// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/gfx/render_text.h" #include #include "base/i18n/break_iterator.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypeface.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkGradientShader.h" #include "ui/base/text/utf16_indexing.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/insets.h" #include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h" #include "ui/gfx/text_constants.h" namespace { // All chars are replaced by this char when the password style is set. // TODO(benrg): GTK uses the first of U+25CF, U+2022, U+2731, U+273A, '*' // that's available in the font (find_invisible_char() in gtkentry.c). const char16 kPasswordReplacementChar = '*'; // Default color used for the cursor. const SkColor kDefaultCursorColor = SK_ColorBLACK; // Default color used for drawing selection text. const SkColor kDefaultSelectionColor = SK_ColorBLACK; // Default color used for drawing selection background. const SkColor kDefaultSelectionBackgroundColor = SK_ColorGRAY; #ifndef NDEBUG // Check StyleRanges invariant conditions: sorted and non-overlapping ranges. void CheckStyleRanges(const gfx::StyleRanges& style_ranges, size_t length) { if (length == 0) { DCHECK(style_ranges.empty()) << "Style ranges exist for empty text."; return; } for (gfx::StyleRanges::size_type i = 0; i < style_ranges.size() - 1; i++) { const ui::Range& former = style_ranges[i].range; const ui::Range& latter = style_ranges[i + 1].range; DCHECK(!former.is_empty()) << "Empty range at " << i << ":" << former.ToString(); DCHECK(former.IsValid()) << "Invalid range at " << i << ":" << former.ToString(); DCHECK(!former.is_reversed()) << "Reversed range at " << i << ":" << former.ToString(); DCHECK(former.end() == latter.start()) << "Ranges gap/overlap/unsorted." << "former:" << former.ToString() << ", latter:" << latter.ToString(); } const gfx::StyleRange& end_style = *style_ranges.rbegin(); DCHECK(!end_style.range.is_empty()) << "Empty range at end."; DCHECK(end_style.range.IsValid()) << "Invalid range at end."; DCHECK(!end_style.range.is_reversed()) << "Reversed range at end."; DCHECK(end_style.range.end() == length) << "Style and text length mismatch."; } #endif void ApplyStyleRangeImpl(gfx::StyleRanges* style_ranges, const gfx::StyleRange& style_range) { const ui::Range& new_range = style_range.range; // Follow StyleRanges invariant conditions: sorted and non-overlapping ranges. gfx::StyleRanges::iterator i; for (i = style_ranges->begin(); i != style_ranges->end();) { if (i->range.end() < new_range.start()) { i++; } else if (i->range.start() == new_range.end()) { break; } else if (new_range.Contains(i->range)) { i = style_ranges->erase(i); if (i == style_ranges->end()) break; } else if (i->range.start() < new_range.start() && i->range.end() > new_range.end()) { // Split the current style into two styles. gfx::StyleRange split_style = gfx::StyleRange(*i); split_style.range.set_end(new_range.start()); i = style_ranges->insert(i, split_style) + 1; i->range.set_start(new_range.end()); break; } else if (i->range.start() < new_range.start()) { i->range.set_end(new_range.start()); i++; } else if (i->range.end() > new_range.end()) { i->range.set_start(new_range.end()); break; } else { NOTREACHED(); } } // Add the new range in its sorted location. style_ranges->insert(i, style_range); } // Converts |gfx::Font::FontStyle| flags to |SkTypeface::Style| flags. SkTypeface::Style ConvertFontStyleToSkiaTypefaceStyle(int font_style) { int skia_style = SkTypeface::kNormal; if (font_style & gfx::Font::BOLD) skia_style |= SkTypeface::kBold; if (font_style & gfx::Font::ITALIC) skia_style |= SkTypeface::kItalic; return static_cast(skia_style); } // Given |font| and |display_width|, returns the width of the fade gradient. int CalculateFadeGradientWidth(const gfx::Font& font, int display_width) { // Fade in/out about 2.5 characters of the beginning/end of the string. // The .5 here is helpful if one of the characters is a space. // Use a quarter of the display width if the display width is very short. const int average_character_width = font.GetAverageCharacterWidth(); const double gradient_width = std::min(average_character_width * 2.5, display_width / 4.0); DCHECK_GE(gradient_width, 0.0); return static_cast(floor(gradient_width + 0.5)); } // Appends to |positions| and |colors| values corresponding to the fade over // |fade_rect| from color |c0| to color |c1|. void AddFadeEffect(const gfx::Rect& text_rect, const gfx::Rect& fade_rect, SkColor c0, SkColor c1, std::vector* positions, std::vector* colors) { const SkScalar left = static_cast(fade_rect.x() - text_rect.x()); const SkScalar width = static_cast(fade_rect.width()); const SkScalar p0 = left / text_rect.width(); const SkScalar p1 = (left + width) / text_rect.width(); // Prepend 0.0 to |positions|, as required by Skia. if (positions->empty() && p0 != 0.0) { positions->push_back(0.0); colors->push_back(c0); } positions->push_back(p0); colors->push_back(c0); positions->push_back(p1); colors->push_back(c1); } // Creates a SkShader to fade the text, with |left_part| specifying the left // fade effect, if any, and |right_part| specifying the right fade effect. SkShader* CreateFadeShader(const gfx::Rect& text_rect, const gfx::Rect& left_part, const gfx::Rect& right_part, SkColor color) { // Fade alpha of 51/255 corresponds to a fade of 0.2 of the original color. const SkColor fade_color = SkColorSetA(color, 51); std::vector positions; std::vector colors; if (!left_part.IsEmpty()) AddFadeEffect(text_rect, left_part, fade_color, color, &positions, &colors); if (!right_part.IsEmpty()) AddFadeEffect(text_rect, right_part, color, fade_color, &positions, &colors); DCHECK(!positions.empty()); // Terminate |positions| with 1.0, as required by Skia. if (positions.back() != 1.0) { positions.push_back(1.0); colors.push_back(colors.back()); } SkPoint points[2]; points[0].iset(text_rect.x(), text_rect.y()); points[1].iset(text_rect.right(), text_rect.y()); return SkGradientShader::CreateLinear(&points[0], &colors[0], &positions[0], colors.size(), SkShader::kClamp_TileMode); } } // namespace namespace gfx { namespace internal { // Value of |underline_thickness_| that indicates that underline metrics have // not been set explicitly. const SkScalar kUnderlineMetricsNotSet = -1.0f; SkiaTextRenderer::SkiaTextRenderer(Canvas* canvas) : canvas_skia_(canvas->sk_canvas()), started_drawing_(false), underline_thickness_(kUnderlineMetricsNotSet), underline_position_(0.0f) { DCHECK(canvas_skia_); paint_.setTextEncoding(SkPaint::kGlyphID_TextEncoding); paint_.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); paint_.setAntiAlias(true); paint_.setSubpixelText(true); paint_.setLCDRenderText(true); bounds_.setEmpty(); } SkiaTextRenderer::~SkiaTextRenderer() { // Work-around for http://crbug.com/122743, where non-ClearType text is // rendered with incorrect gamma when using the fade shader. Draw the text // to a layer and restore it faded by drawing a rect in kDstIn_Mode mode. // // TODO(asvitkine): Remove this work-around once the Skia bug is fixed. // http://code.google.com/p/skia/issues/detail?id=590 if (deferred_fade_shader_.get()) { paint_.setShader(deferred_fade_shader_.get()); paint_.setXfermodeMode(SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode); canvas_skia_->drawRect(bounds_, paint_); canvas_skia_->restore(); } } void SkiaTextRenderer::SetDrawLooper(SkDrawLooper* draw_looper) { paint_.setLooper(draw_looper); } void SkiaTextRenderer::SetFontSmoothingSettings(bool enable_smoothing, bool enable_lcd_text) { paint_.setAntiAlias(enable_smoothing); paint_.setSubpixelText(enable_smoothing); paint_.setLCDRenderText(enable_lcd_text); } void SkiaTextRenderer::SetTypeface(SkTypeface* typeface) { paint_.setTypeface(typeface); } void SkiaTextRenderer::SetTextSize(SkScalar size) { paint_.setTextSize(size); } void SkiaTextRenderer::SetFontFamilyWithStyle(const std::string& family, int style) { DCHECK(!family.empty()); SkTypeface::Style skia_style = ConvertFontStyleToSkiaTypefaceStyle(style); SkTypeface* typeface = SkTypeface::CreateFromName(family.c_str(), skia_style); SkAutoUnref auto_unref(typeface); if (typeface) { // |paint_| adds its own ref. So don't |release()| it from the ref ptr here. SetTypeface(typeface); // Enable fake bold text if bold style is needed but new typeface does not // have it. paint_.setFakeBoldText((skia_style & SkTypeface::kBold) && !typeface->isBold()); } } void SkiaTextRenderer::SetForegroundColor(SkColor foreground) { paint_.setColor(foreground); } void SkiaTextRenderer::SetShader(SkShader* shader, const Rect& bounds) { bounds_ = RectToSkRect(bounds); paint_.setShader(shader); } void SkiaTextRenderer::SetUnderlineMetrics(SkScalar thickness, SkScalar position) { underline_thickness_ = thickness; underline_position_ = position; } void SkiaTextRenderer::DrawPosText(const SkPoint* pos, const uint16* glyphs, size_t glyph_count) { if (!started_drawing_) { started_drawing_ = true; // Work-around for http://crbug.com/122743, where non-ClearType text is // rendered with incorrect gamma when using the fade shader. Draw the text // to a layer and restore it faded by drawing a rect in kDstIn_Mode mode. // // Skip this when there is a looper which seems not working well with // deferred paint. Currently a looper is only used for text shadows. // // TODO(asvitkine): Remove this work-around once the Skia bug is fixed. // http://code.google.com/p/skia/issues/detail?id=590 if (!paint_.isLCDRenderText() && paint_.getShader() && !paint_.getLooper()) { deferred_fade_shader_ = paint_.getShader(); paint_.setShader(NULL); canvas_skia_->saveLayer(&bounds_, NULL); } } const size_t byte_length = glyph_count * sizeof(glyphs[0]); canvas_skia_->drawPosText(&glyphs[0], byte_length, &pos[0], paint_); } // Draw underline and strike through text decorations. // Based on |SkCanvas::DrawTextDecorations()| and constants from: // third_party/skia/src/core/SkTextFormatParams.h void SkiaTextRenderer::DrawDecorations(int x, int y, int width, const StyleRange& style) { if (!style.underline && !style.strike && !style.diagonal_strike) return; // Fraction of the text size to lower a strike through below the baseline. const SkScalar kStrikeThroughOffset = (-SK_Scalar1 * 6 / 21); // Fraction of the text size to lower an underline below the baseline. const SkScalar kUnderlineOffset = (SK_Scalar1 / 9); // Fraction of the text size to use for a strike through or under-line. const SkScalar kLineThickness = (SK_Scalar1 / 18); // Fraction of the text size to use for a top margin of a diagonal strike. const SkScalar kDiagonalStrikeThroughMarginOffset = (SK_Scalar1 / 4); SkScalar text_size = paint_.getTextSize(); SkScalar height = SkScalarMul(text_size, kLineThickness); SkRect r; r.fLeft = x; r.fRight = x + width; if (style.underline) { if (underline_thickness_ == kUnderlineMetricsNotSet) { r.fTop = SkScalarMulAdd(text_size, kUnderlineOffset, y); r.fBottom = r.fTop + height; } else { r.fTop = y + underline_position_; r.fBottom = r.fTop + underline_thickness_; } canvas_skia_->drawRect(r, paint_); } if (style.strike) { SkScalar offset = SkScalarMulAdd(text_size, kStrikeThroughOffset, y); r.fTop = offset; r.fBottom = offset + height; canvas_skia_->drawRect(r, paint_); } if (style.diagonal_strike) { SkScalar offset = SkScalarMul(text_size, kDiagonalStrikeThroughMarginOffset); SkPaint paint(paint_); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); paint.setStrokeWidth(height); canvas_skia_->drawLine( SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(y) - text_size + offset, SkIntToScalar(x + width), SkIntToScalar(y), paint); } } } // namespace internal StyleRange::StyleRange() : foreground(SK_ColorBLACK), font_style(gfx::Font::NORMAL), strike(false), diagonal_strike(false), underline(false) { } RenderText::~RenderText() { } void RenderText::SetText(const string16& text) { DCHECK(!composition_range_.IsValid()); size_t old_text_length = text_.length(); text_ = text; // Update the style ranges as needed. if (text_.empty()) { style_ranges_.clear(); } else if (style_ranges_.empty()) { ApplyDefaultStyle(); } else if (text_.length() > old_text_length) { style_ranges_.back().range.set_end(text_.length()); } else if (text_.length() < old_text_length) { StyleRanges::iterator i; for (i = style_ranges_.begin(); i != style_ranges_.end(); i++) { if (i->range.start() >= text_.length()) { // Style ranges are sorted and non-overlapping, so all the subsequent // style ranges should be out of text_.length() as well. style_ranges_.erase(i, style_ranges_.end()); break; } } // Since style ranges are sorted and non-overlapping, if there is a style // range ends beyond text_.length, it must be the last one. style_ranges_.back().range.set_end(text_.length()); } #ifndef NDEBUG CheckStyleRanges(style_ranges_, text_.length()); #endif cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; // Reset selection model. SetText should always followed by SetSelectionModel // or SetCursorPosition in upper layer. SetSelectionModel(SelectionModel()); // Invalidate the cached text direction if it depends on the text contents. if (directionality_mode_ == DIRECTIONALITY_FROM_TEXT) text_direction_ = base::i18n::UNKNOWN_DIRECTION; ResetLayout(); } void RenderText::SetHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment alignment) { if (horizontal_alignment_ != alignment) { horizontal_alignment_ = alignment; display_offset_ = Point(); cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; } } void RenderText::SetFontList(const FontList& font_list) { font_list_ = font_list; cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; ResetLayout(); } void RenderText::SetFontSize(int size) { font_list_ = font_list_.DeriveFontListWithSize(size); cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; ResetLayout(); } void RenderText::SetCursorEnabled(bool cursor_enabled) { cursor_enabled_ = cursor_enabled; cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; } const Font& RenderText::GetFont() const { return font_list_.GetFonts()[0]; } void RenderText::ToggleInsertMode() { insert_mode_ = !insert_mode_; cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; } void RenderText::SetObscured(bool obscured) { if (obscured != obscured_) { obscured_ = obscured; cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; ResetLayout(); } } void RenderText::SetDisplayRect(const Rect& r) { if (r.width() != display_rect_.width()) ResetLayout(); display_rect_ = r; cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; } void RenderText::SetCursorPosition(size_t position) { MoveCursorTo(position, false); } void RenderText::MoveCursor(BreakType break_type, VisualCursorDirection direction, bool select) { SelectionModel position(cursor_position(), selection_model_.caret_affinity()); // Cancelling a selection moves to the edge of the selection. if (break_type != LINE_BREAK && !selection().is_empty() && !select) { SelectionModel selection_start = GetSelectionModelForSelectionStart(); int start_x = GetCursorBounds(selection_start, true).x(); int cursor_x = GetCursorBounds(position, true).x(); // Use the selection start if it is left (when |direction| is CURSOR_LEFT) // or right (when |direction| is CURSOR_RIGHT) of the selection end. if (direction == CURSOR_RIGHT ? start_x > cursor_x : start_x < cursor_x) position = selection_start; // For word breaks, use the nearest word boundary in the appropriate // |direction|. if (break_type == WORD_BREAK) position = GetAdjacentSelectionModel(position, break_type, direction); } else { position = GetAdjacentSelectionModel(position, break_type, direction); } if (select) position.set_selection_start(selection().start()); MoveCursorTo(position); } bool RenderText::MoveCursorTo(const SelectionModel& model) { // Enforce valid selection model components. size_t text_length = text().length(); ui::Range range(std::min(model.selection().start(), text_length), std::min(model.caret_pos(), text_length)); // The current model only supports caret positions at valid character indices. if (!IsCursorablePosition(range.start()) || !IsCursorablePosition(range.end())) return false; SelectionModel sel(range, model.caret_affinity()); bool changed = sel != selection_model_; SetSelectionModel(sel); return changed; } bool RenderText::MoveCursorTo(const Point& point, bool select) { SelectionModel position = FindCursorPosition(point); if (select) position.set_selection_start(selection().start()); return MoveCursorTo(position); } bool RenderText::SelectRange(const ui::Range& range) { ui::Range sel(std::min(range.start(), text().length()), std::min(range.end(), text().length())); if (!IsCursorablePosition(sel.start()) || !IsCursorablePosition(sel.end())) return false; LogicalCursorDirection affinity = (sel.is_reversed() || sel.is_empty()) ? CURSOR_FORWARD : CURSOR_BACKWARD; SetSelectionModel(SelectionModel(sel, affinity)); return true; } bool RenderText::IsPointInSelection(const Point& point) { if (selection().is_empty()) return false; SelectionModel cursor = FindCursorPosition(point); return RangeContainsCaret( selection(), cursor.caret_pos(), cursor.caret_affinity()); } void RenderText::ClearSelection() { SetSelectionModel(SelectionModel(cursor_position(), selection_model_.caret_affinity())); } void RenderText::SelectAll(bool reversed) { const size_t length = text().length(); const ui::Range all = reversed ? ui::Range(length, 0) : ui::Range(0, length); const bool success = SelectRange(all); DCHECK(success); } void RenderText::SelectWord() { if (obscured_) { SelectAll(false); return; } size_t cursor_pos = cursor_position(); base::i18n::BreakIterator iter(text(), base::i18n::BreakIterator::BREAK_WORD); bool success = iter.Init(); DCHECK(success); if (!success) return; size_t selection_start = cursor_pos; for (; selection_start != 0; --selection_start) { if (iter.IsStartOfWord(selection_start) || iter.IsEndOfWord(selection_start)) break; } if (selection_start == cursor_pos) ++cursor_pos; for (; cursor_pos < text().length(); ++cursor_pos) if (iter.IsEndOfWord(cursor_pos) || iter.IsStartOfWord(cursor_pos)) break; MoveCursorTo(selection_start, false); MoveCursorTo(cursor_pos, true); } const ui::Range& RenderText::GetCompositionRange() const { return composition_range_; } void RenderText::SetCompositionRange(const ui::Range& composition_range) { CHECK(!composition_range.IsValid() || ui::Range(0, text_.length()).Contains(composition_range)); composition_range_.set_end(composition_range.end()); composition_range_.set_start(composition_range.start()); ResetLayout(); } void RenderText::ApplyStyleRange(const StyleRange& style_range) { const ui::Range& new_range = style_range.range; if (!new_range.IsValid() || new_range.is_empty()) return; CHECK(!new_range.is_reversed()); CHECK(ui::Range(0, text_.length()).Contains(new_range)); ApplyStyleRangeImpl(&style_ranges_, style_range); #ifndef NDEBUG CheckStyleRanges(style_ranges_, text_.length()); #endif // TODO(xji): only invalidate if font or underline changes. cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; ResetLayout(); } void RenderText::ApplyDefaultStyle() { style_ranges_.clear(); StyleRange style = StyleRange(default_style_); style.range.set_end(text_.length()); style_ranges_.push_back(style); cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; ResetLayout(); } void RenderText::SetDirectionalityMode(DirectionalityMode mode) { if (mode == directionality_mode_) return; directionality_mode_ = mode; text_direction_ = base::i18n::UNKNOWN_DIRECTION; ResetLayout(); } base::i18n::TextDirection RenderText::GetTextDirection() { if (text_direction_ == base::i18n::UNKNOWN_DIRECTION) { switch (directionality_mode_) { case DIRECTIONALITY_FROM_TEXT: // Derive the direction from the display text, which differs from text() // in the case of obscured (password) textfields. text_direction_ = base::i18n::GetFirstStrongCharacterDirection(GetDisplayText()); break; case DIRECTIONALITY_FROM_UI: text_direction_ = base::i18n::IsRTL() ? base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT : base::i18n::LEFT_TO_RIGHT; break; case DIRECTIONALITY_FORCE_LTR: text_direction_ = base::i18n::LEFT_TO_RIGHT; break; case DIRECTIONALITY_FORCE_RTL: text_direction_ = base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT; break; default: NOTREACHED(); } } return text_direction_; } VisualCursorDirection RenderText::GetVisualDirectionOfLogicalEnd() { return GetTextDirection() == base::i18n::LEFT_TO_RIGHT ? CURSOR_RIGHT : CURSOR_LEFT; } void RenderText::Draw(Canvas* canvas) { EnsureLayout(); if (clip_to_display_rect()) { gfx::Rect clip_rect(display_rect()); clip_rect.Inset(ShadowValue::GetMargin(text_shadows_)); canvas->Save(); canvas->ClipRect(clip_rect); } if (!text().empty()) DrawSelection(canvas); DrawCursor(canvas); if (!text().empty()) DrawVisualText(canvas); if (clip_to_display_rect()) canvas->Restore(); } Rect RenderText::GetCursorBounds(const SelectionModel& caret, bool insert_mode) { EnsureLayout(); size_t caret_pos = caret.caret_pos(); // In overtype mode, ignore the affinity and always indicate that we will // overtype the next character. LogicalCursorDirection caret_affinity = insert_mode ? caret.caret_affinity() : CURSOR_FORWARD; int x = 0, width = 0, height = 0; if (caret_pos == (caret_affinity == CURSOR_BACKWARD ? 0 : text().length())) { // The caret is attached to the boundary. Always return a zero-width caret, // since there is nothing to overtype. Size size = GetStringSize(); if ((GetTextDirection() == base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT) == (caret_pos == 0)) x = size.width(); height = size.height(); } else { size_t grapheme_start = (caret_affinity == CURSOR_FORWARD) ? caret_pos : IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret_pos, CURSOR_BACKWARD); ui::Range xspan; GetGlyphBounds(grapheme_start, &xspan, &height); if (insert_mode) { x = (caret_affinity == CURSOR_BACKWARD) ? xspan.end() : xspan.start(); } else { // overtype mode x = xspan.GetMin(); width = xspan.length(); } } height = std::min(height, display_rect().height()); int y = (display_rect().height() - height) / 2; return Rect(ToViewPoint(Point(x, y)), Size(width, height)); } const Rect& RenderText::GetUpdatedCursorBounds() { UpdateCachedBoundsAndOffset(); return cursor_bounds_; } size_t RenderText::IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(size_t index, LogicalCursorDirection direction) { if (index > text().length()) return text().length(); EnsureLayout(); if (direction == CURSOR_FORWARD) { while (index < text().length()) { index++; if (IsCursorablePosition(index)) return index; } return text().length(); } while (index > 0) { index--; if (IsCursorablePosition(index)) return index; } return 0; } SelectionModel RenderText::GetSelectionModelForSelectionStart() { const ui::Range& sel = selection(); if (sel.is_empty()) return selection_model_; return SelectionModel(sel.start(), sel.is_reversed() ? CURSOR_BACKWARD : CURSOR_FORWARD); } void RenderText::SetTextShadows(const ShadowValues& shadows) { text_shadows_ = shadows; } RenderText::RenderText() : horizontal_alignment_(base::i18n::IsRTL() ? ALIGN_RIGHT : ALIGN_LEFT), directionality_mode_(DIRECTIONALITY_FROM_TEXT), text_direction_(base::i18n::UNKNOWN_DIRECTION), cursor_enabled_(true), cursor_visible_(false), insert_mode_(true), cursor_color_(kDefaultCursorColor), selection_color_(kDefaultSelectionColor), selection_background_focused_color_(kDefaultSelectionBackgroundColor), selection_background_unfocused_color_(kDefaultSelectionBackgroundColor), focused_(false), composition_range_(ui::Range::InvalidRange()), obscured_(false), fade_head_(false), fade_tail_(false), background_is_transparent_(false), clip_to_display_rect_(true), cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_(false) { } const Point& RenderText::GetUpdatedDisplayOffset() { UpdateCachedBoundsAndOffset(); return display_offset_; } SelectionModel RenderText::GetAdjacentSelectionModel( const SelectionModel& current, BreakType break_type, VisualCursorDirection direction) { EnsureLayout(); if (break_type == LINE_BREAK || text().empty()) return EdgeSelectionModel(direction); if (break_type == CHARACTER_BREAK) return AdjacentCharSelectionModel(current, direction); DCHECK(break_type == WORD_BREAK); return AdjacentWordSelectionModel(current, direction); } SelectionModel RenderText::EdgeSelectionModel( VisualCursorDirection direction) { if (direction == GetVisualDirectionOfLogicalEnd()) return SelectionModel(text().length(), CURSOR_FORWARD); return SelectionModel(0, CURSOR_BACKWARD); } void RenderText::SetSelectionModel(const SelectionModel& model) { DCHECK_LE(model.selection().GetMax(), text().length()); selection_model_ = model; cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = false; } string16 RenderText::GetDisplayText() const { if (!obscured_) return text_; size_t obscured_text_length = static_cast(ui::UTF16IndexToOffset(text_, 0, text_.length())); return string16(obscured_text_length, kPasswordReplacementChar); } void RenderText::ApplyCompositionAndSelectionStyles( StyleRanges* style_ranges) { // TODO(msw): This pattern ought to be reconsidered; what about composition // and selection overlaps, retain existing local style features? // Apply a composition style override to a copy of the style ranges. if (composition_range_.IsValid() && !composition_range_.is_empty()) { StyleRange composition_style(default_style_); composition_style.underline = true; composition_style.range = composition_range_; ApplyStyleRangeImpl(style_ranges, composition_style); } // Apply a selection style override to a copy of the style ranges. if (!selection().is_empty()) { StyleRange selection_style(default_style_); selection_style.foreground = selection_color_; selection_style.range = ui::Range(selection().GetMin(), selection().GetMax()); ApplyStyleRangeImpl(style_ranges, selection_style); } // Apply replacement-mode style override to a copy of the style ranges. // // TODO(xji): NEED TO FIX FOR WINDOWS ASAP. Windows call this function (to // apply styles) in ItemizeLogicalText(). In order for the cursor's underline // character to be drawn correctly, we will need to re-layout the text. It's // not practical to do layout on every cursor blink. We need to fix Windows // port to apply styles during drawing phase like Linux port does. // http://crbug.com/110109 if (!insert_mode_ && cursor_visible() && focused()) { StyleRange replacement_mode_style(default_style_); replacement_mode_style.foreground = selection_color_; size_t cursor = cursor_position(); replacement_mode_style.range.set_start(cursor); replacement_mode_style.range.set_end( IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(cursor, CURSOR_FORWARD)); ApplyStyleRangeImpl(style_ranges, replacement_mode_style); } } Point RenderText::GetTextOrigin() { Point origin = display_rect().origin(); origin = origin.Add(GetUpdatedDisplayOffset()); origin = origin.Add(GetAlignmentOffset()); return origin; } Point RenderText::ToTextPoint(const Point& point) { return point.Subtract(GetTextOrigin()); } Point RenderText::ToViewPoint(const Point& point) { return point.Add(GetTextOrigin()); } int RenderText::GetContentWidth() { return GetStringSize().width() + (cursor_enabled_ ? 1 : 0); } Point RenderText::GetAlignmentOffset() { if (horizontal_alignment() != ALIGN_LEFT) { int x_offset = display_rect().width() - GetContentWidth(); if (horizontal_alignment() == ALIGN_CENTER) x_offset /= 2; return Point(x_offset, 0); } return Point(); } Point RenderText::GetOriginForDrawing() { Point origin(GetTextOrigin()); const int height = GetStringSize().height(); // Center the text vertically in the display area. origin.Offset(0, (display_rect().height() - height) / 2); return origin; } void RenderText::ApplyFadeEffects(internal::SkiaTextRenderer* renderer) { if (!fade_head() && !fade_tail()) return; const int text_width = GetStringSize().width(); const int display_width = display_rect().width(); // If the text fits as-is, no need to fade. if (text_width <= display_width) return; int gradient_width = CalculateFadeGradientWidth(GetFont(), display_width); if (gradient_width == 0) return; bool fade_left = fade_head(); bool fade_right = fade_tail(); // Under RTL, |fade_right| == |fade_head|. // TODO(asvitkine): This is currently not based on GetTextDirection() because // RenderTextWin does not return a direction that's based on // the text content. if (horizontal_alignment() == ALIGN_RIGHT) std::swap(fade_left, fade_right); gfx::Rect solid_part = display_rect(); gfx::Rect left_part; gfx::Rect right_part; if (fade_left) { left_part = solid_part; left_part.Inset(0, 0, solid_part.width() - gradient_width, 0); solid_part.Inset(gradient_width, 0, 0, 0); } if (fade_right) { right_part = solid_part; right_part.Inset(solid_part.width() - gradient_width, 0, 0, 0); solid_part.Inset(0, 0, gradient_width, 0); } gfx::Rect text_rect = display_rect(); text_rect.Inset(GetAlignmentOffset().x(), 0, 0, 0); const SkColor color = default_style().foreground; SkShader* shader = CreateFadeShader(text_rect, left_part, right_part, color); SkAutoUnref auto_unref(shader); if (shader) { // |renderer| adds its own ref. So don't |release()| it from the ref ptr. renderer->SetShader(shader, display_rect()); } } void RenderText::ApplyTextShadows(internal::SkiaTextRenderer* renderer) { SkDrawLooper* looper = gfx::CreateShadowDrawLooper(text_shadows_); SkAutoUnref auto_unref(looper); renderer->SetDrawLooper(looper); } // static bool RenderText::RangeContainsCaret(const ui::Range& range, size_t caret_pos, LogicalCursorDirection caret_affinity) { // NB: exploits unsigned wraparound (WG14/N1124 section 6.2.5 paragraph 9). size_t adjacent = (caret_affinity == CURSOR_BACKWARD) ? caret_pos - 1 : caret_pos + 1; return range.Contains(ui::Range(caret_pos, adjacent)); } void RenderText::MoveCursorTo(size_t position, bool select) { size_t cursor = std::min(position, text().length()); if (IsCursorablePosition(cursor)) SetSelectionModel(SelectionModel( ui::Range(select ? selection().start() : cursor, cursor), (cursor == 0) ? CURSOR_FORWARD : CURSOR_BACKWARD)); } void RenderText::UpdateCachedBoundsAndOffset() { if (cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_) return; // First, set the valid flag true to calculate the current cursor bounds using // the stale |display_offset_|. Applying |delta_offset| at the end of this // function will set |cursor_bounds_| and |display_offset_| to correct values. cached_bounds_and_offset_valid_ = true; cursor_bounds_ = GetCursorBounds(selection_model_, insert_mode_); // Update |display_offset_| to ensure the current cursor is visible. const int display_width = display_rect_.width(); const int content_width = GetContentWidth(); int delta_offset = 0; if (content_width <= display_width || !cursor_enabled()) { // Don't pan if the text fits in the display width or when the cursor is // disabled. delta_offset = -display_offset_.x(); } else if (cursor_bounds_.right() >= display_rect_.right()) { // TODO(xji): when the character overflow is a RTL character, currently, if // we pan cursor at the rightmost position, the entered RTL character is not // displayed. Should pan cursor to show the last logical characters. // // Pan to show the cursor when it overflows to the right, delta_offset = display_rect_.right() - cursor_bounds_.right() - 1; } else if (cursor_bounds_.x() < display_rect_.x()) { // TODO(xji): have similar problem as above when overflow character is a // LTR character. // // Pan to show the cursor when it overflows to the left. delta_offset = display_rect_.x() - cursor_bounds_.x(); } else if (display_offset_.x() != 0) { // Reduce the pan offset to show additional overflow text when the display // width increases. const int negate_rtl = horizontal_alignment_ == ALIGN_RIGHT ? -1 : 1; const int offset = negate_rtl * display_offset_.x(); if (display_width > (content_width + offset)) delta_offset = negate_rtl * (display_width - (content_width + offset)); } display_offset_.Offset(delta_offset, 0); cursor_bounds_.Offset(delta_offset, 0); } void RenderText::DrawSelection(Canvas* canvas) { const SkColor color = focused() ? selection_background_focused_color_ : selection_background_unfocused_color_; const std::vector sel = GetSubstringBounds(selection()); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = sel.begin(); i < sel.end(); ++i) canvas->FillRect(*i, color); } void RenderText::DrawCursor(Canvas* canvas) { // Paint cursor. Replace cursor is drawn as rectangle for now. // TODO(msw): Draw a better cursor with a better indication of association. if (cursor_enabled() && cursor_visible() && focused()) { const Rect& bounds = GetUpdatedCursorBounds(); if (bounds.width() != 0) canvas->FillRect(bounds, cursor_color_); else canvas->DrawRect(bounds, cursor_color_); } } } // namespace gfx