// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/views/controls/label.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> #include <limits> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/profiler/scoped_tracker.h" #include "base/strings/string_split.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "ui/accessibility/ax_view_state.h" #include "ui/base/default_style.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h" #include "ui/gfx/text_elider.h" #include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h" namespace views { namespace { const gfx::FontList& GetDefaultFontList() { ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); return rb.GetFontListWithDelta(ui::kLabelFontSizeDelta); } } // namespace // static const char Label::kViewClassName[] = "Label"; const int Label::kFocusBorderPadding = 1; Label::Label() : Label(base::string16()) { } Label::Label(const base::string16& text) : Label(text, GetDefaultFontList()) { } Label::Label(const base::string16& text, const gfx::FontList& font_list) { Init(text, font_list); } Label::~Label() { } void Label::SetFontList(const gfx::FontList& font_list) { is_first_paint_text_ = true; render_text_->SetFontList(font_list); ResetLayout(); } void Label::SetText(const base::string16& new_text) { if (new_text == text()) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; render_text_->SetText(new_text); ResetLayout(); } void Label::SetAutoColorReadabilityEnabled(bool enabled) { if (auto_color_readability_ == enabled) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; auto_color_readability_ = enabled; RecalculateColors(); } void Label::SetEnabledColor(SkColor color) { if (enabled_color_set_ && requested_enabled_color_ == color) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; requested_enabled_color_ = color; enabled_color_set_ = true; RecalculateColors(); } void Label::SetDisabledColor(SkColor color) { if (disabled_color_set_ && requested_disabled_color_ == color) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; requested_disabled_color_ = color; disabled_color_set_ = true; RecalculateColors(); } void Label::SetBackgroundColor(SkColor color) { if (background_color_set_ && background_color_ == color) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; background_color_ = color; background_color_set_ = true; RecalculateColors(); } void Label::SetShadows(const gfx::ShadowValues& shadows) { // TODO(mukai): early exit if the specified shadows are same. is_first_paint_text_ = true; render_text_->set_shadows(shadows); ResetLayout(); } void Label::SetSubpixelRenderingEnabled(bool subpixel_rendering_enabled) { if (subpixel_rendering_enabled_ == subpixel_rendering_enabled) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; subpixel_rendering_enabled_ = subpixel_rendering_enabled; RecalculateColors(); } void Label::SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::HorizontalAlignment alignment) { // If the UI layout is right-to-left, flip the alignment direction. if (base::i18n::IsRTL() && (alignment == gfx::ALIGN_LEFT || alignment == gfx::ALIGN_RIGHT)) { alignment = (alignment == gfx::ALIGN_LEFT) ? gfx::ALIGN_RIGHT : gfx::ALIGN_LEFT; } if (horizontal_alignment() == alignment) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; render_text_->SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment); ResetLayout(); } void Label::SetLineHeight(int height) { if (line_height() == height) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; render_text_->SetMinLineHeight(height); ResetLayout(); } void Label::SetMultiLine(bool multi_line) { DCHECK(!multi_line || (elide_behavior_ == gfx::ELIDE_TAIL || elide_behavior_ == gfx::NO_ELIDE)); if (this->multi_line() == multi_line) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; multi_line_ = multi_line; if (render_text_->MultilineSupported()) render_text_->SetMultiline(multi_line); render_text_->SetReplaceNewlineCharsWithSymbols(!multi_line); ResetLayout(); } void Label::SetObscured(bool obscured) { if (this->obscured() == obscured) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; render_text_->SetObscured(obscured); ResetLayout(); } void Label::SetAllowCharacterBreak(bool allow_character_break) { const gfx::WordWrapBehavior behavior = allow_character_break ? gfx::WRAP_LONG_WORDS : gfx::TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS; if (render_text_->word_wrap_behavior() == behavior) return; render_text_->SetWordWrapBehavior(behavior); if (multi_line()) { is_first_paint_text_ = true; ResetLayout(); } } void Label::SetElideBehavior(gfx::ElideBehavior elide_behavior) { DCHECK(!multi_line() || (elide_behavior_ == gfx::ELIDE_TAIL || elide_behavior_ == gfx::NO_ELIDE)); if (elide_behavior_ == elide_behavior) return; is_first_paint_text_ = true; elide_behavior_ = elide_behavior; ResetLayout(); } void Label::SetTooltipText(const base::string16& tooltip_text) { DCHECK(handles_tooltips_); tooltip_text_ = tooltip_text; } void Label::SetHandlesTooltips(bool enabled) { handles_tooltips_ = enabled; } void Label::SizeToFit(int max_width) { DCHECK(multi_line()); max_width_ = max_width; SizeToPreferredSize(); } base::string16 Label::GetDisplayTextForTesting() { lines_.clear(); MaybeBuildRenderTextLines(); base::string16 result; if (lines_.empty()) return result; result.append(lines_[0]->GetDisplayText()); for (size_t i = 1; i < lines_.size(); ++i) { result.append(1, '\n'); result.append(lines_[i]->GetDisplayText()); } return result; } gfx::Insets Label::GetInsets() const { gfx::Insets insets = View::GetInsets(); if (focusable()) { insets += gfx::Insets(kFocusBorderPadding, kFocusBorderPadding, kFocusBorderPadding, kFocusBorderPadding); } return insets; } int Label::GetBaseline() const { return GetInsets().top() + font_list().GetBaseline(); } gfx::Size Label::GetPreferredSize() const { // Return a size of (0, 0) if the label is not visible and if the // |collapse_when_hidden_| flag is set. // TODO(munjal): This logic probably belongs to the View class. But for now, // put it here since putting it in View class means all inheriting classes // need to respect the |collapse_when_hidden_| flag. if (!visible() && collapse_when_hidden_) return gfx::Size(); if (multi_line() && max_width_ != 0 && !text().empty()) return gfx::Size(max_width_, GetHeightForWidth(max_width_)); gfx::Size size(GetTextSize()); const gfx::Insets insets = GetInsets(); size.Enlarge(insets.width(), insets.height()); return size; } gfx::Size Label::GetMinimumSize() const { if (!visible() && collapse_when_hidden_) return gfx::Size(); gfx::Size size(0, font_list().GetHeight()); if (elide_behavior_ == gfx::ELIDE_HEAD || elide_behavior_ == gfx::ELIDE_MIDDLE || elide_behavior_ == gfx::ELIDE_TAIL || elide_behavior_ == gfx::ELIDE_EMAIL) { size.set_width(gfx::Canvas::GetStringWidth( base::string16(gfx::kEllipsisUTF16), font_list())); } if (!multi_line()) size.SetToMin(GetTextSize()); size.Enlarge(GetInsets().width(), GetInsets().height()); return size; } int Label::GetHeightForWidth(int w) const { if (!visible() && collapse_when_hidden_) return 0; w -= GetInsets().width(); int height = 0; if (!multi_line() || text().empty() || w <= 0) { height = std::max(line_height(), font_list().GetHeight()); } else if (render_text_->MultilineSupported()) { // SetDisplayRect() has a side effect for later calls of GetStringSize(). // Be careful to invoke |render_text_->SetDisplayRect(gfx::Rect())| to // cancel this effect before the next time GetStringSize() is called. // It would be beneficial not to cancel here, considering that some layout // managers invoke GetHeightForWidth() for the same width multiple times // and |render_text_| can cache the height. render_text_->SetDisplayRect(gfx::Rect(0, 0, w, 0)); height = render_text_->GetStringSize().height(); } else { std::vector<base::string16> lines = GetLinesForWidth(w); height = lines.size() * std::max(line_height(), font_list().GetHeight()); } height -= gfx::ShadowValue::GetMargin(render_text_->shadows()).height(); return height + GetInsets().height(); } void Label::Layout() { lines_.clear(); } const char* Label::GetClassName() const { return kViewClassName; } View* Label::GetTooltipHandlerForPoint(const gfx::Point& point) { if (!handles_tooltips_ || (tooltip_text_.empty() && !ShouldShowDefaultTooltip())) return NULL; return HitTestPoint(point) ? this : NULL; } bool Label::CanProcessEventsWithinSubtree() const { // Send events to the parent view for handling. return false; } void Label::GetAccessibleState(ui::AXViewState* state) { state->role = ui::AX_ROLE_STATIC_TEXT; state->AddStateFlag(ui::AX_STATE_READ_ONLY); // Note that |render_text_| is never elided (see the comment in Init() too). state->name = render_text_->GetDisplayText(); } bool Label::GetTooltipText(const gfx::Point& p, base::string16* tooltip) const { if (!handles_tooltips_) return false; if (!tooltip_text_.empty()) { tooltip->assign(tooltip_text_); return true; } if (ShouldShowDefaultTooltip()) { // Note that |render_text_| is never elided (see the comment in Init() too). tooltip->assign(render_text_->GetDisplayText()); return true; } return false; } void Label::OnEnabledChanged() { RecalculateColors(); } scoped_ptr<gfx::RenderText> Label::CreateRenderText( const base::string16& text, gfx::HorizontalAlignment alignment, gfx::DirectionalityMode directionality, gfx::ElideBehavior elide_behavior) { scoped_ptr<gfx::RenderText> render_text( render_text_->CreateInstanceOfSameType()); render_text->SetHorizontalAlignment(alignment); render_text->SetDirectionalityMode(directionality); render_text->SetElideBehavior(elide_behavior); render_text->SetObscured(obscured()); render_text->SetMinLineHeight(line_height()); render_text->SetFontList(font_list()); render_text->set_shadows(shadows()); render_text->SetCursorEnabled(false); render_text->SetText(text); return render_text; } void Label::PaintText(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { MaybeBuildRenderTextLines(); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_.size(); ++i) lines_[i]->Draw(canvas); } void Label::OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) { if (previous_bounds.size() != size()) InvalidateLayout(); } void Label::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { View::OnPaint(canvas); if (is_first_paint_text_) { // TODO(ckocagil): Remove ScopedTracker below once crbug.com/441028 is // fixed. tracked_objects::ScopedTracker tracking_profile( FROM_HERE_WITH_EXPLICIT_FUNCTION("441028 First PaintText()")); is_first_paint_text_ = false; PaintText(canvas); } else { PaintText(canvas); } if (HasFocus()) canvas->DrawFocusRect(GetFocusBounds()); } void Label::OnNativeThemeChanged(const ui::NativeTheme* theme) { UpdateColorsFromTheme(theme); } void Label::OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float device_scale_factor) { View::OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(device_scale_factor); // When the device scale factor is changed, some font rendering parameters is // changed (especially, hinting). The bounding box of the text has to be // re-computed based on the new parameters. See crbug.com/441439 ResetLayout(); } void Label::VisibilityChanged(View* starting_from, bool is_visible) { if (!is_visible) lines_.clear(); } void Label::Init(const base::string16& text, const gfx::FontList& font_list) { render_text_.reset(gfx::RenderText::CreateInstance()); render_text_->SetHorizontalAlignment(gfx::ALIGN_CENTER); render_text_->SetDirectionalityMode(gfx::DIRECTIONALITY_FROM_TEXT); // NOTE: |render_text_| should not be elided at all. This is used to keep some // properties and to compute the size of the string. render_text_->SetElideBehavior(gfx::NO_ELIDE); render_text_->SetFontList(font_list); render_text_->SetCursorEnabled(false); render_text_->SetWordWrapBehavior(gfx::TRUNCATE_LONG_WORDS); elide_behavior_ = gfx::ELIDE_TAIL; enabled_color_set_ = disabled_color_set_ = background_color_set_ = false; subpixel_rendering_enabled_ = true; auto_color_readability_ = true; multi_line_ = false; UpdateColorsFromTheme(GetNativeTheme()); handles_tooltips_ = true; collapse_when_hidden_ = false; max_width_ = 0; is_first_paint_text_ = true; SetText(text); } void Label::ResetLayout() { InvalidateLayout(); PreferredSizeChanged(); SchedulePaint(); lines_.clear(); } void Label::MaybeBuildRenderTextLines() { if (!lines_.empty()) return; gfx::Rect rect = GetContentsBounds(); if (focusable()) rect.Inset(kFocusBorderPadding, kFocusBorderPadding); if (rect.IsEmpty()) return; rect.Inset(-gfx::ShadowValue::GetMargin(shadows())); gfx::HorizontalAlignment alignment = horizontal_alignment(); gfx::DirectionalityMode directionality = render_text_->directionality_mode(); if (multi_line()) { // Force the directionality and alignment of the first line on other lines. bool rtl = render_text_->GetDisplayTextDirection() == base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT; if (alignment == gfx::ALIGN_TO_HEAD) alignment = rtl ? gfx::ALIGN_RIGHT : gfx::ALIGN_LEFT; directionality = rtl ? gfx::DIRECTIONALITY_FORCE_RTL : gfx::DIRECTIONALITY_FORCE_LTR; } // Text eliding is not supported for multi-lined Labels. // TODO(mukai): Add multi-lined elided text support. gfx::ElideBehavior elide_behavior = multi_line() ? gfx::NO_ELIDE : elide_behavior_; if (!multi_line() || render_text_->MultilineSupported()) { scoped_ptr<gfx::RenderText> render_text = CreateRenderText(text(), alignment, directionality, elide_behavior); render_text->SetDisplayRect(rect); render_text->SetMultiline(multi_line()); render_text->SetWordWrapBehavior(render_text_->word_wrap_behavior()); lines_.push_back(std::move(render_text)); } else { std::vector<base::string16> lines = GetLinesForWidth(rect.width()); if (lines.size() > 1) rect.set_height(std::max(line_height(), font_list().GetHeight())); const int bottom = GetContentsBounds().bottom(); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size() && rect.y() <= bottom; ++i) { scoped_ptr<gfx::RenderText> line = CreateRenderText(lines[i], alignment, directionality, elide_behavior); line->SetDisplayRect(rect); lines_.push_back(std::move(line)); rect.set_y(rect.y() + rect.height()); } // Append the remaining text to the last visible line. for (size_t i = lines_.size(); i < lines.size(); ++i) lines_.back()->SetText(lines_.back()->text() + lines[i]); } RecalculateColors(); } gfx::Rect Label::GetFocusBounds() { MaybeBuildRenderTextLines(); gfx::Rect focus_bounds; if (lines_.empty()) { focus_bounds = gfx::Rect(GetTextSize()); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_.size(); ++i) { gfx::Point origin; origin += lines_[i]->GetLineOffset(0); focus_bounds.Union(gfx::Rect(origin, lines_[i]->GetStringSize())); } } focus_bounds.Inset(-kFocusBorderPadding, -kFocusBorderPadding); focus_bounds.Intersect(GetLocalBounds()); return focus_bounds; } std::vector<base::string16> Label::GetLinesForWidth(int width) const { std::vector<base::string16> lines; // |width| can be 0 when getting the default text size, in that case // the ideal lines (i.e. broken at newline characters) are wanted. if (width <= 0) { lines = base::SplitString( render_text_->GetDisplayText(), base::string16(1, '\n'), base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL); } else { gfx::ElideRectangleText(render_text_->GetDisplayText(), font_list(), width, std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), render_text_->word_wrap_behavior(), &lines); } return lines; } gfx::Size Label::GetTextSize() const { gfx::Size size; if (text().empty()) { size = gfx::Size(0, std::max(line_height(), font_list().GetHeight())); } else if (!multi_line() || render_text_->MultilineSupported()) { // Cancel the display rect of |render_text_|. The display rect may be // specified in GetHeightForWidth(), and specifying empty Rect cancels // its effect. See also the comment in GetHeightForWidth(). // TODO(mukai): use gfx::Rect() to compute the ideal size rather than // the current width(). See crbug.com/468494, crbug.com/467526, and // the comment for MultilinePreferredSizeTest in label_unittest.cc. render_text_->SetDisplayRect(gfx::Rect(0, 0, width(), 0)); size = render_text_->GetStringSize(); } else { // Get the natural text size, unelided and only wrapped on newlines. std::vector<base::string16> lines = GetLinesForWidth(width()); scoped_ptr<gfx::RenderText> render_text(gfx::RenderText::CreateInstance()); render_text->SetFontList(font_list()); for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); ++i) { render_text->SetText(lines[i]); const gfx::Size line = render_text->GetStringSize(); size.set_width(std::max(size.width(), line.width())); size.set_height(std::max(line_height(), size.height() + line.height())); } } const gfx::Insets shadow_margin = -gfx::ShadowValue::GetMargin(shadows()); size.Enlarge(shadow_margin.width(), shadow_margin.height()); return size; } void Label::RecalculateColors() { actual_enabled_color_ = auto_color_readability_ ? color_utils::GetReadableColor(requested_enabled_color_, background_color_) : requested_enabled_color_; actual_disabled_color_ = auto_color_readability_ ? color_utils::GetReadableColor(requested_disabled_color_, background_color_) : requested_disabled_color_; SkColor color = enabled() ? actual_enabled_color_ : actual_disabled_color_; bool subpixel_rendering_suppressed = SkColorGetA(background_color_) != 0xFF || !subpixel_rendering_enabled_; for (size_t i = 0; i < lines_.size(); ++i) { lines_[i]->SetColor(color); lines_[i]->set_subpixel_rendering_suppressed(subpixel_rendering_suppressed); } SchedulePaint(); } void Label::UpdateColorsFromTheme(const ui::NativeTheme* theme) { if (!enabled_color_set_) { requested_enabled_color_ = theme->GetSystemColor( ui::NativeTheme::kColorId_LabelEnabledColor); } if (!disabled_color_set_) { requested_disabled_color_ = theme->GetSystemColor( ui::NativeTheme::kColorId_LabelDisabledColor); } if (!background_color_set_) { background_color_ = theme->GetSystemColor( ui::NativeTheme::kColorId_LabelBackgroundColor); } RecalculateColors(); } bool Label::ShouldShowDefaultTooltip() const { const gfx::Size text_size = GetTextSize(); const gfx::Size size = GetContentsBounds().size(); return !obscured() && (text_size.width() > size.width() || (multi_line() && text_size.height() > size.height())); } } // namespace views