// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/views/controls/tree/tree_view.h" #include <algorithm> #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "grit/ui_resources.h" #include "ui/base/accessibility/accessible_view_state.h" #include "ui/base/events/event.h" #include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect_conversions.h" #include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h" #include "ui/native_theme/native_theme.h" #include "ui/views/controls/scroll_view.h" #include "ui/views/controls/textfield/textfield.h" #include "ui/views/controls/tree/tree_view_controller.h" #include "ui/views/controls/tree/tree_view_selector.h" #include "ui/views/ime/input_method.h" using ui::TreeModel; using ui::TreeModelNode; namespace views { // Insets around the view. static const int kHorizontalInset = 2; static const int kVerticalInset = 2; // Padding before/after the image. static const int kImagePadding = 4; // Size of the arrow region. static const int kArrowRegionSize = 12; // Padding around the text (on each side). static const int kTextVerticalPadding = 3; static const int kTextHorizontalPadding = 2; // How much children are indented from their parent. static const int kIndent = 20; namespace { // Returns the color id for the background of selected text. |has_focus| // indicates if the tree has focus. ui::NativeTheme::ColorId text_background_color_id(bool has_focus) { return has_focus ? ui::NativeTheme::kColorId_TreeSelectionBackgroundFocused : ui::NativeTheme::kColorId_TreeSelectionBackgroundUnfocused; } // Returns the color id for text. |has_focus| indicates if the tree has focus // and |is_selected| is true if the item is selected. ui::NativeTheme::ColorId text_color_id(bool has_focus, bool is_selected) { if (is_selected) { if (has_focus) return ui::NativeTheme::kColorId_TreeSelectedText; return ui::NativeTheme::kColorId_TreeSelectedTextUnfocused; } return ui::NativeTheme::kColorId_TreeText; } } // namespace TreeView::TreeView() : model_(NULL), selected_node_(NULL), editing_(false), editor_(NULL), focus_manager_(NULL), auto_expand_children_(false), editable_(true), controller_(NULL), root_shown_(true), has_custom_icons_(false), row_height_(font_.GetHeight() + kTextVerticalPadding * 2) { set_focusable(true); closed_icon_ = *ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetImageNamed( (base::i18n::IsRTL() ? IDR_FOLDER_CLOSED_RTL : IDR_FOLDER_CLOSED)).ToImageSkia(); open_icon_ = *ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetImageNamed( (base::i18n::IsRTL() ? IDR_FOLDER_OPEN_RTL : IDR_FOLDER_OPEN)).ToImageSkia(); text_offset_ = closed_icon_.width() + kImagePadding + kImagePadding + kArrowRegionSize; } TreeView::~TreeView() { if (model_) model_->RemoveObserver(this); if (focus_manager_) { focus_manager_->RemoveFocusChangeListener(this); focus_manager_ = NULL; } } View* TreeView::CreateParentIfNecessary() { ScrollView* scroll_view = ScrollView::CreateScrollViewWithBorder(); scroll_view->SetContents(this); return scroll_view; } void TreeView::SetModel(TreeModel* model) { if (model == model_) return; if (model_) model_->RemoveObserver(this); CancelEdit(); model_ = model; selected_node_ = NULL; icons_.clear(); if (model_) { model_->AddObserver(this); model_->GetIcons(&icons_); root_.RemoveAll(); ConfigureInternalNode(model_->GetRoot(), &root_); LoadChildren(&root_); root_.set_is_expanded(true); if (root_shown_) selected_node_ = &root_; else if (root_.child_count()) selected_node_ = root_.GetChild(0); } DrawnNodesChanged(); } void TreeView::SetEditable(bool editable) { if (editable == editable_) return; editable_ = editable; CancelEdit(); } void TreeView::StartEditing(TreeModelNode* node) { DCHECK(node); // Cancel the current edit. CancelEdit(); // Make sure all ancestors are expanded. if (model_->GetParent(node)) Expand(model_->GetParent(node)); // Select the node, else if the user commits the edit the selection reverts. SetSelectedNode(node); if (GetSelectedNode() != node) return; // Selection failed for some reason, don't start editing. DCHECK(!editing_); editing_ = true; if (!editor_) { editor_ = new Textfield; // Add the editor immediately as GetPreferredSize returns the wrong thing if // not parented. AddChildView(editor_); editor_->SetFont(font_); empty_editor_size_ = editor_->GetPreferredSize(); editor_->SetController(this); } editor_->SetText(selected_node_->model_node()->GetTitle()); LayoutEditor(); editor_->SetVisible(true); SchedulePaintForNode(selected_node_); editor_->RequestFocus(); editor_->SelectAll(false); // Listen for focus changes so that we can cancel editing. focus_manager_ = GetFocusManager(); if (focus_manager_) focus_manager_->AddFocusChangeListener(this); // Accelerators to commit/cancel edit. AddAccelerator(ui::Accelerator(ui::VKEY_RETURN, ui::EF_NONE)); AddAccelerator(ui::Accelerator(ui::VKEY_ESCAPE, ui::EF_NONE)); } void TreeView::CancelEdit() { if (!editing_) return; // WARNING: don't touch |selected_node_|, it may be bogus. editing_ = false; if (focus_manager_) { focus_manager_->RemoveFocusChangeListener(this); focus_manager_ = NULL; } editor_->SetVisible(false); SchedulePaint(); RemoveAccelerator(ui::Accelerator(ui::VKEY_RETURN, ui::EF_NONE)); RemoveAccelerator(ui::Accelerator(ui::VKEY_ESCAPE, ui::EF_NONE)); } void TreeView::CommitEdit() { if (!editing_) return; DCHECK(selected_node_); const bool editor_has_focus = editor_->HasFocus(); model_->SetTitle(GetSelectedNode(), editor_->text()); CancelEdit(); if (editor_has_focus) RequestFocus(); } TreeModelNode* TreeView::GetEditingNode() { return editing_ ? selected_node_->model_node() : NULL; } void TreeView::SetSelectedNode(TreeModelNode* model_node) { if (editing_ || model_node != selected_node_) CancelEdit(); if (model_node && model_->GetParent(model_node)) Expand(model_->GetParent(model_node)); if (model_node && model_node == root_.model_node() && !root_shown_) return; // Ignore requests to select the root when not shown. InternalNode* node = model_node ? GetInternalNodeForModelNode( model_node, CREATE_IF_NOT_LOADED) : NULL; bool was_empty_selection = (selected_node_ == NULL); bool changed = (selected_node_ != node); if (changed) { SchedulePaintForNode(selected_node_); selected_node_ = node; if (selected_node_ == &root_ && !root_shown_) selected_node_ = NULL; if (selected_node_ && selected_node_ != &root_) Expand(model_->GetParent(selected_node_->model_node())); SchedulePaintForNode(selected_node_); } if (selected_node_) ScrollRectToVisible(GetBoundsForNode(selected_node_)); // Notify controller if the old selection was empty to handle the case of // remove explicitly resetting selected_node_ before invoking this. if (controller_ && (changed || was_empty_selection)) controller_->OnTreeViewSelectionChanged(this); } TreeModelNode* TreeView::GetSelectedNode() { return selected_node_ ? selected_node_->model_node() : NULL; } void TreeView::Collapse(ui::TreeModelNode* model_node) { // Don't collapse the root if the root isn't shown, otherwise nothing is // displayed. if (model_node == root_.model_node() && !root_shown_) return; InternalNode* node = GetInternalNodeForModelNode(model_node, DONT_CREATE_IF_NOT_LOADED); if (!node) return; bool was_expanded = IsExpanded(model_node); if (node->is_expanded()) { if (selected_node_ && selected_node_->HasAncestor(node)) SetSelectedNode(model_node); node->set_is_expanded(false); } if (was_expanded) DrawnNodesChanged(); } void TreeView::Expand(TreeModelNode* node) { if (ExpandImpl(node)) DrawnNodesChanged(); // TODO: need to support auto_expand_children_. } void TreeView::ExpandAll(TreeModelNode* node) { DCHECK(node); // Expand the node. bool expanded_at_least_one = ExpandImpl(node); // And recursively expand all the children. for (int i = model_->GetChildCount(node) - 1; i >= 0; --i) { TreeModelNode* child = model_->GetChild(node, i); if (ExpandImpl(child)) expanded_at_least_one = true; } if (expanded_at_least_one) DrawnNodesChanged(); } bool TreeView::IsExpanded(TreeModelNode* model_node) { if (!model_node) { // NULL check primarily for convenience for uses in this class so don't have // to add NULL checks every where we look up the parent. return true; } InternalNode* node = GetInternalNodeForModelNode( model_node, DONT_CREATE_IF_NOT_LOADED); if (!node) return false; while (node) { if (!node->is_expanded()) return false; node = node->parent(); } return true; } void TreeView::SetRootShown(bool root_shown) { if (root_shown_ == root_shown) return; root_shown_ = root_shown; if (!root_shown_ && selected_node_ == &root_) { if (model_->GetChildCount(root_.model_node())) SetSelectedNode(model_->GetChild(root_.model_node(), 0)); else SetSelectedNode(NULL); } DrawnNodesChanged(); } int TreeView::GetRowCount() { int row_count = root_.NumExpandedNodes(); if (!root_shown_) row_count--; return row_count; } ui::TreeModelNode* TreeView::GetNodeForRow(int row) { int depth = 0; InternalNode* node = GetNodeByRow(row, &depth); return node ? node->model_node() : NULL; } int TreeView::GetRowForNode(ui::TreeModelNode* node) { InternalNode* internal_node = GetInternalNodeForModelNode(node, DONT_CREATE_IF_NOT_LOADED); if (!internal_node) return -1; int depth = 0; return GetRowForInternalNode(internal_node, &depth); } void TreeView::Layout() { int width = preferred_size_.width(); int height = preferred_size_.height(); if (parent()) { width = std::max(parent()->width(), width); height = std::max(parent()->height(), height); } SetBounds(x(), y(), width, height); LayoutEditor(); } gfx::Size TreeView::GetPreferredSize() { return preferred_size_; } bool TreeView::AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) { if (accelerator.key_code() == ui::VKEY_RETURN) { CommitEdit(); } else { DCHECK_EQ(ui::VKEY_ESCAPE, accelerator.key_code()); CancelEdit(); RequestFocus(); } return true; } bool TreeView::OnMousePressed(const ui::MouseEvent& event) { return OnClickOrTap(event); } ui::TextInputClient* TreeView::GetTextInputClient() { if (!selector_) selector_.reset(new TreeViewSelector(this)); return selector_.get(); } void TreeView::OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) { if (event->type() == ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP) { if (OnClickOrTap(*event)) event->SetHandled(); } } void TreeView::ShowContextMenu(const gfx::Point& p, ui::MenuSourceType source_type) { if (!model_) return; if (source_type == ui::MENU_SOURCE_MOUSE) { // Only invoke View's implementation (which notifies the // ContextMenuController) if over a node. gfx::Point local_point(p); ConvertPointToTarget(NULL, this, &local_point); int row = (local_point.y() - kVerticalInset) / row_height_; int depth = 0; InternalNode* node = GetNodeByRow(row, &depth); if (!node) return; gfx::Rect bounds(GetBoundsForNodeImpl(node, row, depth)); if (!bounds.Contains(local_point)) return; } View::ShowContextMenu(p, source_type); } void TreeView::GetAccessibleState(ui::AccessibleViewState* state) { state->role = ui::AccessibilityTypes::ROLE_OUTLINE; state->state = ui::AccessibilityTypes::STATE_READONLY; } void TreeView::TreeNodesAdded(TreeModel* model, TreeModelNode* parent, int start, int count) { InternalNode* parent_node = GetInternalNodeForModelNode(parent, DONT_CREATE_IF_NOT_LOADED); if (!parent_node || !parent_node->loaded_children()) return; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { InternalNode* child = new InternalNode; ConfigureInternalNode(model_->GetChild(parent, start + i), child); parent_node->Add(child, start + i); } if (IsExpanded(parent)) DrawnNodesChanged(); } void TreeView::TreeNodesRemoved(TreeModel* model, TreeModelNode* parent, int start, int count) { InternalNode* parent_node = GetInternalNodeForModelNode(parent, DONT_CREATE_IF_NOT_LOADED); if (!parent_node || !parent_node->loaded_children()) return; bool reset_selection = false; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { InternalNode* child_removing = parent_node->GetChild(start); if (selected_node_ && selected_node_->HasAncestor(child_removing)) reset_selection = true; delete parent_node->Remove(child_removing); } if (reset_selection) { // selected_node_ is no longer valid (at the time we enter this function // its model_node() is likely deleted). Explicitly NULL out the field // rather than invoking SetSelectedNode() otherwise, we'll try and use a // deleted value. selected_node_ = NULL; TreeModelNode* to_select = parent; if (parent == root_.model_node() && !root_shown_) { to_select = model_->GetChildCount(parent) > 0 ? model_->GetChild(parent, 0) : NULL; } SetSelectedNode(to_select); } if (IsExpanded(parent)) DrawnNodesChanged(); } void TreeView::TreeNodeChanged(TreeModel* model, TreeModelNode* model_node) { InternalNode* node = GetInternalNodeForModelNode(model_node, DONT_CREATE_IF_NOT_LOADED); if (!node) return; int old_width = node->text_width(); UpdateNodeTextWidth(node); if (old_width != node->text_width() && ((node == &root_ && root_shown_) || (node != &root_ && IsExpanded(node->parent()->model_node())))) { DrawnNodesChanged(); } } void TreeView::ContentsChanged(Textfield* sender, const string16& new_contents) { } bool TreeView::HandleKeyEvent(Textfield* sender, const ui::KeyEvent& key_event) { switch (key_event.key_code()) { case ui::VKEY_RETURN: CommitEdit(); return true; case ui::VKEY_ESCAPE: CancelEdit(); RequestFocus(); return true; default: return false; } } void TreeView::OnWillChangeFocus(View* focused_before, View* focused_now) { } void TreeView::OnDidChangeFocus(View* focused_before, View* focused_now) { CommitEdit(); } gfx::Point TreeView::GetKeyboardContextMenuLocation() { int y = height() / 2; if (selected_node_) { gfx::Rect node_bounds(GetBoundsForNode(selected_node_)); gfx::Rect vis_bounds(GetVisibleBounds()); if (node_bounds.y() >= vis_bounds.y() && node_bounds.y() < vis_bounds.bottom()) { y = node_bounds.y(); } } gfx::Point screen_loc(0, y); if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) screen_loc.set_x(width()); ConvertPointToScreen(this, &screen_loc); return screen_loc; } bool TreeView::OnKeyPressed(const ui::KeyEvent& event) { if (!HasFocus()) return false; switch (event.key_code()) { case ui::VKEY_F2: if (!editing_) { TreeModelNode* selected_node = GetSelectedNode(); if (selected_node && (!controller_ || controller_->CanEdit(this, selected_node))) { StartEditing(selected_node); } } return true; case ui::VKEY_UP: case ui::VKEY_DOWN: IncrementSelection(event.key_code() == ui::VKEY_UP ? INCREMENT_PREVIOUS : INCREMENT_NEXT); return true; case ui::VKEY_LEFT: if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) ExpandOrSelectChild(); else CollapseOrSelectParent(); return true; case ui::VKEY_RIGHT: if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) CollapseOrSelectParent(); else ExpandOrSelectChild(); return true; default: break; } return false; } void TreeView::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { // Don't invoke View::OnPaint so that we can render our own focus border. canvas->DrawColor(GetNativeTheme()->GetSystemColor( ui::NativeTheme::kColorId_TreeBackground)); int min_y, max_y; { SkRect sk_clip_rect; if (canvas->sk_canvas()->getClipBounds(&sk_clip_rect)) { // Pixels partially inside the clip rect should be included. gfx::Rect clip_rect = gfx::ToEnclosingRect( gfx::SkRectToRectF(sk_clip_rect)); min_y = clip_rect.y(); max_y = clip_rect.bottom(); } else { gfx::Rect vis_bounds = GetVisibleBounds(); min_y = vis_bounds.y(); max_y = vis_bounds.bottom(); } } int min_row = std::max(0, (min_y - kVerticalInset) / row_height_); int max_row = (max_y - kVerticalInset) / row_height_; if ((max_y - kVerticalInset) % row_height_ != 0) max_row++; int current_row = root_row(); PaintRows(canvas, min_row, max_row, &root_, root_depth(), ¤t_row); } void TreeView::OnFocus() { View::OnFocus(); SchedulePaintForNode(selected_node_); // Notify the InputMethod so that it knows to query the TextInputClient. if (GetInputMethod()) GetInputMethod()->OnCaretBoundsChanged(this); } void TreeView::OnBlur() { SchedulePaintForNode(selected_node_); if (selector_) selector_->OnTreeViewBlur(); } bool TreeView::OnClickOrTap(const ui::LocatedEvent& event) { CommitEdit(); RequestFocus(); int row = (event.y() - kVerticalInset) / row_height_; int depth = 0; InternalNode* node = GetNodeByRow(row, &depth); if (node) { gfx::Rect bounds(GetBoundsForNodeImpl(node, row, depth)); if (bounds.Contains(event.location())) { int relative_x = event.x() - bounds.x(); if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) relative_x = bounds.width() - relative_x; if (relative_x < kArrowRegionSize && model_->GetChildCount(node->model_node())) { if (node->is_expanded()) Collapse(node->model_node()); else Expand(node->model_node()); } else if (relative_x > kArrowRegionSize) { SetSelectedNode(node->model_node()); bool should_toggle = false; if (event.type() == ui::ET_GESTURE_TAP) { const ui::GestureEvent& gesture = static_cast<const ui::GestureEvent&>(event); should_toggle = gesture.details().tap_count() == 2; } else { should_toggle = (event.flags() & ui::EF_IS_DOUBLE_CLICK) != 0; } if (should_toggle) { if (node->is_expanded()) Collapse(node->model_node()); else Expand(node->model_node()); } } } } return true; } void TreeView::LoadChildren(InternalNode* node) { DCHECK_EQ(0, node->child_count()); DCHECK(!node->loaded_children()); node->set_loaded_children(true); for (int i = 0, child_count = model_->GetChildCount(node->model_node()); i < child_count; ++i) { InternalNode* child = new InternalNode; ConfigureInternalNode(model_->GetChild(node->model_node(), i), child); node->Add(child, node->child_count()); } } void TreeView::ConfigureInternalNode(TreeModelNode* model_node, InternalNode* node) { node->Reset(model_node); UpdateNodeTextWidth(node); } void TreeView::UpdateNodeTextWidth(InternalNode* node) { int width = 0, height = 0; gfx::Canvas::SizeStringInt(node->model_node()->GetTitle(), font_, &width, &height, 0, gfx::Canvas::NO_ELLIPSIS); node->set_text_width(width); } void TreeView::DrawnNodesChanged() { UpdatePreferredSize(); PreferredSizeChanged(); SchedulePaint(); } void TreeView::UpdatePreferredSize() { preferred_size_ = gfx::Size(); if (!model_) return; preferred_size_.SetSize( root_.GetMaxWidth(text_offset_, root_shown_ ? 1 : 0) + kTextHorizontalPadding * 2, row_height_ * GetRowCount() + kVerticalInset * 2); } void TreeView::LayoutEditor() { if (!editing_) return; DCHECK(selected_node_); // Position the editor so that its text aligns with the text we drew. gfx::Rect row_bounds = GetBoundsForNode(selected_node_); row_bounds.set_x( GetMirroredXWithWidthInView(row_bounds.x(), row_bounds.width())); row_bounds.set_x(row_bounds.x() + text_offset_); row_bounds.set_width(row_bounds.width() - text_offset_); row_bounds.Inset(kTextHorizontalPadding, kTextVerticalPadding); row_bounds.Inset(-empty_editor_size_.width() / 2, -(empty_editor_size_.height() - font_.GetHeight()) / 2); // Give a little extra space for editing. row_bounds.set_width(row_bounds.width() + 50); editor_->SetBoundsRect(row_bounds); editor_->Layout(); } void TreeView::SchedulePaintForNode(InternalNode* node) { if (!node) return; // Explicitly allow NULL to be passed in. SchedulePaintInRect(GetBoundsForNode(node)); } void TreeView::PaintRows(gfx::Canvas* canvas, int min_row, int max_row, InternalNode* node, int depth, int* row) { if (*row >= max_row) return; if (*row >= min_row && *row < max_row) PaintRow(canvas, node, *row, depth); (*row)++; if (!node->is_expanded()) return; depth++; for (int i = 0; i < node->child_count() && *row < max_row; ++i) PaintRows(canvas, min_row, max_row, node->GetChild(i), depth, row); } void TreeView::PaintRow(gfx::Canvas* canvas, InternalNode* node, int row, int depth) { gfx::Rect bounds(GetBoundsForNodeImpl(node, row, depth)); if (model_->GetChildCount(node->model_node())) PaintExpandControl(canvas, bounds, node->is_expanded()); // Paint the icon. gfx::ImageSkia icon; int icon_index = model_->GetIconIndex(node->model_node()); if (icon_index != -1) icon = icons_[icon_index]; else if (node == selected_node_) icon = open_icon_; else icon = closed_icon_; int icon_x = kArrowRegionSize + kImagePadding + (open_icon_.width() - icon.width()) / 2; if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) icon_x = bounds.right() - icon_x - open_icon_.width(); else icon_x += bounds.x(); canvas->DrawImageInt( icon, icon_x, bounds.y() + (bounds.height() - icon.height()) / 2); if (!editing_ || node != selected_node_) { gfx::Rect text_bounds(bounds.x() + text_offset_, bounds.y(), bounds.width() - text_offset_, bounds.height()); if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) text_bounds.set_x(bounds.x()); if (node == selected_node_) { const SkColor bg_color = GetNativeTheme()->GetSystemColor( text_background_color_id(HasFocus())); canvas->FillRect(text_bounds, bg_color); if (HasFocus()) canvas->DrawFocusRect(text_bounds); } const ui::NativeTheme::ColorId color_id = text_color_id(HasFocus(), node == selected_node_); canvas->DrawStringInt(node->model_node()->GetTitle(), font_, GetNativeTheme()->GetSystemColor(color_id), text_bounds.x() + kTextHorizontalPadding, text_bounds.y() + kTextVerticalPadding, text_bounds.width() - kTextHorizontalPadding * 2, text_bounds.height() - kTextVerticalPadding * 2); } } void TreeView::PaintExpandControl(gfx::Canvas* canvas, const gfx::Rect& node_bounds, bool expanded) { int center_x; if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) { center_x = node_bounds.right() - kArrowRegionSize + (kArrowRegionSize - 4) / 2; } else { center_x = node_bounds.x() + (kArrowRegionSize - 4) / 2; } int center_y = node_bounds.y() + node_bounds.height() / 2; const SkColor arrow_color = GetNativeTheme()->GetSystemColor( ui::NativeTheme::kColorId_TreeArrow); // TODO: this should come from an image. if (!expanded) { int delta = base::i18n::IsRTL() ? 1 : -1; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { canvas->FillRect(gfx::Rect(center_x + delta * (2 - i), center_y - (3 - i), 1, (3 - i) * 2 + 1), arrow_color); } } else { center_y -= 2; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { canvas->FillRect(gfx::Rect(center_x - (3 - i), center_y + i, (3 - i) * 2 + 1, 1), arrow_color); } } } TreeView::InternalNode* TreeView::GetInternalNodeForModelNode( ui::TreeModelNode* model_node, GetInternalNodeCreateType create_type) { if (model_node == root_.model_node()) return &root_; InternalNode* parent_internal_node = GetInternalNodeForModelNode(model_->GetParent(model_node), create_type); if (!parent_internal_node) return NULL; if (!parent_internal_node->loaded_children()) { if (create_type == DONT_CREATE_IF_NOT_LOADED) return NULL; LoadChildren(parent_internal_node); } return parent_internal_node->GetChild( model_->GetIndexOf(parent_internal_node->model_node(), model_node)); } gfx::Rect TreeView::GetBoundsForNode(InternalNode* node) { int row, depth; row = GetRowForInternalNode(node, &depth); return GetBoundsForNodeImpl(node, row, depth); } gfx::Rect TreeView::GetBoundsForNodeImpl(InternalNode* node, int row, int depth) { gfx::Rect rect(depth * kIndent + kHorizontalInset, row * row_height_ + kVerticalInset, text_offset_ + node->text_width() + kTextHorizontalPadding * 2, row_height_); rect.set_x(GetMirroredXWithWidthInView(rect.x(), rect.width())); return rect; } int TreeView::GetRowForInternalNode(InternalNode* node, int* depth) { DCHECK(!node->parent() || IsExpanded(node->parent()->model_node())); *depth = -1; int row = -1; InternalNode* tmp_node = node; while (tmp_node->parent()) { int index_in_parent = tmp_node->parent()->GetIndexOf(tmp_node); (*depth)++; row++; // For node. for (int i = 0; i < index_in_parent; ++i) row += tmp_node->parent()->GetChild(i)->NumExpandedNodes(); tmp_node = tmp_node->parent(); } if (root_shown_) { (*depth)++; row++; } return row; } TreeView::InternalNode* TreeView::GetNodeByRow(int row, int* depth) { int current_row = root_row(); *depth = 0; return GetNodeByRowImpl(&root_, row, root_depth(), ¤t_row, depth); } TreeView::InternalNode* TreeView::GetNodeByRowImpl(InternalNode* node, int target_row, int current_depth, int* current_row, int* node_depth) { if (*current_row == target_row) { *node_depth = current_depth; return node; } (*current_row)++; if (node->is_expanded()) { current_depth++; for (int i = 0; i < node->child_count(); ++i) { InternalNode* result = GetNodeByRowImpl( node->GetChild(i), target_row, current_depth, current_row, node_depth); if (result) return result; } } return NULL; } void TreeView::IncrementSelection(IncrementType type) { if (!model_) return; if (!GetSelectedNode()) { // If nothing is selected select the first or last node. if (!root_.child_count()) return; if (type == INCREMENT_PREVIOUS) { int row_count = GetRowCount(); int depth = 0; DCHECK(row_count); InternalNode* node = GetNodeByRow(row_count - 1, &depth); SetSelectedNode(node->model_node()); } else if (root_shown_) { SetSelectedNode(root_.model_node()); } else { SetSelectedNode(root_.GetChild(0)->model_node()); } return; } int depth = 0; int delta = type == INCREMENT_PREVIOUS ? -1 : 1; int row = GetRowForInternalNode(selected_node_, &depth); int new_row = std::min(GetRowCount() - 1, std::max(0, row + delta)); if (new_row == row) return; // At the end/beginning. SetSelectedNode(GetNodeByRow(new_row, &depth)->model_node()); } void TreeView::CollapseOrSelectParent() { if (selected_node_) { if (selected_node_->is_expanded()) Collapse(selected_node_->model_node()); else if (selected_node_->parent()) SetSelectedNode(selected_node_->parent()->model_node()); } } void TreeView::ExpandOrSelectChild() { if (selected_node_) { if (!selected_node_->is_expanded()) Expand(selected_node_->model_node()); else if (selected_node_->child_count()) SetSelectedNode(selected_node_->GetChild(0)->model_node()); } } bool TreeView::ExpandImpl(TreeModelNode* model_node) { TreeModelNode* parent = model_->GetParent(model_node); if (!parent) { // Node should be the root. DCHECK_EQ(root_.model_node(), model_node); bool was_expanded = root_.is_expanded(); root_.set_is_expanded(true); return !was_expanded; } // Expand all the parents. bool return_value = ExpandImpl(parent); InternalNode* internal_node = GetInternalNodeForModelNode(model_node, CREATE_IF_NOT_LOADED); DCHECK(internal_node); if (!internal_node->is_expanded()) { if (!internal_node->loaded_children()) LoadChildren(internal_node); internal_node->set_is_expanded(true); return_value = true; } return return_value; } // InternalNode ---------------------------------------------------------------- TreeView::InternalNode::InternalNode() : model_node_(NULL), loaded_children_(false), is_expanded_(false), text_width_(0) { } TreeView::InternalNode::~InternalNode() { } void TreeView::InternalNode::Reset(ui::TreeModelNode* node) { model_node_ = node; loaded_children_ = false; is_expanded_ = false; text_width_ = 0; } int TreeView::InternalNode::NumExpandedNodes() { int result = 1; // For this. if (!is_expanded_) return result; for (int i = 0; i < child_count(); ++i) result += GetChild(i)->NumExpandedNodes(); return result; } int TreeView::InternalNode::GetMaxWidth(int indent, int depth) { int max_width = text_width_ + indent * depth; if (!is_expanded_) return max_width; for (int i = 0; i < child_count(); ++i) { max_width = std::max(max_width, GetChild(i)->GetMaxWidth(indent, depth + 1)); } return max_width; } } // namespace views