// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef UI_MESSAGE_CENTER_VIEWS_MESSAGE_POPUP_COLLECTION_H_ #define UI_MESSAGE_CENTER_VIEWS_MESSAGE_POPUP_COLLECTION_H_ #include <list> #include <map> #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "ui/gfx/display.h" #include "ui/gfx/display_observer.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" #include "ui/message_center/message_center_export.h" #include "ui/message_center/message_center_observer.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget_observer.h" namespace base { class RunLoop; } namespace views { class Widget; } namespace ash { class WebNotificationTrayTest; FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(WebNotificationTrayTest, ManyPopupNotifications); } namespace message_center { namespace test { class MessagePopupCollectionTest; } class MessageCenter; class MessageCenterTray; class ToastContentsView; enum PopupAlignment { POPUP_ALIGNMENT_TOP = 1 << 0, POPUP_ALIGNMENT_LEFT = 1 << 1, POPUP_ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM = 1 << 2, POPUP_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT = 1 << 3, }; // Container for popup toasts. Because each toast is a frameless window rather // than a view in a bubble, now the container just manages all of those toasts. // This is similar to chrome/browser/notifications/balloon_collection, but the // contents of each toast are for the message center and layout strategy would // be slightly different. class MESSAGE_CENTER_EXPORT MessagePopupCollection : public MessageCenterObserver, public gfx::DisplayObserver, public base::SupportsWeakPtr<MessagePopupCollection> { public: // |parent| specifies the parent widget of the toast windows. The default // parent will be used for NULL. Usually each icon is spacing against its // predecessor. If |first_item_has_no_margin| is set however the first item // does not space against the tray. MessagePopupCollection(gfx::NativeView parent, MessageCenter* message_center, MessageCenterTray* tray, bool first_item_has_no_margin); virtual ~MessagePopupCollection(); // Called by ToastContentsView when its window is closed. void RemoveToast(ToastContentsView* toast); // Since these events are really coming from individual toast widgets, // it helps to be able to keep track of the sender. void OnMouseEntered(ToastContentsView* toast_entered); void OnMouseExited(ToastContentsView* toast_exited); // Invoked by toasts when they start/finish their animations. // While "defer counter" is greater then zero, the popup collection does // not perform updates. It is used to wait for various animations and user // actions like serial closing of the toasts, when the remaining toasts "flow // under the mouse". void IncrementDeferCounter(); void DecrementDeferCounter(); // Runs the next step in update/animate sequence, if the defer counter is not // zero. Otherwise, simply waits when it becomes zero. void DoUpdateIfPossible(); // Updates |work_area_| and re-calculates the alignment of notification toasts // rearranging them if necessary. // This is separated from methods from OnDisplayBoundsChanged(), since // sometimes the display info has to be specified directly. One example is // shelf's auto-hide change. When the shelf in ChromeOS is temporarily shown // from auto hide status, it doesn't change the display's work area but the // actual work area for toasts should be resized. void SetDisplayInfo(const gfx::Rect& work_area, const gfx::Rect& screen_bounds); // Overridden from gfx::DislayObserver: virtual void OnDisplayBoundsChanged(const gfx::Display& display) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnDisplayAdded(const gfx::Display& new_display) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnDisplayRemoved(const gfx::Display& old_display) OVERRIDE; private: FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ash::WebNotificationTrayTest, ManyPopupNotifications); friend class test::MessagePopupCollectionTest; friend class ash::WebNotificationTrayTest; typedef std::list<ToastContentsView*> Toasts; void CloseAllWidgets(); // Returns the x-origin for the given toast bounds in the current work area. int GetToastOriginX(const gfx::Rect& toast_bounds); // Iterates toasts and starts closing the expired ones. void CloseToasts(); // Creates new widgets for new toast notifications, and updates |toasts_| and // |widgets_| correctly. void UpdateWidgets(); // Repositions all of the widgets based on the current work area. void RepositionWidgets(); // Repositions widgets to the top edge of the notification toast that was // just removed, so that the user can click close button without mouse moves. // See crbug.com/224089 void RepositionWidgetsWithTarget(); void ComputePopupAlignment(gfx::Rect work_area, gfx::Rect screen_bounds); // The base line is an (imaginary) line that would touch the bottom of the // next created notification if bottom-aligned or its top if top-aligned. int GetBaseLine(ToastContentsView* last_toast); // Overridden from MessageCenterObserver: virtual void OnNotificationAdded(const std::string& notification_id) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnNotificationRemoved(const std::string& notification_id, bool by_user) OVERRIDE; virtual void OnNotificationUpdated( const std::string& notification_id) OVERRIDE; ToastContentsView* FindToast(const std::string& notification_id); // While the toasts are animated, avoid updating the collection, to reduce // user confusion. Instead, update the collection when all animations are // done. This method is run when defer counter is zero, may initiate next // update/animation step. void PerformDeferredTasks(); void OnDeferTimerExpired(); // "ForTest" methods. views::Widget* GetWidgetForTest(const std::string& id); void RunLoopForTest(); gfx::Rect GetToastRectAt(size_t index); gfx::NativeView parent_; MessageCenter* message_center_; MessageCenterTray* tray_; Toasts toasts_; gfx::Rect work_area_; int64 display_id_; // Specifies which corner of the screen popups should show up. This should // ideally be the same corner the notification area (systray) is at. PopupAlignment alignment_; int defer_counter_; // This is only used to compare with incoming events, do not assume that // the toast will be valid if this pointer is non-NULL. ToastContentsView* latest_toast_entered_; // Denotes a mode when user is clicking the Close button of toasts in a // sequence, w/o moving the mouse. We reposition the toasts so the next one // happens to be right under the mouse, and the user can just dispose of // multipel toasts by clicking. The mode ends when defer_timer_ expires. bool user_is_closing_toasts_by_clicking_; scoped_ptr<base::OneShotTimer<MessagePopupCollection> > defer_timer_; // The top edge to align the position of the next toast during 'close by // clicking" mode. // Only to be used when user_is_closing_toasts_by_clicking_ is true. int target_top_edge_; // Weak, only exists temporarily in tests. scoped_ptr<base::RunLoop> run_loop_for_test_; // True if the first item should not have spacing against the tray. bool first_item_has_no_margin_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MessagePopupCollection); }; } // namespace message_center #endif // UI_MESSAGE_CENTER_VIEWS_MESSAGE_POPUP_COLLECTION_H_