// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/base/clipboard/clipboard.h" #include #include "base/lazy_instance.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/synchronization/lock.h" #include "ui/gfx/size.h" namespace ui { namespace { // A compromised renderer could send us bad data, so validate it. // This function only checks that the size parameter makes sense, the caller // is responsible for further validating the bitmap buffer against // |bitmap_bytes|. // // |params| - Clipboard bitmap contents to validate. // |bitmap_bytes| - On return contains the number of bytes needed to store // the bitmap data or -1 if the data is invalid. // returns: true if the bitmap size is valid, false otherwise. bool IsBitmapSafe(const Clipboard::ObjectMapParams& params, uint32* bitmap_bytes) { *bitmap_bytes = -1; if (params[1].size() != sizeof(gfx::Size)) return false; const gfx::Size* size = reinterpret_cast(&(params[1].front())); uint32 total_size = size->width(); // Using INT_MAX not SIZE_T_MAX to put a reasonable bound on things. if (INT_MAX / size->width() <= size->height()) return false; total_size *= size->height(); if (INT_MAX / total_size <= 4) return false; total_size *= 4; *bitmap_bytes = total_size; return true; } // Validates a plain bitmap on the clipboard. // Returns true if the clipboard data makes sense and it's safe to access the // bitmap. bool ValidatePlainBitmap(const Clipboard::ObjectMapParams& params) { uint32 bitmap_bytes = -1; if (!IsBitmapSafe(params, &bitmap_bytes)) return false; if (bitmap_bytes != params[0].size()) return false; return true; } // Valides a shared bitmap on the clipboard. // Returns true if the clipboard data makes sense and it's safe to access the // bitmap. bool ValidateAndMapSharedBitmap(const Clipboard::ObjectMapParams& params, base::SharedMemory* bitmap_data) { using base::SharedMemory; uint32 bitmap_bytes = -1; if (!IsBitmapSafe(params, &bitmap_bytes)) return false; if (!bitmap_data || !SharedMemory::IsHandleValid(bitmap_data->handle())) return false; if (!bitmap_data->Map(bitmap_bytes)) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to map bitmap memory"; return false; } return true; } // A list of allowed threads. By default, this is empty and no thread checking // is done (in the unit test case), but a user (like content) can set which // threads are allowed to call this method. typedef std::vector AllowedThreadsVector; static base::LazyInstance g_allowed_threads = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; // Mapping from threads to clipboard objects. typedef std::map ClipboardMap; static base::LazyInstance g_clipboard_map = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; // Mutex that controls access to |g_clipboard_map|. static base::LazyInstance::Leaky g_clipboard_map_lock = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER; } // namespace // static void Clipboard::SetAllowedThreads( const std::vector& allowed_threads) { base::AutoLock lock(g_clipboard_map_lock.Get()); g_allowed_threads.Get().clear(); std::copy(allowed_threads.begin(), allowed_threads.end(), std::back_inserter(g_allowed_threads.Get())); } // static Clipboard* Clipboard::GetForCurrentThread() { base::AutoLock lock(g_clipboard_map_lock.Get()); base::PlatformThreadId id = base::PlatformThread::CurrentId(); AllowedThreadsVector* allowed_threads = g_allowed_threads.Pointer(); if (!allowed_threads->empty()) { bool found = false; for (AllowedThreadsVector::const_iterator it = allowed_threads->begin(); it != allowed_threads->end(); ++it) { if (*it == id) { found = true; break; } } DCHECK(found); } ClipboardMap* clipboard_map = g_clipboard_map.Pointer(); ClipboardMap::iterator it = clipboard_map->find(id); if (it != clipboard_map->end()) return it->second; Clipboard* clipboard = new ui::Clipboard; clipboard_map->insert(std::make_pair(id, clipboard)); return clipboard; } void Clipboard::DestroyClipboardForCurrentThread() { base::AutoLock lock(g_clipboard_map_lock.Get()); ClipboardMap* clipboard_map = g_clipboard_map.Pointer(); base::PlatformThreadId id = base::PlatformThread::CurrentId(); ClipboardMap::iterator it = clipboard_map->find(id); if (it != clipboard_map->end()) { delete it->second; clipboard_map->erase(it); } } void Clipboard::DispatchObject(ObjectType type, const ObjectMapParams& params) { // All types apart from CBF_WEBKIT need at least 1 non-empty param. if (type != CBF_WEBKIT && (params.empty() || params[0].empty())) return; // Some other types need a non-empty 2nd param. if ((type == CBF_BOOKMARK || type == CBF_BITMAP || type == CBF_SMBITMAP || type == CBF_DATA) && (params.size() != 2 || params[1].empty())) return; switch (type) { case CBF_TEXT: WriteText(&(params[0].front()), params[0].size()); break; case CBF_HTML: if (params.size() == 2) { if (params[1].empty()) return; WriteHTML(&(params[0].front()), params[0].size(), &(params[1].front()), params[1].size()); } else if (params.size() == 1) { WriteHTML(&(params[0].front()), params[0].size(), NULL, 0); } break; case CBF_RTF: WriteRTF(&(params[0].front()), params[0].size()); break; case CBF_BOOKMARK: WriteBookmark(&(params[0].front()), params[0].size(), &(params[1].front()), params[1].size()); break; case CBF_WEBKIT: WriteWebSmartPaste(); break; case CBF_BITMAP: if (!ValidatePlainBitmap(params)) return; WriteBitmap(&(params[0].front()), &(params[1].front())); break; case CBF_SMBITMAP: { using base::SharedMemory; using base::SharedMemoryHandle; if (params[0].size() != sizeof(SharedMemory*)) return; // It's OK to cast away constness here since we map the handle as // read-only. const char* raw_bitmap_data_const = reinterpret_cast(&(params[0].front())); char* raw_bitmap_data = const_cast(raw_bitmap_data_const); scoped_ptr bitmap_data( *reinterpret_cast(raw_bitmap_data)); if (!ValidateAndMapSharedBitmap(params, bitmap_data.get())) return; WriteBitmap(static_cast(bitmap_data->memory()), &(params[1].front())); break; } case CBF_DATA: WriteData( FormatType::Deserialize( std::string(&(params[0].front()), params[0].size())), &(params[1].front()), params[1].size()); break; default: NOTREACHED(); } } // static void Clipboard::ReplaceSharedMemHandle(ObjectMap* objects, base::SharedMemoryHandle bitmap_handle, base::ProcessHandle process) { using base::SharedMemory; bool has_shared_bitmap = false; for (ObjectMap::iterator iter = objects->begin(); iter != objects->end(); ++iter) { if (iter->first == CBF_SMBITMAP) { // The code currently only accepts sending a single bitmap over this way. // Fail hard if we ever encounter more than one shared bitmap structure to // fill. CHECK(!has_shared_bitmap); #if defined(OS_WIN) SharedMemory* bitmap = new SharedMemory(bitmap_handle, true, process); #else SharedMemory* bitmap = new SharedMemory(bitmap_handle, true); #endif // We store the shared memory object pointer so it can be retrieved by the // UI thread (see DispatchObject()). iter->second[0].clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(SharedMemory*); ++i) iter->second[0].push_back(reinterpret_cast(&bitmap)[i]); has_shared_bitmap = true; } } } } // namespace ui