// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stdint.h>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_param_traits.h"

namespace ui {

// Integer representation of UI Events KeyboardEvent.key value.
// The semantics follow the web string form[1]: the value is either a
// Unicode character or one of a defined set of additional values[2].
// There is one notable difference from the UI Events string key: for
// the 'Dead' key, this type provides a whole range of values that also
// encode the associated combining character. (They are not quite the
// same thing: a dead key is a non-printing operator that modifies a
// subsequent printing character, whereas a Unicode combining character
// is a printable character in its own right that attaches to a preceding
// character in a string.) This allows the interpretation of any keystroke
// to be carried as a single integer value.
// DomKey::NONE is a sentinel used to indicate an error or undefined value.
// It is not the same as Unicode code point 0 (ASCII NUL) or the valid DOM
// key 'Unidentified'.
// References:
// [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/uievents/#widl-KeyboardEvent-key
// [2] http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events-key/
class DomKey {
  using Base = int32_t;

  // Integer representation of DomKey. This is arranged so that DomKey encoded
  // values are distinct from Unicode code points, so that we can dynamically
  // verify that they are not accidentally conflated.
  // 31             24              16              8               0
  // |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |       |
  // | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
  // |        z        |c|s|                    v                    |
  //  From low to high:
  //  - |v| is a value whose interpretation depends on the kind of key:
  //    - for a Unicode value, it is the code point (0 <= v <= 0x10FFFF);
  //    - for a dead key, the code point of the associated combining character;
  //    - for others, an arbitrary distinct value.
  //  - |s| is set for a valid symbolic key (i.e. not a Unicode character).
  //  - |c| is set if |v| holds a code point (for either a Unicode character
  //        directly, or a dead-key combining character).
  //  - |z| is reserved and always zero.
  //  As consequences of this representation,
  //  - all valid DomKey encodings have at least one of |c| or |s| set, so
  //    they can't be confused with raw Unicode characters (where both are 0).
  //  - integer 0 is not a valid encoding, and can be used for DomKey::NONE.
  enum { VALUE_BITS = 21 };
  enum Type : Base {
    VALUE_MASK = (1L << VALUE_BITS) - 1,
    TF_CODEPOINT = (1L << (VALUE_BITS + 1)),
  static_assert(TYPE_UNICODE != 0 && TYPE_NON_UNICODE != 0 && TYPE_DEAD != 0,
                "suspicious representation change");

  enum InvalidKey : Base { NONE = 0 };
// |dom_key_data.inc| describes the non-printable DomKey values, and is
// included here to create constants for them in the DomKey:: scope.
#define DOM_KEY_MAP_DECLARATION enum Key : Base
#define DOM_KEY_UNI(key, id, value) id = (TYPE_UNICODE | (value))
#define DOM_KEY_MAP(key, id, value) id = (TYPE_NON_UNICODE | (value))
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_key_data.inc"
#undef DOM_KEY_MAP
#undef DOM_KEY_UNI

  // Create a DomKey, with the undefined-value sentinel DomKey::NONE.
  DomKey() : value_(NONE) {}

  // Create a DomKey from an encoded integer value. This is implicit so
  // that DomKey::NAME constants don't need to be explicitly converted
  // to DomKey.
  DomKey(Base value) : value_(value) {
    DCHECK(value == 0 || IsValid()) << value;

  // Obtain the encoded integer representation of the DomKey.
  operator Base() const { return value_; }

  // True if the value is a valid DomKey (which excludes DomKey::NONE and
  // integers not following the DomKey format).
  bool IsValid() const { return (value_ & TYPE_MASK) != 0; }

  // True if the value is a Unicode code point.
  bool IsCharacter() const { return (value_ & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_UNICODE; }

  // True if the value is a dead key.
  bool IsDeadKey() const { return (value_ & TYPE_MASK) == TYPE_DEAD; }

  // Returns the Unicode code point for a Unicode key.
  // It is incorrect to call this for other kinds of key.
  int32_t ToCharacter() const {
    DCHECK(IsCharacter()) << value_;
    return value_ & VALUE_MASK;

  // Returns the associated combining code point for a dead key.
  // It is incorrect to call this for other kinds of key.
  int32_t ToDeadKeyCombiningCharacter() const {
    DCHECK(IsDeadKey()) << value_;
    return value_ & VALUE_MASK;

  // Returns a DomKey for the given Unicode character.
  static DomKey FromCharacter(int32_t character) {
    DCHECK(character >= 0 && character <= 0x10FFFF);
    return DomKey(TYPE_UNICODE | character);

  // Returns a dead-key DomKey for the given combining character.
  static DomKey DeadKeyFromCombiningCharacter(int32_t combining_character) {
    DCHECK(combining_character >= 0 && combining_character <= 0x10FFFF);
    return DomKey(TYPE_DEAD | combining_character);

  // Provide means to generate constant DomKey::Base values, primarily to
  // allow conversion tables to be constant, without startup construction.
  // In the future (cue the theremin) this can be replaced with constexpr
  // functions.
  template<Base C> struct Constant {
    enum : Base {
      Character = TYPE_UNICODE | C,
      Dead = TYPE_DEAD | C,

  friend struct IPC::ParamTraits<ui::DomKey>;

  Base value_;

}  // namespace ui