// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/numerics/safe_math.h" #include "third_party/mesa/src/include/GL/osmesa.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_context.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_surface_osmesa.h" #include "ui/gl/scoped_make_current.h" namespace gfx { GLSurfaceOSMesa::GLSurfaceOSMesa(OSMesaSurfaceFormat format, const gfx::Size& size) : size_(size) { switch (format) { case OSMesaSurfaceFormatBGRA: format_ = OSMESA_BGRA; break; case OSMesaSurfaceFormatRGBA: format_ = OSMESA_RGBA; break; } // Implementations of OSMesa surface do not support having a 0 size. In such // cases use a (1, 1) surface. if (size_.GetArea() == 0) size_.SetSize(1, 1); } bool GLSurfaceOSMesa::Initialize() { return Resize(size_); } void GLSurfaceOSMesa::Destroy() { buffer_.reset(); } bool GLSurfaceOSMesa::Resize(const gfx::Size& new_size) { scoped_ptr<ui::ScopedMakeCurrent> scoped_make_current; GLContext* current_context = GLContext::GetCurrent(); bool was_current = current_context && current_context->IsCurrent(this); if (was_current) { scoped_make_current.reset( new ui::ScopedMakeCurrent(current_context, this)); current_context->ReleaseCurrent(this); } // Preserve the old buffer. scoped_ptr<int32[]> old_buffer(buffer_.release()); base::CheckedNumeric<int> checked_size = sizeof(buffer_[0]); checked_size *= new_size.width(); checked_size *= new_size.height(); if (!checked_size.IsValid()) return false; // Allocate a new one. buffer_.reset(new int32[new_size.GetArea()]); if (!buffer_.get()) return false; memset(buffer_.get(), 0, new_size.GetArea() * sizeof(buffer_[0])); // Copy the old back buffer into the new buffer. if (old_buffer.get()) { int copy_width = std::min(size_.width(), new_size.width()); int copy_height = std::min(size_.height(), new_size.height()); for (int y = 0; y < copy_height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < copy_width; ++x) { buffer_[y * new_size.width() + x] = old_buffer[y * size_.width() + x]; } } } size_ = new_size; return true; } bool GLSurfaceOSMesa::IsOffscreen() { return true; } bool GLSurfaceOSMesa::SwapBuffers() { NOTREACHED() << "Should not call SwapBuffers on an GLSurfaceOSMesa."; return false; } gfx::Size GLSurfaceOSMesa::GetSize() { return size_; } void* GLSurfaceOSMesa::GetHandle() { return buffer_.get(); } unsigned GLSurfaceOSMesa::GetFormat() { return format_; } GLSurfaceOSMesa::~GLSurfaceOSMesa() { Destroy(); } bool GLSurfaceOSMesaHeadless::IsOffscreen() { return false; } bool GLSurfaceOSMesaHeadless::SwapBuffers() { return true; } GLSurfaceOSMesaHeadless::GLSurfaceOSMesaHeadless() : GLSurfaceOSMesa(OSMesaSurfaceFormatBGRA, gfx::Size(1, 1)) { } GLSurfaceOSMesaHeadless::~GLSurfaceOSMesaHeadless() { Destroy(); } } // namespace gfx