// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/gl/gl_fence.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_context.h" namespace { class GLFenceNVFence: public gfx::GLFence { public: GLFenceNVFence() { // What if either of these GL calls fails? TestFenceNV will return true. // See spec: // http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/NV/fence.txt // // What should happen if TestFenceNV is called for a name before SetFenceNV // is called? // We generate an INVALID_OPERATION error, and return TRUE. // This follows the semantics for texture object names before // they are bound, in that they acquire their state upon binding. // We will arbitrarily return TRUE for consistency. glGenFencesNV(1, &fence_); glSetFenceNV(fence_, GL_ALL_COMPLETED_NV); glFlush(); } virtual bool HasCompleted() OVERRIDE { return IsContextLost() || glTestFenceNV(fence_); } private: ~GLFenceNVFence() { glDeleteFencesNV(1, &fence_); } GLuint fence_; }; class GLFenceARBSync: public gfx::GLFence { public: GLFenceARBSync() { sync_ = glFenceSync(GL_SYNC_GPU_COMMANDS_COMPLETE, 0); glFlush(); } virtual bool HasCompleted() OVERRIDE { // Handle the case where FenceSync failed. if (!sync_ || IsContextLost()) return true; GLsizei length = 0; GLsizei value = 0; glGetSynciv(sync_, GL_SYNC_STATUS, 1, // bufSize &length, &value); return length == 1 && value == GL_SIGNALED; } private: ~GLFenceARBSync() { glDeleteSync(sync_); } GLsync sync_; }; } // namespace namespace gfx { GLFence::GLFence() { } GLFence::~GLFence() { } // static GLFence* GLFence::Create() { if (gfx::g_GL_NV_fence) { return new GLFenceNVFence(); } else if (gfx::g_GL_ARB_sync) { return new GLFenceARBSync(); } else { return NULL; } } // static bool GLFence::IsContextLost() { if (!gfx::g_GL_ARB_robustness) return false; if (!gfx::GLContext::GetCurrent() || !gfx::GLContext::GetCurrent()-> WasAllocatedUsingARBRobustness()) return false; GLenum status = glGetGraphicsResetStatusARB(); return status != GL_NO_ERROR; } } // namespace gfx