// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/gfx/screen.h" #import #import #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/mac/sdk_forward_declarations.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "ui/gfx/display.h" #include "ui/gfx/display_change_notifier.h" namespace { // The delay to handle the display configuration changes. // See comments in ScreenMac::HandleDisplayReconfiguration. const int64_t kConfigureDelayMs = 500; gfx::Rect ConvertCoordinateSystem(NSRect ns_rect) { // Primary monitor is defined as the monitor with the menubar, // which is always at index 0. NSScreen* primary_screen = [[NSScreen screens] firstObject]; float primary_screen_height = [primary_screen frame].size.height; gfx::Rect rect(NSRectToCGRect(ns_rect)); rect.set_y(primary_screen_height - rect.y() - rect.height()); return rect; } NSScreen* GetMatchingScreen(const gfx::Rect& match_rect) { // Default to the monitor with the current keyboard focus, in case // |match_rect| is not on any screen at all. NSScreen* max_screen = [NSScreen mainScreen]; int max_area = 0; for (NSScreen* screen in [NSScreen screens]) { gfx::Rect monitor_area = ConvertCoordinateSystem([screen frame]); gfx::Rect intersection = gfx::IntersectRects(monitor_area, match_rect); int area = intersection.width() * intersection.height(); if (area > max_area) { max_area = area; max_screen = screen; } } return max_screen; } gfx::Display GetDisplayForScreen(NSScreen* screen) { NSRect frame = [screen frame]; CGDirectDisplayID display_id = [[[screen deviceDescription] objectForKey:@"NSScreenNumber"] unsignedIntValue]; gfx::Display display(display_id, gfx::Rect(NSRectToCGRect(frame))); NSRect visible_frame = [screen visibleFrame]; NSScreen* primary = [[NSScreen screens] firstObject]; // Convert work area's coordinate systems. if ([screen isEqual:primary]) { gfx::Rect work_area = gfx::Rect(NSRectToCGRect(visible_frame)); work_area.set_y(frame.size.height - visible_frame.origin.y - visible_frame.size.height); display.set_work_area(work_area); } else { display.set_bounds(ConvertCoordinateSystem(frame)); display.set_work_area(ConvertCoordinateSystem(visible_frame)); } CGFloat scale; if ([screen respondsToSelector:@selector(backingScaleFactor)]) scale = [screen backingScaleFactor]; else scale = [screen userSpaceScaleFactor]; if (gfx::Display::HasForceDeviceScaleFactor()) scale = gfx::Display::GetForcedDeviceScaleFactor(); display.set_device_scale_factor(scale); // CGDisplayRotation returns a double. Display::SetRotationAsDegree will // handle the unexpected situations were the angle is not a multiple of 90. display.SetRotationAsDegree(static_cast(CGDisplayRotation(display_id))); return display; } class ScreenMac : public gfx::Screen { public: ScreenMac() { displays_ = BuildDisplaysFromQuartz(); CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback( ScreenMac::DisplayReconfigurationCallBack, this); } ~ScreenMac() override { CGDisplayRemoveReconfigurationCallback( ScreenMac::DisplayReconfigurationCallBack, this); } gfx::Point GetCursorScreenPoint() override { NSPoint mouseLocation = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; // Flip coordinates to gfx (0,0 in top-left corner) using primary screen. NSScreen* screen = [[NSScreen screens] firstObject]; mouseLocation.y = NSMaxY([screen frame]) - mouseLocation.y; return gfx::Point(mouseLocation.x, mouseLocation.y); } gfx::NativeWindow GetWindowUnderCursor() override { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return gfx::NativeWindow(); } gfx::NativeWindow GetWindowAtScreenPoint(const gfx::Point& point) override { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); return gfx::NativeWindow(); } int GetNumDisplays() const override { return GetAllDisplays().size(); } std::vector GetAllDisplays() const override { return displays_; } gfx::Display GetDisplayNearestWindow(gfx::NativeView view) const override { NSWindow* window = nil; #if !defined(USE_AURA) if (view) window = [view window]; #endif if (!window) return GetPrimaryDisplay(); NSScreen* match_screen = [window screen]; if (!match_screen) return GetPrimaryDisplay(); return GetDisplayForScreen(match_screen); } gfx::Display GetDisplayNearestPoint(const gfx::Point& point) const override { NSPoint ns_point = NSPointFromCGPoint(point.ToCGPoint()); NSArray* screens = [NSScreen screens]; NSScreen* primary = [screens objectAtIndex:0]; ns_point.y = NSMaxY([primary frame]) - ns_point.y; for (NSScreen* screen in screens) { if (NSMouseInRect(ns_point, [screen frame], NO)) return GetDisplayForScreen(screen); } return GetPrimaryDisplay(); } // Returns the display that most closely intersects the provided bounds. gfx::Display GetDisplayMatching(const gfx::Rect& match_rect) const override { NSScreen* match_screen = GetMatchingScreen(match_rect); return GetDisplayForScreen(match_screen); } // Returns the primary display. gfx::Display GetPrimaryDisplay() const override { // Primary display is defined as the display with the menubar, // which is always at index 0. NSScreen* primary = [[NSScreen screens] firstObject]; gfx::Display display = GetDisplayForScreen(primary); return display; } void AddObserver(gfx::DisplayObserver* observer) override { change_notifier_.AddObserver(observer); } void RemoveObserver(gfx::DisplayObserver* observer) override { change_notifier_.RemoveObserver(observer); } static void DisplayReconfigurationCallBack(CGDirectDisplayID display, CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags flags, void* userInfo) { if (flags & kCGDisplayBeginConfigurationFlag) return; static_cast(userInfo)->HandleDisplayReconfiguration(); } void HandleDisplayReconfiguration() { // Given that we need to rebuild the list of displays, we want to coalesce // the events. For that, we use a timer that will be reset every time we get // a new event and will be fulfilled kConfigureDelayMs after the latest. if (configure_timer_.get() && configure_timer_->IsRunning()) { configure_timer_->Reset(); return; } configure_timer_.reset(new base::OneShotTimer()); configure_timer_->Start( FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kConfigureDelayMs), this, &ScreenMac::ConfigureTimerFired); } private: void ConfigureTimerFired() { std::vector old_displays = displays_; displays_ = BuildDisplaysFromQuartz(); change_notifier_.NotifyDisplaysChanged(old_displays, displays_); } std::vector BuildDisplaysFromQuartz() const { // Don't just return all online displays. This would include displays // that mirror other displays, which are not desired in this list. It's // tempting to use the count returned by CGGetActiveDisplayList, but active // displays exclude sleeping displays, and those are desired. // It would be ridiculous to have this many displays connected, but // CGDirectDisplayID is just an integer, so supporting up to this many // doesn't hurt. CGDirectDisplayID online_displays[128]; CGDisplayCount online_display_count = 0; if (CGGetOnlineDisplayList(arraysize(online_displays), online_displays, &online_display_count) != kCGErrorSuccess) { return std::vector(1, GetPrimaryDisplay()); } typedef std::map ScreenIdsToScreensMap; ScreenIdsToScreensMap screen_ids_to_screens; for (NSScreen* screen in [NSScreen screens]) { NSDictionary* screen_device_description = [screen deviceDescription]; int64_t screen_id = [[screen_device_description objectForKey:@"NSScreenNumber"] unsignedIntValue]; screen_ids_to_screens[screen_id] = screen; } std::vector displays; for (CGDisplayCount online_display_index = 0; online_display_index < online_display_count; ++online_display_index) { CGDirectDisplayID online_display = online_displays[online_display_index]; if (CGDisplayMirrorsDisplay(online_display) == kCGNullDirectDisplay) { // If this display doesn't mirror any other, include it in the list. // The primary display in a mirrored set will be counted, but those that // mirror it will not be. ScreenIdsToScreensMap::iterator foundScreen = screen_ids_to_screens.find(online_display); if (foundScreen != screen_ids_to_screens.end()) { displays.push_back(GetDisplayForScreen(foundScreen->second)); } } } if (!displays.size()) return std::vector(1, GetPrimaryDisplay()); return displays; } // The displays currently attached to the device. std::vector displays_; // The timer to delay configuring outputs. See also the comments in // HandleDisplayReconfiguration(). scoped_ptr configure_timer_; gfx::DisplayChangeNotifier change_notifier_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScreenMac); }; } // namespace namespace gfx { #if !defined(USE_AURA) Screen* CreateNativeScreen() { return new ScreenMac; } #endif }