// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/gfx/font_list.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" namespace { // Parses font description into |font_names|, |font_style| and |font_size|. void ParseFontDescriptionString(const std::string& font_description_string, std::vector* font_names, int* font_style, int* font_size) { base::SplitString(font_description_string, ',', font_names); DCHECK_GT(font_names->size(), 1U); // The last item is [STYLE_OPTIONS] SIZE. std::vector styles_size; base::SplitString(font_names->back(), ' ', &styles_size); DCHECK(!styles_size.empty()); base::StringToInt(styles_size.back(), font_size); DCHECK_GT(*font_size, 0); font_names->pop_back(); // Font supports BOLD and ITALIC; underline is supported via RenderText. *font_style = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < styles_size.size() - 1; ++i) { // Styles are separated by white spaces. base::SplitString splits styles // by space, and it inserts empty string for continuous spaces. if (styles_size[i].empty()) continue; if (!styles_size[i].compare("Bold")) *font_style |= gfx::Font::BOLD; else if (!styles_size[i].compare("Italic")) *font_style |= gfx::Font::ITALIC; else NOTREACHED(); } } // Returns the font style and size as a string. std::string FontStyleAndSizeToString(int font_style, int font_size) { std::string result; if (font_style & gfx::Font::BOLD) result += "Bold "; if (font_style & gfx::Font::ITALIC) result += "Italic "; result += base::IntToString(font_size); result += "px"; return result; } // Returns font description from |font_names|, |font_style|, and |font_size|. std::string BuildFontDescription(const std::vector& font_names, int font_style, int font_size) { std::string description = JoinString(font_names, ','); description += "," + FontStyleAndSizeToString(font_style, font_size); return description; } } // namespace namespace gfx { FontList::FontList() : common_height_(-1), common_baseline_(-1), font_style_(-1), font_size_(-1) { fonts_.push_back(Font()); } FontList::FontList(const std::string& font_description_string) : font_description_string_(font_description_string), common_height_(-1), common_baseline_(-1), font_style_(-1), font_size_(-1) { DCHECK(!font_description_string.empty()); // DCHECK description string ends with "px" for size in pixel. DCHECK(EndsWith(font_description_string, "px", true)); } FontList::FontList(const std::vector& font_names, int font_style, int font_size) : font_description_string_(BuildFontDescription(font_names, font_style, font_size)), common_height_(-1), common_baseline_(-1), font_style_(font_style), font_size_(font_size) { DCHECK(!font_names.empty()); DCHECK(!font_names[0].empty()); } FontList::FontList(const std::vector& fonts) : fonts_(fonts), common_height_(-1), common_baseline_(-1), font_style_(-1), font_size_(-1) { DCHECK(!fonts.empty()); font_style_ = fonts[0].GetStyle(); font_size_ = fonts[0].GetFontSize(); if (DCHECK_IS_ON()) { for (size_t i = 1; i < fonts.size(); ++i) { DCHECK_EQ(fonts[i].GetStyle(), font_style_); DCHECK_EQ(fonts[i].GetFontSize(), font_size_); } } } FontList::FontList(const Font& font) : common_height_(-1), common_baseline_(-1), font_style_(-1), font_size_(-1) { fonts_.push_back(font); } FontList::~FontList() { } FontList FontList::DeriveFontList(int font_style) const { return DeriveFontListWithSizeDeltaAndStyle(0, font_style); } FontList FontList::DeriveFontListWithSize(int size) const { DCHECK_GT(size, 0); return DeriveFontListWithSizeDeltaAndStyle(size - GetFontSize(), GetFontStyle()); } FontList FontList::DeriveFontListWithSizeDelta(int size_delta) const { return DeriveFontListWithSizeDeltaAndStyle(size_delta, GetFontStyle()); } FontList FontList::DeriveFontListWithSizeDeltaAndStyle(int size_delta, int style) const { // If there is a font vector, derive from that. if (!fonts_.empty()) { std::vector fonts = fonts_; for (size_t i = 0; i < fonts.size(); ++i) fonts[i] = fonts[i].DeriveFont(size_delta, style); return FontList(fonts); } // Otherwise, parse the font description string to derive from it. std::vector font_names; int old_size; int old_style; ParseFontDescriptionString(font_description_string_, &font_names, &old_style, &old_size); int size = old_size + size_delta; DCHECK_GT(size, 0); return FontList(font_names, style, size); } int FontList::GetHeight() const { if (common_height_ == -1) CacheCommonFontHeightAndBaseline(); return common_height_; } int FontList::GetBaseline() const { if (common_baseline_ == -1) CacheCommonFontHeightAndBaseline(); return common_baseline_; } int FontList::GetStringWidth(const base::string16& text) const { // Rely on the primary font metrics for the time being. // TODO(yukishiino): Not only the first font, all the fonts in the list should // be taken into account to compute the pixels needed to display |text|. // Also this method, including one in Font class, should be deprecated and // client code should call Canvas::GetStringWidth(text, font_list) directly. // Our plan is as follows: // 1. Introduce the FontList version of Canvas::GetStringWidth(). // 2. Make client code call Canvas::GetStringWidth(). // 3. Retire {Font,FontList}::GetStringWidth(). return GetPrimaryFont().GetStringWidth(text); } int FontList::GetExpectedTextWidth(int length) const { // Rely on the primary font metrics for the time being. return GetPrimaryFont().GetExpectedTextWidth(length); } int FontList::GetFontStyle() const { if (font_style_ == -1) CacheFontStyleAndSize(); return font_style_; } const std::string& FontList::GetFontDescriptionString() const { if (font_description_string_.empty()) { DCHECK(!fonts_.empty()); for (size_t i = 0; i < fonts_.size(); ++i) { std::string name = fonts_[i].GetFontName(); font_description_string_ += name; font_description_string_ += ','; } // All fonts have the same style and size. font_description_string_ += FontStyleAndSizeToString(fonts_[0].GetStyle(), fonts_[0].GetFontSize()); } return font_description_string_; } int FontList::GetFontSize() const { if (font_size_ == -1) CacheFontStyleAndSize(); return font_size_; } const std::vector& FontList::GetFonts() const { if (fonts_.empty()) { DCHECK(!font_description_string_.empty()); std::vector font_names; ParseFontDescriptionString(font_description_string_, &font_names, &font_style_, &font_size_); for (size_t i = 0; i < font_names.size(); ++i) { DCHECK(!font_names[i].empty()); Font font(font_names[i], font_size_); if (font_style_ == Font::NORMAL) fonts_.push_back(font); else fonts_.push_back(font.DeriveFont(0, font_style_)); } } return fonts_; } const Font& FontList::GetPrimaryFont() const { return GetFonts()[0]; } void FontList::CacheCommonFontHeightAndBaseline() const { int ascent = 0; int descent = 0; const std::vector& fonts = GetFonts(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = fonts.begin(); i != fonts.end(); ++i) { ascent = std::max(ascent, i->GetBaseline()); descent = std::max(descent, i->GetHeight() - i->GetBaseline()); } common_height_ = ascent + descent; common_baseline_ = ascent; } void FontList::CacheFontStyleAndSize() const { if (!fonts_.empty()) { font_style_ = fonts_[0].GetStyle(); font_size_ = fonts_[0].GetFontSize(); } else { std::vector font_names; ParseFontDescriptionString(font_description_string_, &font_names, &font_style_, &font_size_); } } } // namespace gfx