// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/message_center/views/message_popup_collection.h" #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/run_loop.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.h" #include "ui/gfx/animation/animation_delegate.h" #include "ui/gfx/animation/slide_animation.h" #include "ui/gfx/screen.h" #include "ui/message_center/message_center.h" #include "ui/message_center/message_center_style.h" #include "ui/message_center/message_center_tray.h" #include "ui/message_center/notification.h" #include "ui/message_center/notification_list.h" #include "ui/message_center/views/message_view_context_menu_controller.h" #include "ui/message_center/views/notification_view.h" #include "ui/message_center/views/popup_alignment_delegate.h" #include "ui/message_center/views/toast_contents_view.h" #include "ui/views/background.h" #include "ui/views/layout/fill_layout.h" #include "ui/views/view.h" #include "ui/views/views_delegate.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h" namespace message_center { namespace { // Timeout between the last user-initiated close of the toast and the moment // when normal layout/update of the toast stack continues. If the last toast was // just closed, the timeout is shorter. const int kMouseExitedDeferTimeoutMs = 200; // The margin between messages (and between the anchor unless // first_item_has_no_margin was specified). const int kToastMarginY = kMarginBetweenItems; } // namespace. MessagePopupCollection::MessagePopupCollection( gfx::NativeView parent, MessageCenter* message_center, MessageCenterTray* tray, PopupAlignmentDelegate* alignment_delegate) : parent_(parent), message_center_(message_center), tray_(tray), alignment_delegate_(alignment_delegate), defer_counter_(0), latest_toast_entered_(NULL), user_is_closing_toasts_by_clicking_(false), context_menu_controller_(new MessageViewContextMenuController(this)), weak_factory_(this) { DCHECK(message_center_); defer_timer_.reset(new base::OneShotTimer); message_center_->AddObserver(this); alignment_delegate_->set_collection(this); } MessagePopupCollection::~MessagePopupCollection() { weak_factory_.InvalidateWeakPtrs(); message_center_->RemoveObserver(this); CloseAllWidgets(); } void MessagePopupCollection::ClickOnNotification( const std::string& notification_id) { message_center_->ClickOnNotification(notification_id); } void MessagePopupCollection::RemoveNotification( const std::string& notification_id, bool by_user) { message_center_->RemoveNotification(notification_id, by_user); } scoped_ptr MessagePopupCollection::CreateMenuModel( const NotifierId& notifier_id, const base::string16& display_source) { return tray_->CreateNotificationMenuModel(notifier_id, display_source); } bool MessagePopupCollection::HasClickedListener( const std::string& notification_id) { return message_center_->HasClickedListener(notification_id); } void MessagePopupCollection::ClickOnNotificationButton( const std::string& notification_id, int button_index) { message_center_->ClickOnNotificationButton(notification_id, button_index); } void MessagePopupCollection::ClickOnSettingsButton( const std::string& notification_id) { message_center_->ClickOnSettingsButton(notification_id); } void MessagePopupCollection::MarkAllPopupsShown() { std::set closed_ids = CloseAllWidgets(); for (std::set::iterator iter = closed_ids.begin(); iter != closed_ids.end(); iter++) { message_center_->MarkSinglePopupAsShown(*iter, false); } } void MessagePopupCollection::UpdateWidgets() { if (message_center_->IsMessageCenterVisible()) { DCHECK_EQ(0u, message_center_->GetPopupNotifications().size()); return; } NotificationList::PopupNotifications popups = message_center_->GetPopupNotifications(); if (popups.empty()) { CloseAllWidgets(); return; } bool top_down = alignment_delegate_->IsTopDown(); int base = GetBaseLine(toasts_.empty() ? NULL : toasts_.back()); // Iterate in the reverse order to keep the oldest toasts on screen. Newer // items may be ignored if there are no room to place them. for (NotificationList::PopupNotifications::const_reverse_iterator iter = popups.rbegin(); iter != popups.rend(); ++iter) { if (FindToast((*iter)->id())) continue; NotificationView* view = NotificationView::Create(NULL, *(*iter), true); // Create top-level notification. view->set_context_menu_controller(context_menu_controller_.get()); int view_height = ToastContentsView::GetToastSizeForView(view).height(); int height_available = top_down ? alignment_delegate_->GetWorkAreaBottom() - base : base; if (height_available - view_height - kToastMarginY < 0) { delete view; break; } ToastContentsView* toast = new ToastContentsView((*iter)->id(), weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()); // There will be no contents already since this is a new ToastContentsView. toast->SetContents(view, /*a11y_feedback_for_updates=*/false); toasts_.push_back(toast); view->set_controller(toast); gfx::Size preferred_size = toast->GetPreferredSize(); gfx::Point origin( alignment_delegate_->GetToastOriginX(gfx::Rect(preferred_size)), base); // The toast slides in from the edge of the screen horizontally. if (alignment_delegate_->IsFromLeft()) origin.set_x(origin.x() - preferred_size.width()); else origin.set_x(origin.x() + preferred_size.width()); if (top_down) origin.set_y(origin.y() + view_height); toast->RevealWithAnimation(origin); // Shift the base line to be a few pixels above the last added toast or (few // pixels below last added toast if top-aligned). if (top_down) base += view_height + kToastMarginY; else base -= view_height + kToastMarginY; if (views::ViewsDelegate::GetInstance()) { views::ViewsDelegate::GetInstance()->NotifyAccessibilityEvent( toast, ui::AX_EVENT_ALERT); } message_center_->DisplayedNotification( (*iter)->id(), message_center::DISPLAY_SOURCE_POPUP); } } void MessagePopupCollection::OnMouseEntered(ToastContentsView* toast_entered) { // Sometimes we can get two MouseEntered/MouseExited in a row when animating // toasts. So we need to keep track of which one is the currently active one. latest_toast_entered_ = toast_entered; message_center_->PausePopupTimers(); if (user_is_closing_toasts_by_clicking_) defer_timer_->Stop(); } void MessagePopupCollection::OnMouseExited(ToastContentsView* toast_exited) { // If we're exiting a toast after entering a different toast, then ignore // this mouse event. if (toast_exited != latest_toast_entered_) return; latest_toast_entered_ = NULL; if (user_is_closing_toasts_by_clicking_) { defer_timer_->Start( FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kMouseExitedDeferTimeoutMs), this, &MessagePopupCollection::OnDeferTimerExpired); } else { message_center_->RestartPopupTimers(); } } std::set MessagePopupCollection::CloseAllWidgets() { std::set closed_toast_ids; while (!toasts_.empty()) { ToastContentsView* toast = toasts_.front(); toasts_.pop_front(); closed_toast_ids.insert(toast->id()); OnMouseExited(toast); // CloseWithAnimation will cause the toast to forget about |this| so it is // required when we forget a toast. toast->CloseWithAnimation(); } return closed_toast_ids; } void MessagePopupCollection::ForgetToast(ToastContentsView* toast) { toasts_.remove(toast); OnMouseExited(toast); } void MessagePopupCollection::RemoveToast(ToastContentsView* toast, bool mark_as_shown) { ForgetToast(toast); toast->CloseWithAnimation(); if (mark_as_shown) message_center_->MarkSinglePopupAsShown(toast->id(), false); } void MessagePopupCollection::RepositionWidgets() { bool top_down = alignment_delegate_->IsTopDown(); int base = GetBaseLine(NULL); // We don't want to position relative to last // toast - we want re-position. for (Toasts::const_iterator iter = toasts_.begin(); iter != toasts_.end();) { Toasts::const_iterator curr = iter++; gfx::Rect bounds((*curr)->bounds()); bounds.set_x(alignment_delegate_->GetToastOriginX(bounds)); bounds.set_y(top_down ? base : base - bounds.height()); // The notification may scrolls the boundary of the screen due to image // load and such notifications should disappear. Do not call // CloseWithAnimation, we don't want to show the closing animation, and we // don't want to mark such notifications as shown. See crbug.com/233424 if ((top_down ? alignment_delegate_->GetWorkAreaBottom() - bounds.bottom() : bounds.y()) >= 0) (*curr)->SetBoundsWithAnimation(bounds); else RemoveToast(*curr, /*mark_as_shown=*/false); // Shift the base line to be a few pixels above the last added toast or (few // pixels below last added toast if top-aligned). if (top_down) base += bounds.height() + kToastMarginY; else base -= bounds.height() + kToastMarginY; } } void MessagePopupCollection::RepositionWidgetsWithTarget() { if (toasts_.empty()) return; bool top_down = alignment_delegate_->IsTopDown(); // Nothing to do if there are no widgets above target if bottom-aligned or no // widgets below target if top-aligned. if (top_down ? toasts_.back()->origin().y() < target_top_edge_ : toasts_.back()->origin().y() > target_top_edge_) return; Toasts::reverse_iterator iter = toasts_.rbegin(); for (; iter != toasts_.rend(); ++iter) { // We only reposition widgets above target if bottom-aligned or widgets // below target if top-aligned. if (top_down ? (*iter)->origin().y() < target_top_edge_ : (*iter)->origin().y() > target_top_edge_) break; } --iter; // Slide length is the number of pixels the widgets should move so that their // bottom edge (top-edge if top-aligned) touches the target. int slide_length = std::abs(target_top_edge_ - (*iter)->origin().y()); for (;; --iter) { gfx::Rect bounds((*iter)->bounds()); // If top-aligned, shift widgets upwards by slide_length. If bottom-aligned, // shift them downwards by slide_length. if (top_down) bounds.set_y(bounds.y() - slide_length); else bounds.set_y(bounds.y() + slide_length); (*iter)->SetBoundsWithAnimation(bounds); if (iter == toasts_.rbegin()) break; } } int MessagePopupCollection::GetBaseLine(ToastContentsView* last_toast) const { if (!last_toast) { return alignment_delegate_->GetBaseLine(); } else if (alignment_delegate_->IsTopDown()) { return toasts_.back()->bounds().bottom() + kToastMarginY; } else { return toasts_.back()->origin().y() - kToastMarginY; } } void MessagePopupCollection::OnNotificationAdded( const std::string& notification_id) { DoUpdateIfPossible(); } void MessagePopupCollection::OnNotificationRemoved( const std::string& notification_id, bool by_user) { // Find a toast. Toasts::const_iterator iter = toasts_.begin(); for (; iter != toasts_.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->id() == notification_id) break; } if (iter == toasts_.end()) return; target_top_edge_ = (*iter)->bounds().y(); if (by_user && !user_is_closing_toasts_by_clicking_) { // [Re] start a timeout after which the toasts re-position to their // normal locations after tracking the mouse pointer for easy deletion. // This provides a period of time when toasts are easy to remove because // they re-position themselves to have Close button right under the mouse // pointer. If the user continue to remove the toasts, the delay is reset. // Once user stopped removing the toasts, the toasts re-populate/rearrange // after the specified delay. user_is_closing_toasts_by_clicking_ = true; IncrementDeferCounter(); } // CloseWithAnimation ultimately causes a call to RemoveToast, which calls // OnMouseExited. This means that |user_is_closing_toasts_by_clicking_| must // have been set before this call, otherwise it will remain true even after // the toast is closed, since the defer timer won't be started. RemoveToast(*iter, /*mark_as_shown=*/true); if (by_user) RepositionWidgetsWithTarget(); } void MessagePopupCollection::OnDeferTimerExpired() { user_is_closing_toasts_by_clicking_ = false; DecrementDeferCounter(); message_center_->RestartPopupTimers(); } void MessagePopupCollection::OnNotificationUpdated( const std::string& notification_id) { // Find a toast. Toasts::const_iterator toast_iter = toasts_.begin(); for (; toast_iter != toasts_.end(); ++toast_iter) { if ((*toast_iter)->id() == notification_id) break; } if (toast_iter == toasts_.end()) return; NotificationList::PopupNotifications notifications = message_center_->GetPopupNotifications(); bool updated = false; for (NotificationList::PopupNotifications::iterator iter = notifications.begin(); iter != notifications.end(); ++iter) { Notification* notification = *iter; DCHECK(notification); ToastContentsView* toast_contents_view = *toast_iter; DCHECK(toast_contents_view); if (notification->id() != notification_id) continue; const RichNotificationData& optional_fields = notification->rich_notification_data(); bool a11y_feedback_for_updates = optional_fields.should_make_spoken_feedback_for_popup_updates; toast_contents_view->UpdateContents(*notification, a11y_feedback_for_updates); updated = true; } // OnNotificationUpdated() can be called when a notification is excluded from // the popup notification list but still remains in the full notification // list. In that case the widget for the notification has to be closed here. if (!updated) RemoveToast(*toast_iter, /*mark_as_shown=*/true); if (user_is_closing_toasts_by_clicking_) RepositionWidgetsWithTarget(); else DoUpdateIfPossible(); } ToastContentsView* MessagePopupCollection::FindToast( const std::string& notification_id) const { for (Toasts::const_iterator iter = toasts_.begin(); iter != toasts_.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->id() == notification_id) return *iter; } return NULL; } void MessagePopupCollection::IncrementDeferCounter() { defer_counter_++; } void MessagePopupCollection::DecrementDeferCounter() { defer_counter_--; DCHECK(defer_counter_ >= 0); DoUpdateIfPossible(); } // This is the main sequencer of tasks. It does a step, then waits for // all started transitions to play out before doing the next step. // First, remove all expired toasts. // Then, reposition widgets (the reposition on close happens before all // deferred tasks are even able to run) // Then, see if there is vacant space for new toasts. void MessagePopupCollection::DoUpdateIfPossible() { if (defer_counter_ > 0) return; RepositionWidgets(); if (defer_counter_ > 0) return; // Reposition could create extra space which allows additional widgets. UpdateWidgets(); if (defer_counter_ > 0) return; // Test support. Quit the test run loop when no more updates are deferred, // meaining th echeck for updates did not cause anything to change so no new // transition animations were started. if (run_loop_for_test_.get()) run_loop_for_test_->Quit(); } void MessagePopupCollection::OnDisplayMetricsChanged( const gfx::Display& display) { alignment_delegate_->RecomputeAlignment(display); } views::Widget* MessagePopupCollection::GetWidgetForTest(const std::string& id) const { for (Toasts::const_iterator iter = toasts_.begin(); iter != toasts_.end(); ++iter) { if ((*iter)->id() == id) return (*iter)->GetWidget(); } return NULL; } void MessagePopupCollection::CreateRunLoopForTest() { run_loop_for_test_.reset(new base::RunLoop()); } void MessagePopupCollection::WaitForTest() { run_loop_for_test_->Run(); run_loop_for_test_.reset(); } gfx::Rect MessagePopupCollection::GetToastRectAt(size_t index) const { DCHECK(defer_counter_ == 0) << "Fetching the bounds with animations active."; size_t i = 0; for (Toasts::const_iterator iter = toasts_.begin(); iter != toasts_.end(); ++iter) { if (i++ == index) { views::Widget* widget = (*iter)->GetWidget(); if (widget) return widget->GetWindowBoundsInScreen(); break; } } return gfx::Rect(); } } // namespace message_center