// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/hardware_display_plane_manager_legacy.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/crtc_controller.h" #include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/drm_device.h" #include "ui/ozone/platform/drm/gpu/scanout_buffer.h" namespace ui { HardwareDisplayPlaneManagerLegacy::HardwareDisplayPlaneManagerLegacy() { } HardwareDisplayPlaneManagerLegacy::~HardwareDisplayPlaneManagerLegacy() { } bool HardwareDisplayPlaneManagerLegacy::Commit( HardwareDisplayPlaneList* plane_list, bool is_sync, bool test_only) { if (test_only) { for (HardwareDisplayPlane* plane : plane_list->plane_list) { plane->set_in_use(false); } plane_list->plane_list.clear(); plane_list->legacy_page_flips.clear(); return true; } if (plane_list->plane_list.empty()) // No assigned planes, nothing to do. return true; bool ret = true; // The order of operations here (set new planes, pageflip, clear old planes) // is designed to minimze the chance of a significant artifact occurring. // The planes must be updated first because the main plane no longer contains // their content. The old planes are removed last because the previous primary // plane used them as overlays and thus didn't contain their content, so we // must first flip to the new primary plane, which does. The error here will // be the delta of (new contents, old contents), but it should be barely // noticeable. for (const auto& flip : plane_list->legacy_page_flips) { // Permission Denied is a legitimate error for (const auto& plane : flip.planes) { if (!drm_->PageFlipOverlay(flip.crtc_id, plane.framebuffer, plane.bounds, plane.src_rect, plane.plane)) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot display plane on overlay: crtc=" << flip.crtc << " plane=" << plane.plane; ret = false; flip.crtc->PageFlipFailed(); break; } } if (!drm_->PageFlip(flip.crtc_id, flip.framebuffer, is_sync, base::Bind(&CrtcController::OnPageFlipEvent, flip.crtc->AsWeakPtr()))) { if (errno != EACCES) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot page flip: crtc=" << flip.crtc_id << " framebuffer=" << flip.framebuffer << " is_sync=" << is_sync; ret = false; } flip.crtc->PageFlipFailed(); } } // For each element in |old_plane_list|, if it hasn't been reclaimed (by // this or any other HDPL), clear the overlay contents. for (HardwareDisplayPlane* plane : plane_list->old_plane_list) { if (!plane->in_use() && !plane->is_dummy()) { // This plane is being released, so we need to zero it. if (!drm_->PageFlipOverlay(plane->owning_crtc(), 0, gfx::Rect(), gfx::Rect(), plane->plane_id())) { PLOG(ERROR) << "Cannot free overlay: crtc=" << plane->owning_crtc() << " plane=" << plane->plane_id(); ret = false; break; } } } plane_list->plane_list.swap(plane_list->old_plane_list); plane_list->plane_list.clear(); plane_list->legacy_page_flips.clear(); return ret; } bool HardwareDisplayPlaneManagerLegacy::SetPlaneData( HardwareDisplayPlaneList* plane_list, HardwareDisplayPlane* hw_plane, const OverlayPlane& overlay, uint32_t crtc_id, const gfx::Rect& src_rect, CrtcController* crtc) { if (hw_plane->is_dummy() || plane_list->legacy_page_flips.empty() || plane_list->legacy_page_flips.back().crtc_id != crtc_id) { plane_list->legacy_page_flips.push_back( HardwareDisplayPlaneList::PageFlipInfo( crtc_id, overlay.buffer->GetFramebufferId(), crtc)); } else { plane_list->legacy_page_flips.back().planes.push_back( HardwareDisplayPlaneList::PageFlipInfo::Plane( hw_plane->plane_id(), overlay.buffer->GetFramebufferId(), overlay.display_bounds, src_rect)); } return true; } } // namespace ui