// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/gfx/render_text_linux.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/i18n/break_iterator.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkTypeface.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas_skia.h" #include "ui/gfx/font.h" #include "ui/gfx/pango_util.h" #include "unicode/uchar.h" #include "unicode/ustring.h" namespace gfx { namespace { // Returns the preceding element in a GSList (O(n)). GSList* GSListPrevious(GSList* head, GSList* item) { GSList* prev = NULL; for (GSList* cur = head; cur != item; cur = cur->next) { DCHECK(cur); prev = cur; } return prev; } // Returns true if the given visual cursor |direction| is logically forward // motion in the given Pango |item|. bool IsForwardMotion(VisualCursorDirection direction, const PangoItem* item) { bool rtl = item->analysis.level & 1; return rtl == (direction == CURSOR_LEFT); } // Checks whether |range| contains |index|. This is not the same as calling // |range.Contains(ui::Range(index))| - as that would return true when // |index| == |range.end()|. bool IndexInRange(const ui::Range& range, size_t index) { return index >= range.start() && index < range.end(); } } // namespace // TODO(xji): index saved in upper layer is utf16 index. Pango uses utf8 index. // Since caret_pos is used internally, we could save utf8 index for caret_pos // to avoid conversion. RenderTextLinux::RenderTextLinux() : layout_(NULL), current_line_(NULL), log_attrs_(NULL), num_log_attrs_(0), layout_text_(NULL), layout_text_len_(0) { } RenderTextLinux::~RenderTextLinux() { ResetLayout(); } RenderText* RenderText::CreateRenderText() { return new RenderTextLinux; } base::i18n::TextDirection RenderTextLinux::GetTextDirection() { EnsureLayout(); PangoDirection base_dir = pango_find_base_dir(layout_text_, -1); if (base_dir == PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL || base_dir == PANGO_DIRECTION_WEAK_RTL) return base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT; return base::i18n::LEFT_TO_RIGHT; } int RenderTextLinux::GetStringWidth() { EnsureLayout(); int width; pango_layout_get_pixel_size(layout_, &width, NULL); return width; } SelectionModel RenderTextLinux::FindCursorPosition(const Point& point) { EnsureLayout(); if (text().empty()) return SelectionModel(0, 0, SelectionModel::LEADING); Point p(ToTextPoint(point)); // When the point is outside of text, return HOME/END position. if (p.x() < 0) return EdgeSelectionModel(CURSOR_LEFT); else if (p.x() > GetStringWidth()) return EdgeSelectionModel(CURSOR_RIGHT); int caret_pos, trailing; pango_layout_xy_to_index(layout_, p.x() * PANGO_SCALE, p.y() * PANGO_SCALE, &caret_pos, &trailing); size_t selection_end = caret_pos; if (trailing > 0) { const char* ch = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(layout_text_ + caret_pos, trailing); DCHECK_GE(ch, layout_text_); DCHECK_LE(ch, layout_text_ + layout_text_len_); selection_end = ch - layout_text_; } return SelectionModel( Utf8IndexToUtf16Index(selection_end), Utf8IndexToUtf16Index(caret_pos), trailing > 0 ? SelectionModel::TRAILING : SelectionModel::LEADING); } Rect RenderTextLinux::GetCursorBounds(const SelectionModel& selection, bool insert_mode) { EnsureLayout(); size_t caret_pos = insert_mode ? selection.caret_pos() : selection.selection_end(); PangoRectangle pos; pango_layout_index_to_pos(layout_, Utf16IndexToUtf8Index(caret_pos), &pos); SelectionModel::CaretPlacement caret_placement = selection.caret_placement(); int x = pos.x; if ((insert_mode && caret_placement == SelectionModel::TRAILING) || (!insert_mode && pos.width < 0)) x += pos.width; x = PANGO_PIXELS(x); int h = std::min(display_rect().height(), PANGO_PIXELS(pos.height)); Rect bounds(x, (display_rect().height() - h) / 2, 0, h); bounds.set_origin(ToViewPoint(bounds.origin())); if (!insert_mode) bounds.set_width(PANGO_PIXELS(std::abs(pos.width))); return bounds; } // Assume caret_pos in |current| is n, 'l' represents leading in // caret_placement and 't' represents trailing in caret_placement. Following // is the calculation from (caret_pos, caret_placement) in |current| to // (selection_end, caret_pos, caret_placement) when moving cursor left/right by // one grapheme (for simplicity, assume each grapheme is one character). // If n is in LTR (if moving left) or RTL (if moving right) run, // (n, t) --> (n, n, l). // (n, l) --> (n-1, n-1, l) if n is inside run (not at boundary). // (n, l) --> goto across run case if n is at run boundary. // Otherwise, // (n, l) --> (n+1, n, t). // (n, t) --> (n+2, n+1, t) if n is inside run. // (n, t) --> goto across run case if n is at run boundary. // If n is at run boundary, get its visually left/right run, // If left/right run is LTR/RTL run, // (n, t) --> (left/right run's end, left/right run's end, l). // Otherwise, // (n, t) --> (left/right run's begin + 1, left/right run's begin, t). SelectionModel RenderTextLinux::AdjacentCharSelectionModel( const SelectionModel& selection, VisualCursorDirection direction) { size_t caret = selection.caret_pos(); SelectionModel::CaretPlacement caret_placement = selection.caret_placement(); GSList* run = GetRunContainingPosition(caret); DCHECK(run); PangoLayoutRun* layout_run = reinterpret_cast(run->data); PangoItem* item = layout_run->item; size_t run_start = Utf8IndexToUtf16Index(item->offset); size_t run_end = Utf8IndexToUtf16Index(item->offset + item->length); if (!IsForwardMotion(direction, item)) { if (caret_placement == SelectionModel::TRAILING) return SelectionModel(caret, caret, SelectionModel::LEADING); else if (caret > run_start) { caret = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, CURSOR_BACKWARD); return SelectionModel(caret, caret, SelectionModel::LEADING); } } else { if (caret_placement == SelectionModel::LEADING) { size_t cursor = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, CURSOR_FORWARD); return SelectionModel(cursor, caret, SelectionModel::TRAILING); } else if (selection.selection_end() < run_end) { caret = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, CURSOR_FORWARD); size_t cursor = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, CURSOR_FORWARD); return SelectionModel(cursor, caret, SelectionModel::TRAILING); } } // The character is at the edge of its run; advance to the adjacent visual // run. // TODO(xji): Keep a vector of runs to avoid using a singly-linked list. GSList* adjacent_run = (direction == CURSOR_RIGHT) ? run->next : GSListPrevious(current_line_->runs, run); if (!adjacent_run) return EdgeSelectionModel(direction); item = reinterpret_cast(adjacent_run->data)->item; return IsForwardMotion(direction, item) ? FirstSelectionModelInsideRun(item) : LastSelectionModelInsideRun(item); } SelectionModel RenderTextLinux::AdjacentWordSelectionModel( const SelectionModel& selection, VisualCursorDirection direction) { base::i18n::BreakIterator iter(text(), base::i18n::BreakIterator::BREAK_WORD); bool success = iter.Init(); DCHECK(success); if (!success) return selection; SelectionModel end = EdgeSelectionModel(direction); SelectionModel cur(selection); while (!cur.Equals(end)) { cur = AdjacentCharSelectionModel(cur, direction); size_t caret = cur.caret_pos(); GSList* run = GetRunContainingPosition(caret); DCHECK(run); PangoItem* item = reinterpret_cast(run->data)->item; size_t cursor = cur.selection_end(); if (IsForwardMotion(direction, item) ? iter.IsEndOfWord(cursor) : iter.IsStartOfWord(cursor)) return cur; } return end; } SelectionModel RenderTextLinux::EdgeSelectionModel( VisualCursorDirection direction) { if (direction == GetVisualDirectionOfLogicalEnd()) { // Advance to the logical end of the text. GSList* run = current_line_->runs; if (direction == CURSOR_RIGHT) run = g_slist_last(run); if (run) { PangoLayoutRun* end_run = reinterpret_cast(run->data); PangoItem* item = end_run->item; if (IsForwardMotion(direction, item)) { size_t caret = Utf8IndexToUtf16Index( Utf8IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(item->offset + item->length, CURSOR_BACKWARD)); return SelectionModel(text().length(), caret, SelectionModel::TRAILING); } else { size_t caret = Utf8IndexToUtf16Index(item->offset); return SelectionModel(text().length(), caret, SelectionModel::LEADING); } } } return SelectionModel(0, 0, SelectionModel::LEADING); } void RenderTextLinux::SetSelectionModel(const SelectionModel& model) { if (GetSelectionStart() != model.selection_start() || GetCursorPosition() != model.selection_end()) { selection_visual_bounds_.clear(); } RenderText::SetSelectionModel(model); } std::vector RenderTextLinux::GetSubstringBounds(size_t from, size_t to) { DCHECK(from <= text().length()); DCHECK(to <= text().length()); if (from == to) return std::vector(); EnsureLayout(); if (from == GetSelectionStart() && to == GetCursorPosition()) return GetSelectionBounds(); else return CalculateSubstringBounds(from, to); } bool RenderTextLinux::IsCursorablePosition(size_t position) { if (position == 0 && text().empty()) return true; EnsureLayout(); return (position < static_cast(num_log_attrs_) && log_attrs_[position].is_cursor_position); } void RenderTextLinux::UpdateLayout() { ResetLayout(); } void RenderTextLinux::EnsureLayout() { if (layout_ == NULL) { CanvasSkia canvas(display_rect().size(), false); skia::ScopedPlatformPaint scoped_platform_paint(canvas.sk_canvas()); cairo_t* cr = scoped_platform_paint.GetPlatformSurface(); layout_ = pango_cairo_create_layout(cr); SetupPangoLayoutWithFontDescription( layout_, text(), font_list().GetFontDescriptionString(), display_rect().width(), base::i18n::GetFirstStrongCharacterDirection(text()), CanvasSkia::DefaultCanvasTextAlignment()); // No width set so that the x-axis position is relative to the start of the // text. ToViewPoint and ToTextPoint take care of the position conversion // between text space and view spaces. pango_layout_set_width(layout_, -1); // TODO(xji): If RenderText will be used for displaying purpose, such as // label, we will need to remove the single-line-mode setting. pango_layout_set_single_paragraph_mode(layout_, true); SetupPangoAttributes(layout_); current_line_ = pango_layout_get_line_readonly(layout_, 0); pango_layout_line_ref(current_line_); pango_layout_get_log_attrs(layout_, &log_attrs_, &num_log_attrs_); layout_text_ = pango_layout_get_text(layout_); layout_text_len_ = strlen(layout_text_); } } void RenderTextLinux::SetupPangoAttributes(PangoLayout* layout) { PangoAttrList* attrs = pango_attr_list_new(); int default_font_style = font_list().GetFontStyle(); for (StyleRanges::const_iterator i = style_ranges().begin(); i < style_ranges().end(); ++i) { // In Pango, different fonts means different runs, and it breaks Arabic // shaping across run boundaries. So, set font only when it is different // from the default font. // TODO(xji): We'll eventually need to split up StyleRange into components // (ColorRange, FontRange, etc.) so that we can combine adjacent ranges // with the same Fonts (to avoid unnecessarily splitting up runs). if (i->font_style != default_font_style) { FontList derived_font_list = font_list().DeriveFontList(i->font_style); PangoFontDescription* desc = pango_font_description_from_string( derived_font_list.GetFontDescriptionString().c_str()); PangoAttribute* pango_attr = pango_attr_font_desc_new(desc); pango_attr->start_index = Utf16IndexToUtf8Index(i->range.start()); pango_attr->end_index = Utf16IndexToUtf8Index(i->range.end()); pango_attr_list_insert(attrs, pango_attr); pango_font_description_free(desc); } } pango_layout_set_attributes(layout, attrs); pango_attr_list_unref(attrs); } void RenderTextLinux::DrawVisualText(Canvas* canvas) { DCHECK(layout_); Point offset(GetOriginForSkiaDrawing()); SkScalar x = SkIntToScalar(offset.x()); SkScalar y = SkIntToScalar(offset.y()); std::vector pos; std::vector glyphs; StyleRanges styles(style_ranges()); ApplyCompositionAndSelectionStyles(&styles); // Pre-calculate UTF8 indices from UTF16 indices. // TODO(asvitkine): Can we cache these? std::vector style_ranges_utf8; style_ranges_utf8.reserve(styles.size()); size_t start_index = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < styles.size(); ++i) { size_t end_index = Utf16IndexToUtf8Index(styles[i].range.end()); style_ranges_utf8.push_back(ui::Range(start_index, end_index)); start_index = end_index; } internal::SkiaTextRenderer renderer(canvas); ApplyFadeEffects(&renderer); for (GSList* it = current_line_->runs; it; it = it->next) { PangoLayoutRun* run = reinterpret_cast(it->data); int glyph_count = run->glyphs->num_glyphs; if (glyph_count == 0) continue; size_t run_start = run->item->offset; size_t first_glyph_byte_index = run_start + run->glyphs->log_clusters[0]; size_t style_increment = IsForwardMotion(CURSOR_RIGHT, run->item) ? 1 : -1; // Find the initial style for this run. // TODO(asvitkine): Can we avoid looping here, e.g. by caching this per run? int style = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < style_ranges_utf8.size(); ++i) { if (IndexInRange(style_ranges_utf8[i], first_glyph_byte_index)) { style = i; break; } } DCHECK_GE(style, 0); PangoFontDescription* native_font = pango_font_describe(run->item->analysis.font); const char* family_name = pango_font_description_get_family(native_font); SkAutoTUnref typeface( SkTypeface::CreateFromName(family_name, SkTypeface::kNormal)); renderer.SetTypeface(typeface.get()); renderer.SetTextSize(GetPangoFontSizeInPixels(native_font)); pango_font_description_free(native_font); SkScalar glyph_x = x; SkScalar start_x = x; int start = 0; glyphs.resize(glyph_count); pos.resize(glyph_count); for (int i = 0; i < glyph_count; ++i) { const PangoGlyphInfo& glyph = run->glyphs->glyphs[i]; glyphs[i] = static_cast(glyph.glyph); pos[i].set(glyph_x + PANGO_PIXELS(glyph.geometry.x_offset), y + PANGO_PIXELS(glyph.geometry.y_offset)); glyph_x += PANGO_PIXELS(glyph.geometry.width); // If this glyph is beyond the current style, draw the glyphs so far and // advance to the next style. size_t glyph_byte_index = run_start + run->glyphs->log_clusters[i]; DCHECK_GE(style, 0); DCHECK_LT(style, static_cast(styles.size())); if (!IndexInRange(style_ranges_utf8[style], glyph_byte_index)) { // TODO(asvitkine): For cases like "fi", where "fi" is a single glyph // but can span multiple styles, Pango splits the // styles evenly over the glyph. We can do this too by // clipping and drawing the glyph several times. renderer.SetForegroundColor(styles[style].foreground); renderer.SetFontStyle(styles[style].font_style); renderer.DrawPosText(&pos[start], &glyphs[start], i - start); renderer.DrawDecorations(start_x, y, glyph_x - start_x, styles[style]); start = i; start_x = glyph_x; // Loop to find the next style, in case the glyph spans multiple styles. do { style += style_increment; } while (style >= 0 && style < static_cast(styles.size()) && !IndexInRange(style_ranges_utf8[style], glyph_byte_index)); } } // Draw the remaining glyphs. renderer.SetForegroundColor(styles[style].foreground); renderer.SetFontStyle(styles[style].font_style); renderer.DrawPosText(&pos[start], &glyphs[start], glyph_count - start); renderer.DrawDecorations(start_x, y, glyph_x - start_x, styles[style]); x = glyph_x; } } size_t RenderTextLinux::IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme( size_t index, LogicalCursorDirection direction) { if (index > text().length()) return text().length(); EnsureLayout(); return Utf8IndexToUtf16Index( Utf8IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(Utf16IndexToUtf8Index(index), direction)); } GSList* RenderTextLinux::GetRunContainingPosition(size_t position) const { GSList* run = current_line_->runs; while (run) { PangoItem* item = reinterpret_cast(run->data)->item; size_t run_start = Utf8IndexToUtf16Index(item->offset); size_t run_end = Utf8IndexToUtf16Index(item->offset + item->length); if (position >= run_start && position < run_end) return run; run = run->next; } return NULL; } size_t RenderTextLinux::Utf8IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme( size_t utf8_index_of_current_grapheme, LogicalCursorDirection direction) const { const char* ch = layout_text_ + utf8_index_of_current_grapheme; int char_offset = static_cast(g_utf8_pointer_to_offset(layout_text_, ch)); int start_char_offset = char_offset; if (direction == CURSOR_BACKWARD) { if (char_offset > 0) { do { --char_offset; } while (char_offset > 0 && !log_attrs_[char_offset].is_cursor_position); } } else { // direction == CURSOR_FORWARD if (char_offset < num_log_attrs_ - 1) { do { ++char_offset; } while (char_offset < num_log_attrs_ - 1 && !log_attrs_[char_offset].is_cursor_position); } } ch = g_utf8_offset_to_pointer(ch, char_offset - start_char_offset); return static_cast(ch - layout_text_); } SelectionModel RenderTextLinux::FirstSelectionModelInsideRun( const PangoItem* item) const { size_t caret = Utf8IndexToUtf16Index(item->offset); size_t cursor = Utf8IndexToUtf16Index( Utf8IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(item->offset, CURSOR_FORWARD)); return SelectionModel(cursor, caret, SelectionModel::TRAILING); } SelectionModel RenderTextLinux::LastSelectionModelInsideRun( const PangoItem* item) const { size_t caret = Utf8IndexToUtf16Index(Utf8IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme( item->offset + item->length, CURSOR_BACKWARD)); return SelectionModel(caret, caret, SelectionModel::LEADING); } void RenderTextLinux::ResetLayout() { // set_cached_bounds_and_offset_valid(false) is done in RenderText for every // operation that triggers ResetLayout(). if (layout_) { g_object_unref(layout_); layout_ = NULL; } if (current_line_) { pango_layout_line_unref(current_line_); current_line_ = NULL; } if (log_attrs_) { g_free(log_attrs_); log_attrs_ = NULL; num_log_attrs_ = 0; } if (!selection_visual_bounds_.empty()) selection_visual_bounds_.clear(); layout_text_ = NULL; layout_text_len_ = 0; } size_t RenderTextLinux::Utf16IndexToUtf8Index(size_t index) const { int32_t utf8_index = 0; UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_strToUTF8(NULL, 0, &utf8_index, text().data(), index, &ec); // Even given a destination buffer as NULL and destination capacity as 0, // if the output length is equal to or greater than the capacity, then the // UErrorCode is set to U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING or // U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR respectively. // Please refer to // http://userguide.icu-project.org/strings#TOC-Using-C-Strings:-NUL-Terminated-vs // for detail (search for "Note that" below "Preflighting"). DCHECK(ec == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || ec == U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING); return utf8_index; } size_t RenderTextLinux::Utf8IndexToUtf16Index(size_t index) const { int32_t utf16_index = 0; UErrorCode ec = U_ZERO_ERROR; u_strFromUTF8(NULL, 0, &utf16_index, layout_text_, index, &ec); DCHECK(ec == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || ec == U_STRING_NOT_TERMINATED_WARNING); return utf16_index; } std::vector RenderTextLinux::CalculateSubstringBounds(size_t from, size_t to) { int* ranges; int n_ranges; size_t from_in_utf8 = Utf16IndexToUtf8Index(from); size_t to_in_utf8 = Utf16IndexToUtf8Index(to); pango_layout_line_get_x_ranges( current_line_, std::min(from_in_utf8, to_in_utf8), std::max(from_in_utf8, to_in_utf8), &ranges, &n_ranges); int height; pango_layout_get_pixel_size(layout_, NULL, &height); int y = (display_rect().height() - height) / 2; std::vector bounds; for (int i = 0; i < n_ranges; ++i) { int x = PANGO_PIXELS(ranges[2 * i]); int width = PANGO_PIXELS(ranges[2 * i + 1]) - x; Rect rect(x, y, width, height); rect.set_origin(ToViewPoint(rect.origin())); bounds.push_back(rect); } g_free(ranges); return bounds; } std::vector RenderTextLinux::GetSelectionBounds() { if (selection_visual_bounds_.empty()) selection_visual_bounds_ = CalculateSubstringBounds(GetSelectionStart(), GetCursorPosition()); return selection_visual_bounds_; } } // namespace gfx