// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/message_center/views/bounded_label.h" #include #include #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h" #include "ui/gfx/text_utils.h" #include "ui/views/controls/label.h" namespace { const size_t kPreferredLinesCacheSize = 10; } // namespace namespace message_center { // InnerBoundedLabel /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InnerBoundedLabel is a views::Label subclass that does all of the work for // BoundedLabel. It is kept private to prevent outside code from calling a // number of views::Label methods like SetFontList() that break BoundedLabel's // caching but can't be overridden. // // TODO(dharcourt): Move the line limiting functionality to views::Label to make // this unnecessary. class InnerBoundedLabel : public views::Label { public: InnerBoundedLabel(const BoundedLabel& owner); ~InnerBoundedLabel() override; void SetNativeTheme(const ui::NativeTheme* theme); // Pass in a -1 width to use the preferred width, a -1 limit to skip limits. int GetLinesForWidthAndLimit(int width, int limit); gfx::Size GetSizeForWidthAndLines(int width, int lines); std::vector GetWrappedText(int width, int lines); // Overridden from views::Label. void SetText(const base::string16& new_text) override; void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override; protected: // Overridden from views::Label. void OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) override; private: int GetTextFlags(); void ClearCaches(); int GetCachedLines(int width); void SetCachedLines(int width, int lines); gfx::Size GetCachedSize(const std::pair& width_and_lines); void SetCachedSize(std::pair width_and_lines, gfx::Size size); const BoundedLabel* owner_; // Weak reference. base::string16 wrapped_text_; int wrapped_text_width_; int wrapped_text_lines_; std::map lines_cache_; std::list lines_widths_; // Most recently used in front. std::map, gfx::Size> size_cache_; std::list > size_widths_and_lines_; // Recent in front. DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(InnerBoundedLabel); }; InnerBoundedLabel::InnerBoundedLabel(const BoundedLabel& owner) : owner_(&owner), wrapped_text_width_(0), wrapped_text_lines_(0) { SetMultiLine(true); SetAllowCharacterBreak(true); SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::ALIGN_LEFT); set_collapse_when_hidden(true); } InnerBoundedLabel::~InnerBoundedLabel() { } void InnerBoundedLabel::SetNativeTheme(const ui::NativeTheme* theme) { ClearCaches(); OnNativeThemeChanged(theme); } int InnerBoundedLabel::GetLinesForWidthAndLimit(int width, int limit) { if (width == 0 || limit == 0) return 0; int lines = GetCachedLines(width); if (lines == std::numeric_limits::max()) { int text_width = std::max(width - owner_->GetInsets().width(), 0); lines = GetWrappedText(text_width, lines).size(); SetCachedLines(width, lines); } return (limit < 0 || lines <= limit) ? lines : limit; } gfx::Size InnerBoundedLabel::GetSizeForWidthAndLines(int width, int lines) { if (width == 0 || lines == 0) return gfx::Size(); std::pair key(width, lines); gfx::Size size = GetCachedSize(key); if (size.height() == std::numeric_limits::max()) { gfx::Insets insets = owner_->GetInsets(); int text_width = (width < 0) ? std::numeric_limits::max() : std::max(width - insets.width(), 0); int text_height = std::numeric_limits::max(); std::vector wrapped = GetWrappedText(text_width, lines); gfx::Canvas::SizeStringInt( base::JoinString(wrapped, base::ASCIIToUTF16("\n")), font_list(), &text_width, &text_height, owner_->GetLineHeight(), GetTextFlags()); size.set_width(text_width + insets.width()); size.set_height(text_height + insets.height()); SetCachedSize(key, size); } return size; } std::vector InnerBoundedLabel::GetWrappedText(int width, int lines) { // Short circuit simple case. if (width == 0 || lines == 0) return std::vector(); // Restrict line limit to ensure (lines + 1) * line_height <= INT_MAX and // use it to calculate a reasonable text height. int height = std::numeric_limits::max(); if (lines > 0) { int line_height = std::max(font_list().GetHeight(), 2); // At least 2 pixels. int max_lines = std::numeric_limits::max() / line_height - 1; lines = std::min(lines, max_lines); height = (lines + 1) * line_height; } // Wrap, using INT_MAX for -1 widths that indicate no wrapping. std::vector wrapped; gfx::ElideRectangleText(text(), font_list(), (width < 0) ? std::numeric_limits::max() : width, height, gfx::WRAP_LONG_WORDS, &wrapped); // Elide if necessary. if (lines > 0 && wrapped.size() > static_cast(lines)) { // Add an ellipsis to the last line. If this ellipsis makes the last line // too wide, that line will be further elided by the gfx::ElideText below, // so for example "ABC" could become "ABC..." and then "AB...". base::string16 last = wrapped[lines - 1] + base::UTF8ToUTF16(gfx::kEllipsis); if (width > 0 && gfx::GetStringWidth(last, font_list()) > width) last = gfx::ElideText(last, font_list(), width, gfx::ELIDE_TAIL); wrapped.resize(lines - 1); wrapped.push_back(last); } return wrapped; } void InnerBoundedLabel::OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) { ClearCaches(); views::Label::OnBoundsChanged(previous_bounds); } void InnerBoundedLabel::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { views::Label::OnPaintBackground(canvas); views::Label::OnPaintBorder(canvas); int lines = owner_->GetLineLimit(); int height = GetSizeForWidthAndLines(width(), lines).height(); if (height > 0) { gfx::Rect bounds(width(), height); bounds.Inset(owner_->GetInsets()); if (bounds.width() != wrapped_text_width_ || lines != wrapped_text_lines_) { wrapped_text_ = base::JoinString(GetWrappedText(bounds.width(), lines), base::ASCIIToUTF16("\n")); wrapped_text_width_ = bounds.width(); wrapped_text_lines_ = lines; } bounds.set_x(GetMirroredXForRect(bounds)); canvas->DrawStringRectWithFlags( wrapped_text_, font_list(), enabled_color(), bounds, GetTextFlags()); } } void InnerBoundedLabel::SetText(const base::string16& new_text) { if (text() == new_text) return; views::Label::SetText(new_text); ClearCaches(); } int InnerBoundedLabel::GetTextFlags() { int flags = gfx::Canvas::MULTI_LINE | gfx::Canvas::CHARACTER_BREAK; // We can't use subpixel rendering if the background is non-opaque. if (SkColorGetA(background_color()) != 0xFF) flags |= gfx::Canvas::NO_SUBPIXEL_RENDERING; return flags | gfx::Canvas::TEXT_ALIGN_TO_HEAD; } void InnerBoundedLabel::ClearCaches() { wrapped_text_width_ = 0; wrapped_text_lines_ = 0; lines_cache_.clear(); lines_widths_.clear(); size_cache_.clear(); size_widths_and_lines_.clear(); } int InnerBoundedLabel::GetCachedLines(int width) { int lines = std::numeric_limits::max(); std::map::const_iterator found; if ((found = lines_cache_.find(width)) != lines_cache_.end()) { lines = found->second; lines_widths_.remove(width); lines_widths_.push_front(width); } return lines; } void InnerBoundedLabel::SetCachedLines(int width, int lines) { if (lines_cache_.size() >= kPreferredLinesCacheSize) { lines_cache_.erase(lines_widths_.back()); lines_widths_.pop_back(); } lines_cache_[width] = lines; lines_widths_.push_front(width); } gfx::Size InnerBoundedLabel::GetCachedSize( const std::pair& width_and_lines) { gfx::Size size(width_and_lines.first, std::numeric_limits::max()); std::map, gfx::Size>::const_iterator found; if ((found = size_cache_.find(width_and_lines)) != size_cache_.end()) { size = found->second; size_widths_and_lines_.remove(width_and_lines); size_widths_and_lines_.push_front(width_and_lines); } return size; } void InnerBoundedLabel::SetCachedSize(std::pair width_and_lines, gfx::Size size) { if (size_cache_.size() >= kPreferredLinesCacheSize) { size_cache_.erase(size_widths_and_lines_.back()); size_widths_and_lines_.pop_back(); } size_cache_[width_and_lines] = size; size_widths_and_lines_.push_front(width_and_lines); } // BoundedLabel /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BoundedLabel::BoundedLabel(const base::string16& text, const gfx::FontList& font_list) : line_limit_(-1) { label_.reset(new InnerBoundedLabel(*this)); label_->SetFontList(font_list); label_->SetText(text); } BoundedLabel::BoundedLabel(const base::string16& text) : line_limit_(-1) { label_.reset(new InnerBoundedLabel(*this)); label_->SetText(text); } BoundedLabel::~BoundedLabel() { } void BoundedLabel::SetColors(SkColor textColor, SkColor backgroundColor) { label_->SetEnabledColor(textColor); label_->SetBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); } void BoundedLabel::SetLineHeight(int height) { label_->SetLineHeight(height); } void BoundedLabel::SetLineLimit(int lines) { line_limit_ = std::max(lines, -1); } void BoundedLabel::SetText(const base::string16& text) { label_->SetText(text); } int BoundedLabel::GetLineHeight() const { return label_->line_height(); } int BoundedLabel::GetLineLimit() const { return line_limit_; } int BoundedLabel::GetLinesForWidthAndLimit(int width, int limit) { return visible() ? label_->GetLinesForWidthAndLimit(width, limit) : 0; } gfx::Size BoundedLabel::GetSizeForWidthAndLines(int width, int lines) { return visible() ? label_->GetSizeForWidthAndLines(width, lines) : gfx::Size(); } int BoundedLabel::GetBaseline() const { return label_->GetBaseline(); } gfx::Size BoundedLabel::GetPreferredSize() const { return visible() ? label_->GetSizeForWidthAndLines(-1, -1) : gfx::Size(); } int BoundedLabel::GetHeightForWidth(int width) const { return visible() ? label_->GetSizeForWidthAndLines(width, line_limit_).height() : 0; } void BoundedLabel::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { label_->OnPaint(canvas); } bool BoundedLabel::CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree() const { return label_->CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree(); } void BoundedLabel::GetAccessibleState(ui::AXViewState* state) { label_->GetAccessibleState(state); } void BoundedLabel::OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) { label_->SetBoundsRect(bounds()); views::View::OnBoundsChanged(previous_bounds); } void BoundedLabel::OnNativeThemeChanged(const ui::NativeTheme* theme) { label_->SetNativeTheme(theme); } base::string16 BoundedLabel::GetWrappedTextForTest(int width, int lines) { return base::JoinString(label_->GetWrappedText(width, lines), base::ASCIIToUTF16("\n")); } } // namespace message_center