// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_controller.h" #include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h" #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "ui/base/dragdrop/drag_utils.h" #include "ui/base/dragdrop/os_exchange_data.h" #include "ui/events/event.h" #include "ui/events/event_utils.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" #include "ui/gfx/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/screen.h" #include "ui/gfx/vector2d.h" #include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h" #include "ui/views/controls/button/menu_button.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_config.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_controller_delegate.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_host_root_view.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_item_view.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_message_loop.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_scroll_view_container.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/submenu_view.h" #include "ui/views/drag_utils.h" #include "ui/views/focus/view_storage.h" #include "ui/views/mouse_constants.h" #include "ui/views/view.h" #include "ui/views/view_constants.h" #include "ui/views/views_delegate.h" #include "ui/views/widget/root_view.h" #include "ui/views/widget/tooltip_manager.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include "ui/base/win/internal_constants.h" #include "ui/gfx/win/dpi.h" #include "ui/views/win/hwnd_util.h" #endif using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; using ui::OSExchangeData; // Period of the scroll timer (in milliseconds). static const int kScrollTimerMS = 30; // Amount of time from when the drop exits the menu and the menu is hidden. static const int kCloseOnExitTime = 1200; // If a context menu is invoked by touch, we shift the menu by this offset so // that the finger does not obscure the menu. static const int kCenteredContextMenuYOffset = -15; namespace views { namespace { // When showing context menu on mouse down, the user might accidentally select // the menu item on the subsequent mouse up. To prevent this, we add the // following delay before the user is able to select an item. static int menu_selection_hold_time_ms = kMinimumMsPressedToActivate; // The spacing offset for the bubble tip. const int kBubbleTipSizeLeftRight = 12; const int kBubbleTipSizeTopBottom = 11; // The maximum distance (in DIPS) that the mouse can be moved before it should // trigger a mouse menu item activation (regardless of how long the menu has // been showing). const float kMaximumLengthMovedToActivate = 4.0f; // Returns true if the mnemonic of |menu| matches key. bool MatchesMnemonic(MenuItemView* menu, base::char16 key) { return key != 0 && menu->GetMnemonic() == key; } // Returns true if |menu| doesn't have a mnemonic and first character of the its // title is |key|. bool TitleMatchesMnemonic(MenuItemView* menu, base::char16 key) { if (menu->GetMnemonic()) return false; base::string16 lower_title = base::i18n::ToLower(menu->title()); return !lower_title.empty() && lower_title[0] == key; } } // namespace // Returns the first descendant of |view| that is hot tracked. static CustomButton* GetFirstHotTrackedView(View* view) { if (!view) return NULL; CustomButton* button = CustomButton::AsCustomButton(view); if (button) { if (button->IsHotTracked()) return button; } for (int i = 0; i < view->child_count(); ++i) { CustomButton* hot_view = GetFirstHotTrackedView(view->child_at(i)); if (hot_view) return hot_view; } return NULL; } // Recurses through the child views of |view| returning the first view starting // at |start| that is focusable. A value of -1 for |start| indicates to start at // the first view (if |forward| is false, iterating starts at the last view). If // |forward| is true the children are considered first to last, otherwise last // to first. static View* GetFirstFocusableView(View* view, int start, bool forward) { if (forward) { for (int i = start == -1 ? 0 : start; i < view->child_count(); ++i) { View* deepest = GetFirstFocusableView(view->child_at(i), -1, forward); if (deepest) return deepest; } } else { for (int i = start == -1 ? view->child_count() - 1 : start; i >= 0; --i) { View* deepest = GetFirstFocusableView(view->child_at(i), -1, forward); if (deepest) return deepest; } } return view->IsFocusable() ? view : NULL; } // Returns the first child of |start| that is focusable. static View* GetInitialFocusableView(View* start, bool forward) { return GetFirstFocusableView(start, -1, forward); } // Returns the next view after |start_at| that is focusable. Returns NULL if // there are no focusable children of |ancestor| after |start_at|. static View* GetNextFocusableView(View* ancestor, View* start_at, bool forward) { DCHECK(ancestor->Contains(start_at)); View* parent = start_at; do { View* new_parent = parent->parent(); int index = new_parent->GetIndexOf(parent); index += forward ? 1 : -1; if (forward || index != -1) { View* next = GetFirstFocusableView(new_parent, index, forward); if (next) return next; } parent = new_parent; } while (parent != ancestor); return NULL; } // MenuScrollTask -------------------------------------------------------------- // MenuScrollTask is used when the SubmenuView does not all fit on screen and // the mouse is over the scroll up/down buttons. MenuScrollTask schedules // itself with a RepeatingTimer. When Run is invoked MenuScrollTask scrolls // appropriately. class MenuController::MenuScrollTask { public: MenuScrollTask() : submenu_(NULL), is_scrolling_up_(false), start_y_(0) { pixels_per_second_ = MenuItemView::pref_menu_height() * 20; } void Update(const MenuController::MenuPart& part) { if (!part.is_scroll()) { StopScrolling(); return; } DCHECK(part.submenu); SubmenuView* new_menu = part.submenu; bool new_is_up = (part.type == MenuController::MenuPart::SCROLL_UP); if (new_menu == submenu_ && is_scrolling_up_ == new_is_up) return; start_scroll_time_ = base::Time::Now(); start_y_ = part.submenu->GetVisibleBounds().y(); submenu_ = new_menu; is_scrolling_up_ = new_is_up; if (!scrolling_timer_.IsRunning()) { scrolling_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kScrollTimerMS), this, &MenuScrollTask::Run); } } void StopScrolling() { if (scrolling_timer_.IsRunning()) { scrolling_timer_.Stop(); submenu_ = NULL; } } // The menu being scrolled. Returns null if not scrolling. SubmenuView* submenu() const { return submenu_; } private: void Run() { DCHECK(submenu_); gfx::Rect vis_rect = submenu_->GetVisibleBounds(); const int delta_y = static_cast( (base::Time::Now() - start_scroll_time_).InMilliseconds() * pixels_per_second_ / 1000); vis_rect.set_y(is_scrolling_up_ ? std::max(0, start_y_ - delta_y) : std::min(submenu_->height() - vis_rect.height(), start_y_ + delta_y)); submenu_->ScrollRectToVisible(vis_rect); } // SubmenuView being scrolled. SubmenuView* submenu_; // Direction scrolling. bool is_scrolling_up_; // Timer to periodically scroll. base::RepeatingTimer scrolling_timer_; // Time we started scrolling at. base::Time start_scroll_time_; // How many pixels to scroll per second. int pixels_per_second_; // Y-coordinate of submenu_view_ when scrolling started. int start_y_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MenuScrollTask); }; // MenuController:SelectByCharDetails ---------------------------------------- struct MenuController::SelectByCharDetails { SelectByCharDetails() : first_match(-1), has_multiple(false), index_of_item(-1), next_match(-1) { } // Index of the first menu with the specified mnemonic. int first_match; // If true there are multiple menu items with the same mnemonic. bool has_multiple; // Index of the selected item; may remain -1. int index_of_item; // If there are multiple matches this is the index of the item after the // currently selected item whose mnemonic matches. This may remain -1 even // though there are matches. int next_match; }; // MenuController:State ------------------------------------------------------ MenuController::State::State() : item(NULL), submenu_open(false), anchor(MENU_ANCHOR_TOPLEFT), context_menu(false) { } MenuController::State::~State() {} // MenuController ------------------------------------------------------------ // static MenuController* MenuController::active_instance_ = NULL; // static MenuController* MenuController::GetActiveInstance() { return active_instance_; } MenuItemView* MenuController::Run(Widget* parent, MenuButton* button, MenuItemView* root, const gfx::Rect& bounds, MenuAnchorPosition position, bool context_menu, bool is_nested_drag, int* result_event_flags) { exit_type_ = EXIT_NONE; possible_drag_ = false; drag_in_progress_ = false; did_initiate_drag_ = false; closing_event_time_ = base::TimeDelta(); menu_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); menu_start_mouse_press_loc_ = gfx::Point(); // If we are shown on mouse press, we will eat the subsequent mouse down and // the parent widget will not be able to reset its state (it might have mouse // capture from the mouse down). So we clear its state here. if (parent) { View* root_view = parent->GetRootView(); if (root_view) { root_view->SetMouseHandler(NULL); const ui::Event* event = static_cast(root_view)->current_event(); if (event && event->type() == ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED) { gfx::Point screen_loc( static_cast(event)->location()); View::ConvertPointToScreen( static_cast(event->target()), &screen_loc); menu_start_mouse_press_loc_ = screen_loc; } } } bool nested_menu = showing_; if (showing_) { // Only support nesting of blocking_run menus, nesting of // blocking/non-blocking shouldn't be needed. DCHECK(blocking_run_); // We're already showing, push the current state. menu_stack_.push_back(state_); // The context menu should be owned by the same parent. DCHECK_EQ(owner_, parent); } else { showing_ = true; } // Reset current state. pending_state_ = State(); state_ = State(); UpdateInitialLocation(bounds, position, context_menu); if (owner_) owner_->RemoveObserver(this); owner_ = parent; if (owner_) owner_->AddObserver(this); // Set the selection, which opens the initial menu. SetSelection(root, SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU | SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); if (!blocking_run_) { if (!is_nested_drag) { // Start the timer to hide the menu. This is needed as we get no // notification when the drag has finished. StartCancelAllTimer(); } return NULL; } if (button) menu_button_ = button; // Make sure Chrome doesn't attempt to shut down while the menu is showing. if (ViewsDelegate::views_delegate) ViewsDelegate::views_delegate->AddRef(); // We need to turn on nestable tasks as in some situations (pressing alt-f for // one) the menus are run from a task. If we don't do this and are invoked // from a task none of the tasks we schedule are processed and the menu // appears totally broken. message_loop_depth_++; DCHECK_LE(message_loop_depth_, 2); RunMessageLoop(nested_menu); message_loop_depth_--; if (ViewsDelegate::views_delegate) ViewsDelegate::views_delegate->ReleaseRef(); // Close any open menus. SetSelection(NULL, SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY | SELECTION_EXIT); #if defined(OS_WIN) // On Windows, if we select the menu item by touch and if the window at the // location is another window on the same thread, that window gets a // WM_MOUSEACTIVATE message and ends up activating itself, which is not // correct. We workaround this by setting a property on the window at the // current cursor location. We check for this property in our // WM_MOUSEACTIVATE handler and don't activate the window if the property is // set. if (item_selected_by_touch_) { item_selected_by_touch_ = false; POINT cursor_pos; ::GetCursorPos(&cursor_pos); HWND window = ::WindowFromPoint(cursor_pos); if (::GetWindowThreadProcessId(window, NULL) == ::GetCurrentThreadId()) { ::SetProp(window, ui::kIgnoreTouchMouseActivateForWindow, reinterpret_cast(true)); } } #endif if (nested_menu) { DCHECK(!menu_stack_.empty()); // We're running from within a menu, restore the previous state. // The menus are already showing, so we don't have to show them. state_ = menu_stack_.back(); pending_state_ = menu_stack_.back(); menu_stack_.pop_back(); } else { showing_ = false; did_capture_ = false; } MenuItemView* result = result_; // In case we're nested, reset result_. result_ = NULL; if (result_event_flags) *result_event_flags = accept_event_flags_; if (exit_type_ == EXIT_OUTERMOST) { SetExitType(EXIT_NONE); } else { if (nested_menu && result) { // We're nested and about to return a value. The caller might enter // another blocking loop. We need to make sure all menus are hidden // before that happens otherwise the menus will stay on screen. CloseAllNestedMenus(); SetSelection(NULL, SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY | SELECTION_EXIT); // Set exit_all_, which makes sure all nested loops exit immediately. if (exit_type_ != EXIT_DESTROYED) SetExitType(EXIT_ALL); } } // If we stopped running because one of the menus was destroyed chances are // the button was also destroyed. if (exit_type_ != EXIT_DESTROYED && menu_button_) { menu_button_->SetState(CustomButton::STATE_NORMAL); menu_button_->SchedulePaint(); } return result; } void MenuController::Cancel(ExitType type) { // If the menu has already been destroyed, no further cancellation is // needed. We especially don't want to set the |exit_type_| to a lesser // value. if (exit_type_ == EXIT_DESTROYED || exit_type_ == type) return; if (!showing_) { // This occurs if we're in the process of notifying the delegate for a drop // and the delegate cancels us. return; } MenuItemView* selected = state_.item; SetExitType(type); SendMouseCaptureLostToActiveView(); // Hide windows immediately. SetSelection(NULL, SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY | SELECTION_EXIT); if (!blocking_run_) { // If we didn't block the caller we need to notify the menu, which // triggers deleting us. DCHECK(selected); showing_ = false; delegate_->DropMenuClosed( internal::MenuControllerDelegate::NOTIFY_DELEGATE, selected->GetRootMenuItem()); // WARNING: the call to MenuClosed deletes us. return; } } void MenuController::OnMousePressed(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseEvent& event) { SetSelectionOnPointerDown(source, event); } void MenuController::OnMouseDragged(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseEvent& event) { MenuPart part = GetMenuPart(source, event.location()); UpdateScrolling(part); if (!blocking_run_) return; if (possible_drag_) { if (View::ExceededDragThreshold(event.location() - press_pt_)) StartDrag(source, press_pt_); return; } MenuItemView* mouse_menu = NULL; if (part.type == MenuPart::MENU_ITEM) { if (!part.menu) part.menu = source->GetMenuItem(); else mouse_menu = part.menu; SetSelection(part.menu ? part.menu : state_.item, SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU); } else if (part.type == MenuPart::NONE) { ShowSiblingMenu(source, event.location()); } UpdateActiveMouseView(source, event, mouse_menu); } void MenuController::OnMouseReleased(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseEvent& event) { if (!blocking_run_) return; DCHECK(state_.item); possible_drag_ = false; DCHECK(blocking_run_); MenuPart part = GetMenuPart(source, event.location()); if (event.IsRightMouseButton() && part.type == MenuPart::MENU_ITEM) { MenuItemView* menu = part.menu; // |menu| is NULL means this event is from an empty menu or a separator. // If it is from an empty menu, use parent context menu instead of that. if (menu == NULL && part.submenu->child_count() == 1 && part.submenu->child_at(0)->id() == MenuItemView::kEmptyMenuItemViewID) { menu = part.parent; } if (menu != NULL && ShowContextMenu(menu, source, event, ui::MENU_SOURCE_MOUSE)) return; } // We can use Ctrl+click or the middle mouse button to recursively open urls // for selected folder menu items. If it's only a left click, show the // contents of the folder. if (!part.is_scroll() && part.menu && !(part.menu->HasSubmenu() && (event.flags() & ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON))) { if (GetActiveMouseView()) { SendMouseReleaseToActiveView(source, event); return; } // If a mouse release was received quickly after showing. base::TimeDelta time_shown = base::TimeTicks::Now() - menu_start_time_; if (time_shown.InMilliseconds() < menu_selection_hold_time_ms) { // And it wasn't far from the mouse press location. gfx::Point screen_loc(event.location()); View::ConvertPointToScreen(source->GetScrollViewContainer(), &screen_loc); gfx::Vector2d moved = screen_loc - menu_start_mouse_press_loc_; if (moved.Length() < kMaximumLengthMovedToActivate) { // Ignore the mouse release as it was likely this menu was shown under // the mouse and the action was just a normal click. return; } } if (part.menu->GetDelegate()->ShouldExecuteCommandWithoutClosingMenu( part.menu->GetCommand(), event)) { part.menu->GetDelegate()->ExecuteCommand(part.menu->GetCommand(), event.flags()); return; } if (!part.menu->NonIconChildViewsCount() && part.menu->GetDelegate()->IsTriggerableEvent(part.menu, event)) { base::TimeDelta shown_time = base::TimeTicks::Now() - menu_start_time_; if (!state_.context_menu || !View::ShouldShowContextMenuOnMousePress() || shown_time.InMilliseconds() > menu_selection_hold_time_ms) { Accept(part.menu, event.flags()); } return; } } else if (part.type == MenuPart::MENU_ITEM) { // User either clicked on empty space, or a menu that has children. SetSelection(part.menu ? part.menu : state_.item, SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU | SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); } SendMouseCaptureLostToActiveView(); } void MenuController::OnMouseMoved(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseEvent& event) { HandleMouseLocation(source, event.location()); } void MenuController::OnMouseEntered(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseEvent& event) { // MouseEntered is always followed by a mouse moved, so don't need to // do anything here. } bool MenuController::OnMouseWheel(SubmenuView* source, const ui::MouseWheelEvent& event) { MenuPart part = GetMenuPart(source, event.location()); return part.submenu && part.submenu->OnMouseWheel(event); } void MenuController::OnGestureEvent(SubmenuView* source, ui::GestureEvent* event) { MenuPart part = GetMenuPart(source, event->location()); if (event->type() == ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP_DOWN) { SetSelectionOnPointerDown(source, *event); event->StopPropagation(); } else if (event->type() == ui::ET_GESTURE_LONG_PRESS) { if (part.type == MenuPart::MENU_ITEM && part.menu) { if (ShowContextMenu(part.menu, source, *event, ui::MENU_SOURCE_TOUCH)) event->StopPropagation(); } } else if (event->type() == ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP) { if (!part.is_scroll() && part.menu && !(part.menu->HasSubmenu())) { if (part.menu->GetDelegate()->IsTriggerableEvent( part.menu, *event)) { Accept(part.menu, event->flags()); item_selected_by_touch_ = true; } event->StopPropagation(); } else if (part.type == MenuPart::MENU_ITEM) { // User either tapped on empty space, or a menu that has children. SetSelection(part.menu ? part.menu : state_.item, SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU | SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); event->StopPropagation(); } } else if (event->type() == ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP_CANCEL && part.menu && part.type == MenuPart::MENU_ITEM) { // Move the selection to the parent menu so that the selection in the // current menu is unset. Make sure the submenu remains open by sending the // appropriate SetSelectionTypes flags. SetSelection(part.menu->GetParentMenuItem(), SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU | SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); event->StopPropagation(); } if (event->stopped_propagation()) return; if (!part.submenu) return; part.submenu->OnGestureEvent(event); } bool MenuController::GetDropFormats( SubmenuView* source, int* formats, std::set* custom_formats) { return source->GetMenuItem()->GetDelegate()->GetDropFormats( source->GetMenuItem(), formats, custom_formats); } bool MenuController::AreDropTypesRequired(SubmenuView* source) { return source->GetMenuItem()->GetDelegate()->AreDropTypesRequired( source->GetMenuItem()); } bool MenuController::CanDrop(SubmenuView* source, const OSExchangeData& data) { return source->GetMenuItem()->GetDelegate()->CanDrop(source->GetMenuItem(), data); } void MenuController::OnDragEntered(SubmenuView* source, const ui::DropTargetEvent& event) { valid_drop_coordinates_ = false; } int MenuController::OnDragUpdated(SubmenuView* source, const ui::DropTargetEvent& event) { StopCancelAllTimer(); gfx::Point screen_loc(event.location()); View::ConvertPointToScreen(source, &screen_loc); if (valid_drop_coordinates_ && screen_loc == drop_pt_) return last_drop_operation_; drop_pt_ = screen_loc; valid_drop_coordinates_ = true; MenuItemView* menu_item = GetMenuItemAt(source, event.x(), event.y()); bool over_empty_menu = false; if (!menu_item) { // See if we're over an empty menu. menu_item = GetEmptyMenuItemAt(source, event.x(), event.y()); if (menu_item) over_empty_menu = true; } MenuDelegate::DropPosition drop_position = MenuDelegate::DROP_NONE; int drop_operation = ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE; if (menu_item) { gfx::Point menu_item_loc(event.location()); View::ConvertPointToTarget(source, menu_item, &menu_item_loc); MenuItemView* query_menu_item; if (!over_empty_menu) { int menu_item_height = menu_item->height(); if (menu_item->HasSubmenu() && (menu_item_loc.y() > kDropBetweenPixels && menu_item_loc.y() < (menu_item_height - kDropBetweenPixels))) { drop_position = MenuDelegate::DROP_ON; } else { drop_position = (menu_item_loc.y() < menu_item_height / 2) ? MenuDelegate::DROP_BEFORE : MenuDelegate::DROP_AFTER; } query_menu_item = menu_item; } else { query_menu_item = menu_item->GetParentMenuItem(); drop_position = MenuDelegate::DROP_ON; } drop_operation = menu_item->GetDelegate()->GetDropOperation( query_menu_item, event, &drop_position); // If the menu has a submenu, schedule the submenu to open. SetSelection(menu_item, menu_item->HasSubmenu() ? SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU : SELECTION_DEFAULT); if (drop_position == MenuDelegate::DROP_NONE || drop_operation == ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_NONE) menu_item = NULL; } else { SetSelection(source->GetMenuItem(), SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU); } SetDropMenuItem(menu_item, drop_position); last_drop_operation_ = drop_operation; return drop_operation; } void MenuController::OnDragExited(SubmenuView* source) { StartCancelAllTimer(); if (drop_target_) { StopShowTimer(); SetDropMenuItem(NULL, MenuDelegate::DROP_NONE); } } int MenuController::OnPerformDrop(SubmenuView* source, const ui::DropTargetEvent& event) { DCHECK(drop_target_); // NOTE: the delegate may delete us after invoking OnPerformDrop, as such // we don't call cancel here. MenuItemView* item = state_.item; DCHECK(item); MenuItemView* drop_target = drop_target_; MenuDelegate::DropPosition drop_position = drop_position_; // Close all menus, including any nested menus. SetSelection(NULL, SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY | SELECTION_EXIT); CloseAllNestedMenus(); // Set state such that we exit. showing_ = false; SetExitType(EXIT_ALL); // If over an empty menu item, drop occurs on the parent. if (drop_target->id() == MenuItemView::kEmptyMenuItemViewID) drop_target = drop_target->GetParentMenuItem(); if (!IsBlockingRun()) { delegate_->DropMenuClosed( internal::MenuControllerDelegate::DONT_NOTIFY_DELEGATE, item->GetRootMenuItem()); } // WARNING: the call to MenuClosed deletes us. return drop_target->GetDelegate()->OnPerformDrop( drop_target, drop_position, event); } void MenuController::OnDragEnteredScrollButton(SubmenuView* source, bool is_up) { MenuPart part; part.type = is_up ? MenuPart::SCROLL_UP : MenuPart::SCROLL_DOWN; part.submenu = source; UpdateScrolling(part); // Do this to force the selection to hide. SetDropMenuItem(source->GetMenuItemAt(0), MenuDelegate::DROP_NONE); StopCancelAllTimer(); } void MenuController::OnDragExitedScrollButton(SubmenuView* source) { StartCancelAllTimer(); SetDropMenuItem(NULL, MenuDelegate::DROP_NONE); StopScrolling(); } void MenuController::OnDragWillStart() { DCHECK(!drag_in_progress_); drag_in_progress_ = true; } void MenuController::OnDragComplete(bool should_close) { DCHECK(drag_in_progress_); drag_in_progress_ = false; if (showing_ && should_close && GetActiveInstance() == this) { CloseAllNestedMenus(); Cancel(EXIT_ALL); } } void MenuController::UpdateSubmenuSelection(SubmenuView* submenu) { if (submenu->IsShowing()) { gfx::Point point = GetScreen()->GetCursorScreenPoint(); const SubmenuView* root_submenu = submenu->GetMenuItem()->GetRootMenuItem()->GetSubmenu(); View::ConvertPointFromScreen( root_submenu->GetWidget()->GetRootView(), &point); HandleMouseLocation(submenu, point); } } void MenuController::OnWidgetDestroying(Widget* widget) { DCHECK_EQ(owner_, widget); owner_->RemoveObserver(this); owner_ = NULL; message_loop_->ClearOwner(); } bool MenuController::IsCancelAllTimerRunningForTest() { return cancel_all_timer_.IsRunning(); } // static void MenuController::TurnOffMenuSelectionHoldForTest() { menu_selection_hold_time_ms = -1; } void MenuController::SetSelection(MenuItemView* menu_item, int selection_types) { size_t paths_differ_at = 0; std::vector current_path; std::vector new_path; BuildPathsAndCalculateDiff(pending_state_.item, menu_item, ¤t_path, &new_path, &paths_differ_at); size_t current_size = current_path.size(); size_t new_size = new_path.size(); bool pending_item_changed = pending_state_.item != menu_item; if (pending_item_changed && pending_state_.item) { CustomButton* button = GetFirstHotTrackedView(pending_state_.item); if (button) button->SetHotTracked(false); } // Notify the old path it isn't selected. MenuDelegate* current_delegate = current_path.empty() ? NULL : current_path.front()->GetDelegate(); for (size_t i = paths_differ_at; i < current_size; ++i) { if (current_delegate && current_path[i]->GetType() == MenuItemView::SUBMENU) { current_delegate->WillHideMenu(current_path[i]); } current_path[i]->SetSelected(false); } // Notify the new path it is selected. for (size_t i = paths_differ_at; i < new_size; ++i) { new_path[i]->ScrollRectToVisible(new_path[i]->GetLocalBounds()); new_path[i]->SetSelected(true); } if (menu_item && menu_item->GetDelegate()) menu_item->GetDelegate()->SelectionChanged(menu_item); DCHECK(menu_item || (selection_types & SELECTION_EXIT) != 0); pending_state_.item = menu_item; pending_state_.submenu_open = (selection_types & SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU) != 0; // Stop timers. StopCancelAllTimer(); // Resets show timer only when pending menu item is changed. if (pending_item_changed) StopShowTimer(); if (selection_types & SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY) CommitPendingSelection(); else if (pending_item_changed) StartShowTimer(); // Notify an accessibility focus event on all menu items except for the root. if (menu_item && (MenuDepth(menu_item) != 1 || menu_item->GetType() != MenuItemView::SUBMENU)) { menu_item->NotifyAccessibilityEvent( ui::AX_EVENT_FOCUS, true); } } void MenuController::SetSelectionOnPointerDown(SubmenuView* source, const ui::LocatedEvent& event) { if (!blocking_run_) return; DCHECK(!GetActiveMouseView()); MenuPart part = GetMenuPart(source, event.location()); if (part.is_scroll()) return; // Ignore presses on scroll buttons. // When this menu is opened through a touch event, a simulated right-click // is sent before the menu appears. Ignore it. if ((event.flags() & ui::EF_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON) && (event.flags() & ui::EF_FROM_TOUCH)) return; if (part.type == MenuPart::NONE || (part.type == MenuPart::MENU_ITEM && part.menu && part.menu->GetRootMenuItem() != state_.item->GetRootMenuItem())) { // Remember the time when we repost the event. The owner can then use this // to figure out if this menu was finished with the same click which is // sent to it thereafter. Note that the time stamp front he event cannot be // used since the reposting will set a new timestamp when the event gets // processed. As such it is better to take the current time which will be // closer to the time when it arrives again in the menu handler. closing_event_time_ = ui::EventTimeForNow(); // Mouse wasn't pressed over any menu, or the active menu, cancel. #if defined(OS_WIN) // We're going to close and we own the mouse capture. We need to repost the // mouse down, otherwise the window the user clicked on won't get the event. RepostEvent(source, event); #endif // And close. ExitType exit_type = EXIT_ALL; if (!menu_stack_.empty()) { // We're running nested menus. Only exit all if the mouse wasn't over one // of the menus from the last run. gfx::Point screen_loc(event.location()); View::ConvertPointToScreen(source->GetScrollViewContainer(), &screen_loc); MenuPart last_part = GetMenuPartByScreenCoordinateUsingMenu( menu_stack_.back().item, screen_loc); if (last_part.type != MenuPart::NONE) exit_type = EXIT_OUTERMOST; } Cancel(exit_type); #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // We're going to exit the menu and want to repost the event so that is // is handled normally after the context menu has exited. We call // RepostEvent after Cancel so that mouse capture has been released so // that finding the event target is unaffected by the current capture. RepostEvent(source, event); #endif // Do not repost events for Linux Aura because this behavior is more // consistent with the behavior of other Linux apps. return; } // On a press we immediately commit the selection, that way a submenu // pops up immediately rather than after a delay. int selection_types = SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY; if (!part.menu) { part.menu = part.parent; selection_types |= SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU; } else { if (part.menu->GetDelegate()->CanDrag(part.menu)) { possible_drag_ = true; press_pt_ = event.location(); } if (part.menu->HasSubmenu()) selection_types |= SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU; } SetSelection(part.menu, selection_types); } void MenuController::StartDrag(SubmenuView* source, const gfx::Point& location) { MenuItemView* item = state_.item; DCHECK(item); // Points are in the coordinates of the submenu, need to map to that of // the selected item. Additionally source may not be the parent of // the selected item, so need to map to screen first then to item. gfx::Point press_loc(location); View::ConvertPointToScreen(source->GetScrollViewContainer(), &press_loc); View::ConvertPointFromScreen(item, &press_loc); gfx::Point widget_loc(press_loc); View::ConvertPointToWidget(item, &widget_loc); scoped_ptr canvas(GetCanvasForDragImage( source->GetWidget(), gfx::Size(item->width(), item->height()))); item->PaintButton(canvas.get(), MenuItemView::PB_FOR_DRAG); OSExchangeData data; item->GetDelegate()->WriteDragData(item, &data); drag_utils::SetDragImageOnDataObject(*canvas, press_loc.OffsetFromOrigin(), &data); StopScrolling(); int drag_ops = item->GetDelegate()->GetDragOperations(item); did_initiate_drag_ = true; // TODO(varunjain): Properly determine and send DRAG_EVENT_SOURCE below. item->GetWidget()->RunShellDrag(NULL, data, widget_loc, drag_ops, ui::DragDropTypes::DRAG_EVENT_SOURCE_MOUSE); did_initiate_drag_ = false; } bool MenuController::OnKeyDown(ui::KeyboardCode key_code) { DCHECK(blocking_run_); switch (key_code) { case ui::VKEY_UP: IncrementSelection(-1); break; case ui::VKEY_DOWN: IncrementSelection(1); break; // Handling of VK_RIGHT and VK_LEFT is different depending on the UI // layout. case ui::VKEY_RIGHT: if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) CloseSubmenu(); else OpenSubmenuChangeSelectionIfCan(); break; case ui::VKEY_LEFT: if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) OpenSubmenuChangeSelectionIfCan(); else CloseSubmenu(); break; case ui::VKEY_SPACE: if (SendAcceleratorToHotTrackedView() == ACCELERATOR_PROCESSED_EXIT) return false; break; case ui::VKEY_F4: if (!is_combobox_) break; // Fallthrough to accept on F4, so combobox menus match Windows behavior. case ui::VKEY_RETURN: if (pending_state_.item) { if (pending_state_.item->HasSubmenu()) { OpenSubmenuChangeSelectionIfCan(); } else { SendAcceleratorResultType result = SendAcceleratorToHotTrackedView(); if (result == ACCELERATOR_NOT_PROCESSED && pending_state_.item->enabled()) { Accept(pending_state_.item, 0); return false; } else if (result == ACCELERATOR_PROCESSED_EXIT) { return false; } } } break; case ui::VKEY_ESCAPE: if (!state_.item->GetParentMenuItem() || (!state_.item->GetParentMenuItem()->GetParentMenuItem() && (!state_.item->HasSubmenu() || !state_.item->GetSubmenu()->IsShowing()))) { // User pressed escape and only one menu is shown, cancel it. Cancel(EXIT_OUTERMOST); return false; } CloseSubmenu(); break; default: break; } return true; } MenuController::MenuController(ui::NativeTheme* theme, bool blocking, internal::MenuControllerDelegate* delegate) : blocking_run_(blocking), showing_(false), exit_type_(EXIT_NONE), did_capture_(false), result_(NULL), accept_event_flags_(0), drop_target_(NULL), drop_position_(MenuDelegate::DROP_UNKNOWN), owner_(NULL), possible_drag_(false), drag_in_progress_(false), did_initiate_drag_(false), valid_drop_coordinates_(false), last_drop_operation_(MenuDelegate::DROP_UNKNOWN), showing_submenu_(false), menu_button_(NULL), active_mouse_view_id_(ViewStorage::GetInstance()->CreateStorageID()), delegate_(delegate), message_loop_depth_(0), menu_config_(theme), closing_event_time_(base::TimeDelta()), menu_start_time_(base::TimeTicks()), is_combobox_(false), item_selected_by_touch_(false), message_loop_(MenuMessageLoop::Create()) { active_instance_ = this; } MenuController::~MenuController() { DCHECK(!showing_); if (owner_) owner_->RemoveObserver(this); if (active_instance_ == this) active_instance_ = NULL; StopShowTimer(); StopCancelAllTimer(); } void MenuController::RunMessageLoop(bool nested_menu) { message_loop_->Run(this, owner_, nested_menu); } MenuController::SendAcceleratorResultType MenuController::SendAcceleratorToHotTrackedView() { CustomButton* hot_view = GetFirstHotTrackedView(pending_state_.item); if (!hot_view) return ACCELERATOR_NOT_PROCESSED; ui::Accelerator accelerator(ui::VKEY_RETURN, ui::EF_NONE); hot_view->AcceleratorPressed(accelerator); CustomButton* button = static_cast(hot_view); button->SetHotTracked(true); return (exit_type_ == EXIT_NONE) ? ACCELERATOR_PROCESSED : ACCELERATOR_PROCESSED_EXIT; } void MenuController::UpdateInitialLocation(const gfx::Rect& bounds, MenuAnchorPosition position, bool context_menu) { pending_state_.context_menu = context_menu; pending_state_.initial_bounds = bounds; if (bounds.height() > 1) { // Inset the bounds slightly, otherwise drag coordinates don't line up // nicely and menus close prematurely. pending_state_.initial_bounds.Inset(0, 1); } // Reverse anchor position for RTL languages. if (base::i18n::IsRTL() && (position == MENU_ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT || position == MENU_ANCHOR_TOPLEFT)) { pending_state_.anchor = position == MENU_ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT ? MENU_ANCHOR_TOPLEFT : MENU_ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT; } else { pending_state_.anchor = position; } // Calculate the bounds of the monitor we'll show menus on. Do this once to // avoid repeated system queries for the info. pending_state_.monitor_bounds = GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestPoint( bounds.origin()).work_area(); if (!pending_state_.monitor_bounds.Contains(bounds)) { // Use the monitor area if the work area doesn't contain the bounds. This // handles showing a menu from the launcher. gfx::Rect monitor_area = GetScreen()->GetDisplayNearestPoint( bounds.origin()).bounds(); if (monitor_area.Contains(bounds)) pending_state_.monitor_bounds = monitor_area; } } void MenuController::Accept(MenuItemView* item, int event_flags) { DCHECK(IsBlockingRun()); result_ = item; if (item && !menu_stack_.empty() && !item->GetDelegate()->ShouldCloseAllMenusOnExecute(item->GetCommand())) { SetExitType(EXIT_OUTERMOST); } else { SetExitType(EXIT_ALL); } accept_event_flags_ = event_flags; } bool MenuController::ShowSiblingMenu(SubmenuView* source, const gfx::Point& mouse_location) { if (!menu_stack_.empty() || !menu_button_) return false; View* source_view = source->GetScrollViewContainer(); if (mouse_location.x() >= 0 && mouse_location.x() < source_view->width() && mouse_location.y() >= 0 && mouse_location.y() < source_view->height()) { // The mouse is over the menu, no need to continue. return false; } gfx::NativeWindow window_under_mouse = GetScreen()->GetWindowUnderCursor(); // TODO(oshima): Replace with views only API. if (!owner_ || window_under_mouse != owner_->GetNativeWindow()) return false; // The user moved the mouse outside the menu and over the owning window. See // if there is a sibling menu we should show. gfx::Point screen_point(mouse_location); View::ConvertPointToScreen(source_view, &screen_point); MenuAnchorPosition anchor; bool has_mnemonics; MenuButton* button = NULL; MenuItemView* alt_menu = source->GetMenuItem()->GetDelegate()-> GetSiblingMenu(source->GetMenuItem()->GetRootMenuItem(), screen_point, &anchor, &has_mnemonics, &button); if (!alt_menu || (state_.item && state_.item->GetRootMenuItem() == alt_menu)) return false; delegate_->SiblingMenuCreated(alt_menu); if (!button) { // If the delegate returns a menu, they must also return a button. NOTREACHED(); return false; } // There is a sibling menu, update the button state, hide the current menu // and show the new one. menu_button_->SetState(CustomButton::STATE_NORMAL); menu_button_->SchedulePaint(); menu_button_ = button; menu_button_->SetState(CustomButton::STATE_PRESSED); menu_button_->SchedulePaint(); // Need to reset capture when we show the menu again, otherwise we aren't // going to get any events. did_capture_ = false; gfx::Point screen_menu_loc; View::ConvertPointToScreen(button, &screen_menu_loc); // It is currently not possible to show a submenu recursively in a bubble. DCHECK(!MenuItemView::IsBubble(anchor)); // Subtract 1 from the height to make the popup flush with the button border. UpdateInitialLocation(gfx::Rect(screen_menu_loc.x(), screen_menu_loc.y(), button->width(), button->height() - 1), anchor, state_.context_menu); alt_menu->PrepareForRun( false, has_mnemonics, source->GetMenuItem()->GetRootMenuItem()->show_mnemonics_); alt_menu->controller_ = this; SetSelection(alt_menu, SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU | SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); return true; } bool MenuController::ShowContextMenu(MenuItemView* menu_item, SubmenuView* source, const ui::LocatedEvent& event, ui::MenuSourceType source_type) { // Set the selection immediately, making sure the submenu is only open // if it already was. int selection_types = SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY; if (state_.item == pending_state_.item && state_.submenu_open) selection_types |= SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU; SetSelection(pending_state_.item, selection_types); gfx::Point loc(event.location()); View::ConvertPointToScreen(source->GetScrollViewContainer(), &loc); if (menu_item->GetDelegate()->ShowContextMenu( menu_item, menu_item->GetCommand(), loc, source_type)) { SendMouseCaptureLostToActiveView(); return true; } return false; } void MenuController::CloseAllNestedMenus() { for (std::list::iterator i = menu_stack_.begin(); i != menu_stack_.end(); ++i) { MenuItemView* last_item = i->item; for (MenuItemView* item = last_item; item; item = item->GetParentMenuItem()) { CloseMenu(item); last_item = item; } i->submenu_open = false; i->item = last_item; } } MenuItemView* MenuController::GetMenuItemAt(View* source, int x, int y) { // Walk the view hierarchy until we find a menu item (or the root). View* child_under_mouse = source->GetEventHandlerForPoint(gfx::Point(x, y)); while (child_under_mouse && child_under_mouse->id() != MenuItemView::kMenuItemViewID) { child_under_mouse = child_under_mouse->parent(); } if (child_under_mouse && child_under_mouse->enabled() && child_under_mouse->id() == MenuItemView::kMenuItemViewID) { return static_cast(child_under_mouse); } return NULL; } MenuItemView* MenuController::GetEmptyMenuItemAt(View* source, int x, int y) { View* child_under_mouse = source->GetEventHandlerForPoint(gfx::Point(x, y)); if (child_under_mouse && child_under_mouse->id() == MenuItemView::kEmptyMenuItemViewID) { return static_cast(child_under_mouse); } return NULL; } bool MenuController::IsScrollButtonAt(SubmenuView* source, int x, int y, MenuPart::Type* part) { MenuScrollViewContainer* scroll_view = source->GetScrollViewContainer(); View* child_under_mouse = scroll_view->GetEventHandlerForPoint(gfx::Point(x, y)); if (child_under_mouse && child_under_mouse->enabled()) { if (child_under_mouse == scroll_view->scroll_up_button()) { *part = MenuPart::SCROLL_UP; return true; } if (child_under_mouse == scroll_view->scroll_down_button()) { *part = MenuPart::SCROLL_DOWN; return true; } } return false; } MenuController::MenuPart MenuController::GetMenuPart( SubmenuView* source, const gfx::Point& source_loc) { gfx::Point screen_loc(source_loc); View::ConvertPointToScreen(source->GetScrollViewContainer(), &screen_loc); return GetMenuPartByScreenCoordinateUsingMenu(state_.item, screen_loc); } MenuController::MenuPart MenuController::GetMenuPartByScreenCoordinateUsingMenu( MenuItemView* item, const gfx::Point& screen_loc) { MenuPart part; for (; item; item = item->GetParentMenuItem()) { if (item->HasSubmenu() && item->GetSubmenu()->IsShowing() && GetMenuPartByScreenCoordinateImpl(item->GetSubmenu(), screen_loc, &part)) { return part; } } return part; } bool MenuController::GetMenuPartByScreenCoordinateImpl( SubmenuView* menu, const gfx::Point& screen_loc, MenuPart* part) { // Is the mouse over the scroll buttons? gfx::Point scroll_view_loc = screen_loc; View* scroll_view_container = menu->GetScrollViewContainer(); View::ConvertPointFromScreen(scroll_view_container, &scroll_view_loc); if (scroll_view_loc.x() < 0 || scroll_view_loc.x() >= scroll_view_container->width() || scroll_view_loc.y() < 0 || scroll_view_loc.y() >= scroll_view_container->height()) { // Point isn't contained in menu. return false; } if (IsScrollButtonAt(menu, scroll_view_loc.x(), scroll_view_loc.y(), &(part->type))) { part->submenu = menu; return true; } // Not over the scroll button. Check the actual menu. if (DoesSubmenuContainLocation(menu, screen_loc)) { gfx::Point menu_loc = screen_loc; View::ConvertPointFromScreen(menu, &menu_loc); part->menu = GetMenuItemAt(menu, menu_loc.x(), menu_loc.y()); part->type = MenuPart::MENU_ITEM; part->submenu = menu; if (!part->menu) part->parent = menu->GetMenuItem(); return true; } // While the mouse isn't over a menu item or the scroll buttons of menu, it // is contained by menu and so we return true. If we didn't return true other // menus would be searched, even though they are likely obscured by us. return true; } bool MenuController::DoesSubmenuContainLocation(SubmenuView* submenu, const gfx::Point& screen_loc) { gfx::Point view_loc = screen_loc; View::ConvertPointFromScreen(submenu, &view_loc); gfx::Rect vis_rect = submenu->GetVisibleBounds(); return vis_rect.Contains(view_loc.x(), view_loc.y()); } void MenuController::CommitPendingSelection() { StopShowTimer(); size_t paths_differ_at = 0; std::vector current_path; std::vector new_path; BuildPathsAndCalculateDiff(state_.item, pending_state_.item, ¤t_path, &new_path, &paths_differ_at); // Hide the old menu. for (size_t i = paths_differ_at; i < current_path.size(); ++i) { if (current_path[i]->HasSubmenu()) { current_path[i]->GetSubmenu()->Hide(); } } // Copy pending to state_, making sure to preserve the direction menus were // opened. std::list pending_open_direction; state_.open_leading.swap(pending_open_direction); state_ = pending_state_; state_.open_leading.swap(pending_open_direction); int menu_depth = MenuDepth(state_.item); if (menu_depth == 0) { state_.open_leading.clear(); } else { int cached_size = static_cast(state_.open_leading.size()); DCHECK_GE(menu_depth, 0); while (cached_size-- >= menu_depth) state_.open_leading.pop_back(); } if (!state_.item) { // Nothing to select. StopScrolling(); return; } // Open all the submenus preceeding the last menu item (last menu item is // handled next). if (new_path.size() > 1) { for (std::vector::iterator i = new_path.begin(); i != new_path.end() - 1; ++i) { OpenMenu(*i); } } if (state_.submenu_open) { // The submenu should be open, open the submenu if the item has a submenu. if (state_.item->HasSubmenu()) { OpenMenu(state_.item); } else { state_.submenu_open = false; } } else if (state_.item->HasSubmenu() && state_.item->GetSubmenu()->IsShowing()) { state_.item->GetSubmenu()->Hide(); } if (scroll_task_.get() && scroll_task_->submenu()) { // Stop the scrolling if none of the elements of the selection contain // the menu being scrolled. bool found = false; for (MenuItemView* item = state_.item; item && !found; item = item->GetParentMenuItem()) { found = (item->HasSubmenu() && item->GetSubmenu()->IsShowing() && item->GetSubmenu() == scroll_task_->submenu()); } if (!found) StopScrolling(); } } void MenuController::CloseMenu(MenuItemView* item) { DCHECK(item); if (!item->HasSubmenu()) return; item->GetSubmenu()->Hide(); } void MenuController::OpenMenu(MenuItemView* item) { DCHECK(item); if (item->GetSubmenu()->IsShowing()) { return; } OpenMenuImpl(item, true); did_capture_ = true; } void MenuController::OpenMenuImpl(MenuItemView* item, bool show) { // TODO(oshima|sky): Don't show the menu if drag is in progress and // this menu doesn't support drag drop. See crbug.com/110495. if (show) { int old_count = item->GetSubmenu()->child_count(); item->GetDelegate()->WillShowMenu(item); if (old_count != item->GetSubmenu()->child_count()) { // If the number of children changed then we may need to add empty items. item->AddEmptyMenus(); } } bool prefer_leading = state_.open_leading.empty() ? true : state_.open_leading.back(); bool resulting_direction; gfx::Rect bounds = MenuItemView::IsBubble(state_.anchor) ? CalculateBubbleMenuBounds(item, prefer_leading, &resulting_direction) : CalculateMenuBounds(item, prefer_leading, &resulting_direction); state_.open_leading.push_back(resulting_direction); bool do_capture = (!did_capture_ && blocking_run_); showing_submenu_ = true; if (show) { // Menus are the only place using kGroupingPropertyKey, so any value (other // than 0) is fine. const int kGroupingId = 1001; item->GetSubmenu()->ShowAt(owner_, bounds, do_capture); item->GetSubmenu()->GetWidget()->SetNativeWindowProperty( TooltipManager::kGroupingPropertyKey, reinterpret_cast(kGroupingId)); } else { item->GetSubmenu()->Reposition(bounds); } showing_submenu_ = false; } void MenuController::MenuChildrenChanged(MenuItemView* item) { DCHECK(item); // Menu shouldn't be updated during drag operation. DCHECK(!GetActiveMouseView()); // If the current item or pending item is a descendant of the item // that changed, move the selection back to the changed item. const MenuItemView* ancestor = state_.item; while (ancestor && ancestor != item) ancestor = ancestor->GetParentMenuItem(); if (!ancestor) { ancestor = pending_state_.item; while (ancestor && ancestor != item) ancestor = ancestor->GetParentMenuItem(); if (!ancestor) return; } SetSelection(item, SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU | SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); if (item->HasSubmenu()) OpenMenuImpl(item, false); } void MenuController::BuildPathsAndCalculateDiff( MenuItemView* old_item, MenuItemView* new_item, std::vector* old_path, std::vector* new_path, size_t* first_diff_at) { DCHECK(old_path && new_path && first_diff_at); BuildMenuItemPath(old_item, old_path); BuildMenuItemPath(new_item, new_path); size_t common_size = std::min(old_path->size(), new_path->size()); // Find the first difference between the two paths, when the loop // returns, diff_i is the first index where the two paths differ. for (size_t i = 0; i < common_size; ++i) { if ((*old_path)[i] != (*new_path)[i]) { *first_diff_at = i; return; } } *first_diff_at = common_size; } void MenuController::BuildMenuItemPath(MenuItemView* item, std::vector* path) { if (!item) return; BuildMenuItemPath(item->GetParentMenuItem(), path); path->push_back(item); } void MenuController::StartShowTimer() { show_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(menu_config_.show_delay), this, &MenuController::CommitPendingSelection); } void MenuController::StopShowTimer() { show_timer_.Stop(); } void MenuController::StartCancelAllTimer() { cancel_all_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kCloseOnExitTime), this, &MenuController::CancelAll); } void MenuController::StopCancelAllTimer() { cancel_all_timer_.Stop(); } gfx::Rect MenuController::CalculateMenuBounds(MenuItemView* item, bool prefer_leading, bool* is_leading) { DCHECK(item); SubmenuView* submenu = item->GetSubmenu(); DCHECK(submenu); gfx::Size pref = submenu->GetScrollViewContainer()->GetPreferredSize(); // Don't let the menu go too wide. pref.set_width(std::min(pref.width(), item->GetDelegate()->GetMaxWidthForMenu(item))); if (!state_.monitor_bounds.IsEmpty()) pref.set_width(std::min(pref.width(), state_.monitor_bounds.width())); // Assume we can honor prefer_leading. *is_leading = prefer_leading; int x, y; const MenuConfig& menu_config = item->GetMenuConfig(); if (!item->GetParentMenuItem()) { // First item, position relative to initial location. x = state_.initial_bounds.x(); // Offsets for context menu prevent menu items being selected by // simply opening the menu (bug 142992). if (menu_config.offset_context_menus && state_.context_menu) x += 1; y = state_.initial_bounds.bottom(); if (state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_TOPRIGHT) { x = x + state_.initial_bounds.width() - pref.width(); if (menu_config.offset_context_menus && state_.context_menu) x -= 1; } else if (state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_BOTTOMCENTER) { x = x - (pref.width() - state_.initial_bounds.width()) / 2; if (pref.height() > state_.initial_bounds.y() + kCenteredContextMenuYOffset) { // Menu does not fit above the anchor. We move it to below. y = state_.initial_bounds.y() - kCenteredContextMenuYOffset; } else { y = std::max(0, state_.initial_bounds.y() - pref.height()) + kCenteredContextMenuYOffset; } } if (!state_.monitor_bounds.IsEmpty() && y + pref.height() > state_.monitor_bounds.bottom()) { // The menu doesn't fit fully below the button on the screen. The menu // position with respect to the bounds will be preserved if it has // already been drawn. When the requested positioning is below the bounds // it will shrink the menu to make it fit below. // If the requested positioning is best fit, it will first try to fit the // menu below. If that does not fit it will try to place it above. If // that will not fit it will place it at the bottom of the work area and // moving it off the initial_bounds region to avoid overlap. // In all other requested position styles it will be flipped above and // the height will be shrunken to the usable height. if (item->actual_menu_position() == MenuItemView::POSITION_BELOW_BOUNDS) { pref.set_height(std::min(pref.height(), state_.monitor_bounds.bottom() - y)); } else if (item->actual_menu_position() == MenuItemView::POSITION_BEST_FIT) { MenuItemView::MenuPosition orientation = MenuItemView::POSITION_BELOW_BOUNDS; if (state_.monitor_bounds.height() < pref.height()) { // Handle very tall menus. pref.set_height(state_.monitor_bounds.height()); y = state_.monitor_bounds.y(); } else if (state_.monitor_bounds.y() + pref.height() < state_.initial_bounds.y()) { // Flipping upwards if there is enough space. y = state_.initial_bounds.y() - pref.height(); orientation = MenuItemView::POSITION_ABOVE_BOUNDS; } else { // It is allowed to move the menu a bit around in order to get the // best fit and to avoid showing scroll elements. y = state_.monitor_bounds.bottom() - pref.height(); } if (orientation == MenuItemView::POSITION_BELOW_BOUNDS) { // The menu should never overlap the owning button. So move it. // We use the anchor view style to determine the preferred position // relative to the owning button. if (state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_TOPLEFT) { // The menu starts with the same x coordinate as the owning button. if (x + state_.initial_bounds.width() + pref.width() > state_.monitor_bounds.right()) x -= pref.width(); // Move the menu to the left of the button. else x += state_.initial_bounds.width(); // Move the menu right. } else { // The menu should end with the same x coordinate as the owning // button. if (state_.monitor_bounds.x() > state_.initial_bounds.x() - pref.width()) x = state_.initial_bounds.right(); // Move right of the button. else x = state_.initial_bounds.x() - pref.width(); // Move left. } } item->set_actual_menu_position(orientation); } else { pref.set_height(std::min(pref.height(), state_.initial_bounds.y() - state_.monitor_bounds.y())); y = state_.initial_bounds.y() - pref.height(); item->set_actual_menu_position(MenuItemView::POSITION_ABOVE_BOUNDS); } } else if (item->actual_menu_position() == MenuItemView::POSITION_ABOVE_BOUNDS) { pref.set_height(std::min(pref.height(), state_.initial_bounds.y() - state_.monitor_bounds.y())); y = state_.initial_bounds.y() - pref.height(); } else { item->set_actual_menu_position(MenuItemView::POSITION_BELOW_BOUNDS); } if (state_.monitor_bounds.width() != 0 && menu_config.offset_context_menus && state_.context_menu) { if (x + pref.width() > state_.monitor_bounds.right()) x = state_.initial_bounds.x() - pref.width() - 1; if (x < state_.monitor_bounds.x()) x = state_.monitor_bounds.x(); } } else { // Not the first menu; position it relative to the bounds of the menu // item. gfx::Point item_loc; View::ConvertPointToScreen(item, &item_loc); // We must make sure we take into account the UI layout. If the layout is // RTL, then a 'leading' menu is positioned to the left of the parent menu // item and not to the right. bool layout_is_rtl = base::i18n::IsRTL(); bool create_on_the_right = (prefer_leading && !layout_is_rtl) || (!prefer_leading && layout_is_rtl); int submenu_horizontal_inset = menu_config.submenu_horizontal_inset; if (create_on_the_right) { x = item_loc.x() + item->width() - submenu_horizontal_inset; if (state_.monitor_bounds.width() != 0 && x + pref.width() > state_.monitor_bounds.right()) { if (layout_is_rtl) *is_leading = true; else *is_leading = false; x = item_loc.x() - pref.width() + submenu_horizontal_inset; } } else { x = item_loc.x() - pref.width() + submenu_horizontal_inset; if (state_.monitor_bounds.width() != 0 && x < state_.monitor_bounds.x()) { if (layout_is_rtl) *is_leading = false; else *is_leading = true; x = item_loc.x() + item->width() - submenu_horizontal_inset; } } y = item_loc.y() - menu_config.menu_vertical_border_size; if (state_.monitor_bounds.width() != 0) { pref.set_height(std::min(pref.height(), state_.monitor_bounds.height())); if (y + pref.height() > state_.monitor_bounds.bottom()) y = state_.monitor_bounds.bottom() - pref.height(); if (y < state_.monitor_bounds.y()) y = state_.monitor_bounds.y(); } } if (state_.monitor_bounds.width() != 0) { if (x + pref.width() > state_.monitor_bounds.right()) x = state_.monitor_bounds.right() - pref.width(); if (x < state_.monitor_bounds.x()) x = state_.monitor_bounds.x(); } return gfx::Rect(x, y, pref.width(), pref.height()); } gfx::Rect MenuController::CalculateBubbleMenuBounds(MenuItemView* item, bool prefer_leading, bool* is_leading) { DCHECK(item); DCHECK(!item->GetParentMenuItem()); // Assume we can honor prefer_leading. *is_leading = prefer_leading; SubmenuView* submenu = item->GetSubmenu(); DCHECK(submenu); gfx::Size pref = submenu->GetScrollViewContainer()->GetPreferredSize(); const gfx::Rect& owner_bounds = pending_state_.initial_bounds; // First the size gets reduced to the possible space. if (!state_.monitor_bounds.IsEmpty()) { int max_width = state_.monitor_bounds.width(); int max_height = state_.monitor_bounds.height(); // In case of bubbles, the maximum width is limited by the space // between the display corner and the target area + the tip size. if (state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_BUBBLE_LEFT) { max_width = owner_bounds.x() - state_.monitor_bounds.x() + kBubbleTipSizeLeftRight; } else if (state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_BUBBLE_RIGHT) { max_width = state_.monitor_bounds.right() - owner_bounds.right() + kBubbleTipSizeLeftRight; } else if (state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_BUBBLE_ABOVE) { max_height = owner_bounds.y() - state_.monitor_bounds.y() + kBubbleTipSizeTopBottom; } else if (state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_BUBBLE_BELOW) { max_height = state_.monitor_bounds.bottom() - owner_bounds.bottom() + kBubbleTipSizeTopBottom; } // The space for the menu to cover should never get empty. DCHECK_GE(max_width, kBubbleTipSizeLeftRight); DCHECK_GE(max_height, kBubbleTipSizeTopBottom); pref.set_width(std::min(pref.width(), max_width)); pref.set_height(std::min(pref.height(), max_height)); } // Also make sure that the menu does not go too wide. pref.set_width(std::min(pref.width(), item->GetDelegate()->GetMaxWidthForMenu(item))); int x, y; if (state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_BUBBLE_ABOVE || state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_BUBBLE_BELOW) { if (state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_BUBBLE_ABOVE) y = owner_bounds.y() - pref.height() + kBubbleTipSizeTopBottom; else y = owner_bounds.bottom() - kBubbleTipSizeTopBottom; x = owner_bounds.CenterPoint().x() - pref.width() / 2; int x_old = x; if (x < state_.monitor_bounds.x()) { x = state_.monitor_bounds.x(); } else if (x + pref.width() > state_.monitor_bounds.right()) { x = state_.monitor_bounds.right() - pref.width(); } submenu->GetScrollViewContainer()->SetBubbleArrowOffset( pref.width() / 2 - x + x_old); } else { if (state_.anchor == MENU_ANCHOR_BUBBLE_RIGHT) x = owner_bounds.right() - kBubbleTipSizeLeftRight; else x = owner_bounds.x() - pref.width() + kBubbleTipSizeLeftRight; y = owner_bounds.CenterPoint().y() - pref.height() / 2; int y_old = y; if (y < state_.monitor_bounds.y()) { y = state_.monitor_bounds.y(); } else if (y + pref.height() > state_.monitor_bounds.bottom()) { y = state_.monitor_bounds.bottom() - pref.height(); } submenu->GetScrollViewContainer()->SetBubbleArrowOffset( pref.height() / 2 - y + y_old); } return gfx::Rect(x, y, pref.width(), pref.height()); } // static int MenuController::MenuDepth(MenuItemView* item) { return item ? (MenuDepth(item->GetParentMenuItem()) + 1) : 0; } void MenuController::IncrementSelection(int delta) { MenuItemView* item = pending_state_.item; DCHECK(item); if (pending_state_.submenu_open && item->HasSubmenu() && item->GetSubmenu()->IsShowing()) { // A menu is selected and open, but none of its children are selected, // select the first menu item. if (item->GetSubmenu()->GetMenuItemCount()) { SetSelection(item->GetSubmenu()->GetMenuItemAt(0), SELECTION_DEFAULT); return; } } if (item->has_children()) { CustomButton* button = GetFirstHotTrackedView(item); if (button) { button->SetHotTracked(false); View* to_make_hot = GetNextFocusableView(item, button, delta == 1); CustomButton* button_hot = CustomButton::AsCustomButton(to_make_hot); if (button_hot) { button_hot->SetHotTracked(true); return; } } else { View* to_make_hot = GetInitialFocusableView(item, delta == 1); CustomButton* button_hot = CustomButton::AsCustomButton(to_make_hot); if (button_hot) { button_hot->SetHotTracked(true); return; } } } MenuItemView* parent = item->GetParentMenuItem(); if (parent) { int parent_count = parent->GetSubmenu()->GetMenuItemCount(); if (parent_count > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < parent_count; ++i) { if (parent->GetSubmenu()->GetMenuItemAt(i) == item) { MenuItemView* to_select = FindNextSelectableMenuItem(parent, i, delta); if (!to_select) break; SetSelection(to_select, SELECTION_DEFAULT); View* to_make_hot = GetInitialFocusableView(to_select, delta == 1); CustomButton* button_hot = CustomButton::AsCustomButton(to_make_hot); if (button_hot) button_hot->SetHotTracked(true); break; } } } } } MenuItemView* MenuController::FindNextSelectableMenuItem(MenuItemView* parent, int index, int delta) { int start_index = index; int parent_count = parent->GetSubmenu()->GetMenuItemCount(); // Loop through the menu items skipping any invisible menus. The loop stops // when we wrap or find a visible child. do { index = (index + delta + parent_count) % parent_count; if (index == start_index) return NULL; MenuItemView* child = parent->GetSubmenu()->GetMenuItemAt(index); if (child->visible()) return child; } while (index != start_index); return NULL; } void MenuController::OpenSubmenuChangeSelectionIfCan() { MenuItemView* item = pending_state_.item; if (item->HasSubmenu() && item->enabled()) { if (item->GetSubmenu()->GetMenuItemCount() > 0) { SetSelection(item->GetSubmenu()->GetMenuItemAt(0), SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); } else { // No menu items, just show the sub-menu. SetSelection(item, SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU | SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); } } } void MenuController::CloseSubmenu() { MenuItemView* item = state_.item; DCHECK(item); if (!item->GetParentMenuItem()) return; if (item->HasSubmenu() && item->GetSubmenu()->IsShowing()) SetSelection(item, SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); else if (item->GetParentMenuItem()->GetParentMenuItem()) SetSelection(item->GetParentMenuItem(), SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); } MenuController::SelectByCharDetails MenuController::FindChildForMnemonic( MenuItemView* parent, base::char16 key, bool (*match_function)(MenuItemView* menu, base::char16 mnemonic)) { SubmenuView* submenu = parent->GetSubmenu(); DCHECK(submenu); SelectByCharDetails details; for (int i = 0, menu_item_count = submenu->GetMenuItemCount(); i < menu_item_count; ++i) { MenuItemView* child = submenu->GetMenuItemAt(i); if (child->enabled() && child->visible()) { if (child == pending_state_.item) details.index_of_item = i; if (match_function(child, key)) { if (details.first_match == -1) details.first_match = i; else details.has_multiple = true; if (details.next_match == -1 && details.index_of_item != -1 && i > details.index_of_item) details.next_match = i; } } } return details; } bool MenuController::AcceptOrSelect(MenuItemView* parent, const SelectByCharDetails& details) { // This should only be invoked if there is a match. DCHECK(details.first_match != -1); DCHECK(parent->HasSubmenu()); SubmenuView* submenu = parent->GetSubmenu(); DCHECK(submenu); if (!details.has_multiple) { // There's only one match, activate it (or open if it has a submenu). if (submenu->GetMenuItemAt(details.first_match)->HasSubmenu()) { SetSelection(submenu->GetMenuItemAt(details.first_match), SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU | SELECTION_UPDATE_IMMEDIATELY); } else { Accept(submenu->GetMenuItemAt(details.first_match), 0); return true; } } else if (details.index_of_item == -1 || details.next_match == -1) { SetSelection(submenu->GetMenuItemAt(details.first_match), SELECTION_DEFAULT); } else { SetSelection(submenu->GetMenuItemAt(details.next_match), SELECTION_DEFAULT); } return false; } bool MenuController::SelectByChar(base::char16 character) { base::char16 char_array[] = { character, 0 }; base::char16 key = base::i18n::ToLower(char_array)[0]; MenuItemView* item = pending_state_.item; if (!item->HasSubmenu() || !item->GetSubmenu()->IsShowing()) item = item->GetParentMenuItem(); DCHECK(item); DCHECK(item->HasSubmenu()); DCHECK(item->GetSubmenu()); if (item->GetSubmenu()->GetMenuItemCount() == 0) return false; // Look for matches based on mnemonic first. SelectByCharDetails details = FindChildForMnemonic(item, key, &MatchesMnemonic); if (details.first_match != -1) return AcceptOrSelect(item, details); if (is_combobox_) { item->GetSubmenu()->GetTextInputClient()->InsertChar(character, 0); } else { // If no mnemonics found, look at first character of titles. details = FindChildForMnemonic(item, key, &TitleMatchesMnemonic); if (details.first_match != -1) return AcceptOrSelect(item, details); } return false; } void MenuController::RepostEvent(SubmenuView* source, const ui::LocatedEvent& event) { if (!event.IsMouseEvent()) { // TODO(rbyers): Gesture event repost is tricky to get right // crbug.com/170987. DCHECK(event.IsGestureEvent()); return; } #if defined(OS_WIN) if (!state_.item) { // We some times get an event after closing all the menus. Ignore it. Make // sure the menu is in fact not visible. If the menu is visible, then // we're in a bad state where we think the menu isn't visibile but it is. DCHECK(!source->GetWidget()->IsVisible()); return; } state_.item->GetRootMenuItem()->GetSubmenu()->ReleaseCapture(); #endif gfx::Point screen_loc(event.location()); View::ConvertPointToScreen(source->GetScrollViewContainer(), &screen_loc); gfx::NativeView native_view = source->GetWidget()->GetNativeView(); if (!native_view) return; gfx::Screen* screen = gfx::Screen::GetScreenFor(native_view); gfx::NativeWindow window = screen->GetWindowAtScreenPoint(screen_loc); #if defined(OS_WIN) // Convert screen_loc to pixels for the Win32 API's like WindowFromPoint, // PostMessage/SendMessage to work correctly. These API's expect the // coordinates to be in pixels. // PostMessage() to metro windows isn't allowed (access will be denied). Don't // try to repost with Win32 if the window under the mouse press is in metro. if (!ViewsDelegate::views_delegate || !ViewsDelegate::views_delegate->IsWindowInMetro(window)) { gfx::Point screen_loc_pixels = gfx::win::DIPToScreenPoint(screen_loc); HWND target_window = window ? HWNDForNativeWindow(window) : WindowFromPoint(screen_loc_pixels.ToPOINT()); HWND source_window = HWNDForNativeView(native_view); if (!target_window || !source_window || GetWindowThreadProcessId(source_window, NULL) != GetWindowThreadProcessId(target_window, NULL)) { // Even though we have mouse capture, windows generates a mouse event if // the other window is in a separate thread. Only repost an event if // |target_window| and |source_window| were created on the same thread, // else double events can occur and lead to bad behavior. return; } // Determine whether the click was in the client area or not. // NOTE: WM_NCHITTEST coordinates are relative to the screen. LPARAM coords = MAKELPARAM(screen_loc_pixels.x(), screen_loc_pixels.y()); LRESULT nc_hit_result = SendMessage(target_window, WM_NCHITTEST, 0, coords); const bool client_area = nc_hit_result == HTCLIENT; // TODO(sky): this isn't right. The event to generate should correspond with // the event we just got. MouseEvent only tells us what is down, which may // differ. Need to add ability to get changed button from MouseEvent. int event_type; int flags = event.flags(); if (flags & ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON) { event_type = client_area ? WM_LBUTTONDOWN : WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN; } else if (flags & ui::EF_MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON) { event_type = client_area ? WM_MBUTTONDOWN : WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN; } else if (flags & ui::EF_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON) { event_type = client_area ? WM_RBUTTONDOWN : WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN; } else { NOTREACHED(); return; } int window_x = screen_loc_pixels.x(); int window_y = screen_loc_pixels.y(); if (client_area) { POINT pt = { window_x, window_y }; ScreenToClient(target_window, &pt); window_x = pt.x; window_y = pt.y; } WPARAM target = client_area ? event.native_event().wParam : nc_hit_result; LPARAM window_coords = MAKELPARAM(window_x, window_y); PostMessage(target_window, event_type, target, window_coords); return; } #endif // Non-Windows Aura or |window| is in metro mode. if (!window) return; message_loop_->RepostEventToWindow(event, window, screen_loc); } void MenuController::SetDropMenuItem( MenuItemView* new_target, MenuDelegate::DropPosition new_position) { if (new_target == drop_target_ && new_position == drop_position_) return; if (drop_target_) { drop_target_->GetParentMenuItem()->GetSubmenu()->SetDropMenuItem( NULL, MenuDelegate::DROP_NONE); } drop_target_ = new_target; drop_position_ = new_position; if (drop_target_) { drop_target_->GetParentMenuItem()->GetSubmenu()->SetDropMenuItem( drop_target_, drop_position_); } } void MenuController::UpdateScrolling(const MenuPart& part) { if (!part.is_scroll() && !scroll_task_.get()) return; if (!scroll_task_.get()) scroll_task_.reset(new MenuScrollTask()); scroll_task_->Update(part); } void MenuController::StopScrolling() { scroll_task_.reset(NULL); } void MenuController::UpdateActiveMouseView(SubmenuView* event_source, const ui::MouseEvent& event, View* target_menu) { View* target = NULL; gfx::Point target_menu_loc(event.location()); if (target_menu && target_menu->has_children()) { // Locate the deepest child view to send events to. This code assumes we // don't have to walk up the tree to find a view interested in events. This // is currently true for the cases we are embedding views, but if we embed // more complex hierarchies it'll need to change. View::ConvertPointToScreen(event_source->GetScrollViewContainer(), &target_menu_loc); View::ConvertPointFromScreen(target_menu, &target_menu_loc); target = target_menu->GetEventHandlerForPoint(target_menu_loc); if (target == target_menu || !target->enabled()) target = NULL; } View* active_mouse_view = GetActiveMouseView(); if (target != active_mouse_view) { SendMouseCaptureLostToActiveView(); active_mouse_view = target; SetActiveMouseView(active_mouse_view); if (active_mouse_view) { gfx::Point target_point(target_menu_loc); View::ConvertPointToTarget( target_menu, active_mouse_view, &target_point); ui::MouseEvent mouse_entered_event(ui::ET_MOUSE_ENTERED, target_point, target_point, 0, 0); active_mouse_view->OnMouseEntered(mouse_entered_event); ui::MouseEvent mouse_pressed_event(ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED, target_point, target_point, event.flags(), event.changed_button_flags()); active_mouse_view->OnMousePressed(mouse_pressed_event); } } if (active_mouse_view) { gfx::Point target_point(target_menu_loc); View::ConvertPointToTarget(target_menu, active_mouse_view, &target_point); ui::MouseEvent mouse_dragged_event(ui::ET_MOUSE_DRAGGED, target_point, target_point, event.flags(), event.changed_button_flags()); active_mouse_view->OnMouseDragged(mouse_dragged_event); } } void MenuController::SendMouseReleaseToActiveView(SubmenuView* event_source, const ui::MouseEvent& event) { View* active_mouse_view = GetActiveMouseView(); if (!active_mouse_view) return; gfx::Point target_loc(event.location()); View::ConvertPointToScreen(event_source->GetScrollViewContainer(), &target_loc); View::ConvertPointFromScreen(active_mouse_view, &target_loc); ui::MouseEvent release_event(ui::ET_MOUSE_RELEASED, target_loc, target_loc, event.flags(), event.changed_button_flags()); // Reset active mouse view before sending mouse released. That way if it calls // back to us, we aren't in a weird state. SetActiveMouseView(NULL); active_mouse_view->OnMouseReleased(release_event); } void MenuController::SendMouseCaptureLostToActiveView() { View* active_mouse_view = GetActiveMouseView(); if (!active_mouse_view) return; // Reset the active_mouse_view_ before sending mouse capture lost. That way if // it calls back to us, we aren't in a weird state. SetActiveMouseView(NULL); active_mouse_view->OnMouseCaptureLost(); } void MenuController::SetActiveMouseView(View* view) { if (view) ViewStorage::GetInstance()->StoreView(active_mouse_view_id_, view); else ViewStorage::GetInstance()->RemoveView(active_mouse_view_id_); } View* MenuController::GetActiveMouseView() { return ViewStorage::GetInstance()->RetrieveView(active_mouse_view_id_); } void MenuController::SetExitType(ExitType type) { exit_type_ = type; // Exit nested message loops as soon as possible. We do this as // MessagePumpDispatcher is only invoked before native events, which means // its entirely possible for a Widget::CloseNow() task to be processed before // the next native message. We quite the nested message loop as soon as // possible to avoid having deleted views classes (such as widgets and // rootviews) on the stack when the nested message loop stops. // // It's safe to invoke QuitNestedMessageLoop() multiple times, it only effects // the current loop. bool quit_now = message_loop_->ShouldQuitNow() && exit_type_ != EXIT_NONE && message_loop_depth_; if (quit_now) TerminateNestedMessageLoop(); } void MenuController::TerminateNestedMessageLoop() { message_loop_->QuitNow(); } void MenuController::HandleMouseLocation(SubmenuView* source, const gfx::Point& mouse_location) { if (showing_submenu_) return; // Ignore mouse events if we're closing the menu. if (exit_type_ != EXIT_NONE) return; MenuPart part = GetMenuPart(source, mouse_location); UpdateScrolling(part); if (!blocking_run_) return; if (part.type == MenuPart::NONE && ShowSiblingMenu(source, mouse_location)) return; if (part.type == MenuPart::MENU_ITEM && part.menu) { SetSelection(part.menu, SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU); } else if (!part.is_scroll() && pending_state_.item && pending_state_.item->GetParentMenuItem() && (!pending_state_.item->HasSubmenu() || !pending_state_.item->GetSubmenu()->IsShowing())) { // On exit if the user hasn't selected an item with a submenu, move the // selection back to the parent menu item. SetSelection(pending_state_.item->GetParentMenuItem(), SELECTION_OPEN_SUBMENU); } } gfx::Screen* MenuController::GetScreen() { Widget* root = owner_ ? owner_->GetTopLevelWidget() : NULL; return root ? gfx::Screen::GetScreenFor(root->GetNativeView()) : gfx::Screen::GetNativeScreen(); } } // namespace views