// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/gfx/render_text_win.h" #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/win/scoped_hdc.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas_skia.h" #include "ui/gfx/platform_font.h" namespace { // The maximum supported number of Uniscribe runs; a SCRIPT_ITEM is 8 bytes. // TODO(msw): Review memory use/failure? Max string length? Alternate approach? const int kGuessItems = 100; const int kMaxItems = 10000; // The maximum supported number of Uniscribe glyphs; a glyph is 1 word. // TODO(msw): Review memory use/failure? Max string length? Alternate approach? const int kMaxGlyphs = 100000; // Callback to |EnumEnhMetaFile()| to intercept font creation. int CALLBACK MetaFileEnumProc(HDC hdc, HANDLETABLE* table, CONST ENHMETARECORD* record, int table_entries, LPARAM log_font) { if (record->iType == EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW) { const EMREXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW* create_font_record = reinterpret_cast(record); *reinterpret_cast(log_font) = create_font_record->elfw.elfLogFont; } return 1; } // Finds a fallback font to use to render the specified |text| with respect to // an initial |font|. Returns the resulting font via out param |result|. Returns // |true| if a fallback font was found. // Adapted from WebKit's |FontCache::GetFontDataForCharacters()|. bool ChooseFallbackFont(HDC hdc, const gfx::Font& font, const wchar_t* text, int text_length, gfx::Font* result) { // Use a meta file to intercept the fallback font chosen by Uniscribe. HDC meta_file_dc = CreateEnhMetaFile(hdc, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!meta_file_dc) return false; SelectObject(meta_file_dc, font.GetNativeFont()); SCRIPT_STRING_ANALYSIS script_analysis; HRESULT hresult = ScriptStringAnalyse(meta_file_dc, text, text_length, 0, -1, SSA_METAFILE | SSA_FALLBACK | SSA_GLYPHS | SSA_LINK, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &script_analysis); if (SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { hresult = ScriptStringOut(script_analysis, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, FALSE); ScriptStringFree(&script_analysis); } bool found_fallback = false; HENHMETAFILE meta_file = CloseEnhMetaFile(meta_file_dc); if (SUCCEEDED(hresult)) { LOGFONT log_font; log_font.lfFaceName[0] = 0; EnumEnhMetaFile(0, meta_file, MetaFileEnumProc, &log_font, NULL); if (log_font.lfFaceName[0]) { *result = gfx::Font(UTF16ToUTF8(log_font.lfFaceName), font.GetFontSize()); found_fallback = true; } } DeleteEnhMetaFile(meta_file); return found_fallback; } } // namespace namespace gfx { namespace internal { TextRun::TextRun() : strike(false), underline(false), width(0), preceding_run_widths(0), glyph_count(0), script_cache(NULL) { memset(&script_analysis, 0, sizeof(script_analysis)); memset(&abc_widths, 0, sizeof(abc_widths)); } TextRun::~TextRun() { ScriptFreeCache(&script_cache); } } // namespace internal RenderTextWin::RenderTextWin() : RenderText(), script_control_(), script_state_(), string_width_(0), needs_layout_(false) { // Omitting default constructors for script_* would leave POD uninitialized. HRESULT hr = 0; // TODO(msw): Call ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution on WM_SETTINGCHANGE message. // TODO(msw): Use Chrome/profile locale/language settings? hr = ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &digit_substitute_); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); hr = ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution(&digit_substitute_, &script_control_, &script_state_); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); script_control_.fMergeNeutralItems = true; MoveCursorTo(LeftEndSelectionModel()); } RenderTextWin::~RenderTextWin() { STLDeleteContainerPointers(runs_.begin(), runs_.end()); } int RenderTextWin::GetStringWidth() { EnsureLayout(); return string_width_; } SelectionModel RenderTextWin::FindCursorPosition(const Point& point) { if (text().empty()) return SelectionModel(); EnsureLayout(); // Find the run that contains the point and adjust the argument location. Point p(ToTextPoint(point)); size_t run_index = GetRunContainingPoint(p); if (run_index == runs_.size()) return (p.x() < 0) ? LeftEndSelectionModel() : RightEndSelectionModel(); internal::TextRun* run = runs_[run_index]; int position = 0, trailing = 0; HRESULT hr = ScriptXtoCP(p.x() - run->preceding_run_widths, run->range.length(), run->glyph_count, run->logical_clusters.get(), run->visible_attributes.get(), run->advance_widths.get(), &(run->script_analysis), &position, &trailing); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); position += run->range.start(); size_t cursor = position + trailing; DCHECK_GE(cursor, 0U); DCHECK_LE(cursor, text().length()); return SelectionModel(cursor, position, (trailing > 0) ? SelectionModel::TRAILING : SelectionModel::LEADING); } Rect RenderTextWin::GetCursorBounds(const SelectionModel& selection, bool insert_mode) { EnsureLayout(); // Highlight the logical cursor (selection end) when not in insert mode. size_t pos = insert_mode ? selection.caret_pos() : selection.selection_end(); size_t run_index = GetRunContainingPosition(pos); internal::TextRun* run = run_index == runs_.size() ? NULL : runs_[run_index]; int start_x = 0, end_x = 0; if (run) { HRESULT hr = 0; hr = ScriptCPtoX(pos - run->range.start(), false, run->range.length(), run->glyph_count, run->logical_clusters.get(), run->visible_attributes.get(), run->advance_widths.get(), &(run->script_analysis), &start_x); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); hr = ScriptCPtoX(pos - run->range.start(), true, run->range.length(), run->glyph_count, run->logical_clusters.get(), run->visible_attributes.get(), run->advance_widths.get(), &(run->script_analysis), &end_x); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } // TODO(msw): Use the last visual run's font instead of the default font? int height = run ? run->font.GetHeight() : default_style().font.GetHeight(); Rect rect(std::min(start_x, end_x), 0, std::abs(end_x - start_x), height); // Offset to the run start or the right/left end for an out of bounds index. // Also center the rect vertically in the display area. int text_end_offset = base::i18n::IsRTL() ? 0 : GetStringWidth(); rect.Offset((run ? run->preceding_run_widths : text_end_offset), (display_rect().height() - rect.height()) / 2); // Adjust for leading/trailing in insert mode. if (insert_mode && run) { bool leading = selection.caret_placement() == SelectionModel::LEADING; // Adjust the x value for right-side placement. if (run->script_analysis.fRTL == leading) rect.set_x(rect.right()); rect.set_width(0); } rect.set_origin(ToViewPoint(rect.origin())); return rect; } SelectionModel RenderTextWin::GetLeftSelectionModel( const SelectionModel& selection, BreakType break_type) { EnsureLayout(); if (break_type == LINE_BREAK || text().empty()) return LeftEndSelectionModel(); if (break_type == CHARACTER_BREAK) return LeftSelectionModel(selection); // TODO(msw): Implement word breaking. return RenderText::GetLeftSelectionModel(selection, break_type); } SelectionModel RenderTextWin::GetRightSelectionModel( const SelectionModel& selection, BreakType break_type) { EnsureLayout(); if (break_type == LINE_BREAK || text().empty()) return RightEndSelectionModel(); if (break_type == CHARACTER_BREAK) return RightSelectionModel(selection); // TODO(msw): Implement word breaking. return RenderText::GetRightSelectionModel(selection, break_type); } SelectionModel RenderTextWin::LeftEndSelectionModel() { if (text().empty()) return SelectionModel(0, 0, SelectionModel::LEADING); EnsureLayout(); size_t cursor = base::i18n::IsRTL() ? text().length() : 0; internal::TextRun* run = runs_[visual_to_logical_[0]]; size_t caret; SelectionModel::CaretPlacement placement; if (run->script_analysis.fRTL) { caret = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(run->range.end(), false); placement = SelectionModel::TRAILING; } else { caret = run->range.start(); placement = SelectionModel::LEADING; } return SelectionModel(cursor, caret, placement); } SelectionModel RenderTextWin::RightEndSelectionModel() { if (text().empty()) return SelectionModel(0, 0, SelectionModel::LEADING); EnsureLayout(); size_t cursor = base::i18n::IsRTL() ? 0 : text().length(); internal::TextRun* run = runs_[visual_to_logical_[runs_.size() - 1]]; size_t caret; SelectionModel::CaretPlacement placement; if (run->script_analysis.fRTL) { caret = run->range.start(); placement = SelectionModel::LEADING; } else { caret = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(run->range.end(), false); placement = SelectionModel::TRAILING; } return SelectionModel(cursor, caret, placement); } void RenderTextWin::GetSubstringBounds(size_t from, size_t to, std::vector* bounds) { DCHECK(!needs_layout_); ui::Range range(from, to); DCHECK(ui::Range(0, text().length()).Contains(range)); Point display_offset(GetUpdatedDisplayOffset()); HRESULT hr = 0; bounds->clear(); if (from == to) return; // Add a Rect for each run/selection intersection. // TODO(msw): The bounds should probably not always be leading the range ends. for (size_t i = 0; i < runs_.size(); ++i) { internal::TextRun* run = runs_[visual_to_logical_[i]]; ui::Range intersection = run->range.Intersect(range); if (intersection.IsValid()) { DCHECK(!intersection.is_reversed()); int start_offset = 0; hr = ScriptCPtoX(intersection.start() - run->range.start(), false, run->range.length(), run->glyph_count, run->logical_clusters.get(), run->visible_attributes.get(), run->advance_widths.get(), &(run->script_analysis), &start_offset); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); int end_offset = 0; hr = ScriptCPtoX(intersection.end() - run->range.start(), false, run->range.length(), run->glyph_count, run->logical_clusters.get(), run->visible_attributes.get(), run->advance_widths.get(), &(run->script_analysis), &end_offset); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (start_offset > end_offset) std::swap(start_offset, end_offset); Rect rect(run->preceding_run_widths + start_offset, 0, end_offset - start_offset, run->font.GetHeight()); // Center the rect vertically in the display area. rect.Offset(0, (display_rect().height() - rect.height()) / 2); rect.set_origin(ToViewPoint(rect.origin())); // Union this with the last rect if they're adjacent. if (!bounds->empty() && rect.SharesEdgeWith(bounds->back())) { rect = rect.Union(bounds->back()); bounds->pop_back(); } bounds->push_back(rect); } } } void RenderTextWin::SetSelectionModel(const SelectionModel& model) { RenderText::SetSelectionModel(model); // TODO(xji): The styles are applied to text inside ItemizeLogicalText(). So, // we need to update layout here in order for the styles, such as selection // foreground, to be picked up. Eventually, we should separate styles from // layout by applying foreground, strike, and underline styles during // DrawVisualText as what RenderTextLinux does. UpdateLayout(); } bool RenderTextWin::IsCursorablePosition(size_t position) { if (position == 0 || position == text().length()) return true; EnsureLayout(); size_t run_index = GetRunContainingPosition(position); if (run_index >= runs_.size()) return false; internal::TextRun* run = runs_[run_index]; size_t start = run->range.start(); if (position == start) return true; return run->logical_clusters[position - start] != run->logical_clusters[position - start - 1]; } void RenderTextWin::UpdateLayout() { // Layout is performed lazily as needed for drawing/metrics. needs_layout_ = true; } void RenderTextWin::EnsureLayout() { if (!needs_layout_) return; // TODO(msw): Skip complex processing if ScriptIsComplex returns false. ItemizeLogicalText(); if (!runs_.empty()) LayoutVisualText(); needs_layout_ = false; } void RenderTextWin::DrawVisualText(Canvas* canvas) { DCHECK(!needs_layout_); Point offset(GetOriginForSkiaDrawing()); SkScalar x = SkIntToScalar(offset.x()); SkScalar y = SkIntToScalar(offset.y()); std::vector pos; internal::SkiaTextRenderer renderer(canvas); for (size_t i = 0; i < runs_.size(); ++i) { // Get the run specified by the visual-to-logical map. internal::TextRun* run = runs_[visual_to_logical_[i]]; // Based on WebCore::skiaDrawText. pos.resize(run->glyph_count); SkScalar glyph_x = x; for (int glyph = 0; glyph < run->glyph_count; glyph++) { pos[glyph].set(glyph_x + run->offsets[glyph].du, y + run->offsets[glyph].dv); glyph_x += SkIntToScalar(run->advance_widths[glyph]); } renderer.SetFont(run->font); renderer.SetForegroundColor(run->foreground); renderer.DrawPosText(&pos[0], run->glyphs.get(), run->glyph_count); if (run->strike || run->underline) renderer.DrawDecorations(x, y, run->width, run->underline, run->strike); x = glyph_x; } } size_t RenderTextWin::IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(size_t index, bool next) { EnsureLayout(); if (text().empty()) return 0; if (index >= text().length()) { if (next || index > text().length()) { return text().length(); } else { // The requested |index| is at the end of the text. Use the index of the // last character to find the grapheme. index = text().length() - 1; if (IsCursorablePosition(index)) return index; } } size_t run_index = GetRunContainingPosition(index); DCHECK(run_index < runs_.size()); internal::TextRun* run = runs_[run_index]; size_t start = run->range.start(); size_t ch = index - start; if (!next) { // If |ch| is the start of the run, use the preceding run, if any. if (ch == 0) { if (run_index == 0) return 0; run = runs_[run_index - 1]; start = run->range.start(); ch = run->range.length(); } // Loop to find the start of the grapheme. WORD cluster = run->logical_clusters[ch - 1]; do { ch--; } while (ch > 0 && run->logical_clusters[ch - 1] == cluster); } else { WORD cluster = run->logical_clusters[ch]; while (ch < run->range.length() && run->logical_clusters[ch] == cluster) ch++; } return start + ch; } void RenderTextWin::ItemizeLogicalText() { STLDeleteContainerPointers(runs_.begin(), runs_.end()); runs_.clear(); string_width_ = 0; if (text().empty()) return; const wchar_t* raw_text = text().c_str(); const int text_length = text().length(); HRESULT hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; int script_items_count = 0; std::vector script_items; for (size_t n = kGuessItems; hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY && n < kMaxItems; n *= 2) { // Derive the array of Uniscribe script items from the logical text. // ScriptItemize always adds a terminal array item so that the length of the // last item can be derived from the terminal SCRIPT_ITEM::iCharPos. script_items.resize(n); hr = ScriptItemize(raw_text, text_length, n - 1, &script_control_, &script_state_, &script_items[0], &script_items_count); } DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (script_items_count <= 0) return; // Build the list of runs, merge font/underline styles. // TODO(msw): Only break for font changes, not color etc. See TextRun comment. StyleRanges styles(style_ranges()); ApplyCompositionAndSelectionStyles(&styles); StyleRanges::const_iterator style = styles.begin(); SCRIPT_ITEM* script_item = &script_items[0]; for (int run_break = 0; run_break < text_length;) { internal::TextRun* run = new internal::TextRun(); run->range.set_start(run_break); run->font = style->font; run->foreground = style->foreground; run->strike = style->strike; run->underline = style->underline; run->script_analysis = script_item->a; // Find the range end and advance the structures as needed. int script_item_end = (script_item + 1)->iCharPos; int style_range_end = style->range.end(); run_break = std::min(script_item_end, style_range_end); if (script_item_end <= style_range_end) script_item++; if (script_item_end >= style_range_end) style++; run->range.set_end(run_break); runs_.push_back(run); } } void RenderTextWin::LayoutVisualText() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; base::win::ScopedCreateDC hdc(CreateCompatibleDC(NULL)); std::vector::const_iterator run_iter; for (run_iter = runs_.begin(); run_iter < runs_.end(); ++run_iter) { internal::TextRun* run = *run_iter; size_t run_length = run->range.length(); const wchar_t* run_text = &(text()[run->range.start()]); bool tried_fallback = false; // Select the font desired for glyph generation. SelectObject(hdc, run->font.GetNativeFont()); run->logical_clusters.reset(new WORD[run_length]); run->glyph_count = 0; // Max glyph guess: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd368564.aspx size_t max_glyphs = static_cast(1.5 * run_length + 16); while (max_glyphs < kMaxGlyphs) { run->glyphs.reset(new WORD[max_glyphs]); run->visible_attributes.reset(new SCRIPT_VISATTR[max_glyphs]); hr = ScriptShape(hdc, &run->script_cache, run_text, run_length, max_glyphs, &(run->script_analysis), run->glyphs.get(), run->logical_clusters.get(), run->visible_attributes.get(), &(run->glyph_count)); if (hr == E_OUTOFMEMORY) { max_glyphs *= 2; } else if (hr == USP_E_SCRIPT_NOT_IN_FONT) { // Only try font fallback if it hasn't yet been attempted for this run. if (tried_fallback) { // TODO(msw): Don't use SCRIPT_UNDEFINED. Apparently Uniscribe can // crash on certain surrogate pairs with SCRIPT_UNDEFINED. // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=341500 // And http://maxradi.us/documents/uniscribe/ run->script_analysis.eScript = SCRIPT_UNDEFINED; // Reset |hr| to 0 to not trigger the DCHECK() below when a font is // not found that can display the text. This is expected behavior // under Windows XP without additional language packs installed and // may also happen on newer versions when trying to display text in // an obscure script that the system doesn't have the right font for. hr = 0; break; } // The run's font doesn't contain the required glyphs, use an alternate. if (ChooseFallbackFont(hdc, run->font, run_text, run_length, &run->font)) { ScriptFreeCache(&run->script_cache); SelectObject(hdc, run->font.GetNativeFont()); } tried_fallback = true; } else { break; } } DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); if (run->glyph_count > 0) { run->advance_widths.reset(new int[run->glyph_count]); run->offsets.reset(new GOFFSET[run->glyph_count]); hr = ScriptPlace(hdc, &run->script_cache, run->glyphs.get(), run->glyph_count, run->visible_attributes.get(), &(run->script_analysis), run->advance_widths.get(), run->offsets.get(), &(run->abc_widths)); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } } if (runs_.size() > 0) { // Build the array of bidirectional embedding levels. scoped_array levels(new BYTE[runs_.size()]); for (size_t i = 0; i < runs_.size(); ++i) levels[i] = runs_[i]->script_analysis.s.uBidiLevel; // Get the maps between visual and logical run indices. visual_to_logical_.reset(new int[runs_.size()]); logical_to_visual_.reset(new int[runs_.size()]); hr = ScriptLayout(runs_.size(), levels.get(), visual_to_logical_.get(), logical_to_visual_.get()); DCHECK(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } // Precalculate run width information. size_t preceding_run_widths = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < runs_.size(); ++i) { internal::TextRun* run = runs_[visual_to_logical_[i]]; run->preceding_run_widths = preceding_run_widths; const ABC& abc = run->abc_widths; run->width = abc.abcA + abc.abcB + abc.abcC; preceding_run_widths += run->width; } string_width_ = preceding_run_widths; } size_t RenderTextWin::GetRunContainingPosition(size_t position) const { DCHECK(!needs_layout_); // Find the text run containing the argument position. size_t run = 0; for (; run < runs_.size(); ++run) if (runs_[run]->range.start() <= position && runs_[run]->range.end() > position) break; return run; } size_t RenderTextWin::GetRunContainingPoint(const Point& point) const { DCHECK(!needs_layout_); // Find the text run containing the argument point (assumed already offset). size_t run = 0; for (; run < runs_.size(); ++run) if (runs_[run]->preceding_run_widths <= point.x() && runs_[run]->preceding_run_widths + runs_[run]->width > point.x()) break; return run; } SelectionModel RenderTextWin::FirstSelectionModelInsideRun( internal::TextRun* run) { size_t caret = run->range.start(); size_t cursor = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, true); return SelectionModel(cursor, caret, SelectionModel::TRAILING); } SelectionModel RenderTextWin::LastSelectionModelInsideRun( internal::TextRun* run) { size_t caret = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(run->range.end(), false); return SelectionModel(caret, caret, SelectionModel::LEADING); } SelectionModel RenderTextWin::LeftSelectionModel( const SelectionModel& selection) { DCHECK(!needs_layout_); size_t caret = selection.caret_pos(); SelectionModel::CaretPlacement caret_placement = selection.caret_placement(); size_t run_index = GetRunContainingPosition(caret); DCHECK(run_index < runs_.size()); internal::TextRun* run = runs_[run_index]; // If the caret's associated character is in a LTR run. if (!run->script_analysis.fRTL) { if (caret_placement == SelectionModel::TRAILING) return SelectionModel(caret, caret, SelectionModel::LEADING); else if (caret > run->range.start()) { caret = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, false); return SelectionModel(caret, caret, SelectionModel::LEADING); } } else { // The caret's associated character is in a RTL run. if (caret_placement == SelectionModel::LEADING) { size_t cursor = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, true); return SelectionModel(cursor, caret, SelectionModel::TRAILING); } else if (selection.selection_end() < run->range.end()) { caret = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, true); size_t cursor = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, true); return SelectionModel(cursor, caret, SelectionModel::TRAILING); } } // The character is at the begin of its run; go to the previous visual run. size_t visual_index = logical_to_visual_[run_index]; if (visual_index == 0) return LeftEndSelectionModel(); internal::TextRun* prev = runs_[visual_to_logical_[visual_index - 1]]; return prev->script_analysis.fRTL ? FirstSelectionModelInsideRun(prev) : LastSelectionModelInsideRun(prev); } SelectionModel RenderTextWin::RightSelectionModel( const SelectionModel& selection) { DCHECK(!needs_layout_); size_t caret = selection.caret_pos(); SelectionModel::CaretPlacement caret_placement = selection.caret_placement(); size_t run_index = GetRunContainingPosition(caret); DCHECK(run_index < runs_.size()); internal::TextRun* run = runs_[run_index]; // If the caret's associated character is in a LTR run. if (!run->script_analysis.fRTL) { if (caret_placement == SelectionModel::LEADING) { size_t cursor = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, true); return SelectionModel(cursor, caret, SelectionModel::TRAILING); } else if (selection.selection_end() < run->range.end()) { caret = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, true); size_t cursor = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, true); return SelectionModel(cursor, caret, SelectionModel::TRAILING); } } else { // The caret's associated character is in a RTL run. if (caret_placement == SelectionModel::TRAILING) return SelectionModel(caret, caret, SelectionModel::LEADING); else if (caret > run->range.start()) { caret = IndexOfAdjacentGrapheme(caret, false); return SelectionModel(caret, caret, SelectionModel::LEADING); } } // The character is at the end of its run; go to the next visual run. size_t visual_index = logical_to_visual_[run_index]; if (visual_index == runs_.size() - 1) return RightEndSelectionModel(); internal::TextRun* next = runs_[visual_to_logical_[visual_index + 1]]; return next->script_analysis.fRTL ? LastSelectionModelInsideRun(next) : FirstSelectionModelInsideRun(next); } RenderText* RenderText::CreateRenderText() { return new RenderTextWin; } } // namespace gfx