// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/views/controls/button/image_button.h" #include #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "ui/accessibility/ax_view_state.h" #include "ui/gfx/animation/throb_animation.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_operations.h" #include "ui/gfx/scoped_canvas.h" #include "ui/views/painter.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" namespace views { // Default button size if no image is set. This is ignored if there is an image, // and exists for historical reasons (any number of clients could depend on this // behaviour). static const int kDefaultWidth = 16; static const int kDefaultHeight = 14; const char ImageButton::kViewClassName[] = "ImageButton"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ImageButton, public: ImageButton::ImageButton(ButtonListener* listener) : CustomButton(listener), h_alignment_(ALIGN_LEFT), v_alignment_(ALIGN_TOP), draw_image_mirrored_(false), focus_painter_(Painter::CreateDashedFocusPainter()) { // By default, we request that the gfx::Canvas passed to our View::OnPaint() // implementation is flipped horizontally so that the button's images are // mirrored when the UI directionality is right-to-left. EnableCanvasFlippingForRTLUI(true); } ImageButton::~ImageButton() { } const gfx::ImageSkia& ImageButton::GetImage(ButtonState state) const { return images_[state]; } void ImageButton::SetImage(ButtonState for_state, const gfx::ImageSkia* image) { images_[for_state] = image ? *image : gfx::ImageSkia(); PreferredSizeChanged(); if (state() == for_state) SchedulePaint(); } void ImageButton::SetBackground(SkColor color, const gfx::ImageSkia* image, const gfx::ImageSkia* mask) { if (image == NULL || mask == NULL) { background_image_ = gfx::ImageSkia(); return; } background_image_ = gfx::ImageSkiaOperations::CreateButtonBackground(color, *image, *mask); } void ImageButton::SetImageAlignment(HorizontalAlignment h_align, VerticalAlignment v_align) { h_alignment_ = h_align; v_alignment_ = v_align; SchedulePaint(); } void ImageButton::SetFocusPainter(scoped_ptr focus_painter) { focus_painter_ = std::move(focus_painter); } void ImageButton::SetMinimumImageSize(const gfx::Size& size) { if (minimum_image_size_ == size) return; minimum_image_size_ = size; PreferredSizeChanged(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ImageButton, View overrides: gfx::Size ImageButton::GetPreferredSize() const { gfx::Size size(kDefaultWidth, kDefaultHeight); if (!images_[STATE_NORMAL].isNull()) { size = gfx::Size(images_[STATE_NORMAL].width(), images_[STATE_NORMAL].height()); } size.SetToMax(minimum_image_size_); gfx::Insets insets = GetInsets(); size.Enlarge(insets.width(), insets.height()); return size; } const char* ImageButton::GetClassName() const { return kViewClassName; } void ImageButton::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { // Call the base class first to paint any background/borders. View::OnPaint(canvas); // TODO(estade|tdanderson|bruthig): The ink drop layer should be positioned // behind the button's image which means the image needs to be painted to its // own layer instead of to the Canvas. gfx::ImageSkia img = GetImageToPaint(); if (!img.isNull()) { gfx::ScopedCanvas scoped(canvas); if (draw_image_mirrored_) { canvas->Translate(gfx::Vector2d(width(), 0)); canvas->Scale(-1, 1); } gfx::Point position = ComputeImagePaintPosition(img); if (!background_image_.isNull()) canvas->DrawImageInt(background_image_, position.x(), position.y()); canvas->DrawImageInt(img, position.x(), position.y()); } Painter::PaintFocusPainter(this, canvas, focus_painter()); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ImageButton, protected: void ImageButton::OnFocus() { CustomButton::OnFocus(); if (focus_painter_.get()) SchedulePaint(); } void ImageButton::OnBlur() { CustomButton::OnBlur(); if (focus_painter_.get()) SchedulePaint(); } gfx::ImageSkia ImageButton::GetImageToPaint() { gfx::ImageSkia img; if (!images_[STATE_HOVERED].isNull() && hover_animation().is_animating()) { img = gfx::ImageSkiaOperations::CreateBlendedImage( images_[STATE_NORMAL], images_[STATE_HOVERED], hover_animation().GetCurrentValue()); } else { img = images_[state()]; } return !img.isNull() ? img : images_[STATE_NORMAL]; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ImageButton, private: gfx::Point ImageButton::ComputeImagePaintPosition(const gfx::ImageSkia& image) { int x = 0, y = 0; gfx::Rect rect = GetContentsBounds(); HorizontalAlignment h_alignment = h_alignment_; if (draw_image_mirrored_) { if (h_alignment == ALIGN_RIGHT) h_alignment = ALIGN_LEFT; else if (h_alignment == ALIGN_LEFT) h_alignment = ALIGN_RIGHT; } if (h_alignment == ALIGN_CENTER) x = (rect.width() - image.width()) / 2; else if (h_alignment == ALIGN_RIGHT) x = rect.width() - image.width(); if (v_alignment_ == ALIGN_MIDDLE) y = (rect.height() - image.height()) / 2; else if (v_alignment_ == ALIGN_BOTTOM) y = rect.height() - image.height(); x += rect.x(); y += rect.y(); return gfx::Point(x, y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ToggleImageButton, public: ToggleImageButton::ToggleImageButton(ButtonListener* listener) : ImageButton(listener), toggled_(false) { } ToggleImageButton::~ToggleImageButton() { } void ToggleImageButton::SetToggled(bool toggled) { if (toggled == toggled_) return; for (int i = 0; i < STATE_COUNT; ++i) { gfx::ImageSkia temp = images_[i]; images_[i] = alternate_images_[i]; alternate_images_[i] = temp; } toggled_ = toggled; SchedulePaint(); NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ui::AX_EVENT_VALUE_CHANGED, true); } void ToggleImageButton::SetToggledImage(ButtonState image_state, const gfx::ImageSkia* image) { if (toggled_) { images_[image_state] = image ? *image : gfx::ImageSkia(); if (state() == image_state) SchedulePaint(); } else { alternate_images_[image_state] = image ? *image : gfx::ImageSkia(); } } void ToggleImageButton::SetToggledTooltipText(const base::string16& tooltip) { toggled_tooltip_text_ = tooltip; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ToggleImageButton, ImageButton overrides: const gfx::ImageSkia& ToggleImageButton::GetImage( ButtonState image_state) const { if (toggled_) return alternate_images_[image_state]; return images_[image_state]; } void ToggleImageButton::SetImage(ButtonState image_state, const gfx::ImageSkia* image) { if (toggled_) { alternate_images_[image_state] = image ? *image : gfx::ImageSkia(); } else { images_[image_state] = image ? *image : gfx::ImageSkia(); if (state() == image_state) SchedulePaint(); } PreferredSizeChanged(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ToggleImageButton, View overrides: bool ToggleImageButton::GetTooltipText(const gfx::Point& p, base::string16* tooltip) const { if (!toggled_ || toggled_tooltip_text_.empty()) return Button::GetTooltipText(p, tooltip); *tooltip = toggled_tooltip_text_; return true; } void ToggleImageButton::GetAccessibleState(ui::AXViewState* state) { ImageButton::GetAccessibleState(state); GetTooltipText(gfx::Point(), &state->name); } } // namespace views