// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef UI_BASE_IME_WIN_IMM32_MANAGER_H #define UI_BASE_IME_WIN_IMM32_MANAGER_H #include #include #include #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/strings/string16.h" #include "ui/base/ime/text_input_mode.h" #include "ui/base/ime/ui_base_ime_export.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" namespace ui { struct CompositionText; // This header file defines a struct and a class used for encapsulating IMM32 // APIs, controls IMEs attached to a window, and enables the 'on-the-spot' // input without deep knowledge about the APIs, i.e. knowledge about the // language-specific and IME-specific behaviors. // The following items enumerates the simplest steps for an (window) // application to control its IMEs with the struct and the class defined // this file. // 1. Add an instance of the IMM32Manager class to its window class. // (The IMM32Manager class needs a window handle.) // 2. Add messages handlers listed in the following subsections, follow the // instructions written in each subsection, and use the IMM32Manager class. // 2.1. WM_IME_SETCONTEXT (0x0281) // Call the functions listed below: // - IMM32Manager::CreateImeWindow(); // - IMM32Manager::CleanupComposition(), and; // - IMM32Manager::SetImeWindowStyle(). // An application MUST prevent from calling ::DefWindowProc(). // 2.2. WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION (0x010D) // Call the functions listed below: // - IMM32Manager::CreateImeWindow(), and; // - IMM32Manager::ResetComposition(). // An application MUST prevent from calling ::DefWindowProc(). // 2.3. WM_IME_COMPOSITION (0x010F) // Call the functions listed below: // - IMM32Manager::UpdateImeWindow(); // - IMM32Manager::GetResult(); // - IMM32Manager::GetComposition(), and; // - IMM32Manager::ResetComposition() (optional). // An application MUST prevent from calling ::DefWindowProc(). // 2.4. WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION (0x010E) // Call the functions listed below: // - IMM32Manager::ResetComposition(), and; // - IMM32Manager::DestroyImeWindow(). // An application CAN call ::DefWindowProc(). // 2.5. WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE (0x0051) // Call the functions listed below: // - IMM32Manager::SetInputLanguage(). // An application CAN call ::DefWindowProc(). // This class controls the IMM (Input Method Manager) through IMM32 APIs and // enables it to retrieve the string being controled by the IMM. (I wrote // a note to describe the reason why I do not use 'IME' but 'IMM' below.) // NOTE(hbono): // Fortunately or unfortunately, TSF (Text Service Framework) and // CUAS (Cicero Unaware Application Support) allows IMM32 APIs for // retrieving not only the inputs from IMEs (Input Method Editors), used // only for inputting East-Asian language texts, but also the ones from // tablets (on Windows XP Tablet PC Edition and Windows Vista), voice // recognizers (e.g. ViaVoice and Microsoft Office), etc. // We can disable TSF and CUAS in Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. On the other // hand, we can NEVER disable either TSF or CUAS in Windows Vista, i.e. // THIS CLASS IS NOT ONLY USED ON THE INPUT CONTEXTS OF EAST-ASIAN // LANGUAGES BUT ALSO USED ON THE INPUT CONTEXTS OF ALL LANGUAGES. class UI_BASE_IME_EXPORT IMM32Manager { public: IMM32Manager(); virtual ~IMM32Manager(); // Retrieves whether or not there is an ongoing composition. bool is_composing() const { return is_composing_; } // Retrieves the input language from Windows and update it. void SetInputLanguage(); // Creates the IME windows, and allocate required resources for them. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. void CreateImeWindow(HWND window_handle); // Updates the style of the IME windows. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. // * message [in] (UINT) // * wparam [in] (WPARAM) // * lparam [in] (LPARAM) // Represent the windows message of the caller. // These parameters are used for verifying if this function is called // in a handler function for WM_IME_SETCONTEXT messages because this // function uses ::DefWindowProc() to update the style. // A caller just has to pass the input parameters for the handler // function without modifications. // * handled [out] (BOOL*) // Returns ::DefWindowProc() is really called in this function. // PLEASE DO NOT CALL ::DefWindowProc() IF THIS VALUE IS TRUE! // All the window styles set in this function are over-written when // calling ::DefWindowProc() after returning this function. // Returns the value returned by DefWindowProc. LRESULT SetImeWindowStyle(HWND window_handle, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam, BOOL* handled); // Destroys the IME windows and all the resources attached to them. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. void DestroyImeWindow(HWND window_handle); // Updates the position of the IME windows. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. void UpdateImeWindow(HWND window_handle); // Cleans up the all resources attached to the given IMM32Manager object, and // reset its composition status. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. void CleanupComposition(HWND window_handle); // Resets the composition status. // Cancel the ongoing composition if it exists. // NOTE(hbono): This method does not release the allocated resources. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. void ResetComposition(HWND window_handle); // Retrieves a composition result of the ongoing composition if it exists. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. // * lparam [in] (LPARAM) // Specifies the updated members of the ongoing composition, and must be // the same parameter of a WM_IME_COMPOSITION message handler. // This parameter is used for checking if the ongoing composition has // its result string, // * result [out] (base::string16) // Represents the object contains the composition result. // Return values // * true // The ongoing composition has a composition result. // * false // The ongoing composition does not have composition results. // Remarks // This function is designed for being called from WM_IME_COMPOSITION // message handlers. bool GetResult(HWND window_handle, LPARAM lparam, base::string16* result); // Retrieves the current composition status of the ongoing composition. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. // * lparam [in] (LPARAM) // Specifies the updated members of the ongoing composition, and must be // the same parameter of a WM_IME_COMPOSITION message handler. // This parameter is used for checking if the ongoing composition has // its result string, // * composition [out] (Composition) // Represents the struct contains the composition status. // Return values // * true // The status of the ongoing composition is updated. // * false // The status of the ongoing composition is not updated. // Remarks // This function is designed for being called from WM_IME_COMPOSITION // message handlers. bool GetComposition(HWND window_handle, LPARAM lparam, CompositionText* composition); // Enables the IME attached to the given window, i.e. allows user-input // events to be dispatched to the IME. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. // * complete [in] (bool) // Represents whether or not to complete the ongoing composition. // + true // After finishing the ongoing composition and close its IME windows, // start another composition and display its IME windows to the given // position. // + false // Just move the IME windows of the ongoing composition to the given // position without finishing it. void EnableIME(HWND window_handle); // Disables the IME attached to the given window, i.e. prohibits any // user-input events from being dispatched to the IME. // In Chrome, this function is used when: // * a renreder process sets its input focus to a password input. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. void DisableIME(HWND window_handle); // Cancels an ongoing composition of the IME attached to the given window. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. void CancelIME(HWND window_handle); // Updates the caret position of the given window. // Parameters // * window_handle [in] (HWND) // Represents the window handle of the caller. // * caret_rect [in] (const gfx::Rect&) // Represent the rectangle of the input caret. // This rectangle is used for controlling the positions of IME windows. void UpdateCaretRect(HWND window_handle, const gfx::Rect& caret_rect); // Updates the setting whether we want IME to render composition text. void SetUseCompositionWindow(bool use_composition_window); // Returns the current input language id. LANGID input_language_id() const { return input_language_id_; } // Returns BCP-47 tag name of the current input language. std::string GetInputLanguageName() const; // Sets conversion status corresponding to |input_mode|. virtual void SetTextInputMode(HWND window_handle, TextInputMode input_mode); // Helper functions ---------------------------------------------------------- // Checks if there is any RTL keyboard layout installed in the system. static bool IsRTLKeyboardLayoutInstalled(); // Checks if the user pressed both Ctrl and right or left Shift keys to // requrest to change the text direction and layout alignment explicitly. // Returns true if only a Ctrl key and a Shift key are down. The desired text // direction will be stored in |*direction|. static bool IsCtrlShiftPressed(base::i18n::TextDirection* direction); // Gets parameters for ::ImmSetOpenStatus and ::ImmSetConversionStatus from // |input_mode|. static void ConvertInputModeToImmFlags(TextInputMode input_mode, DWORD initial_conversion_mode, BOOL* open, DWORD* new_conversion_mode); protected: // Retrieves the composition information. void GetCompositionInfo(HIMC imm_context, LPARAM lparam, CompositionText* composition); // Updates the position of the IME windows. void MoveImeWindow(HWND window_handle, HIMC imm_context); // Completes the ongoing composition if it exists. void CompleteComposition(HWND window_handle, HIMC imm_context); // Retrieves a string from the IMM. bool GetString(HIMC imm_context, WPARAM lparam, int type, base::string16* result); private: // Represents whether or not there is an ongoing composition in a browser // process, i.e. whether or not a browser process is composing a text. bool is_composing_; // The current input Language ID retrieved from Windows, which consists of: // * Primary Language ID (bit 0 to bit 9), which shows a natunal language // (English, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, etc.) and; // * Sub-Language ID (bit 10 to bit 15), which shows a geometrical region // the language is spoken (For English, United States, United Kingdom, // Australia, Canada, etc.) // The following list enumerates some examples for the Language ID: // * "en-US" (0x0409) // MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US); // * "ko-KR" (0x0412) // MAKELANGID(LANG_KOREAN, SUBLANG_KOREAN); // * "zh-TW" (0x0404) // MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL); // * "zh-CN" (0x0804) // MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED); // * "ja-JP" (0x0411) // MAKELANGID(LANG_JAPANESE, SUBLANG_JAPANESE_JAPAN), etc. // (See for other available values.) // This Language ID is used for processing language-specific operations in // IME functions. LANGID input_language_id_; // Represents whether or not the current input context has created a system // caret to set the position of its IME candidate window. // * true: it creates a system caret. // * false: it does not create a system caret. bool system_caret_; // The rectangle of the input caret retrieved from a renderer process. gfx::Rect caret_rect_; // Indicates whether or not we want IME to render composition text. bool use_composition_window_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IMM32Manager); }; } // namespace ui #endif // UI_BASE_IME_WIN_IMM32_MANAGER_H