// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * Overrided metadata worker's path. * @type {string} */ ContentProvider.WORKER_SCRIPT = '/js/metadata_worker.js'; /** * Data model for gallery. * * @param {!MetadataCache} metadataCache Metadata cache. * @constructor * @extends {cr.ui.ArrayDataModel} */ function GalleryDataModel(metadataCache) { cr.ui.ArrayDataModel.call(this, []); /** * Metadata cache. * @type {!MetadataCache} * @private */ this.metadataCache_ = metadataCache; /** * Directory where the image is saved if the image is located in a read-only * volume. * @type {DirectoryEntry} */ this.fallbackSaveDirectory = null; // Start to watch file system entries. var watcher = new EntryListWatcher(this); watcher.getEntry = function(item) { return item.getEntry(); }; } /** * Maximum number of full size image cache. * @type {number} * @const * @private */ GalleryDataModel.MAX_FULL_IMAGE_CACHE_ = 3; /** * Maximum number of screen size image cache. * @type {number} * @const * @private */ GalleryDataModel.MAX_SCREEN_IMAGE_CACHE_ = 5; GalleryDataModel.prototype = { __proto__: cr.ui.ArrayDataModel.prototype }; /** * Saves new image. * * @param {!VolumeManager} volumeManager Volume manager instance. * @param {!Gallery.Item} item Original gallery item. * @param {!HTMLCanvasElement} canvas Canvas containing new image. * @param {boolean} overwrite Whether to overwrite the image to the item or not. * @return {!Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with when the operation completes. */ GalleryDataModel.prototype.saveItem = function( volumeManager, item, canvas, overwrite) { var oldEntry = item.getEntry(); var oldMetadata = item.getMetadata(); var oldLocationInfo = item.getLocationInfo(); var metadataEncoder = ImageEncoder.encodeMetadata( item.getMetadata(), canvas, 1 /* quality */); var newMetadata = ContentProvider.ConvertContentMetadata( metadataEncoder.getMetadata(), MetadataCache.cloneMetadata(item.getMetadata())); if (newMetadata.filesystem) newMetadata.filesystem.modificationTime = new Date(); if (newMetadata.external) newMetadata.external.present = true; return new Promise(function(fulfill, reject) { item.saveToFile( volumeManager, this.fallbackSaveDirectory, overwrite, canvas, metadataEncoder, function(success) { if (!success) { reject('Failed to save the image.'); return; } // The item's entry is updated to the latest entry. Update metadata. item.setMetadata(newMetadata); // Current entry is updated. // Dispatch an event. var event = new Event('content'); event.item = item; event.oldEntry = oldEntry; event.metadata = newMetadata; this.dispatchEvent(event); if (util.isSameEntry(oldEntry, item.getEntry())) { // Need an update of metdataCache. this.metadataCache_.set( item.getEntry(), Gallery.METADATA_TYPE, newMetadata); } else { // New entry is added and the item now tracks it. // Add another item for the old entry. var anotherItem = new Gallery.Item( oldEntry, oldLocationInfo, oldMetadata, this.metadataCache_, item.isOriginal()); // The item must be added behind the existing item so that it does // not change the index of the existing item. // TODO(hirono): Update the item index of the selection model // correctly. this.splice(this.indexOf(item) + 1, 0, anotherItem); } fulfill(); }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); }; /** * Evicts image caches in the items. */ GalleryDataModel.prototype.evictCache = function() { // Sort the item by the last accessed date. var sorted = this.slice().sort(function(a, b) { return b.getLastAccessedDate() - a.getLastAccessedDate(); }); // Evict caches. var contentCacheCount = 0; var screenCacheCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) { if (sorted[i].contentImage) { if (++contentCacheCount > GalleryDataModel.MAX_FULL_IMAGE_CACHE_) { if (sorted[i].contentImage.parentNode) { console.error('The content image has a parent node.'); } else { // Force to free the buffer of the canvas by assigning zero size. sorted[i].contentImage.width = 0; sorted[i].contentImage.height = 0; sorted[i].contentImage = null; } } } if (sorted[i].screenImage) { if (++screenCacheCount > GalleryDataModel.MAX_SCREEN_IMAGE_CACHE_) { if (sorted[i].screenImage.parentNode) { console.error('The screen image has a parent node.'); } else { // Force to free the buffer of the canvas by assigning zero size. sorted[i].screenImage.width = 0; sorted[i].screenImage.height = 0; sorted[i].screenImage = null; } } } } }; /** * Gallery for viewing and editing image files. * * @param {!VolumeManager} volumeManager The VolumeManager instance of the * system. * @constructor * @struct */ function Gallery(volumeManager) { /** * @type {{appWindow: chrome.app.window.AppWindow, onClose: function(), * onMaximize: function(), onMinimize: function(), * onAppRegionChanged: function(), metadataCache: MetadataCache, * readonlyDirName: string, displayStringFunction: function(), * loadTimeData: Object, curDirEntry: Entry, searchResults: *}} * @private * * TODO(yawano): curDirEntry and searchResults seem not to be used. * Investigate them and remove them if possible. */ this.context_ = { appWindow: chrome.app.window.current(), onClose: function() { window.close(); }, onMaximize: function() { var appWindow = chrome.app.window.current(); if (appWindow.isMaximized()) appWindow.restore(); else appWindow.maximize(); }, onMinimize: function() { chrome.app.window.current().minimize(); }, onAppRegionChanged: function() {}, metadataCache: MetadataCache.createFull(volumeManager), readonlyDirName: '', displayStringFunction: function() { return ''; }, loadTimeData: {}, curDirEntry: null, searchResults: null }; this.container_ = queryRequiredElement(document, '.gallery'); this.document_ = document; this.metadataCache_ = this.context_.metadataCache; this.volumeManager_ = volumeManager; this.selectedEntry_ = null; this.metadataCacheObserverId_ = null; this.onExternallyUnmountedBound_ = this.onExternallyUnmounted_.bind(this); this.dataModel_ = new GalleryDataModel( this.context_.metadataCache); var downloadVolumeInfo = this.volumeManager_.getCurrentProfileVolumeInfo( VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DOWNLOADS); downloadVolumeInfo.resolveDisplayRoot().then(function(entry) { this.dataModel_.fallbackSaveDirectory = entry; }.bind(this)).catch(function(error) { console.error( 'Failed to obtain the fallback directory: ' + (error.stack || error)); }); this.selectionModel_ = new cr.ui.ListSelectionModel(); /** * @type {(SlideMode|MosaicMode)} * @private */ this.currentMode_ = null; /** * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.changingMode_ = false; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initializes the UI. // Initialize the dialog label. cr.ui.dialogs.BaseDialog.OK_LABEL = str('GALLERY_OK_LABEL'); cr.ui.dialogs.BaseDialog.CANCEL_LABEL = str('GALLERY_CANCEL_LABEL'); var content = queryRequiredElement(document, '#content'); content.addEventListener('click', this.onContentClick_.bind(this)); this.header_ = queryRequiredElement(document, '#header'); this.toolbar_ = queryRequiredElement(document, '#toolbar'); var preventDefault = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }; var minimizeButton = util.createChild(this.header_, 'minimize-button tool dimmable', 'button'); minimizeButton.tabIndex = -1; minimizeButton.addEventListener('click', this.onMinimize_.bind(this)); minimizeButton.addEventListener('mousedown', preventDefault); var maximizeButton = util.createChild(this.header_, 'maximize-button tool dimmable', 'button'); maximizeButton.tabIndex = -1; maximizeButton.addEventListener('click', this.onMaximize_.bind(this)); maximizeButton.addEventListener('mousedown', preventDefault); var closeButton = util.createChild(this.header_, 'close-button tool dimmable', 'button'); closeButton.tabIndex = -1; closeButton.addEventListener('click', this.onClose_.bind(this)); closeButton.addEventListener('mousedown', preventDefault); this.filenameSpacer_ = queryRequiredElement(this.toolbar_, '.filename-spacer'); this.filenameEdit_ = util.createChild(this.filenameSpacer_, 'namebox', 'input'); this.filenameEdit_.setAttribute('type', 'text'); this.filenameEdit_.addEventListener('blur', this.onFilenameEditBlur_.bind(this)); this.filenameEdit_.addEventListener('focus', this.onFilenameFocus_.bind(this)); this.filenameEdit_.addEventListener('keydown', this.onFilenameEditKeydown_.bind(this)); var middleSpacer = queryRequiredElement(this.toolbar_, '.middle-spacer'); var buttonSpacer = queryRequiredElement(this.toolbar_, '.button-spacer'); this.prompt_ = new ImageEditor.Prompt(this.container_, strf); this.errorBanner_ = new ErrorBanner(this.container_); this.modeButton_ = queryRequiredElement(this.toolbar_, 'button.mode'); this.modeButton_.addEventListener('click', this.toggleMode_.bind(this, undefined)); this.mosaicMode_ = new MosaicMode(content, this.errorBanner_, this.dataModel_, this.selectionModel_, this.volumeManager_, this.toggleMode_.bind(this)); this.slideMode_ = new SlideMode(this.container_, content, this.toolbar_, this.prompt_, this.errorBanner_, this.dataModel_, this.selectionModel_, this.context_, this.volumeManager_, this.toggleMode_.bind(this), str); this.slideMode_.addEventListener('image-displayed', function() { cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'image-displayed'); }.bind(this)); this.slideMode_.addEventListener('image-saved', function() { cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(this, 'image-saved'); }.bind(this)); this.deleteButton_ = this.initToolbarButton_('delete', 'GALLERY_DELETE'); this.deleteButton_.addEventListener('click', this.delete_.bind(this)); this.shareButton_ = this.initToolbarButton_('share', 'GALLERY_SHARE'); this.shareButton_.addEventListener( 'click', this.onShareButtonClick_.bind(this)); this.dataModel_.addEventListener('splice', this.onSplice_.bind(this)); this.dataModel_.addEventListener('content', this.onContentChange_.bind(this)); this.selectionModel_.addEventListener('change', this.onSelection_.bind(this)); this.slideMode_.addEventListener('useraction', this.onUserAction_.bind(this)); this.shareDialog_ = new ShareDialog(this.container_); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize listeners. this.keyDownBound_ = this.onKeyDown_.bind(this); this.document_.body.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyDownBound_); this.inactivityWatcher_ = new MouseInactivityWatcher( this.container_, Gallery.FADE_TIMEOUT, this.hasActiveTool.bind(this)); // Search results may contain files from different subdirectories so // the observer is not going to work. if (!this.context_.searchResults && this.context_.curDirEntry) { this.metadataCacheObserverId_ = this.metadataCache_.addObserver( this.context_.curDirEntry, MetadataCache.CHILDREN, 'thumbnail', this.updateThumbnails_.bind(this)); } this.volumeManager_.addEventListener( 'externally-unmounted', this.onExternallyUnmountedBound_); // The 'pagehide' event is called when the app window is closed. window.addEventListener('pagehide', this.onPageHide_.bind(this)); } /** * Gallery extends cr.EventTarget. */ Gallery.prototype.__proto__ = cr.EventTarget.prototype; /** * Tools fade-out timeout in milliseconds. * @const * @type {number} */ Gallery.FADE_TIMEOUT = 2000; /** * First time tools fade-out timeout in milliseconds. * @const * @type {number} */ Gallery.FIRST_FADE_TIMEOUT = 1000; /** * Time until mosaic is initialized in the background. Used to make gallery * in the slide mode load faster. In milliseconds. * @const * @type {number} */ Gallery.MOSAIC_BACKGROUND_INIT_DELAY = 1000; /** * Types of metadata Gallery uses (to query the metadata cache). * @const * @type {string} */ Gallery.METADATA_TYPE = 'thumbnail|filesystem|media|external'; /** * Closes gallery when a volume containing the selected item is unmounted. * @param {!Event} event The unmount event. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onExternallyUnmounted_ = function(event) { if (!this.selectedEntry_) return; if (this.volumeManager_.getVolumeInfo(this.selectedEntry_) === event.volumeInfo) { window.close(); } }; /** * Unloads the Gallery. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onPageHide_ = function() { if (this.metadataCacheObserverId_ !== null) this.metadataCache_.removeObserver(this.metadataCacheObserverId_); this.volumeManager_.removeEventListener( 'externally-unmounted', this.onExternallyUnmountedBound_); }; /** * Initializes a toolbar button. * * @param {string} className Class to add. * @param {string} title Button title. * @return {!HTMLElement} Newly created button. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.initToolbarButton_ = function(className, title) { var button = queryRequiredElement(this.toolbar_, 'button.' + className); button.title = str(title); return button; }; /** * Loads the content. * * @param {!Array.} entries Array of entries. * @param {!Array.} selectedEntries Array of selected entries. */ Gallery.prototype.load = function(entries, selectedEntries) { // Obtains max chank size. var maxChunkSize = 20; var volumeInfo = this.volumeManager_.getVolumeInfo(entries[0]); if (volumeInfo && volumeInfo.volumeType === VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.MTP) { maxChunkSize = 1; } if (volumeInfo.isReadOnly) this.context_.readonlyDirName = volumeInfo.label; // Make loading list. var entrySet = {}; for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { var entry = entries[i]; entrySet[entry.toURL()] = { entry: entry, selected: false, index: i }; } for (var i = 0; i < selectedEntries.length; i++) { var entry = selectedEntries[i]; entrySet[entry.toURL()] = { entry: entry, selected: true, index: i }; } var loadingList = []; for (var url in entrySet) { loadingList.push(entrySet[url]); } loadingList = loadingList.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.selected && !b.selected) return -1; else if (!a.selected && b.selected) return 1; else return a.index - b.index; }); // Load entries. // Use the self variable capture-by-closure because it is faster than bind. var self = this; var loadChunk = function(firstChunk) { // Extract chunk. var chunk = loadingList.splice(0, maxChunkSize); if (!chunk.length) return; return new Promise(function(fulfill) { // Obtains metadata for chunk. var entries = chunk.map(function(chunkItem) { return chunkItem.entry; }); self.metadataCache_.get(entries, Gallery.METADATA_TYPE, fulfill); }).then(function(metadataList) { if (chunk.length !== metadataList.length) return Promise.reject('Failed to load metadata.'); // Add items to the model. var items = []; chunk.forEach(function(chunkItem, index) { var locationInfo = self.volumeManager_.getLocationInfo(chunkItem.entry); if (!locationInfo) // Skip the item, since gone. return; var clonedMetadata = MetadataCache.cloneMetadata(metadataList[index]); items.push(new Gallery.Item( chunkItem.entry, locationInfo, clonedMetadata, self.metadataCache_, /* original */ true)); }); self.dataModel_.push.apply(self.dataModel_, items); // Apply the selection. var selectionUpdated = false; for (var i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++) { if (!chunk[i].selected) continue; var index = self.dataModel_.indexOf(items[i]); if (index < 0) continue; self.selectionModel_.setIndexSelected(index, true); selectionUpdated = true; } if (selectionUpdated) self.onSelection_(); // Init modes after the first chunk is loaded. if (firstChunk) { // Determine the initial mode. var shouldShowMosaic = selectedEntries.length > 1 || (self.context_.pageState && self.context_.pageState.gallery === 'mosaic'); self.setCurrentMode_( shouldShowMosaic ? self.mosaicMode_ : self.slideMode_); // Init mosaic mode. var mosaic = self.mosaicMode_.getMosaic(); mosaic.init(); // Do the initialization for each mode. if (shouldShowMosaic) { mosaic.show(); self.inactivityWatcher_.check(); // Show the toolbar. cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(self, 'loaded'); } else { self.slideMode_.enter( null, function() { // Flash the toolbar briefly to show it is there. self.inactivityWatcher_.kick(Gallery.FIRST_FADE_TIMEOUT); }, function() { cr.dispatchSimpleEvent(self, 'loaded'); }); } } // Continue to load chunks. return loadChunk(/* firstChunk */ false); }); }; loadChunk(/* firstChunk */ true).catch(function(error) { console.error(error.stack || error); }); }; /** * Handles user's 'Close' action. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onClose_ = function() { this.executeWhenReady(this.context_.onClose); }; /** * Handles user's 'Maximize' action (Escape or a click on the X icon). * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onMaximize_ = function() { this.executeWhenReady(this.context_.onMaximize); }; /** * Handles user's 'Maximize' action (Escape or a click on the X icon). * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onMinimize_ = function() { this.executeWhenReady(this.context_.onMinimize); }; /** * Executes a function when the editor is done with the modifications. * @param {function()} callback Function to execute. */ Gallery.prototype.executeWhenReady = function(callback) { this.currentMode_.executeWhenReady(callback); }; /** * @return {!Object} File manager private API. */ Gallery.getFileManagerPrivate = function() { return chrome.fileManagerPrivate || window.top.chrome.fileManagerPrivate; }; /** * @return {boolean} True if some tool is currently active. */ Gallery.prototype.hasActiveTool = function() { return (this.currentMode_ && this.currentMode_.hasActiveTool()) || this.isRenaming_(); }; /** * External user action event handler. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onUserAction_ = function() { // Show the toolbar and hide it after the default timeout. this.inactivityWatcher_.kick(); }; /** * Sets the current mode, update the UI. * @param {!(SlideMode|MosaicMode)} mode Current mode. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.setCurrentMode_ = function(mode) { if (mode !== this.slideMode_ && mode !== this.mosaicMode_) console.error('Invalid Gallery mode'); this.currentMode_ = mode; this.container_.setAttribute('mode', this.currentMode_.getName()); this.updateSelectionAndState_(); this.updateButtons_(); }; /** * Mode toggle event handler. * @param {function()=} opt_callback Callback. * @param {Event=} opt_event Event that caused this call. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.toggleMode_ = function(opt_callback, opt_event) { if (!this.modeButton_) return; if (this.changingMode_) // Do not re-enter while changing the mode. return; if (opt_event) this.onUserAction_(); this.changingMode_ = true; var onModeChanged = function() { this.changingMode_ = false; if (opt_callback) opt_callback(); }.bind(this); var tileIndex = Math.max(0, this.selectionModel_.selectedIndex); var mosaic = this.mosaicMode_.getMosaic(); var tileRect = mosaic.getTileRect(tileIndex); if (this.currentMode_ === this.slideMode_) { this.setCurrentMode_(this.mosaicMode_); mosaic.transform( tileRect, this.slideMode_.getSelectedImageRect(), true /* instant */); this.slideMode_.leave( tileRect, function() { // Animate back to normal position. mosaic.transform(null, null); mosaic.show(); onModeChanged(); }.bind(this)); } else { this.setCurrentMode_(this.slideMode_); this.slideMode_.enter( tileRect, function() { // Animate to zoomed position. mosaic.transform(tileRect, this.slideMode_.getSelectedImageRect()); mosaic.hide(); }.bind(this), onModeChanged); } }; /** * Deletes the selected items. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.delete_ = function() { this.onUserAction_(); // Clone the sorted selected indexes array. var indexesToRemove = this.selectionModel_.selectedIndexes.slice(); if (!indexesToRemove.length) return; /* TODO(dgozman): Implement Undo delete, Remove the confirmation dialog. */ var itemsToRemove = this.getSelectedItems(); var plural = itemsToRemove.length > 1; var param = plural ? itemsToRemove.length : itemsToRemove[0].getFileName(); function deleteNext() { if (!itemsToRemove.length) return; // All deleted. var entry = itemsToRemove.pop().getEntry(); entry.remove(deleteNext, function() { console.error('Error deleting: ' + entry.name); deleteNext(); }); } // Prevent the Gallery from handling Esc and Enter. this.document_.body.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keyDownBound_); var restoreListener = function() { this.document_.body.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyDownBound_); }.bind(this); var confirm = new cr.ui.dialogs.ConfirmDialog(this.container_); confirm.setOkLabel(str('DELETE_BUTTON_LABEL')); confirm.show(strf(plural ? 'GALLERY_CONFIRM_DELETE_SOME' : 'GALLERY_CONFIRM_DELETE_ONE', param), function() { restoreListener(); this.selectionModel_.unselectAll(); this.selectionModel_.leadIndex = -1; // Remove items from the data model, starting from the highest index. while (indexesToRemove.length) this.dataModel_.splice(indexesToRemove.pop(), 1); // Delete actual files. deleteNext(); }.bind(this), function() { // Restore the listener after a timeout so that ESC is processed. setTimeout(restoreListener, 0); }, null); }; /** * @return {!Array.} Current selection. */ Gallery.prototype.getSelectedItems = function() { return this.selectionModel_.selectedIndexes.map( this.dataModel_.item.bind(this.dataModel_)); }; /** * @return {!Array.} Array of currently selected entries. */ Gallery.prototype.getSelectedEntries = function() { return this.selectionModel_.selectedIndexes.map(function(index) { return this.dataModel_.item(index).getEntry(); }.bind(this)); }; /** * @return {?Gallery.Item} Current single selection. */ Gallery.prototype.getSingleSelectedItem = function() { var items = this.getSelectedItems(); if (items.length > 1) { console.error('Unexpected multiple selection'); return null; } return items[0]; }; /** * Selection change event handler. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onSelection_ = function() { this.updateSelectionAndState_(); }; /** * Data model splice event handler. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onSplice_ = function() { this.selectionModel_.adjustLength(this.dataModel_.length); }; /** * Content change event handler. * @param {!Event} event Event. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onContentChange_ = function(event) { var index = this.dataModel_.indexOf(event.item); if (index !== this.selectionModel_.selectedIndex) console.error('Content changed for unselected item'); this.updateSelectionAndState_(); }; /** * Keydown handler. * * @param {!Event} event Event. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onKeyDown_ = function(event) { if (this.currentMode_.onKeyDown(event)) return; switch (util.getKeyModifiers(event) + event.keyIdentifier) { case 'U+0008': // Backspace. // The default handler would call history.back and close the Gallery. event.preventDefault(); break; case 'U+004D': // 'm' switches between Slide and Mosaic mode. this.toggleMode_(undefined, event); break; case 'U+0056': // 'v' case 'MediaPlayPause': this.slideMode_.startSlideshow(SlideMode.SLIDESHOW_INTERVAL_FIRST, event); break; case 'U+007F': // Delete case 'Shift-U+0033': // Shift+'3' (Delete key might be missing). case 'U+0044': // 'd' this.delete_(); break; case 'U+001B': // Escape window.close(); break; } }; // Name box and rename support. /** * Updates the UI related to the selected item and the persistent state. * * @private */ Gallery.prototype.updateSelectionAndState_ = function() { var numSelectedItems = this.selectionModel_.selectedIndexes.length; var selectedEntryURL = null; // If it's selecting something, update the variable values. if (numSelectedItems) { // Delete button is available when all images are NOT readOnly. this.deleteButton_.disabled = !this.selectionModel_.selectedIndexes .every(function(i) { return !this.dataModel_.item(i).getLocationInfo().isReadOnly; }, this); // Obtains selected item. var selectedItem = this.dataModel_.item(this.selectionModel_.selectedIndex); this.selectedEntry_ = selectedItem.getEntry(); selectedEntryURL = this.selectedEntry_.toURL(); // Update cache. selectedItem.touch(); this.dataModel_.evictCache(); // Update the title and the display name. if (numSelectedItems === 1) { document.title = this.selectedEntry_.name; this.filenameEdit_.disabled = selectedItem.getLocationInfo().isReadOnly; this.filenameEdit_.value = ImageUtil.getDisplayNameFromName(this.selectedEntry_.name); this.shareButton_.hidden = !selectedItem.getLocationInfo().isDriveBased; } else { if (this.context_.curDirEntry) { // If the Gallery was opened on search results the search query will not // be recorded in the app state and the relaunch will just open the // gallery in the curDirEntry directory. document.title = this.context_.curDirEntry.name; } else { document.title = ''; } this.filenameEdit_.disabled = true; this.filenameEdit_.value = strf('GALLERY_ITEMS_SELECTED', numSelectedItems); this.shareButton_.hidden = true; } } else { document.title = ''; this.filenameEdit_.disabled = true; this.deleteButton_.disabled = true; this.filenameEdit_.value = ''; this.shareButton_.hidden = true; } util.updateAppState( null, // Keep the current directory. selectedEntryURL, // Update the selection. {gallery: (this.currentMode_ === this.mosaicMode_ ? 'mosaic' : 'slide')}); }; /** * Click event handler on filename edit box * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onFilenameFocus_ = function() { ImageUtil.setAttribute(this.filenameSpacer_, 'renaming', true); this.filenameEdit_.originalValue = this.filenameEdit_.value; setTimeout(this.filenameEdit_.select.bind(this.filenameEdit_), 0); this.onUserAction_(); }; /** * Blur event handler on filename edit box. * * @param {!Event} event Blur event. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onFilenameEditBlur_ = function(event) { var item = this.getSingleSelectedItem(); if (item) { var oldEntry = item.getEntry(); item.rename(this.filenameEdit_.value).then(function() { var event = new Event('content'); event.item = item; event.oldEntry = oldEntry; event.metadata = null; // Metadata unchanged. this.dataModel_.dispatchEvent(event); }.bind(this), function(error) { if (error === 'NOT_CHANGED') return Promise.resolve(); this.filenameEdit_.value = ImageUtil.getDisplayNameFromName(item.getEntry().name); this.filenameEdit_.focus(); if (typeof error === 'string') this.prompt_.showStringAt('center', error, 5000); else return Promise.reject(error); }.bind(this)).catch(function(error) { console.error(error.stack || error); }); } ImageUtil.setAttribute(this.filenameSpacer_, 'renaming', false); this.onUserAction_(); }; /** * Keydown event handler on filename edit box * @param {!Event} event A keyboard event. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onFilenameEditKeydown_ = function(event) { event = assertInstanceof(event, KeyboardEvent); switch (event.keyCode) { case 27: // Escape this.filenameEdit_.value = this.filenameEdit_.originalValue; this.filenameEdit_.blur(); break; case 13: // Enter this.filenameEdit_.blur(); break; } event.stopPropagation(); }; /** * @return {boolean} True if file renaming is currently in progress. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.isRenaming_ = function() { return this.filenameSpacer_.hasAttribute('renaming'); }; /** * Content area click handler. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onContentClick_ = function() { this.filenameEdit_.blur(); }; /** * Share button handler. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.onShareButtonClick_ = function() { var item = this.getSingleSelectedItem(); if (!item) return; this.shareDialog_.show(item.getEntry(), function() {}); }; /** * Updates thumbnails. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.updateThumbnails_ = function() { if (this.currentMode_ === this.slideMode_) this.slideMode_.updateThumbnails(); if (this.mosaicMode_) { var mosaic = this.mosaicMode_.getMosaic(); if (mosaic.isInitialized()) mosaic.reload(); } }; /** * Updates buttons. * @private */ Gallery.prototype.updateButtons_ = function() { if (this.modeButton_) { var oppositeMode = this.currentMode_ === this.slideMode_ ? this.mosaicMode_ : this.slideMode_; this.modeButton_.title = str(oppositeMode.getTitle()); } }; /** * Singleton gallery. * @type {Gallery} */ var gallery = null; /** * Initialize the window. * @param {!BackgroundComponents} backgroundComponents Background components. */ window.initialize = function(backgroundComponents) { window.loadTimeData.data = backgroundComponents.stringData; gallery = new Gallery(backgroundComponents.volumeManager); }; /** * Loads entries. * @param {!Array.} entries Array of entries. * @param {!Array.} selectedEntries Array of selected entries. */ window.loadEntries = function(entries, selectedEntries) { gallery.load(entries, selectedEntries); };