// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/gl/gl_context_cgl.h" #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_implementation.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_surface.h" #include "ui/gl/gpu_switching_manager.h" namespace gfx { namespace { bool g_support_renderer_switching; struct CGLRendererInfoObjDeleter { void operator()(CGLRendererInfoObj* x) { if (x) CGLDestroyRendererInfo(*x); } }; } // namespace static CGLPixelFormatObj GetPixelFormat() { static CGLPixelFormatObj format; if (format) return format; std::vector attribs; // If the system supports dual gpus then allow offline renderers for every // context, so that they can all be in the same share group. if (ui::GpuSwitchingManager::GetInstance()->SupportsDualGpus()) { attribs.push_back(kCGLPFAAllowOfflineRenderers); g_support_renderer_switching = true; } if (GetGLImplementation() == kGLImplementationAppleGL) { attribs.push_back(kCGLPFARendererID); attribs.push_back((CGLPixelFormatAttribute) kCGLRendererGenericFloatID); g_support_renderer_switching = false; } if (GetGLImplementation() == kGLImplementationDesktopGLCoreProfile) { // These constants don't exist in the 10.6 SDK against which // Chromium currently compiles. const int kOpenGLProfile = 99; const int kOpenGL3_2Core = 0x3200; attribs.push_back(static_cast(kOpenGLProfile)); attribs.push_back(static_cast(kOpenGL3_2Core)); } attribs.push_back((CGLPixelFormatAttribute) 0); GLint num_virtual_screens; if (CGLChoosePixelFormat(&attribs.front(), &format, &num_virtual_screens) != kCGLNoError) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error choosing pixel format."; return NULL; } if (!format) { LOG(ERROR) << "format == 0."; return NULL; } DCHECK_NE(num_virtual_screens, 0); return format; } GLContextCGL::GLContextCGL(GLShareGroup* share_group) : GLContextReal(share_group), context_(NULL), gpu_preference_(PreferIntegratedGpu), discrete_pixelformat_(NULL), screen_(-1), renderer_id_(-1), safe_to_force_gpu_switch_(false) { } bool GLContextCGL::Initialize(GLSurface* compatible_surface, GpuPreference gpu_preference) { DCHECK(compatible_surface); gpu_preference = ui::GpuSwitchingManager::GetInstance()->AdjustGpuPreference( gpu_preference); GLContextCGL* share_context = share_group() ? static_cast(share_group()->GetContext()) : NULL; CGLPixelFormatObj format = GetPixelFormat(); if (!format) return false; // If using the discrete gpu, create a pixel format requiring it before we // create the context. if (!ui::GpuSwitchingManager::GetInstance()->SupportsDualGpus() || gpu_preference == PreferDiscreteGpu) { std::vector discrete_attribs; discrete_attribs.push_back((CGLPixelFormatAttribute) 0); GLint num_pixel_formats; if (CGLChoosePixelFormat(&discrete_attribs.front(), &discrete_pixelformat_, &num_pixel_formats) != kCGLNoError) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error choosing pixel format."; return false; } // The renderer might be switched after this, so ignore the saved ID. share_group()->SetRendererID(-1); } CGLError res = CGLCreateContext( format, share_context ? static_cast(share_context->GetHandle()) : NULL, reinterpret_cast(&context_)); if (res != kCGLNoError) { LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating context."; Destroy(); return false; } gpu_preference_ = gpu_preference; return true; } void GLContextCGL::Destroy() { if (discrete_pixelformat_) { if (base::MessageLoop::current() != NULL) { // Delay releasing the pixel format for 10 seconds to reduce the number of // unnecessary GPU switches. base::MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&CGLReleasePixelFormat, discrete_pixelformat_), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(10)); } else { CGLReleasePixelFormat(discrete_pixelformat_); } discrete_pixelformat_ = NULL; } if (context_) { CGLDestroyContext(static_cast(context_)); context_ = NULL; } } bool GLContextCGL::ForceGpuSwitchIfNeeded() { DCHECK(context_); // The call to CGLSetVirtualScreen can hang on some AMD drivers // http://crbug.com/227228 if (safe_to_force_gpu_switch_) { int renderer_id = share_group()->GetRendererID(); int screen; CGLGetVirtualScreen(static_cast(context_), &screen); if (g_support_renderer_switching && !discrete_pixelformat_ && renderer_id != -1 && (screen != screen_ || renderer_id != renderer_id_)) { // Attempt to find a virtual screen that's using the requested renderer, // and switch the context to use that screen. Don't attempt to switch if // the context requires the discrete GPU. CGLPixelFormatObj format = GetPixelFormat(); int virtual_screen_count; if (CGLDescribePixelFormat(format, 0, kCGLPFAVirtualScreenCount, &virtual_screen_count) != kCGLNoError) return false; for (int i = 0; i < virtual_screen_count; ++i) { int screen_renderer_id; if (CGLDescribePixelFormat(format, i, kCGLPFARendererID, &screen_renderer_id) != kCGLNoError) return false; screen_renderer_id &= kCGLRendererIDMatchingMask; if (screen_renderer_id == renderer_id) { CGLSetVirtualScreen(static_cast(context_), i); screen_ = i; break; } } renderer_id_ = renderer_id; } } return true; } bool GLContextCGL::MakeCurrent(GLSurface* surface) { DCHECK(context_); if (!ForceGpuSwitchIfNeeded()) return false; if (IsCurrent(surface)) return true; ScopedReleaseCurrent release_current; TRACE_EVENT0("gpu", "GLContextCGL::MakeCurrent"); if (CGLSetCurrentContext( static_cast(context_)) != kCGLNoError) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to make gl context current."; return false; } // Set this as soon as the context is current, since we might call into GL. SetRealGLApi(); SetCurrent(surface); if (!InitializeDynamicBindings()) { return false; } if (!surface->OnMakeCurrent(this)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to make gl context current."; return false; } release_current.Cancel(); return true; } void GLContextCGL::ReleaseCurrent(GLSurface* surface) { if (!IsCurrent(surface)) return; SetCurrent(NULL); CGLSetCurrentContext(NULL); } bool GLContextCGL::IsCurrent(GLSurface* surface) { bool native_context_is_current = CGLGetCurrentContext() == context_; // If our context is current then our notion of which GLContext is // current must be correct. On the other hand, third-party code // using OpenGL might change the current context. DCHECK(!native_context_is_current || (GetRealCurrent() == this)); if (!native_context_is_current) return false; return true; } void* GLContextCGL::GetHandle() { return context_; } void GLContextCGL::OnSetSwapInterval(int interval) { DCHECK(IsCurrent(NULL)); } bool GLContextCGL::GetTotalGpuMemory(size_t* bytes) { DCHECK(bytes); *bytes = 0; CGLContextObj context = reinterpret_cast(context_); if (!context) return false; // Retrieve the current renderer ID GLint current_renderer_id = 0; if (CGLGetParameter(context, kCGLCPCurrentRendererID, ¤t_renderer_id) != kCGLNoError) return false; // Iterate through the list of all renderers GLuint display_mask = static_cast(-1); CGLRendererInfoObj renderer_info = NULL; GLint num_renderers = 0; if (CGLQueryRendererInfo(display_mask, &renderer_info, &num_renderers) != kCGLNoError) return false; scoped_ptr scoper(&renderer_info); for (GLint renderer_index = 0; renderer_index < num_renderers; ++renderer_index) { // Skip this if this renderer is not the current renderer. GLint renderer_id = 0; if (CGLDescribeRenderer(renderer_info, renderer_index, kCGLRPRendererID, &renderer_id) != kCGLNoError) continue; if (renderer_id != current_renderer_id) continue; // Retrieve the video memory for the renderer. GLint video_memory = 0; if (CGLDescribeRenderer(renderer_info, renderer_index, kCGLRPVideoMemory, &video_memory) != kCGLNoError) continue; *bytes = video_memory; return true; } return false; } void GLContextCGL::SetSafeToForceGpuSwitch() { safe_to_force_gpu_switch_ = true; } GLContextCGL::~GLContextCGL() { Destroy(); } GpuPreference GLContextCGL::GetGpuPreference() { return gpu_preference_; } } // namespace gfx