// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/base/events.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_pump_x.h" #include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_code_conversion_x.h" #include "ui/base/ui_base_switches.h" #include "ui/base/touch/touch_factory.h" #include "ui/base/x/x11_util.h" #include "ui/gfx/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/monitor.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" #include "ui/gfx/screen.h" // Copied from xserver-properties.h #define AXIS_LABEL_PROP_REL_HWHEEL "Rel Horiz Wheel" #define AXIS_LABEL_PROP_REL_WHEEL "Rel Vert Wheel" // CMT specific timings #define AXIS_LABEL_PROP_ABS_START_TIME "Abs Start Timestamp" #define AXIS_LABEL_PROP_ABS_END_TIME "Abs End Timestamp" // Fling properties #define AXIS_LABEL_PROP_ABS_FLING_X "Abs Fling X Velocity" #define AXIS_LABEL_PROP_ABS_FLING_Y "Abs Fling Y Velocity" #define AXIS_LABEL_PROP_ABS_FLING_STATE "Abs Fling State" namespace { // Scroll amount for each wheelscroll event. 53 is also the value used for GTK+. const int kWheelScrollAmount = 53; const int kMinWheelButton = 4; const int kMaxWheelButton = 7; // A class to support the detection of scroll events, using X11 valuators. class UI_EXPORT CMTEventData { public: // Returns the ScrollEventData singleton. static CMTEventData* GetInstance() { return Singleton::get(); } // Updates the list of devices. void UpdateDeviceList(Display* display) { cmt_devices_.reset(); touchpads_.reset(); device_to_valuators_.clear(); int count = 0; // Find all the touchpad devices. XDeviceInfo* dev_list = XListInputDevices(display, &count); Atom xi_touchpad = XInternAtom(display, XI_TOUCHPAD, false); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { XDeviceInfo* dev = dev_list + i; if (dev->type == xi_touchpad) touchpads_[dev_list[i].id] = true; } if (dev_list) XFreeDeviceList(dev_list); XIDeviceInfo* info_list = XIQueryDevice(display, XIAllDevices, &count); Atom x_axis = XInternAtom(display, AXIS_LABEL_PROP_REL_HWHEEL, false); Atom y_axis = XInternAtom(display, AXIS_LABEL_PROP_REL_WHEEL, false); Atom start_time = XInternAtom(display, AXIS_LABEL_PROP_ABS_START_TIME, false); Atom end_time = XInternAtom(display, AXIS_LABEL_PROP_ABS_END_TIME, false); Atom fling_vx = XInternAtom(display, AXIS_LABEL_PROP_ABS_FLING_X, false); Atom fling_vy = XInternAtom(display, AXIS_LABEL_PROP_ABS_FLING_Y, false); Atom fling_state = XInternAtom(display, AXIS_LABEL_PROP_ABS_FLING_STATE, false); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { XIDeviceInfo* info = info_list + i; if (info->use != XISlavePointer && info->use != XIFloatingSlave) continue; Valuators valuators; bool is_cmt = false; for (int j = 0; j < info->num_classes; ++j) { if (info->classes[j]->type != XIValuatorClass) continue; XIValuatorClassInfo* v = reinterpret_cast(info->classes[j]); int number = v->number; if (number > valuators.max) valuators.max = number; if (v->label == x_axis) { valuators.scroll_x = number; is_cmt = true; } else if (v->label == y_axis) { valuators.scroll_y = number; is_cmt = true; } else if (v->label == start_time) { valuators.start_time = number; is_cmt = true; } else if (v->label == end_time) { valuators.end_time = number; is_cmt = true; } else if (v->label == fling_vx) { valuators.fling_vx = number; is_cmt = true; } else if (v->label == fling_vy) { valuators.fling_vy = number; is_cmt = true; } else if (v->label == fling_state) { valuators.fling_state = number; is_cmt = true; } } if (is_cmt) { device_to_valuators_[info->deviceid] = valuators; cmt_devices_[info->deviceid] = true; } } if (info_list) XIFreeDeviceInfo(info_list); } bool natural_scroll_enabled() const { return natural_scroll_enabled_; } void set_natural_scroll_enabled(bool enabled) { natural_scroll_enabled_ = enabled; } bool IsTouchpadXInputEvent(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { if (native_event->type != GenericEvent) return false; XIDeviceEvent* xievent = static_cast(native_event->xcookie.data); return touchpads_[xievent->sourceid]; } float GetNaturalScrollFactor(int deviceid) { // Natural scroll is touchpad-only. if (!touchpads_[deviceid]) return -1.0f; return natural_scroll_enabled_ ? 1.0f : -1.0f; } // Returns true if this is a scroll event (a motion event with the necessary // valuators. Also returns the offsets. |x_offset| and |y_offset| can be // NULL. bool GetScrollOffsets(const XEvent& xev, float* x_offset, float* y_offset) { XIDeviceEvent* xiev = static_cast(xev.xcookie.data); if (x_offset) *x_offset = 0; if (y_offset) *y_offset = 0; const int deviceid = xiev->deviceid; if (!cmt_devices_[deviceid]) return false; const float natural_scroll_factor = GetNaturalScrollFactor(deviceid); const Valuators v = device_to_valuators_[deviceid]; const bool has_x_offset = XIMaskIsSet(xiev->valuators.mask, v.scroll_x); const bool has_y_offset = XIMaskIsSet(xiev->valuators.mask, v.scroll_y); const bool is_scroll = has_x_offset || has_y_offset; if (!is_scroll || (!x_offset && !y_offset)) return is_scroll; double* valuators = xiev->valuators.values; for (int i = 0; i <= v.max; ++i) { if (XIMaskIsSet(xiev->valuators.mask, i)) { if (x_offset && v.scroll_x == i) *x_offset = *valuators * natural_scroll_factor; else if (y_offset && v.scroll_y == i) *y_offset = *valuators * natural_scroll_factor; valuators++; } } return true; } bool GetFlingData(const XEvent& xev, float* vx, float* vy, bool* is_cancel) { XIDeviceEvent* xiev = static_cast(xev.xcookie.data); *vx = 0; *vy = 0; *is_cancel = false; const int deviceid = xiev->deviceid; if (!cmt_devices_[deviceid]) return false; const float natural_scroll_factor = GetNaturalScrollFactor(deviceid); const Valuators v = device_to_valuators_[deviceid]; if (!XIMaskIsSet(xiev->valuators.mask, v.fling_vx) || !XIMaskIsSet(xiev->valuators.mask, v.fling_vy) || !XIMaskIsSet(xiev->valuators.mask, v.fling_state)) return false; double* valuators = xiev->valuators.values; for (int i = 0; i <= v.max; ++i) { if (XIMaskIsSet(xiev->valuators.mask, i)) { // Convert values to unsigned ints represending ms before storing them, // as that is how they were encoded before conversion to doubles. if (v.fling_vx == i) *vx = natural_scroll_factor * (static_cast(*valuators)) / 1000.0f; else if (v.fling_vy == i) *vy = natural_scroll_factor * (static_cast(*valuators)) / 1000.0f; else if (v.fling_state == i) *is_cancel = !!static_cast(*valuators); valuators++; } } return true; } bool GetGestureTimes(const XEvent& xev, double* start_time, double* end_time) { *start_time = 0; *end_time = 0; XIDeviceEvent* xiev = static_cast(xev.xcookie.data); if (!cmt_devices_[xiev->deviceid]) return false; Valuators v = device_to_valuators_[xiev->deviceid]; if (!XIMaskIsSet(xiev->valuators.mask, v.start_time) || !XIMaskIsSet(xiev->valuators.mask, v.end_time)) return false; double* valuators = xiev->valuators.values; for (int i = 0; i <= v.max; ++i) { if (XIMaskIsSet(xiev->valuators.mask, i)) { // Convert values to unsigned ints represending ms before storing them, // as that is how they were encoded before conversion to doubles. if (v.start_time == i) *start_time = static_cast(static_cast(*valuators)) / 1000; else if (v.end_time == i) *end_time = static_cast(static_cast(*valuators)) / 1000; valuators++; } } return true; } private: // Requirement for Singleton friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits; struct Valuators { int max; int scroll_x; int scroll_y; int start_time; int end_time; int fling_vx; int fling_vy; int fling_state; Valuators() : max(-1), scroll_x(-1), scroll_y(-1), start_time(-1), end_time(-1), fling_vx(-1), fling_vy(-1), fling_state(-1) { } }; CMTEventData() : natural_scroll_enabled_(false) { UpdateDeviceList(ui::GetXDisplay()); } ~CMTEventData() {} // A quick lookup table for determining if events from the pointer device // should be processed. static const int kMaxDeviceNum = 128; bool natural_scroll_enabled_; std::bitset cmt_devices_; std::bitset touchpads_; std::map device_to_valuators_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(CMTEventData); }; // A class to track current modifier state on master device. Only track ctrl, // alt, shift and caps lock keys currently. The tracked state can then be used // by floating device. class UI_EXPORT XModifierStateWatcher{ public: static XModifierStateWatcher* GetInstance() { return Singleton::get(); } void UpdateStateFromEvent(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { // Floating device can't access the modifer state from master device. // We need to track the states of modifier keys in a singleton for // floating devices such as touch screen. Issue 106426 is one example // of why we need the modifier states for floating device. state_ = native_event->xkey.state; // master_state is the state before key press. We need to track the // state after key press for floating device. Currently only ctrl, // shift, alt and caps lock keys are tracked. ui::KeyboardCode keyboard_code = ui::KeyboardCodeFromNative(native_event); unsigned int mask = 0; switch (keyboard_code) { case ui::VKEY_CONTROL: { mask = ControlMask; break; } case ui::VKEY_SHIFT: { mask = ShiftMask; break; } case ui::VKEY_MENU: { mask = Mod1Mask; break; } case ui::VKEY_CAPITAL: { mask = LockMask; break; } default: break; } if (native_event->type == KeyPress) state_ |= mask; else state_ &= ~mask; } // Returns the current modifer state in master device. It only contains the // state of ctrl, shift, alt and caps lock keys. unsigned int state() { return state_; } private: friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits; XModifierStateWatcher() : state_(0) { } unsigned int state_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(XModifierStateWatcher); }; int GetEventFlagsFromXState(unsigned int state) { int flags = 0; if (state & ControlMask) flags |= ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN; if (state & ShiftMask) flags |= ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN; if (state & Mod1Mask) flags |= ui::EF_ALT_DOWN; if (state & LockMask) flags |= ui::EF_CAPS_LOCK_DOWN; if (state & Button1Mask) flags |= ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON; if (state & Button2Mask) flags |= ui::EF_MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON; if (state & Button3Mask) flags |= ui::EF_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON; return flags; } // Get the event flag for the button in XButtonEvent. During a ButtonPress // event, |state| in XButtonEvent does not include the button that has just been // pressed. Instead |state| contains flags for the buttons (if any) that had // already been pressed before the current button, and |button| stores the most // current pressed button. So, if you press down left mouse button, and while // pressing it down, press down the right mouse button, then for the latter // event, |state| would have Button1Mask set but not Button3Mask, and |button| // would be 3. int GetEventFlagsForButton(int button) { switch (button) { case 1: return ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON; case 2: return ui::EF_MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON; case 3: return ui::EF_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON; default: return 0; } } int GetButtonMaskForX2Event(XIDeviceEvent* xievent) { int buttonflags = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 8 * xievent->buttons.mask_len; i++) { if (XIMaskIsSet(xievent->buttons.mask, i)) { int button = (xievent->sourceid == xievent->deviceid) ? ui::GetMappedButton(i) : i; buttonflags |= GetEventFlagsForButton(button); } } return buttonflags; } ui::EventType GetTouchEventType(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { XIDeviceEvent* event = static_cast(native_event->xcookie.data); #if defined(USE_XI2_MT) switch(event->evtype) { case XI_TouchBegin: return ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED; case XI_TouchUpdate: return ui::ET_TOUCH_MOVED; case XI_TouchEnd: return ui::ET_TOUCH_RELEASED; } return ui::ET_UNKNOWN; #else ui::TouchFactory* factory = ui::TouchFactory::GetInstance(); // If this device doesn't support multi-touch, then just use the normal // pressed/release events to indicate touch start/end. With multi-touch, // these events are sent only for the first (pressed) or last (released) // touch point, and so we must infer start/end from motion events. if (!factory->IsMultiTouchDevice(event->sourceid)) { switch (event->evtype) { case XI_ButtonPress: return ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED; case XI_ButtonRelease: return ui::ET_TOUCH_RELEASED; case XI_Motion: if (GetButtonMaskForX2Event(event)) return ui::ET_TOUCH_MOVED; return ui::ET_UNKNOWN; default: NOTREACHED(); } } DCHECK_EQ(event->evtype, XI_Motion); // Note: We will not generate a _STATIONARY event here. It will be created, // when necessary, by a RWHVV. // TODO(sad): When should _CANCELLED be generated? float slot; if (!factory->ExtractTouchParam(*native_event, ui::TouchFactory::TP_SLOT_ID, &slot)) return ui::ET_UNKNOWN; if (!factory->IsSlotUsed(slot)) { // This is a new touch point. return ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED; } float tracking; if (!factory->ExtractTouchParam(*native_event, ui::TouchFactory::TP_TRACKING_ID, &tracking)) return ui::ET_UNKNOWN; if (tracking == 0l) { // The touch point has been released. return ui::ET_TOUCH_RELEASED; } return ui::ET_TOUCH_MOVED; #endif // defined(USE_XI2_MT) } float GetTouchParamFromXEvent(XEvent* xev, ui::TouchFactory::TouchParam tp, float default_value) { ui::TouchFactory::GetInstance()->ExtractTouchParam(*xev, tp, &default_value); return default_value; } Atom GetNoopEventAtom() { return XInternAtom( base::MessagePumpX::GetDefaultXDisplay(), "noop", False); } #if defined(USE_XI2_MT) gfx::Point CalibrateTouchCoordinates( const XIDeviceEvent* xievent) { int x = static_cast(xievent->event_x); int y = static_cast(xievent->event_y); if (!CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kEnableTouchCalibration)) return gfx::Point(x, y); // TODO(skuhne): Find a new home for these hardware dependent touch // constants. // Note: These values have been found to be correct for the device I was // testing with. I have the feeling that the DPI resolution of the bezel is // less then the dpi resolution over the visible part - which would explain // why the small value (50) is so wide compared to the entire area. gfx::Rect bounds = gfx::Screen::GetPrimaryMonitor().bounds_in_pixel(); const int kLeftBorder = 50; const int kRightBorder = 50; const int kBottomBorder = 50; const int kTopBorder = 0; const int resolution_x = bounds.width(); const int resolution_y = bounds.height(); // The "grace area" (10% in this case) is to make it easier for the user to // navigate to the corner. const double kGraceAreaFraction = 0.1; // Offset the x position to the real x -= kLeftBorder; // Check if we are in the grace area of the left side. // Note: We might not want to do this when the gesture is locked? if (x < 0 && x > -kLeftBorder * kGraceAreaFraction) x = 0; // Check if we are in the grace area of the right side. // Note: We might not want to do this when the gesture is locked? if (x > resolution_x - kLeftBorder && x < resolution_x - kLeftBorder + kRightBorder * kGraceAreaFraction) x = resolution_x - kLeftBorder; // Scale the screen area back to the full resolution of the screen. x = (x * resolution_x) / (resolution_x - (kRightBorder + kLeftBorder)); // Offset the y position to the real y -= kTopBorder; // Check if we are in the grace area of the left side. // Note: We might not want to do this when the gesture is locked? if (y < 0 && y > -kTopBorder * kGraceAreaFraction) y = 0; // Check if we are in the grace area of the right side. // Note: We might not want to do this when the gesture is locked? if (y > resolution_y - kTopBorder && y < resolution_y - kTopBorder + kBottomBorder * kGraceAreaFraction) y = resolution_y - kTopBorder; // Scale the screen area back to the full resolution of the screen. y = (y * resolution_y) / (resolution_y - (kBottomBorder + kTopBorder)); // Set the modified coordinate back to the event. return gfx::Point(x, y); } #endif // defined(USE_XI2_MT) } // namespace namespace ui { void UpdateDeviceList() { Display* display = GetXDisplay(); CMTEventData::GetInstance()->UpdateDeviceList(display); TouchFactory::GetInstance()->UpdateDeviceList(display); } EventType EventTypeFromNative(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { switch (native_event->type) { case KeyPress: return ET_KEY_PRESSED; case KeyRelease: return ET_KEY_RELEASED; case ButtonPress: if (static_cast(native_event->xbutton.button) >= kMinWheelButton && static_cast(native_event->xbutton.button) <= kMaxWheelButton) return ET_MOUSEWHEEL; return ET_MOUSE_PRESSED; case ButtonRelease: // Drop wheel events; we should've already scrolled on the press. if (static_cast(native_event->xbutton.button) >= kMinWheelButton && static_cast(native_event->xbutton.button) <= kMaxWheelButton) return ET_UNKNOWN; return ET_MOUSE_RELEASED; case MotionNotify: if (native_event->xmotion.state & (Button1Mask | Button2Mask | Button3Mask)) return ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED; return ET_MOUSE_MOVED; case EnterNotify: return ET_MOUSE_ENTERED; case LeaveNotify: return ET_MOUSE_EXITED; case GenericEvent: { TouchFactory* factory = TouchFactory::GetInstance(); if (!factory->ShouldProcessXI2Event(native_event)) return ET_UNKNOWN; XIDeviceEvent* xievent = static_cast(native_event->xcookie.data); if (factory->IsTouchDevice(xievent->sourceid)) return GetTouchEventType(native_event); switch (xievent->evtype) { case XI_ButtonPress: { int button = EventButtonFromNative(native_event); if (button >= kMinWheelButton && button <= kMaxWheelButton) return ET_MOUSEWHEEL; return ET_MOUSE_PRESSED; } case XI_ButtonRelease: { int button = EventButtonFromNative(native_event); // Drop wheel events; we should've already scrolled on the press. if (button >= kMinWheelButton && button <= kMaxWheelButton) return ET_UNKNOWN; return ET_MOUSE_RELEASED; } case XI_Motion: { float vx, vy; bool is_cancel; if (GetFlingData(native_event, &vx, &vy, &is_cancel)) { return is_cancel ? ET_SCROLL_FLING_CANCEL : ET_SCROLL_FLING_START; } else if (GetScrollOffsets(native_event, NULL, NULL)) return ET_SCROLL; else if (GetButtonMaskForX2Event(xievent)) { return ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED; } else return ET_MOUSE_MOVED; } } } default: break; } return ET_UNKNOWN; } int EventFlagsFromNative(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { switch (native_event->type) { case KeyPress: case KeyRelease: { XModifierStateWatcher::GetInstance()->UpdateStateFromEvent(native_event); return GetEventFlagsFromXState(native_event->xkey.state); } case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: { int flags = GetEventFlagsFromXState(native_event->xbutton.state); const EventType type = EventTypeFromNative(native_event); if (type == ET_MOUSE_PRESSED || type == ET_MOUSE_RELEASED) flags |= GetEventFlagsForButton(native_event->xbutton.button); return flags; } case MotionNotify: return GetEventFlagsFromXState(native_event->xmotion.state); case GenericEvent: { XIDeviceEvent* xievent = static_cast(native_event->xcookie.data); const bool touch = TouchFactory::GetInstance()->IsTouchDevice(xievent->sourceid); switch (xievent->evtype) { case XI_ButtonPress: case XI_ButtonRelease: { int flags = GetButtonMaskForX2Event(xievent) | GetEventFlagsFromXState(xievent->mods.effective); if (touch) { flags |= GetEventFlagsFromXState( XModifierStateWatcher::GetInstance()->state()); } const EventType type = EventTypeFromNative(native_event); int button = EventButtonFromNative(native_event); if ((type == ET_MOUSE_PRESSED || type == ET_MOUSE_RELEASED) && !touch) flags |= GetEventFlagsForButton(button); return flags; } case XI_Motion: return GetButtonMaskForX2Event(xievent) | GetEventFlagsFromXState(xievent->mods.effective); } } } return 0; } base::TimeDelta EventTimeFromNative(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { switch(native_event->type) { case KeyPress: case KeyRelease: return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(native_event->xkey.time); case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(native_event->xbutton.time); break; case MotionNotify: return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(native_event->xmotion.time); break; case GenericEvent: { double start, end; if (GetGestureTimes(native_event, &start, &end)) { // If the driver supports gesture times, use them. return base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(start * 1000000); } else { XIDeviceEvent* xide = static_cast(native_event->xcookie.data); return base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(xide->time); } break; } } NOTREACHED(); return base::TimeDelta(); } gfx::Point EventLocationFromNative(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { switch (native_event->type) { case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: return gfx::Point(native_event->xbutton.x, native_event->xbutton.y); case MotionNotify: return gfx::Point(native_event->xmotion.x, native_event->xmotion.y); case GenericEvent: { XIDeviceEvent* xievent = static_cast(native_event->xcookie.data); #if defined(USE_XI2_MT) // Touch event valuators aren't coordinates. // Return the |event_x|/|event_y| directly as event's position. if (xievent->evtype == XI_TouchBegin || xievent->evtype == XI_TouchUpdate || xievent->evtype == XI_TouchEnd) // Note: Touch events are always touch screen events. return CalibrateTouchCoordinates(xievent); #endif // Read the position from the valuators, because the location reported in // event_x/event_y seems to be different (and doesn't match for events // coming from slave device and master device) from the values in the // valuators. See more on crbug.com/103981. The position in the valuators // is in the global screen coordinates. But it is necessary to convert it // into the window's coordinates. If the valuator is not set, that means // the value hasn't changed, and so we can use the value from // event_x/event_y (which are in the window's coordinates). double* valuators = xievent->valuators.values; double x = xievent->event_x; if (XIMaskIsSet(xievent->valuators.mask, 0)) x = *valuators++ - (xievent->root_x - xievent->event_x); double y = xievent->event_y; if (XIMaskIsSet(xievent->valuators.mask, 1)) y = *valuators++ - (xievent->root_y - xievent->event_y); return gfx::Point(static_cast(x), static_cast(y)); } } return gfx::Point(); } int EventButtonFromNative(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { CHECK_EQ(GenericEvent, native_event->type); XIDeviceEvent* xievent = static_cast(native_event->xcookie.data); int button = xievent->detail; return (xievent->sourceid == xievent->deviceid) ? ui::GetMappedButton(button) : button; } KeyboardCode KeyboardCodeFromNative(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { return KeyboardCodeFromXKeyEvent(native_event); } bool IsMouseEvent(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { if (native_event->type == ButtonPress || native_event->type == ButtonRelease || native_event->type == MotionNotify) return true; if (native_event->type == GenericEvent) { XIDeviceEvent* xievent = static_cast(native_event->xcookie.data); return xievent->evtype == XI_ButtonPress || xievent->evtype == XI_ButtonRelease || xievent->evtype == XI_Motion; } return false; } int GetMouseWheelOffset(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { int button = native_event->type == GenericEvent ? EventButtonFromNative(native_event) : native_event->xbutton.button; switch (button) { case 4: return kWheelScrollAmount; case 5: return -kWheelScrollAmount; default: // TODO(derat): Do something for horizontal scrolls (buttons 6 and 7)? return 0; } } int GetTouchId(const base::NativeEvent& xev) { float slot = 0; ui::TouchFactory* factory = ui::TouchFactory::GetInstance(); XIDeviceEvent* xievent = static_cast(xev->xcookie.data); if (!factory->IsMultiTouchDevice(xievent->sourceid)) { // TODO(sad): Come up with a way to generate touch-ids for multi-touch // events when touch-events are generated from a single-touch device. return slot; } #if defined(USE_XI2_MT) float tracking_id; if (!factory->ExtractTouchParam( *xev, ui::TouchFactory::TP_TRACKING_ID, &tracking_id)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get the slot ID for the event. Using 0."; } else { slot = factory->GetSlotForTrackingID(tracking_id); ui::EventType type = ui::EventTypeFromNative(xev); if (type == ui::ET_TOUCH_CANCELLED || type == ui::ET_TOUCH_RELEASED) { factory->ReleaseSlotForTrackingID(tracking_id); } } #else if (!factory->ExtractTouchParam( *xev, ui::TouchFactory::TP_SLOT_ID, &slot)) LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get the slot ID for the event. Using 0."; #endif return slot; } float GetTouchRadiusX(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { return GetTouchParamFromXEvent(native_event, ui::TouchFactory::TP_TOUCH_MAJOR, 2.0) / 2.0; } float GetTouchRadiusY(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { return GetTouchParamFromXEvent(native_event, ui::TouchFactory::TP_TOUCH_MINOR, 2.0) / 2.0; } float GetTouchAngle(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { return GetTouchParamFromXEvent(native_event, ui::TouchFactory::TP_ORIENTATION, 0.0) / 2.0; } float GetTouchForce(const base::NativeEvent& native_event) { float force = 0.0; force = GetTouchParamFromXEvent(native_event, ui::TouchFactory::TP_PRESSURE, 0.0); unsigned int deviceid = static_cast(native_event->xcookie.data)->sourceid; // Force is normalized to fall into [0, 1] if (!ui::TouchFactory::GetInstance()->NormalizeTouchParam( deviceid, ui::TouchFactory::TP_PRESSURE, &force)) force = 0.0; return force; } bool GetScrollOffsets(const base::NativeEvent& native_event, float* x_offset, float* y_offset) { return CMTEventData::GetInstance()->GetScrollOffsets( *native_event, x_offset, y_offset); } bool GetFlingData(const base::NativeEvent& native_event, float* vx, float* vy, bool* is_cancel) { return CMTEventData::GetInstance()->GetFlingData( *native_event, vx, vy, is_cancel); } bool GetGestureTimes(const base::NativeEvent& native_event, double* start_time, double* end_time) { return CMTEventData::GetInstance()->GetGestureTimes( *native_event, start_time, end_time); } void SetNaturalScroll(bool enabled) { CMTEventData::GetInstance()->set_natural_scroll_enabled(enabled); } bool IsNaturalScrollEnabled() { return CMTEventData::GetInstance()->natural_scroll_enabled(); } bool IsTouchpadEvent(const base::NativeEvent& event) { return CMTEventData::GetInstance()->IsTouchpadXInputEvent(event); } bool IsNoopEvent(const base::NativeEvent& event) { return (event->type == ClientMessage && event->xclient.message_type == GetNoopEventAtom()); } base::NativeEvent CreateNoopEvent() { static XEvent* noop = NULL; if (!noop) { noop = new XEvent(); memset(noop, 0, sizeof(XEvent)); noop->xclient.type = ClientMessage; noop->xclient.window = None; noop->xclient.format = 8; DCHECK(!noop->xclient.display); } // Make sure we use atom from current xdisplay, which may // change during the test. noop->xclient.message_type = GetNoopEventAtom(); return noop; } } // namespace ui