# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. # This isolate expresses the dependency on the default behavior of # Chromium's OpenGL binding layer. Many targets (in particular test # targets) that use graphics rely on this layer either implicitly or # explicitly, but not all of them need a direct dependency on ANGLE, # especially as ANGLE is being brought up on more platforms. This # isolate allows these targets to continue to use Chromium's default # graphics code path, while others can depend directly on ANGLE on # non-Windows platforms. { # If includes were supported in conditions, we'd prefer to # conditionally include angle.isolate here only on Windows, rather # than introducing another isolate for ANGLE on multiple # platforms. https://github.com/luci/luci-py/issues/230 'includes': [ '../../third_party/angle/angle.isolate', ], }