// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_model_adapter.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "ui/base/models/menu_model.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/menu_item_view.h" #include "ui/views/controls/menu/submenu_view.h" namespace views { MenuModelAdapter::MenuModelAdapter(ui::MenuModel* menu_model) : MenuModelAdapter(menu_model, base::Closure() /*null callback*/) {} MenuModelAdapter::MenuModelAdapter(ui::MenuModel* menu_model, const base::Closure& on_menu_closed_callback) : menu_model_(menu_model), triggerable_event_flags_(ui::EF_LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON | ui::EF_RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON), on_menu_closed_callback_(on_menu_closed_callback) { DCHECK(menu_model); } MenuModelAdapter::~MenuModelAdapter() { } void MenuModelAdapter::BuildMenu(MenuItemView* menu) { DCHECK(menu); // Clear the menu. if (menu->HasSubmenu()) { const int subitem_count = menu->GetSubmenu()->child_count(); for (int i = 0; i < subitem_count; ++i) menu->RemoveMenuItemAt(0); } // Leave entries in the map if the menu is being shown. This // allows the map to find the menu model of submenus being closed // so ui::MenuModel::MenuClosed() can be called. if (!menu->GetMenuController()) menu_map_.clear(); menu_map_[menu] = menu_model_; // Repopulate the menu. BuildMenuImpl(menu, menu_model_); menu->ChildrenChanged(); } MenuItemView* MenuModelAdapter::CreateMenu() { MenuItemView* item = new MenuItemView(this); BuildMenu(item); return item; } // Static. MenuItemView* MenuModelAdapter::AddMenuItemFromModelAt(ui::MenuModel* model, int model_index, MenuItemView* menu, int menu_index, int item_id) { gfx::Image icon; model->GetIconAt(model_index, &icon); base::string16 label, sublabel, minor_text; ui::MenuSeparatorType separator_style = ui::NORMAL_SEPARATOR; MenuItemView::Type type; ui::MenuModel::ItemType menu_type = model->GetTypeAt(model_index); switch (menu_type) { case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_COMMAND: case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_BUTTON_ITEM: type = MenuItemView::NORMAL; label = model->GetLabelAt(model_index); sublabel = model->GetSublabelAt(model_index); minor_text = model->GetMinorTextAt(model_index); break; case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_CHECK: type = MenuItemView::CHECKBOX; label = model->GetLabelAt(model_index); sublabel = model->GetSublabelAt(model_index); minor_text = model->GetMinorTextAt(model_index); break; case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_RADIO: type = MenuItemView::RADIO; label = model->GetLabelAt(model_index); sublabel = model->GetSublabelAt(model_index); minor_text = model->GetMinorTextAt(model_index); break; case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SEPARATOR: icon = gfx::Image(); type = MenuItemView::SEPARATOR; separator_style = model->GetSeparatorTypeAt(model_index); break; case ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU: type = MenuItemView::SUBMENU; label = model->GetLabelAt(model_index); sublabel = model->GetSublabelAt(model_index); minor_text = model->GetMinorTextAt(model_index); break; default: NOTREACHED(); type = MenuItemView::NORMAL; break; } return menu->AddMenuItemAt( menu_index, item_id, label, sublabel, minor_text, icon.IsEmpty() ? gfx::ImageSkia() : *icon.ToImageSkia(), type, separator_style); } // Static. MenuItemView* MenuModelAdapter::AppendMenuItemFromModel(ui::MenuModel* model, int model_index, MenuItemView* menu, int item_id) { const int menu_index = menu->HasSubmenu() ? menu->GetSubmenu()->child_count() : 0; return AddMenuItemFromModelAt(model, model_index, menu, menu_index, item_id); } MenuItemView* MenuModelAdapter::AppendMenuItem(MenuItemView* menu, ui::MenuModel* model, int index) { return AppendMenuItemFromModel(model, index, menu, model->GetCommandIdAt(index)); } // MenuModelAdapter, MenuDelegate implementation: void MenuModelAdapter::ExecuteCommand(int id) { ui::MenuModel* model = menu_model_; int index = 0; if (ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(id, &model, &index)) { model->ActivatedAt(index); return; } NOTREACHED(); } void MenuModelAdapter::ExecuteCommand(int id, int mouse_event_flags) { ui::MenuModel* model = menu_model_; int index = 0; if (ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(id, &model, &index)) { model->ActivatedAt(index, mouse_event_flags); return; } NOTREACHED(); } bool MenuModelAdapter::IsTriggerableEvent(MenuItemView* source, const ui::Event& e) { return e.type() == ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP || e.type() == ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP_DOWN || (e.IsMouseEvent() && (triggerable_event_flags_ & e.flags()) != 0); } bool MenuModelAdapter::GetAccelerator(int id, ui::Accelerator* accelerator) const { ui::MenuModel* model = menu_model_; int index = 0; if (ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(id, &model, &index)) return model->GetAcceleratorAt(index, accelerator); NOTREACHED(); return false; } base::string16 MenuModelAdapter::GetLabel(int id) const { ui::MenuModel* model = menu_model_; int index = 0; if (ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(id, &model, &index)) return model->GetLabelAt(index); NOTREACHED(); return base::string16(); } const gfx::FontList* MenuModelAdapter::GetLabelFontList(int id) const { ui::MenuModel* model = menu_model_; int index = 0; if (ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(id, &model, &index)) { const gfx::FontList* font_list = model->GetLabelFontListAt(index); if (font_list) return font_list; } // This line may be reached for the empty menu item. return MenuDelegate::GetLabelFontList(id); } bool MenuModelAdapter::IsCommandEnabled(int id) const { ui::MenuModel* model = menu_model_; int index = 0; if (ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(id, &model, &index)) return model->IsEnabledAt(index); NOTREACHED(); return false; } bool MenuModelAdapter::IsCommandVisible(int id) const { ui::MenuModel* model = menu_model_; int index = 0; if (ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(id, &model, &index)) return model->IsVisibleAt(index); NOTREACHED(); return false; } bool MenuModelAdapter::IsItemChecked(int id) const { ui::MenuModel* model = menu_model_; int index = 0; if (ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(id, &model, &index)) return model->IsItemCheckedAt(index); NOTREACHED(); return false; } void MenuModelAdapter::SelectionChanged(MenuItemView* menu) { // Ignore selection of the root menu. if (menu == menu->GetRootMenuItem()) return; const int id = menu->GetCommand(); ui::MenuModel* model = menu_model_; int index = 0; if (ui::MenuModel::GetModelAndIndexForCommandId(id, &model, &index)) { model->HighlightChangedTo(index); return; } NOTREACHED(); } void MenuModelAdapter::WillShowMenu(MenuItemView* menu) { // Look up the menu model for this menu. const std::map::const_iterator map_iterator = menu_map_.find(menu); if (map_iterator != menu_map_.end()) { map_iterator->second->MenuWillShow(); return; } NOTREACHED(); } void MenuModelAdapter::WillHideMenu(MenuItemView* menu) { // Look up the menu model for this menu. const std::map::const_iterator map_iterator = menu_map_.find(menu); if (map_iterator != menu_map_.end()) { map_iterator->second->MenuClosed(); return; } NOTREACHED(); } void MenuModelAdapter::OnMenuClosed(MenuItemView* menu, MenuRunner::RunResult result) { if (!on_menu_closed_callback_.is_null()) on_menu_closed_callback_.Run(); } // MenuModelAdapter, private: void MenuModelAdapter::BuildMenuImpl(MenuItemView* menu, ui::MenuModel* model) { DCHECK(menu); DCHECK(model); bool has_icons = model->HasIcons(); const int item_count = model->GetItemCount(); for (int i = 0; i < item_count; ++i) { MenuItemView* item = AppendMenuItem(menu, model, i); if (model->GetTypeAt(i) == ui::MenuModel::TYPE_SUBMENU) { DCHECK(item); DCHECK_EQ(MenuItemView::SUBMENU, item->GetType()); ui::MenuModel* submodel = model->GetSubmenuModelAt(i); DCHECK(submodel); BuildMenuImpl(item, submodel); has_icons = has_icons || item->has_icons(); menu_map_[item] = submodel; } } menu->set_has_icons(has_icons); } } // namespace views