// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/native_theme/native_theme_base.h" #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPaint.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPath.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/effects/SkGradientShader.h" #include "ui/base/layout.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/base/ui_base_switches.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h" #include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h" #include "ui/native_theme/common_theme.h" #include "ui/resources/grit/ui_resources.h" namespace { // These are the default dimensions of radio buttons and checkboxes. const int kCheckboxAndRadioWidth = 13; const int kCheckboxAndRadioHeight = 13; // These sizes match the sizes in Chromium Win. const int kSliderThumbWidth = 11; const int kSliderThumbHeight = 21; const SkColor kSliderTrackBackgroundColor = SkColorSetRGB(0xe3, 0xdd, 0xd8); const SkColor kSliderThumbLightGrey = SkColorSetRGB(0xf4, 0xf2, 0xef); const SkColor kSliderThumbDarkGrey = SkColorSetRGB(0xea, 0xe5, 0xe0); const SkColor kSliderThumbBorderDarkGrey = SkColorSetRGB(0x9d, 0x96, 0x8e); const SkColor kTextBorderColor = SkColorSetRGB(0xa9, 0xa9, 0xa9); const SkColor kMenuPopupBackgroundColor = SkColorSetRGB(210, 225, 246); const unsigned int kDefaultScrollbarWidth = 15; const unsigned int kDefaultScrollbarButtonLength = 14; const SkColor kCheckboxTinyColor = SK_ColorGRAY; const SkColor kCheckboxShadowColor = SkColorSetARGB(0x15, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kCheckboxShadowHoveredColor = SkColorSetARGB(0x1F, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kCheckboxShadowDisabledColor = SkColorSetARGB(0, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kCheckboxGradientColors[] = { SkColorSetRGB(0xed, 0xed, 0xed), SkColorSetRGB(0xde, 0xde, 0xde) }; const SkColor kCheckboxGradientPressedColors[] = { SkColorSetRGB(0xe7, 0xe7, 0xe7), SkColorSetRGB(0xd7, 0xd7, 0xd7) }; const SkColor kCheckboxGradientHoveredColors[] = { SkColorSetRGB(0xf0, 0xf0, 0xf0), SkColorSetRGB(0xe0, 0xe0, 0xe0) }; const SkColor kCheckboxGradientDisabledColors[] = { SkColorSetARGB(0x80, 0xed, 0xed, 0xed), SkColorSetARGB(0x80, 0xde, 0xde, 0xde) }; const SkColor kCheckboxBorderColor = SkColorSetARGB(0x40, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kCheckboxBorderHoveredColor = SkColorSetARGB(0x4D, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kCheckboxBorderDisabledColor = SkColorSetARGB(0x20, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kCheckboxStrokeColor = SkColorSetARGB(0xB3, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kCheckboxStrokeDisabledColor = SkColorSetARGB(0x59, 0, 0, 0); const SkColor kRadioDotColor = SkColorSetRGB(0x66, 0x66, 0x66); const SkColor kRadioDotDisabledColor = SkColorSetARGB(0x80, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66); // Get lightness adjusted color. SkColor BrightenColor(const color_utils::HSL& hsl, SkAlpha alpha, double lightness_amount) { color_utils::HSL adjusted = hsl; adjusted.l += lightness_amount; if (adjusted.l > 1.0) adjusted.l = 1.0; if (adjusted.l < 0.0) adjusted.l = 0.0; return color_utils::HSLToSkColor(adjusted, alpha); } } // namespace namespace ui { gfx::Size NativeThemeBase::GetPartSize(Part part, State state, const ExtraParams& extra) const { gfx::Size size = CommonThemeGetPartSize(part, state, extra); if (!size.IsEmpty()) return size; switch (part) { // Please keep these in the order of NativeTheme::Part. case kCheckbox: return gfx::Size(kCheckboxAndRadioWidth, kCheckboxAndRadioHeight); case kInnerSpinButton: return gfx::Size(scrollbar_width_, 0); case kMenuList: return gfx::Size(); // No default size. case kMenuCheck: case kMenuCheckBackground: case kMenuPopupArrow: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; case kMenuPopupBackground: return gfx::Size(); // No default size. case kMenuPopupGutter: case kMenuPopupSeparator: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; case kMenuItemBackground: case kProgressBar: case kPushButton: return gfx::Size(); // No default size. case kRadio: return gfx::Size(kCheckboxAndRadioWidth, kCheckboxAndRadioHeight); case kScrollbarDownArrow: case kScrollbarUpArrow: return gfx::Size(scrollbar_width_, scrollbar_button_length_); case kScrollbarLeftArrow: case kScrollbarRightArrow: return gfx::Size(scrollbar_button_length_, scrollbar_width_); case kScrollbarHorizontalThumb: // This matches Firefox on Linux. return gfx::Size(2 * scrollbar_width_, scrollbar_width_); case kScrollbarVerticalThumb: // This matches Firefox on Linux. return gfx::Size(scrollbar_width_, 2 * scrollbar_width_); case kScrollbarHorizontalTrack: return gfx::Size(0, scrollbar_width_); case kScrollbarVerticalTrack: return gfx::Size(scrollbar_width_, 0); case kScrollbarHorizontalGripper: case kScrollbarVerticalGripper: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; case kSliderTrack: return gfx::Size(); // No default size. case kSliderThumb: // These sizes match the sizes in Chromium Win. return gfx::Size(kSliderThumbWidth, kSliderThumbHeight); case kTabPanelBackground: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; case kTextField: return gfx::Size(); // No default size. case kTrackbarThumb: case kTrackbarTrack: case kWindowResizeGripper: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unknown theme part: " << part; break; } return gfx::Size(); } void NativeThemeBase::PaintStateTransition(SkCanvas* canvas, Part part, State startState, State endState, double progress, const gfx::Rect& rect) const { if (rect.IsEmpty()) return; // Currently state transition is animation only working for overlay scrollbars // on Aura platforms. switch (part) { case kScrollbarHorizontalThumb: case kScrollbarVerticalThumb: PaintScrollbarThumbStateTransition( canvas, startState, endState, progress, rect); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Does not support state transition for this part:" << part; break; } return; } void NativeThemeBase::Paint(SkCanvas* canvas, Part part, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const ExtraParams& extra) const { if (rect.IsEmpty()) return; switch (part) { // Please keep these in the order of NativeTheme::Part. case kComboboxArrow: CommonThemePaintComboboxArrow(canvas, rect); break; case kCheckbox: PaintCheckbox(canvas, state, rect, extra.button); break; case kInnerSpinButton: PaintInnerSpinButton(canvas, state, rect, extra.inner_spin); break; case kMenuList: PaintMenuList(canvas, state, rect, extra.menu_list); break; case kMenuCheck: case kMenuCheckBackground: case kMenuPopupArrow: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; case kMenuPopupBackground: PaintMenuPopupBackground(canvas, rect.size(), extra.menu_background); break; case kMenuPopupGutter: case kMenuPopupSeparator: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; case kMenuItemBackground: PaintMenuItemBackground(canvas, state, rect, extra.menu_list); break; case kProgressBar: PaintProgressBar(canvas, state, rect, extra.progress_bar); break; case kPushButton: PaintButton(canvas, state, rect, extra.button); break; case kRadio: PaintRadio(canvas, state, rect, extra.button); break; case kScrollbarDownArrow: case kScrollbarUpArrow: case kScrollbarLeftArrow: case kScrollbarRightArrow: if (scrollbar_button_length_ > 0) PaintArrowButton(canvas, rect, part, state); break; case kScrollbarHorizontalThumb: case kScrollbarVerticalThumb: PaintScrollbarThumb(canvas, part, state, rect); break; case kScrollbarHorizontalTrack: case kScrollbarVerticalTrack: PaintScrollbarTrack(canvas, part, state, extra.scrollbar_track, rect); break; case kScrollbarHorizontalGripper: case kScrollbarVerticalGripper: // Invoked by views scrollbar code, don't care about for non-win // implementations, so no NOTIMPLEMENTED. break; case kScrollbarCorner: PaintScrollbarCorner(canvas, state, rect); break; case kSliderTrack: PaintSliderTrack(canvas, state, rect, extra.slider); break; case kSliderThumb: PaintSliderThumb(canvas, state, rect, extra.slider); break; case kTabPanelBackground: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; case kTextField: PaintTextField(canvas, state, rect, extra.text_field); break; case kTrackbarThumb: case kTrackbarTrack: case kWindowResizeGripper: NOTIMPLEMENTED(); break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Unknown theme part: " << part; break; } } NativeThemeBase::NativeThemeBase() : scrollbar_width_(kDefaultScrollbarWidth), scrollbar_button_length_(kDefaultScrollbarButtonLength) { } NativeThemeBase::~NativeThemeBase() { } void NativeThemeBase::PaintArrowButton( SkCanvas* canvas, const gfx::Rect& rect, Part direction, State state) const { SkPaint paint; // Calculate button color. SkScalar trackHSV[3]; SkColorToHSV(track_color_, trackHSV); SkColor buttonColor = SaturateAndBrighten(trackHSV, 0, 0.2f); SkColor backgroundColor = buttonColor; if (state == kPressed) { SkScalar buttonHSV[3]; SkColorToHSV(buttonColor, buttonHSV); buttonColor = SaturateAndBrighten(buttonHSV, 0, -0.1f); } else if (state == kHovered) { SkScalar buttonHSV[3]; SkColorToHSV(buttonColor, buttonHSV); buttonColor = SaturateAndBrighten(buttonHSV, 0, 0.05f); } SkIRect skrect; skrect.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y() + rect.height()); // Paint the background (the area visible behind the rounded corners). paint.setColor(backgroundColor); canvas->drawIRect(skrect, paint); // Paint the button's outline and fill the middle SkPath outline; switch (direction) { case kScrollbarUpArrow: outline.moveTo(rect.x() + 0.5, rect.y() + rect.height() + 0.5); outline.rLineTo(0, -(rect.height() - 2)); outline.rLineTo(2, -2); outline.rLineTo(rect.width() - 5, 0); outline.rLineTo(2, 2); outline.rLineTo(0, rect.height() - 2); break; case kScrollbarDownArrow: outline.moveTo(rect.x() + 0.5, rect.y() - 0.5); outline.rLineTo(0, rect.height() - 2); outline.rLineTo(2, 2); outline.rLineTo(rect.width() - 5, 0); outline.rLineTo(2, -2); outline.rLineTo(0, -(rect.height() - 2)); break; case kScrollbarRightArrow: outline.moveTo(rect.x() - 0.5, rect.y() + 0.5); outline.rLineTo(rect.width() - 2, 0); outline.rLineTo(2, 2); outline.rLineTo(0, rect.height() - 5); outline.rLineTo(-2, 2); outline.rLineTo(-(rect.width() - 2), 0); break; case kScrollbarLeftArrow: outline.moveTo(rect.x() + rect.width() + 0.5, rect.y() + 0.5); outline.rLineTo(-(rect.width() - 2), 0); outline.rLineTo(-2, 2); outline.rLineTo(0, rect.height() - 5); outline.rLineTo(2, 2); outline.rLineTo(rect.width() - 2, 0); break; default: break; } outline.close(); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); paint.setColor(buttonColor); canvas->drawPath(outline, paint); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); SkScalar thumbHSV[3]; SkColorToHSV(thumb_inactive_color_, thumbHSV); paint.setColor(OutlineColor(trackHSV, thumbHSV)); canvas->drawPath(outline, paint); PaintArrow(canvas, rect, direction, GetArrowColor(state)); } void NativeThemeBase::PaintArrow(SkCanvas* gc, const gfx::Rect& rect, Part direction, SkColor color) const { int width_middle, length_middle; if (direction == kScrollbarUpArrow || direction == kScrollbarDownArrow) { width_middle = rect.width() / 2 + 1; length_middle = rect.height() / 2 + 1; } else { length_middle = rect.width() / 2 + 1; width_middle = rect.height() / 2 + 1; } SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(color); paint.setAntiAlias(false); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); SkPath path; // The constants in this block of code are hand-tailored to produce good // looking arrows without anti-aliasing. switch (direction) { case kScrollbarUpArrow: path.moveTo(rect.x() + width_middle - 4, rect.y() + length_middle + 2); path.rLineTo(7, 0); path.rLineTo(-4, -4); break; case kScrollbarDownArrow: path.moveTo(rect.x() + width_middle - 4, rect.y() + length_middle - 3); path.rLineTo(7, 0); path.rLineTo(-4, 4); break; case kScrollbarRightArrow: path.moveTo(rect.x() + length_middle - 3, rect.y() + width_middle - 4); path.rLineTo(0, 7); path.rLineTo(4, -4); break; case kScrollbarLeftArrow: path.moveTo(rect.x() + length_middle + 1, rect.y() + width_middle - 5); path.rLineTo(0, 9); path.rLineTo(-4, -4); break; default: break; } path.close(); gc->drawPath(path, paint); } void NativeThemeBase::PaintScrollbarTrack(SkCanvas* canvas, Part part, State state, const ScrollbarTrackExtraParams& extra_params, const gfx::Rect& rect) const { SkPaint paint; SkIRect skrect; skrect.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.right(), rect.bottom()); SkScalar track_hsv[3]; SkColorToHSV(track_color_, track_hsv); paint.setColor(SaturateAndBrighten(track_hsv, 0, 0)); canvas->drawIRect(skrect, paint); SkScalar thumb_hsv[3]; SkColorToHSV(thumb_inactive_color_, thumb_hsv); paint.setColor(OutlineColor(track_hsv, thumb_hsv)); DrawBox(canvas, rect, paint); } void NativeThemeBase::PaintScrollbarThumb(SkCanvas* canvas, Part part, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect) const { const bool hovered = state == kHovered; const int midx = rect.x() + rect.width() / 2; const int midy = rect.y() + rect.height() / 2; const bool vertical = part == kScrollbarVerticalThumb; SkScalar thumb[3]; SkColorToHSV(hovered ? thumb_active_color_ : thumb_inactive_color_, thumb); SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(SaturateAndBrighten(thumb, 0, 0.02f)); SkIRect skrect; if (vertical) skrect.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), midx + 1, rect.y() + rect.height()); else skrect.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.x() + rect.width(), midy + 1); canvas->drawIRect(skrect, paint); paint.setColor(SaturateAndBrighten(thumb, 0, -0.02f)); if (vertical) { skrect.set( midx + 1, rect.y(), rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y() + rect.height()); } else { skrect.set( rect.x(), midy + 1, rect.x() + rect.width(), rect.y() + rect.height()); } canvas->drawIRect(skrect, paint); SkScalar track[3]; SkColorToHSV(track_color_, track); paint.setColor(OutlineColor(track, thumb)); DrawBox(canvas, rect, paint); if (rect.height() > 10 && rect.width() > 10) { const int grippy_half_width = 2; const int inter_grippy_offset = 3; if (vertical) { DrawHorizLine(canvas, midx - grippy_half_width, midx + grippy_half_width, midy - inter_grippy_offset, paint); DrawHorizLine(canvas, midx - grippy_half_width, midx + grippy_half_width, midy, paint); DrawHorizLine(canvas, midx - grippy_half_width, midx + grippy_half_width, midy + inter_grippy_offset, paint); } else { DrawVertLine(canvas, midx - inter_grippy_offset, midy - grippy_half_width, midy + grippy_half_width, paint); DrawVertLine(canvas, midx, midy - grippy_half_width, midy + grippy_half_width, paint); DrawVertLine(canvas, midx + inter_grippy_offset, midy - grippy_half_width, midy + grippy_half_width, paint); } } } void NativeThemeBase::PaintScrollbarCorner(SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect) const { } void NativeThemeBase::PaintCheckbox(SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const ButtonExtraParams& button) const { SkRect skrect = PaintCheckboxRadioCommon(canvas, state, rect, SkIntToScalar(2)); if (!skrect.isEmpty()) { // Draw the checkmark / dash. SkPaint paint; paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); if (state == kDisabled) paint.setColor(kCheckboxStrokeDisabledColor); else paint.setColor(kCheckboxStrokeColor); if (button.indeterminate) { SkPath dash; dash.moveTo(skrect.x() + skrect.width() * 0.16, (skrect.y() + skrect.bottom()) / 2); dash.rLineTo(skrect.width() * 0.68, 0); paint.setStrokeWidth(SkFloatToScalar(skrect.height() * 0.2)); canvas->drawPath(dash, paint); } else if (button.checked) { SkPath check; check.moveTo(skrect.x() + skrect.width() * 0.2, skrect.y() + skrect.height() * 0.5); check.rLineTo(skrect.width() * 0.2, skrect.height() * 0.2); paint.setStrokeWidth(SkFloatToScalar(skrect.height() * 0.23)); check.lineTo(skrect.right() - skrect.width() * 0.2, skrect.y() + skrect.height() * 0.2); canvas->drawPath(check, paint); } } } // Draws the common elements of checkboxes and radio buttons. // Returns the rectangle within which any additional decorations should be // drawn, or empty if none. SkRect NativeThemeBase::PaintCheckboxRadioCommon( SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const SkScalar borderRadius) const { SkRect skrect = gfx::RectToSkRect(rect); // Use the largest square that fits inside the provided rectangle. // No other browser seems to support non-square widget, so accidentally // having non-square sizes is common (eg. amazon and webkit dev tools). if (skrect.width() != skrect.height()) { SkScalar size = SkMinScalar(skrect.width(), skrect.height()); skrect.inset((skrect.width() - size) / 2, (skrect.height() - size) / 2); } // If the rectangle is too small then paint only a rectangle. We don't want // to have to worry about '- 1' and '+ 1' calculations below having overflow // or underflow. if (skrect.width() <= 2) { SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(kCheckboxTinyColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas->drawRect(skrect, paint); // Too small to draw anything more. return SkRect::MakeEmpty(); } // Make room for the drop shadow. skrect.iset(skrect.x(), skrect.y(), skrect.right() - 1, skrect.bottom() - 1); // Draw the drop shadow below the widget. if (state != kPressed) { SkPaint paint; paint.setAntiAlias(true); SkRect shadowRect = skrect; shadowRect.offset(0, 1); if (state == kDisabled) paint.setColor(kCheckboxShadowDisabledColor); else if (state == kHovered) paint.setColor(kCheckboxShadowHoveredColor); else paint.setColor(kCheckboxShadowColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas->drawRoundRect(shadowRect, borderRadius, borderRadius, paint); } // Draw the gradient-filled rectangle SkPoint gradient_bounds[3]; gradient_bounds[0].set(skrect.x(), skrect.y()); gradient_bounds[1].set(skrect.x(), skrect.y() + skrect.height() * 0.38); gradient_bounds[2].set(skrect.x(), skrect.bottom()); const SkColor* startEndColors; if (state == kPressed) startEndColors = kCheckboxGradientPressedColors; else if (state == kHovered) startEndColors = kCheckboxGradientHoveredColors; else if (state == kDisabled) startEndColors = kCheckboxGradientDisabledColors; else /* kNormal */ startEndColors = kCheckboxGradientColors; SkColor colors[3] = {startEndColors[0], startEndColors[0], startEndColors[1]}; skia::RefPtr shader = skia::AdoptRef( SkGradientShader::CreateLinear( gradient_bounds, colors, NULL, 3, SkShader::kClamp_TileMode)); SkPaint paint; paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setShader(shader.get()); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); canvas->drawRoundRect(skrect, borderRadius, borderRadius, paint); paint.setShader(NULL); // Draw the border. if (state == kHovered) paint.setColor(kCheckboxBorderHoveredColor); else if (state == kDisabled) paint.setColor(kCheckboxBorderDisabledColor); else paint.setColor(kCheckboxBorderColor); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); paint.setStrokeWidth(SkIntToScalar(1)); skrect.inset(SkFloatToScalar(.5f), SkFloatToScalar(.5f)); canvas->drawRoundRect(skrect, borderRadius, borderRadius, paint); // Return the rectangle excluding the drop shadow for drawing any additional // decorations. return skrect; } void NativeThemeBase::PaintRadio(SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const ButtonExtraParams& button) const { // Most of a radio button is the same as a checkbox, except the the rounded // square is a circle (i.e. border radius >= 100%). const SkScalar radius = SkFloatToScalar( static_cast(std::max(rect.width(), rect.height())) / 2); SkRect skrect = PaintCheckboxRadioCommon(canvas, state, rect, radius); if (!skrect.isEmpty() && button.checked) { // Draw the dot. SkPaint paint; paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); if (state == kDisabled) paint.setColor(kRadioDotDisabledColor); else paint.setColor(kRadioDotColor); skrect.inset(skrect.width() * 0.25, skrect.height() * 0.25); // Use drawRoundedRect instead of drawOval to be completely consistent // with the border in PaintCheckboxRadioNewCommon. canvas->drawRoundRect(skrect, radius, radius, paint); } } void NativeThemeBase::PaintButton(SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const ButtonExtraParams& button) const { SkPaint paint; const int kRight = rect.right(); const int kBottom = rect.bottom(); SkRect skrect = SkRect::MakeLTRB(rect.x(), rect.y(), kRight, kBottom); SkColor base_color = button.background_color; color_utils::HSL base_hsl; color_utils::SkColorToHSL(base_color, &base_hsl); // Our standard gradient is from 0xdd to 0xf8. This is the amount of // increased luminance between those values. SkColor light_color(BrightenColor(base_hsl, SkColorGetA(base_color), 0.105)); // If the button is too small, fallback to drawing a single, solid color if (rect.width() < 5 || rect.height() < 5) { paint.setColor(base_color); canvas->drawRect(skrect, paint); return; } paint.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); const int kLightEnd = state == kPressed ? 1 : 0; const int kDarkEnd = !kLightEnd; SkPoint gradient_bounds[2]; gradient_bounds[kLightEnd].iset(rect.x(), rect.y()); gradient_bounds[kDarkEnd].iset(rect.x(), kBottom - 1); SkColor colors[2]; colors[0] = light_color; colors[1] = base_color; skia::RefPtr shader = skia::AdoptRef( SkGradientShader::CreateLinear( gradient_bounds, colors, NULL, 2, SkShader::kClamp_TileMode)); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setShader(shader.get()); canvas->drawRoundRect(skrect, SkIntToScalar(1), SkIntToScalar(1), paint); paint.setShader(NULL); if (button.has_border) { int border_alpha = state == kHovered ? 0x80 : 0x55; if (button.is_focused) { border_alpha = 0xff; paint.setColor(GetSystemColor(kColorId_FocusedBorderColor)); } paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); paint.setStrokeWidth(SkIntToScalar(1)); paint.setAlpha(border_alpha); skrect.inset(SkFloatToScalar(.5f), SkFloatToScalar(.5f)); canvas->drawRoundRect(skrect, SkIntToScalar(1), SkIntToScalar(1), paint); } } void NativeThemeBase::PaintTextField(SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const TextFieldExtraParams& text) const { SkRect bounds; bounds.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.right() - 1, rect.bottom() - 1); SkPaint fill_paint; fill_paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); fill_paint.setColor(text.background_color); canvas->drawRect(bounds, fill_paint); // Text INPUT, listbox SELECT, and TEXTAREA have consistent borders. // border: 1px solid #a9a9a9 SkPaint stroke_paint; stroke_paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); stroke_paint.setColor(kTextBorderColor); canvas->drawRect(bounds, stroke_paint); } void NativeThemeBase::PaintMenuList( SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const MenuListExtraParams& menu_list) const { // If a border radius is specified, we let the WebCore paint the background // and the border of the control. if (!menu_list.has_border_radius) { ButtonExtraParams button = { 0 }; button.background_color = menu_list.background_color; button.has_border = menu_list.has_border; PaintButton(canvas, state, rect, button); } SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(SK_ColorBLACK); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setStyle(SkPaint::kFill_Style); static const int kArrowWidth = 6; static const int kArrowHeight = 6; gfx::Rect arrow( menu_list.arrow_x, menu_list.arrow_y - (kArrowHeight / 2), kArrowWidth, kArrowHeight); // Constrain to the paint rect. arrow.Intersect(rect); SkPath path; path.moveTo(arrow.x(), arrow.y()); path.lineTo(arrow.right(), arrow.y()); path.lineTo(arrow.x() + arrow.width() / 2, arrow.bottom()); path.close(); canvas->drawPath(path, paint); } void NativeThemeBase::PaintMenuPopupBackground( SkCanvas* canvas, const gfx::Size& size, const MenuBackgroundExtraParams& menu_background) const { canvas->drawColor(kMenuPopupBackgroundColor, SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode); } void NativeThemeBase::PaintMenuItemBackground( SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const MenuListExtraParams& menu_list) const { // By default don't draw anything over the normal background. } void NativeThemeBase::PaintSliderTrack(SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const SliderExtraParams& slider) const { const int kMidX = rect.x() + rect.width() / 2; const int kMidY = rect.y() + rect.height() / 2; SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(kSliderTrackBackgroundColor); SkRect skrect; if (slider.vertical) { skrect.set(std::max(rect.x(), kMidX - 2), rect.y(), std::min(rect.right(), kMidX + 2), rect.bottom()); } else { skrect.set(rect.x(), std::max(rect.y(), kMidY - 2), rect.right(), std::min(rect.bottom(), kMidY + 2)); } canvas->drawRect(skrect, paint); } void NativeThemeBase::PaintSliderThumb(SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const SliderExtraParams& slider) const { const bool hovered = (state == kHovered) || slider.in_drag; const int kMidX = rect.x() + rect.width() / 2; const int kMidY = rect.y() + rect.height() / 2; SkPaint paint; paint.setColor(hovered ? SK_ColorWHITE : kSliderThumbLightGrey); SkIRect skrect; if (slider.vertical) skrect.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), kMidX + 1, rect.bottom()); else skrect.set(rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.right(), kMidY + 1); canvas->drawIRect(skrect, paint); paint.setColor(hovered ? kSliderThumbLightGrey : kSliderThumbDarkGrey); if (slider.vertical) skrect.set(kMidX + 1, rect.y(), rect.right(), rect.bottom()); else skrect.set(rect.x(), kMidY + 1, rect.right(), rect.bottom()); canvas->drawIRect(skrect, paint); paint.setColor(kSliderThumbBorderDarkGrey); DrawBox(canvas, rect, paint); if (rect.height() > 10 && rect.width() > 10) { DrawHorizLine(canvas, kMidX - 2, kMidX + 2, kMidY, paint); DrawHorizLine(canvas, kMidX - 2, kMidX + 2, kMidY - 3, paint); DrawHorizLine(canvas, kMidX - 2, kMidX + 2, kMidY + 3, paint); } } void NativeThemeBase::PaintInnerSpinButton(SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const InnerSpinButtonExtraParams& spin_button) const { if (spin_button.read_only) state = kDisabled; State north_state = state; State south_state = state; if (spin_button.spin_up) south_state = south_state != kDisabled ? kNormal : kDisabled; else north_state = north_state != kDisabled ? kNormal : kDisabled; gfx::Rect half = rect; half.set_height(rect.height() / 2); PaintArrowButton(canvas, half, kScrollbarUpArrow, north_state); half.set_y(rect.y() + rect.height() / 2); PaintArrowButton(canvas, half, kScrollbarDownArrow, south_state); } void NativeThemeBase::PaintProgressBar(SkCanvas* canvas, State state, const gfx::Rect& rect, const ProgressBarExtraParams& progress_bar) const { ResourceBundle& rb = ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); gfx::ImageSkia* bar_image = rb.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_PROGRESS_BAR); gfx::ImageSkia* left_border_image = rb.GetImageSkiaNamed( IDR_PROGRESS_BORDER_LEFT); gfx::ImageSkia* right_border_image = rb.GetImageSkiaNamed( IDR_PROGRESS_BORDER_RIGHT); DCHECK(bar_image->width() > 0); DCHECK(rect.width() > 0); float tile_scale_y = static_cast(rect.height()) / bar_image->height(); int dest_left_border_width = left_border_image->width(); int dest_right_border_width = right_border_image->width(); // Since an implicit float -> int conversion will truncate, we want to make // sure that if a border is desired, it gets at least one pixel. if (dest_left_border_width > 0) { dest_left_border_width = dest_left_border_width * tile_scale_y; dest_left_border_width = std::max(dest_left_border_width, 1); } if (dest_right_border_width > 0) { dest_right_border_width = dest_right_border_width * tile_scale_y; dest_right_border_width = std::max(dest_right_border_width, 1); } // Since the width of the progress bar may not be evenly divisible by the // tile size, in order to make it look right we may need to draw some of the // with a width of 1 pixel smaller than the rest of the tiles. int new_tile_width = static_cast(bar_image->width() * tile_scale_y); new_tile_width = std::max(new_tile_width, 1); float tile_scale_x = static_cast(new_tile_width) / bar_image->width(); if (rect.width() % new_tile_width == 0) { DrawTiledImage(canvas, *bar_image, 0, 0, tile_scale_x, tile_scale_y, rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); } else { int num_tiles = 1 + rect.width() / new_tile_width; int overshoot = num_tiles * new_tile_width - rect.width(); // Since |overshoot| represents the number of tiles that were too big, draw // |overshoot| tiles with their width reduced by 1. int num_big_tiles = num_tiles - overshoot; int num_small_tiles = overshoot; int small_width = new_tile_width - 1; float small_scale_x = static_cast(small_width) / bar_image->width(); float big_scale_x = tile_scale_x; gfx::Rect big_rect = rect; gfx::Rect small_rect = rect; big_rect.Inset(0, 0, num_small_tiles*small_width, 0); small_rect.Inset(num_big_tiles*new_tile_width, 0, 0, 0); DrawTiledImage(canvas, *bar_image, 0, 0, big_scale_x, tile_scale_y, big_rect.x(), big_rect.y(), big_rect.width(), big_rect.height()); DrawTiledImage(canvas, *bar_image, 0, 0, small_scale_x, tile_scale_y, small_rect.x(), small_rect.y(), small_rect.width(), small_rect.height()); } if (progress_bar.value_rect_width) { gfx::ImageSkia* value_image = rb.GetImageSkiaNamed(IDR_PROGRESS_VALUE); new_tile_width = static_cast(value_image->width() * tile_scale_y); tile_scale_x = static_cast(new_tile_width) / value_image->width(); DrawTiledImage(canvas, *value_image, 0, 0, tile_scale_x, tile_scale_y, progress_bar.value_rect_x, progress_bar.value_rect_y, progress_bar.value_rect_width, progress_bar.value_rect_height); } DrawImageInt(canvas, *left_border_image, 0, 0, left_border_image->width(), left_border_image->height(), rect.x(), rect.y(), dest_left_border_width, rect.height()); int dest_x = rect.right() - dest_right_border_width; DrawImageInt(canvas, *right_border_image, 0, 0, right_border_image->width(), right_border_image->height(), dest_x, rect.y(), dest_right_border_width, rect.height()); } bool NativeThemeBase::IntersectsClipRectInt(SkCanvas* canvas, int x, int y, int w, int h) const { SkRect clip; return canvas->getClipBounds(&clip) && clip.intersect(SkIntToScalar(x), SkIntToScalar(y), SkIntToScalar(x + w), SkIntToScalar(y + h)); } void NativeThemeBase::DrawImageInt( SkCanvas* sk_canvas, const gfx::ImageSkia& image, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int dest_x, int dest_y, int dest_w, int dest_h) const { scoped_ptr canvas(CommonThemeCreateCanvas(sk_canvas)); canvas->DrawImageInt(image, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h, dest_x, dest_y, dest_w, dest_h, true); } void NativeThemeBase::DrawTiledImage(SkCanvas* sk_canvas, const gfx::ImageSkia& image, int src_x, int src_y, float tile_scale_x, float tile_scale_y, int dest_x, int dest_y, int w, int h) const { scoped_ptr canvas(CommonThemeCreateCanvas(sk_canvas)); canvas->TileImageInt(image, src_x, src_y, tile_scale_x, tile_scale_y, dest_x, dest_y, w, h); } SkColor NativeThemeBase::SaturateAndBrighten(SkScalar* hsv, SkScalar saturate_amount, SkScalar brighten_amount) const { SkScalar color[3]; color[0] = hsv[0]; color[1] = Clamp(hsv[1] + saturate_amount, 0.0, 1.0); color[2] = Clamp(hsv[2] + brighten_amount, 0.0, 1.0); return SkHSVToColor(color); } SkColor NativeThemeBase::GetArrowColor(State state) const { if (state != kDisabled) return SK_ColorBLACK; SkScalar track_hsv[3]; SkColorToHSV(track_color_, track_hsv); SkScalar thumb_hsv[3]; SkColorToHSV(thumb_inactive_color_, thumb_hsv); return OutlineColor(track_hsv, thumb_hsv); } void NativeThemeBase::DrawVertLine(SkCanvas* canvas, int x, int y1, int y2, const SkPaint& paint) const { SkIRect skrect; skrect.set(x, y1, x + 1, y2 + 1); canvas->drawIRect(skrect, paint); } void NativeThemeBase::DrawHorizLine(SkCanvas* canvas, int x1, int x2, int y, const SkPaint& paint) const { SkIRect skrect; skrect.set(x1, y, x2 + 1, y + 1); canvas->drawIRect(skrect, paint); } void NativeThemeBase::DrawBox(SkCanvas* canvas, const gfx::Rect& rect, const SkPaint& paint) const { const int right = rect.x() + rect.width() - 1; const int bottom = rect.y() + rect.height() - 1; DrawHorizLine(canvas, rect.x(), right, rect.y(), paint); DrawVertLine(canvas, right, rect.y(), bottom, paint); DrawHorizLine(canvas, rect.x(), right, bottom, paint); DrawVertLine(canvas, rect.x(), rect.y(), bottom, paint); } SkScalar NativeThemeBase::Clamp(SkScalar value, SkScalar min, SkScalar max) const { return std::min(std::max(value, min), max); } SkColor NativeThemeBase::OutlineColor(SkScalar* hsv1, SkScalar* hsv2) const { // GTK Theme engines have way too much control over the layout of // the scrollbar. We might be able to more closely approximate its // look-and-feel, if we sent whole images instead of just colors // from the browser to the renderer. But even then, some themes // would just break. // // So, instead, we don't even try to 100% replicate the look of // the native scrollbar. We render our own version, but we make // sure to pick colors that blend in nicely with the system GTK // theme. In most cases, we can just sample a couple of pixels // from the system scrollbar and use those colors to draw our // scrollbar. // // This works fine for the track color and the overall thumb // color. But it fails spectacularly for the outline color used // around the thumb piece. Not all themes have a clearly defined // outline. For some of them it is partially transparent, and for // others the thickness is very unpredictable. // // So, instead of trying to approximate the system theme, we // instead try to compute a reasonable looking choice based on the // known color of the track and the thumb piece. This is difficult // when trying to deal both with high- and low-contrast themes, // and both with positive and inverted themes. // // The following code has been tested to look OK with all of the // default GTK themes. SkScalar min_diff = Clamp((hsv1[1] + hsv2[1]) * 1.2f, 0.28f, 0.5f); SkScalar diff = Clamp(fabs(hsv1[2] - hsv2[2]) / 2, min_diff, 0.5f); if (hsv1[2] + hsv2[2] > 1.0) diff = -diff; return SaturateAndBrighten(hsv2, -0.2f, diff); } } // namespace ui