// Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/gl/gpu_timing.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_bindings.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_context.h" #include "ui/gl/gl_version_info.h" namespace gfx { class TimeElapsedTimerQuery; class TimerQuery; int64_t NanoToMicro(uint64_t nano_seconds) { const uint64_t up = nano_seconds + base::Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond / 2; return static_cast(up / base::Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond); } int32_t QueryTimestampBits() { GLint timestamp_bits; glGetQueryiv(GL_TIMESTAMP, GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS, ×tamp_bits); return static_cast(timestamp_bits); } class GPUTimingImpl : public GPUTiming { public: GPUTimingImpl(GLContextReal* context); ~GPUTimingImpl() override; void ForceTimeElapsedQuery() { force_time_elapsed_query_ = true; } bool IsForceTimeElapsedQuery() { return force_time_elapsed_query_; } GPUTiming::TimerType GetTimerType() const { return timer_type_; } uint32_t GetDisjointCount(); int64_t CalculateTimerOffset(); scoped_refptr BeginElapsedTimeQuery(); void EndElapsedTimeQuery(scoped_refptr result); scoped_refptr DoTimeStampQuery(); int64_t GetCurrentCPUTime() { return cpu_time_for_testing_.is_null() ? (base::TimeTicks::Now() - base::TimeTicks()).InMicroseconds() : cpu_time_for_testing_.Run(); } void SetCpuTimeForTesting(const base::Callback& cpu_time) { cpu_time_for_testing_ = cpu_time; } void UpdateQueryResults(); int64_t GetMaxTimeStamp() { return max_time_stamp_; } void UpdateMaxTimeStamp(int64_t value) { max_time_stamp_ = std::max(max_time_stamp_, value); } uint32_t GetElapsedQueryCount() { return elapsed_query_count_; } void IncElapsedQueryCount() { elapsed_query_count_++; } void DecElapsedQueryCount() { elapsed_query_count_--; } void SetLastElapsedQuery(scoped_refptr query); scoped_refptr GetLastElapsedQuery(); void HandleBadQuery(); bool IsGoodQueryID(uint32_t query_id); private: scoped_refptr CreateGPUTimingClient() override; base::Callback cpu_time_for_testing_; GPUTiming::TimerType timer_type_ = GPUTiming::kTimerTypeInvalid; uint32_t disjoint_counter_ = 0; int64_t offset_ = 0; // offset cache when timer_type_ == kTimerTypeARB bool offset_valid_ = false; bool force_time_elapsed_query_ = false; int32_t timestamp_bit_count_gl_ = -1; // gl implementation timestamp bits uint32_t next_timer_query_id_ = 0; uint32_t next_good_timer_query_id_ = 0; // identify bad ids for disjoints. uint32_t query_disjoint_count_ = 0; // Extra state tracking data for elapsed timer queries. int64_t max_time_stamp_ = 0; uint32_t elapsed_query_count_ = 0; scoped_refptr last_elapsed_query_; std::deque > queries_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GPUTimingImpl); }; class QueryResult : public base::RefCounted { public: QueryResult() {} bool IsAvailable() const { return available_; } int64_t GetDelta() const { return end_value_ - start_value_; } int64_t GetStartValue() const { return start_value_; } int64_t GetEndValue() const { return end_value_; } void SetStartValue(int64_t value) { start_value_ = value; } void SetEndValue(int64_t value) { available_ = true; end_value_ = value; } private: friend class base::RefCounted; ~QueryResult() {} bool available_ = false; int64_t start_value_ = 0; int64_t end_value_ = 0; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QueryResult); }; class TimerQuery : public base::RefCounted { public: TimerQuery(uint32_t next_id); virtual void Destroy() = 0; // Returns true when UpdateQueryResults() is ready to be called. virtual bool IsAvailable(GPUTimingImpl* gpu_timing) = 0; // Fills out query result start and end, called after IsAvailable() is true. virtual void UpdateQueryResults(GPUTimingImpl* gpu_timing) = 0; // Called when Query is next in line, used to transition states. virtual void PrepareNextUpdate(scoped_refptr prev) {} uint32_t timer_query_id_ = 0; int64_t time_stamp_ = 0; // Timestamp of the query, could be estimated. protected: friend class base::RefCounted; virtual ~TimerQuery(); DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TimerQuery); }; TimerQuery::TimerQuery(uint32_t next_id) : timer_query_id_(next_id) { } TimerQuery::~TimerQuery() { } class TimeElapsedTimerQuery : public TimerQuery { public: TimeElapsedTimerQuery(GPUTimingImpl* gpu_timing, uint32_t next_id) : TimerQuery(next_id) { glGenQueries(1, &gl_query_id_); } void Destroy() override { glDeleteQueries(1, &gl_query_id_); } scoped_refptr StartQuery(GPUTimingImpl* gpu_timing) { DCHECK(query_result_start_.get() == nullptr); query_begin_cpu_time_ = gpu_timing->GetCurrentCPUTime(); if (gpu_timing->GetElapsedQueryCount() == 0) { first_top_level_query_ = true; } else { // Stop the current timer query. glEndQuery(GL_TIME_ELAPSED); } // begin a new one time elapsed query. glBeginQuery(GL_TIME_ELAPSED, gl_query_id_); query_result_start_ = new QueryResult(); // Update GPUTiming state. gpu_timing->SetLastElapsedQuery(this); gpu_timing->IncElapsedQueryCount(); return query_result_start_; } void EndQuery(GPUTimingImpl* gpu_timing, scoped_refptr result) { DCHECK(gpu_timing->GetElapsedQueryCount() != 0); scoped_refptr last_query = gpu_timing->GetLastElapsedQuery(); DCHECK(last_query.get()); DCHECK(last_query->query_result_end_.get() == nullptr); last_query->query_result_end_ = result; gpu_timing->DecElapsedQueryCount(); if (gpu_timing->GetElapsedQueryCount() != 0) { // Continue timer if there are still ongoing queries. glEndQuery(GL_TIME_ELAPSED); glBeginQuery(GL_TIME_ELAPSED, gl_query_id_); gpu_timing->SetLastElapsedQuery(this); } else { // Simply end the query and reset the current offset glEndQuery(GL_TIME_ELAPSED); gpu_timing->SetLastElapsedQuery(nullptr); } } // Returns true when UpdateQueryResults() is ready to be called. bool IsAvailable(GPUTimingImpl* gpu_timing) override { if (gpu_timing->GetElapsedQueryCount() != 0 && gpu_timing->GetLastElapsedQuery() == this) { // Cannot query if result is available if EndQuery has not been called. // Since only one query is going on at a time, the end query is only not // called for the very last query when ongoing query counter is not 0. return false; } GLuint done = 0; glGetQueryObjectuiv(gl_query_id_, GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, &done); return !!done; } // Fills out query result start and end, called after IsAvailable() is true. void UpdateQueryResults(GPUTimingImpl* gpu_timing) override { GLuint64 result_value = 0; glGetQueryObjectui64v(gl_query_id_, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &result_value); const int64_t micro_results = NanoToMicro(result_value); // Adjust prev query end time if it is before the current max. const int64_t start_time = std::max(first_top_level_query_ ? query_begin_cpu_time_ : 0, std::max(prev_query_end_time_, gpu_timing->GetMaxTimeStamp())); // As a sanity check, is result value is greater than the time allotted we // can safely say this is garbage data const int64_t max_possible_time = gpu_timing->GetCurrentCPUTime() - query_begin_cpu_time_; if (micro_results > max_possible_time) { gpu_timing->HandleBadQuery(); } // Elapsed queries need to be adjusted so they are relative to one another. // Absolute timer queries are already relative to one another absolutely. time_stamp_ = start_time + micro_results; if (query_result_start_.get()) { query_result_start_->SetStartValue(start_time); } if (query_result_end_.get()) { query_result_end_->SetEndValue(time_stamp_); } } // Called when Query is next in line, used to transition states. void PrepareNextUpdate(scoped_refptr prev) override { prev_query_end_time_ = prev->time_stamp_; } private: ~TimeElapsedTimerQuery() override {} bool first_top_level_query_ = false; uint32_t gl_query_id_ = 0; int64_t prev_query_end_time_ = 0; int64_t query_begin_cpu_time_ = 0; scoped_refptr query_result_start_; scoped_refptr query_result_end_; }; class TimeStampTimerQuery : public TimerQuery { public: TimeStampTimerQuery(uint32_t next_id) : TimerQuery(next_id) { glGenQueries(1, &gl_query_id_); } void Destroy() override { glDeleteQueries(1, &gl_query_id_); } scoped_refptr DoQuery() { glQueryCounter(gl_query_id_, GL_TIMESTAMP); query_result_ = new QueryResult(); return query_result_; } // Returns true when UpdateQueryResults() is ready to be called. bool IsAvailable(GPUTimingImpl* gpu_timing) override { GLuint done = 0; glGetQueryObjectuiv(gl_query_id_, GL_QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE, &done); return !!done; } // Fills out query result start and end, called after IsAvailable() is true. void UpdateQueryResults(GPUTimingImpl* gpu_timing) override { DCHECK(IsAvailable(gpu_timing)); GLuint64 result_value = 0; glGetQueryObjectui64v(gl_query_id_, GL_QUERY_RESULT, &result_value); const int64_t micro_results = NanoToMicro(result_value); const int64_t offset = gpu_timing->CalculateTimerOffset(); const int64_t adjusted_result = micro_results + offset; DCHECK(query_result_.get()); query_result_->SetStartValue(adjusted_result); query_result_->SetEndValue(adjusted_result); time_stamp_ = adjusted_result; } private: ~TimeStampTimerQuery() override {} uint32_t gl_query_id_ = 0; scoped_refptr query_result_; }; GPUTimingImpl::GPUTimingImpl(GLContextReal* context) { DCHECK(context); const GLVersionInfo* version_info = context->GetVersionInfo(); DCHECK(version_info); if (context->HasExtension("GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query")) { timer_type_ = GPUTiming::kTimerTypeDisjoint; } else if (context->HasExtension("GL_ARB_timer_query")) { timer_type_ = GPUTiming::kTimerTypeARB; } else if (context->HasExtension("GL_EXT_timer_query")) { timer_type_ = GPUTiming::kTimerTypeEXT; force_time_elapsed_query_ = true; timestamp_bit_count_gl_ = 0; } // The command glGetInteger64v is only supported under ES3 and GL3.2. Since it // is only used for timestamps, we workaround this by emulating timestamps // so WebGL 1.0 will still have access to the extension. if (!version_info->IsAtLeastGLES(3, 0) && !version_info->IsAtLeastGL(3, 2)) { force_time_elapsed_query_ = true; timestamp_bit_count_gl_ = 0; } } GPUTimingImpl::~GPUTimingImpl() { } uint32_t GPUTimingImpl::GetDisjointCount() { if (timer_type_ == GPUTiming::kTimerTypeDisjoint) { GLint disjoint_value = 0; glGetIntegerv(GL_GPU_DISJOINT_EXT, &disjoint_value); if (disjoint_value) { offset_valid_ = false; disjoint_counter_++; } } return disjoint_counter_; } int64_t GPUTimingImpl::CalculateTimerOffset() { if (!offset_valid_) { if (timer_type_ == GPUTiming::kTimerTypeDisjoint || timer_type_ == GPUTiming::kTimerTypeARB) { GLint64 gl_now = 0; glGetInteger64v(GL_TIMESTAMP, &gl_now); const int64_t cpu_time = GetCurrentCPUTime(); const int64_t micro_offset = cpu_time - NanoToMicro(gl_now); // We cannot expect these instructions to run with the accuracy // within 1 microsecond, instead discard differences which are less // than a single millisecond. base::TimeDelta delta = base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(micro_offset - offset_); if (delta.magnitude().InMilliseconds() >= 1) { offset_ = micro_offset; offset_valid_ = (timer_type_ == GPUTiming::kTimerTypeARB); } } else { offset_ = 0; offset_valid_ = true; } } return offset_; } scoped_refptr GPUTimingImpl::BeginElapsedTimeQuery() { DCHECK(timer_type_ != GPUTiming::kTimerTypeInvalid); queries_.push_back(new TimeElapsedTimerQuery(this, next_timer_query_id_++)); return static_cast( queries_.back().get())->StartQuery(this); } void GPUTimingImpl::EndElapsedTimeQuery(scoped_refptr result) { DCHECK(timer_type_ != GPUTiming::kTimerTypeInvalid); DCHECK(result.get()); if (GetElapsedQueryCount() > 1) { // Create new elapsed timer query if there are still ongoing queries. queries_.push_back(new TimeElapsedTimerQuery(this, next_timer_query_id_++)); static_cast( queries_.back().get())->EndQuery(this, result); } else { // Simply end the query and reset the current offset DCHECK(GetLastElapsedQuery().get()); GetLastElapsedQuery()->EndQuery(this, result); DCHECK(GetLastElapsedQuery().get() == nullptr); } } scoped_refptr GPUTimingImpl::DoTimeStampQuery() { DCHECK(timer_type_ != GPUTiming::kTimerTypeInvalid); // Certain GL drivers have timestamp bit count set to 0 which means timestamps // aren't supported. Emulate them with time elapsed queries if that is the // case. if (timestamp_bit_count_gl_ == -1) { DCHECK(timer_type_ != GPUTiming::kTimerTypeEXT); timestamp_bit_count_gl_ = QueryTimestampBits(); force_time_elapsed_query_ = (timestamp_bit_count_gl_ == 0); } if (force_time_elapsed_query_) { // Replace with elapsed timer queries instead. scoped_refptr result = BeginElapsedTimeQuery(); EndElapsedTimeQuery(result); return result; } queries_.push_back(new TimeStampTimerQuery(next_timer_query_id_++)); return static_cast(queries_.back().get())->DoQuery(); } void GPUTimingImpl::UpdateQueryResults() { // Query availability of and count the queries that are available. int available_queries = 0; for (const scoped_refptr& query : queries_) { if (!query->IsAvailable(this)) break; available_queries++; } // Check for disjoints, this must be done after we checked for availability. const uint32_t disjoint_counter = GetDisjointCount(); if (disjoint_counter != query_disjoint_count_) { next_good_timer_query_id_ = next_timer_query_id_; query_disjoint_count_ = disjoint_counter; } // Fill in the query result data once we know the disjoint value is updated. // Note that even if disjoint happened and the values may or may not be // garbage, we still fill it in and let GPUTimingClient's detect and disgard // bad query data. The only thing we need to account for here is to not // use garbade timer data to fill states such as max query times. for (int i = 0; i < available_queries; ++i) { scoped_refptr query = queries_.front(); query->UpdateQueryResults(this); DCHECK(query->time_stamp_) << "Query Timestamp was not updated."; // For good queries, keep track of the max valid time stamps. if (IsGoodQueryID(query->timer_query_id_)) UpdateMaxTimeStamp(query->time_stamp_); query->Destroy(); queries_.pop_front(); if (!queries_.empty()) queries_.front()->PrepareNextUpdate(query); } } void GPUTimingImpl::SetLastElapsedQuery( scoped_refptr query) { last_elapsed_query_ = query; } scoped_refptr GPUTimingImpl::GetLastElapsedQuery() { return last_elapsed_query_; } void GPUTimingImpl::HandleBadQuery() { // Mark all queries as bad and signal an artificial disjoint value. next_good_timer_query_id_ = next_timer_query_id_; offset_valid_ = false; query_disjoint_count_ = ++disjoint_counter_; } bool GPUTimingImpl::IsGoodQueryID(uint32_t query_id) { return query_id >= next_good_timer_query_id_; } scoped_refptr GPUTimingImpl::CreateGPUTimingClient() { return new GPUTimingClient(this); } GPUTiming* GPUTiming::CreateGPUTiming(GLContextReal* context) { return new GPUTimingImpl(context); } GPUTiming::GPUTiming() { } GPUTiming::~GPUTiming() { } GPUTimer::~GPUTimer() { } void GPUTimer::Destroy(bool have_context) { if (have_context) { if (timer_state_ == kTimerState_WaitingForEnd) { DCHECK(gpu_timing_client_->gpu_timing_); DCHECK(elapsed_timer_result_.get()); gpu_timing_client_->gpu_timing_->EndElapsedTimeQuery( elapsed_timer_result_); } } } void GPUTimer::Reset() { // We can reset from any state other than when a Start() is waiting for End(). DCHECK(timer_state_ != kTimerState_WaitingForEnd); time_stamp_result_ = nullptr; elapsed_timer_result_ = nullptr; timer_state_ = kTimerState_Ready; } void GPUTimer::QueryTimeStamp() { DCHECK(gpu_timing_client_->gpu_timing_); Reset(); time_stamp_result_ = gpu_timing_client_->gpu_timing_->DoTimeStampQuery(); timer_state_ = kTimerState_WaitingForResult; } void GPUTimer::Start() { DCHECK(gpu_timing_client_->gpu_timing_); Reset(); if (!use_elapsed_timer_) time_stamp_result_ = gpu_timing_client_->gpu_timing_->DoTimeStampQuery(); elapsed_timer_result_ = gpu_timing_client_->gpu_timing_->BeginElapsedTimeQuery(); timer_state_ = kTimerState_WaitingForEnd; } void GPUTimer::End() { DCHECK(timer_state_ == kTimerState_WaitingForEnd); DCHECK(elapsed_timer_result_.get()); gpu_timing_client_->gpu_timing_->EndElapsedTimeQuery(elapsed_timer_result_); timer_state_ = kTimerState_WaitingForResult; } bool GPUTimer::IsAvailable() { if (timer_state_ == kTimerState_WaitingForResult) { // Elapsed timer are only used during start/end queries and always after // the timestamp query. Otherwise only the timestamp is used. scoped_refptr result = elapsed_timer_result_.get() ? elapsed_timer_result_ : time_stamp_result_; DCHECK(result.get()); if (result->IsAvailable()) { timer_state_ = kTimerState_ResultAvailable; } else { gpu_timing_client_->gpu_timing_->UpdateQueryResults(); if (result->IsAvailable()) timer_state_ = kTimerState_ResultAvailable; } } return (timer_state_ == kTimerState_ResultAvailable); } void GPUTimer::GetStartEndTimestamps(int64_t* start, int64_t* end) { DCHECK(start && end); DCHECK(elapsed_timer_result_.get() || time_stamp_result_.get()); DCHECK(IsAvailable()); const int64_t time_stamp = time_stamp_result_.get() ? time_stamp_result_->GetStartValue() : elapsed_timer_result_->GetStartValue(); const int64_t elapsed_time = elapsed_timer_result_.get() ? elapsed_timer_result_->GetDelta() : 0; *start = time_stamp; *end = time_stamp + elapsed_time; } int64_t GPUTimer::GetDeltaElapsed() { DCHECK(IsAvailable()); if (elapsed_timer_result_.get()) return elapsed_timer_result_->GetDelta(); return 0; } GPUTimer::GPUTimer(scoped_refptr gpu_timing_client, bool use_elapsed_timer) : use_elapsed_timer_(use_elapsed_timer), gpu_timing_client_(gpu_timing_client) { } GPUTimingClient::GPUTimingClient(GPUTimingImpl* gpu_timing) : gpu_timing_(gpu_timing) { if (gpu_timing) { timer_type_ = gpu_timing->GetTimerType(); disjoint_counter_ = gpu_timing_->GetDisjointCount(); } } scoped_ptr GPUTimingClient::CreateGPUTimer(bool prefer_elapsed_time) { prefer_elapsed_time |= (timer_type_ == GPUTiming::kTimerTypeEXT); if (gpu_timing_) prefer_elapsed_time |= gpu_timing_->IsForceTimeElapsedQuery(); return make_scoped_ptr(new GPUTimer(this, prefer_elapsed_time)); } bool GPUTimingClient::IsAvailable() { return timer_type_ != GPUTiming::kTimerTypeInvalid; } const char* GPUTimingClient::GetTimerTypeName() const { switch (timer_type_) { case GPUTiming::kTimerTypeDisjoint: return "GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query"; case GPUTiming::kTimerTypeARB: return "GL_ARB_timer_query"; case GPUTiming::kTimerTypeEXT: return "GL_EXT_timer_query"; default: return "Unknown"; } } bool GPUTimingClient::CheckAndResetTimerErrors() { if (timer_type_ == GPUTiming::kTimerTypeDisjoint) { DCHECK(gpu_timing_ != nullptr); const uint32_t total_disjoint_count = gpu_timing_->GetDisjointCount(); const bool disjoint_triggered = total_disjoint_count != disjoint_counter_; disjoint_counter_ = total_disjoint_count; return disjoint_triggered; } return false; } int64_t GPUTimingClient::GetCurrentCPUTime() { DCHECK(gpu_timing_); return gpu_timing_->GetCurrentCPUTime(); } void GPUTimingClient::SetCpuTimeForTesting( const base::Callback& cpu_time) { DCHECK(gpu_timing_); gpu_timing_->SetCpuTimeForTesting(cpu_time); } bool GPUTimingClient::IsForceTimeElapsedQuery() { DCHECK(gpu_timing_); return gpu_timing_->IsForceTimeElapsedQuery(); } void GPUTimingClient::ForceTimeElapsedQuery() { DCHECK(gpu_timing_); gpu_timing_->ForceTimeElapsedQuery(); } GPUTimingClient::~GPUTimingClient() { } } // namespace gfx