tooltip_window_->GetProperty(aura::kTooltipTextKey); if (property) tooltip_text = *static_cast(property); } if (tooltip_text_ != tooltip_text) { tooltip_text_ = tooltip_text; if (tooltip_text_.empty()) { tooltip_->Hide(); } else { string16 tooltip_text(tooltip_text_); gfx::Point widget_loc = curr_mouse_loc_; widget_loc = widget_loc.Add(tooltip_window_->GetScreenBounds().origin()); tooltip_->SetText(tooltip_text, widget_loc); tooltip_->Show(); } } } } // namespace aura_shell namespace aura { // static gfx::Font TooltipClient::GetDefaultFont() { return ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont( ui::ResourceBundle::BaseFont); } // static int TooltipClient::GetMaxWidth(int x, int y) { gfx::Rect monitor_bounds = gfx::Screen::GetMonitorAreaNearestPoint(gfx::Point(x, y)); return (monitor_bounds.width() + 1) / 2; } } // namespace aura