// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef UI_GL_GL_IMAGE_IO_SURFACE_H_ #define UI_GL_GL_IMAGE_IO_SURFACE_H_ #include #include #include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h" #include "ui/gfx/buffer_types.h" #include "ui/gfx/generic_shared_memory_id.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_image.h" #if defined(__OBJC__) @class CALayer; #else typedef void* CALayer; #endif namespace gl { class GL_EXPORT GLImageIOSurface : public GLImage { public: GLImageIOSurface(const gfx::Size& size, unsigned internalformat); bool Initialize(IOSurfaceRef io_surface, gfx::GenericSharedMemoryId io_surface_id, gfx::BufferFormat format); // Overridden from GLImage: void Destroy(bool have_context) override; gfx::Size GetSize() override; unsigned GetInternalFormat() override; bool BindTexImage(unsigned target) override; void ReleaseTexImage(unsigned target) override {} bool CopyTexImage(unsigned target) override; bool CopyTexSubImage(unsigned target, const gfx::Point& offset, const gfx::Rect& rect) override; bool ScheduleOverlayPlane(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget, int z_order, gfx::OverlayTransform transform, const gfx::Rect& bounds_rect, const gfx::RectF& crop_rect) override; void OnMemoryDump(base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump* pmd, uint64_t process_tracing_id, const std::string& dump_name) override; gfx::GenericSharedMemoryId io_surface_id() const { return io_surface_id_; } base::ScopedCFTypeRef io_surface(); static void SetLayerForWidget(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget, CALayer* layer); static unsigned GetInternalFormatForTesting(gfx::BufferFormat format); protected: ~GLImageIOSurface() override; private: const gfx::Size size_; const unsigned internalformat_; gfx::BufferFormat format_; base::ScopedCFTypeRef io_surface_; gfx::GenericSharedMemoryId io_surface_id_; base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_; // GL state to support 420v IOSurface conversion to RGB. unsigned framebuffer_ = 0; unsigned vertex_shader_ = 0; unsigned fragment_shader_ = 0; unsigned program_ = 0; int size_location_ = -1; unsigned vertex_buffer_ = 0; unsigned yuv_textures_[2] = {}; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GLImageIOSurface); }; } // namespace gl #endif // UI_GL_GL_IMAGE_IO_SURFACE_H_