// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/views/ime/input_method_ibus.h" #include #if defined(TOUCH_UI) #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/i18n/char_iterator.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/third_party/icu/icu_utf.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_codes.h" #include "ui/gfx/point.h" #include "ui/gfx/rect.h" #include "ui/views/events/event.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #if defined(USE_AURA) #include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_code_conversion_x.h" #elif defined(TOOLKIT_USES_GTK) #include "ui/base/keycodes/keyboard_code_conversion_gtk.h" #endif namespace { // A global flag to switch the InputMethod implementation to InputMethodIBus bool inputmethod_ibus_enabled = false; // Converts ibus key state flags to event flags. int EventFlagsFromIBusState(guint32 state) { return (state & IBUS_LOCK_MASK ? ui::EF_CAPS_LOCK_DOWN : 0) | (state & IBUS_CONTROL_MASK ? ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN : 0) | (state & IBUS_SHIFT_MASK ? ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN : 0) | (state & IBUS_MOD1_MASK ? ui::EF_ALT_DOWN : 0) | (state & IBUS_BUTTON1_MASK ? ui::EF_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN : 0) | (state & IBUS_BUTTON2_MASK ? ui::EF_MIDDLE_BUTTON_DOWN : 0) | (state & IBUS_BUTTON3_MASK ? ui::EF_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN : 0); } // Converts event flags to ibus key state flags. guint32 IBusStateFromEventFlags(int flags) { return (flags & ui::EF_CAPS_LOCK_DOWN ? IBUS_LOCK_MASK : 0) | (flags & ui::EF_CONTROL_DOWN ? IBUS_CONTROL_MASK : 0) | (flags & ui::EF_SHIFT_DOWN ? IBUS_SHIFT_MASK : 0) | (flags & ui::EF_ALT_DOWN ? IBUS_MOD1_MASK : 0) | (flags & ui::EF_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN ? IBUS_BUTTON1_MASK : 0) | (flags & ui::EF_MIDDLE_BUTTON_DOWN ? IBUS_BUTTON2_MASK : 0) | (flags & ui::EF_RIGHT_BUTTON_DOWN ? IBUS_BUTTON3_MASK : 0); } void IBusKeyEventFromViewsKeyEvent(const views::KeyEvent& key, guint32* ibus_keyval, guint32* ibus_keycode, guint32* ibus_state) { #if defined(USE_AURA) // TODO(yusukes): Handle native_event()? *ibus_keyval = ui::XKeysymForWindowsKeyCode( key.key_code(), key.IsShiftDown() ^ key.IsCapsLockDown()); *ibus_keycode = 0; #elif defined(TOUCH_UI) if (key.native_event()) { XKeyEvent* x_key = reinterpret_cast(key.native_event()); // Yes, ibus uses X11 keysym. We cannot use XLookupKeysym(), which doesn't // translate Shift and CapsLock states. KeySym keysym = NoSymbol; ::XLookupString(x_key, NULL, 0, &keysym, NULL); *ibus_keyval = keysym; *ibus_keycode = x_key->keycode; } else { *ibus_keyval = ui::XKeysymForWindowsKeyCode( key.key_code(), key.IsShiftDown() ^ key.IsCapsLockDown()); *ibus_keycode = 0; } #elif defined(TOOLKIT_USES_GTK) if (key.gdk_event()) { GdkEventKey* gdk_key = reinterpret_cast(key.gdk_event()); *ibus_keyval = gdk_key->keyval; *ibus_keycode = gdk_key->hardware_keycode; } else { *ibus_keyval = ui::GdkKeyCodeForWindowsKeyCode( key.key_code(), key.IsShiftDown() ^ key.IsCapsLockDown()); *ibus_keycode = 0; } #endif *ibus_state = IBusStateFromEventFlags(key.flags()); if (key.type() == ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED) *ibus_state |= IBUS_RELEASE_MASK; } void ExtractCompositionTextFromIBusPreedit(IBusText* text, guint cursor_position, ui::CompositionText* composition) { composition->Clear(); composition->text = UTF8ToUTF16(text->text); if (composition->text.empty()) return; // ibus uses character index for cursor position and attribute range, but we // use char16 offset for them. So we need to do conversion here. std::vector char16_offsets; size_t length = composition->text.length(); base::i18n::UTF16CharIterator char_iterator(&composition->text); do { char16_offsets.push_back(char_iterator.array_pos()); } while (char_iterator.Advance()); // The text length in Unicode characters. guint char_length = static_cast(char16_offsets.size()); // Make sure we can convert the value of |char_length| as well. char16_offsets.push_back(length); size_t cursor_offset = char16_offsets[std::min(char_length, cursor_position)]; composition->selection = ui::Range(cursor_offset); if (text->attrs) { guint i = 0; while (true) { IBusAttribute* attr = ibus_attr_list_get(text->attrs, i++); if (!attr) break; if (attr->type != IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_UNDERLINE && attr->type != IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_BACKGROUND) { continue; } guint start = std::min(char_length, attr->start_index); guint end = std::min(char_length, attr->end_index); if (start >= end) continue; ui::CompositionUnderline underline( char16_offsets[start], char16_offsets[end], SK_ColorBLACK, false /* thick */); if (attr->type == IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_BACKGROUND) { underline.thick = true; // If the cursor is at start or end of this underline, then we treat // it as the selection range as well, but make sure to set the cursor // position to the selection end. if (underline.start_offset == cursor_offset) { composition->selection.set_start(underline.end_offset); composition->selection.set_end(cursor_offset); } else if (underline.end_offset == cursor_offset) { composition->selection.set_start(underline.start_offset); composition->selection.set_end(cursor_offset); } } else if (attr->type == IBUS_ATTR_TYPE_UNDERLINE) { if (attr->value == IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE) underline.thick = true; else if (attr->value == IBUS_ATTR_UNDERLINE_ERROR) underline.color = SK_ColorRED; } composition->underlines.push_back(underline); } } // Use a black thin underline by default. if (composition->underlines.empty()) { composition->underlines.push_back(ui::CompositionUnderline( 0, length, SK_ColorBLACK, false /* thick */)); } } // A switch to enable InputMethodIBus const char kEnableInputMethodIBusSwitch[] = "enable-inputmethod-ibus"; } // namespace namespace views { // InputMethodIBus::PendingKeyEvent implementation ---------------------------- class InputMethodIBus::PendingKeyEvent { public: PendingKeyEvent(InputMethodIBus* input_method, const KeyEvent& key, guint32 ibus_keyval); ~PendingKeyEvent(); // Abandon this pending key event. Its result will just be discarded. void abandon() { input_method_ = NULL; } InputMethodIBus* input_method() const { return input_method_; } // Process this pending key event after we receive its result from the input // method. It just call through InputMethodIBus::ProcessKeyEventPostIME(). void ProcessPostIME(bool handled); private: InputMethodIBus* input_method_; // Complete information of a views::KeyEvent. Sadly, views::KeyEvent doesn't // support copy. ui::EventType type_; int flags_; ui::KeyboardCode key_code_; uint16 character_; uint16 unmodified_character_; guint32 ibus_keyval_; #if defined(TOUCH_UI) // corresponding XEvent data of a views::KeyEvent. It's a plain struct so we // can do bitwise copy. XKeyEvent x_event_; #endif DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PendingKeyEvent); }; InputMethodIBus::PendingKeyEvent::PendingKeyEvent(InputMethodIBus* input_method, const KeyEvent& key, guint32 ibus_keyval) : input_method_(input_method), type_(key.type()), flags_(key.flags()), key_code_(key.key_code()), character_(key.GetCharacter()), unmodified_character_(key.GetUnmodifiedCharacter()), ibus_keyval_(ibus_keyval) { DCHECK(input_method_); #if defined(TOUCH_UI) if (key.native_event()) x_event_ = *reinterpret_cast(key.native_event()); else memset(&x_event_, 0, sizeof(x_event_)); #endif } InputMethodIBus::PendingKeyEvent::~PendingKeyEvent() { if (input_method_) input_method_->FinishPendingKeyEvent(this); } void InputMethodIBus::PendingKeyEvent::ProcessPostIME(bool handled) { if (!input_method_) return; #if defined(TOUCH_UI) if (x_event_.type == KeyPress || x_event_.type == KeyRelease) { KeyEvent key(reinterpret_cast(&x_event_)); input_method_->ProcessKeyEventPostIME(key, ibus_keyval_, handled); return; } #endif KeyEvent key(type_, key_code_, flags_); if (key_code_ == ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN) { key.set_character(character_); key.set_unmodified_character(unmodified_character_); } input_method_->ProcessKeyEventPostIME(key, ibus_keyval_, handled); } // InputMethodIBus::PendingCreateICRequest implementation --------------------- class InputMethodIBus::PendingCreateICRequest { public: PendingCreateICRequest(InputMethodIBus* input_method, PendingCreateICRequest** request_ptr); ~PendingCreateICRequest(); // Abandon this pending key event. Its result will just be discarded. void abandon() { input_method_ = NULL; request_ptr_ = NULL; } // Stores the result input context to |input_method_|, or abandon it if // |input_method_| is NULL. void StoreOrAbandonInputContext(IBusInputContext* ic); private: InputMethodIBus* input_method_; PendingCreateICRequest** request_ptr_; }; InputMethodIBus::PendingCreateICRequest::PendingCreateICRequest( InputMethodIBus* input_method, PendingCreateICRequest** request_ptr) : input_method_(input_method), request_ptr_(request_ptr) { } InputMethodIBus::PendingCreateICRequest::~PendingCreateICRequest() { if (request_ptr_) { DCHECK_EQ(*request_ptr_, this); *request_ptr_ = NULL; } } void InputMethodIBus::PendingCreateICRequest::StoreOrAbandonInputContext( IBusInputContext* ic) { if (input_method_) { input_method_->SetContext(ic); } else { // ibus_proxy_destroy() will not really release the object, we still need // to call g_object_unref() explicitly. ibus_proxy_destroy(reinterpret_cast(ic)); g_object_unref(ic); } } // InputMethodIBus implementation --------------------------------------------- InputMethodIBus::InputMethodIBus(internal::InputMethodDelegate* delegate) : context_(NULL), pending_create_ic_request_(NULL), context_focused_(false), composing_text_(false), composition_changed_(false), suppress_next_result_(false) { set_delegate(delegate); } InputMethodIBus::~InputMethodIBus() { AbandonAllPendingKeyEvents(); DestroyContext(); // Disconnect bus signals g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func( GetIBus(), reinterpret_cast(OnIBusConnectedThunk), this); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func( GetIBus(), reinterpret_cast(OnIBusDisconnectedThunk), this); } void InputMethodIBus::OnFocus() { DCHECK(!widget_focused()); InputMethodBase::OnFocus(); UpdateContextFocusState(); } void InputMethodIBus::OnBlur() { DCHECK(widget_focused()); ConfirmCompositionText(); InputMethodBase::OnBlur(); UpdateContextFocusState(); } void InputMethodIBus::Init(Widget* widget) { // Initializes the connection to ibus daemon. It may happen asynchronously, // and as soon as the connection is established, the |context_| will be // created automatically. IBusBus* bus = GetIBus(); // connect bus signals g_signal_connect(bus, "connected", G_CALLBACK(OnIBusConnectedThunk), this); g_signal_connect(bus, "disconnected", G_CALLBACK(OnIBusDisconnectedThunk), this); // Creates the |context_| if the connection is already established. In such // case, we will not get "connected" signal. if (ibus_bus_is_connected(bus)) CreateContext(); InputMethodBase::Init(widget); } void InputMethodIBus::DispatchKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& key) { DCHECK(key.type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED || key.type() == ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED); DCHECK(widget_focused()); guint32 ibus_keyval = 0; guint32 ibus_keycode = 0; guint32 ibus_state = 0; IBusKeyEventFromViewsKeyEvent(key, &ibus_keyval, &ibus_keycode, &ibus_state); // If |context_| is not usable, then we can only dispatch the key event as is. // We also dispatch the key event directly if the current text input type is // ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD, to bypass the input method. // Note: We need to send the key event to ibus even if the |context_| is not // enabled, so that ibus can have a chance to enable the |context_|. if (!context_focused_ || GetTextInputType() == ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD) { if (key.type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED) ProcessUnfilteredKeyPressEvent(key, ibus_keyval); else DispatchKeyEventPostIME(key); return; } PendingKeyEvent* pending_key = new PendingKeyEvent(this, key, ibus_keyval); pending_key_events_.insert(pending_key); // Note: // 1. We currently set timeout to -1, because ibus doesn't have a mechanism to // associate input method results to corresponding key event, thus there is // actually no way to abandon results generated by a specific key event. So we // actually cannot abandon a specific key event and its result but accept // following key events and their results. So a timeout to abandon a key event // will not work. // 2. We set GCancellable to NULL, because the operation of cancelling a async // request also happens asynchronously, thus it's actually useless to us. // // The fundemental problem of ibus' async API is: it uses Glib's GIO API to // realize async communication, but in fact, GIO API is specially designed for // concurrent tasks, though it supports async communication as well, the API // is much more complicated than an ordinary message based async communication // API (such as Chrome's IPC). // Thus it's very complicated, if not impossible, to implement a client that // fully utilize asynchronous communication without potential problem. ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async( context_, ibus_keyval, ibus_keycode, ibus_state, -1, NULL, reinterpret_cast(ProcessKeyEventDone), pending_key); // We don't want to suppress the result generated by this key event, but it // may cause problem. See comment in ResetContext() method. suppress_next_result_ = false; } void InputMethodIBus::OnTextInputTypeChanged(View* view) { if (context_ && IsViewFocused(view)) { ResetContext(); UpdateContextFocusState(); } InputMethodBase::OnTextInputTypeChanged(view); } void InputMethodIBus::OnCaretBoundsChanged(View* view) { if (!context_focused_ || !IsViewFocused(view)) return; // The current text input type should not be NONE if |context_| is focused. DCHECK(!IsTextInputTypeNone()); gfx::Rect rect = GetTextInputClient()->GetCaretBounds(); gfx::Point origin = rect.origin(); gfx::Point end = gfx::Point(rect.right(), rect.bottom()); // We need to convert the origin and end points separately, in case the View // is scaled. View::ConvertPointToScreen(view, &origin); View::ConvertPointToScreen(view, &end); // This function runs asynchronously. ibus_input_context_set_cursor_location( context_, origin.x(), origin.y(), end.x() - origin.x(), end.y() - origin.y()); } void InputMethodIBus::CancelComposition(View* view) { if (context_focused_ && IsViewFocused(view)) ResetContext(); } std::string InputMethodIBus::GetInputLocale() { // Not supported. return std::string(""); } base::i18n::TextDirection InputMethodIBus::GetInputTextDirection() { // Not supported. return base::i18n::UNKNOWN_DIRECTION; } bool InputMethodIBus::IsActive() { return true; } // static bool InputMethodIBus::IsInputMethodIBusEnabled() { #if defined(TOUCH_UI) return true; #else return inputmethod_ibus_enabled || CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( kEnableInputMethodIBusSwitch); #endif } // static void InputMethodIBus::SetEnableInputMethodIBus(bool enabled) { inputmethod_ibus_enabled = enabled; } void InputMethodIBus::OnWillChangeFocus(View* focused_before, View* focused) { ConfirmCompositionText(); } void InputMethodIBus::OnDidChangeFocus(View* focused_before, View* focused) { UpdateContextFocusState(); // Force to update caret bounds, in case the View thinks that the caret // bounds has not changed. if (context_focused_) OnCaretBoundsChanged(GetFocusedView()); } void InputMethodIBus::CreateContext() { DCHECK(!context_); DCHECK(GetIBus()); DCHECK(ibus_bus_is_connected(GetIBus())); DCHECK(!pending_create_ic_request_); // Creates the input context asynchronously. pending_create_ic_request_ = new PendingCreateICRequest( this, &pending_create_ic_request_); ibus_bus_create_input_context_async( GetIBus(), "chrome", -1, NULL, reinterpret_cast(CreateInputContextDone), pending_create_ic_request_); } void InputMethodIBus::SetContext(IBusInputContext* ic) { DCHECK(ic); DCHECK(!context_); context_ = ic; // connect input context signals g_signal_connect(ic, "commit-text", G_CALLBACK(OnCommitTextThunk), this); g_signal_connect(ic, "forward-key-event", G_CALLBACK(OnForwardKeyEventThunk), this); g_signal_connect(ic, "update-preedit-text", G_CALLBACK(OnUpdatePreeditTextThunk), this); g_signal_connect(ic, "show-preedit-text", G_CALLBACK(OnShowPreeditTextThunk), this); g_signal_connect(ic, "hide-preedit-text", G_CALLBACK(OnHidePreeditTextThunk), this); g_signal_connect(ic, "destroy", G_CALLBACK(OnDestroyThunk), this); // TODO(suzhe): support surrounding text. guint32 caps = IBUS_CAP_PREEDIT_TEXT | IBUS_CAP_FOCUS; ibus_input_context_set_capabilities(ic, caps); UpdateContextFocusState(); OnInputMethodChanged(); } void InputMethodIBus::DestroyContext() { if (pending_create_ic_request_) { DCHECK(!context_); // |pending_create_ic_request_| will be deleted in CreateInputContextDone(). pending_create_ic_request_->abandon(); pending_create_ic_request_ = NULL; } else if (context_) { // ibus_proxy_destroy() will not really release the resource of |context_| // object. We still need to handle "destroy" signal and call // g_object_unref() there. ibus_proxy_destroy(reinterpret_cast(context_)); DCHECK(!context_); } } void InputMethodIBus::ConfirmCompositionText() { ui::TextInputClient* client = GetTextInputClient(); if (client && client->HasCompositionText()) client->ConfirmCompositionText(); ResetContext(); } void InputMethodIBus::ResetContext() { if (!context_focused_ || !GetTextInputClient()) return; DCHECK(widget_focused()); DCHECK(GetFocusedView()); // Because ibus runs in asynchronous mode, the input method may still send us // results after sending out the reset request, so we use a flag to discard // all results generated by previous key events. But because ibus does not // have a mechanism to identify each key event and corresponding results, this // approach will not work for some corner cases. For example if the user types // very fast, then the next key event may come in before the |context_| is // really reset. Then we actually cannot know whether or not the next // result should be discard. suppress_next_result_ = true; composition_.Clear(); result_text_.clear(); composing_text_ = false; composition_changed_ = false; // We need to abandon all pending key events, but as above comment says, there // is no reliable way to abandon all results generated by these abandoned key // events. AbandonAllPendingKeyEvents(); // This function runs asynchronously. // Note: some input method engines may not support reset method, such as // ibus-anthy. But as we control all input method engines by ourselves, we can // make sure that all of the engines we are using support it correctly. ibus_input_context_reset(context_); character_composer_.Reset(); } void InputMethodIBus::UpdateContextFocusState() { if (!context_) { context_focused_ = false; return; } const bool old_context_focused = context_focused_; // Use switch here in case we are going to add more text input types. switch (GetTextInputType()) { case ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE: case ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_PASSWORD: context_focused_ = false; break; default: context_focused_ = true; break; } // We only focus in |context_| when the focus is in a normal textfield. // ibus_input_context_focus_{in|out}() run asynchronously. if (old_context_focused && !context_focused_) ibus_input_context_focus_out(context_); else if (!old_context_focused && context_focused_) ibus_input_context_focus_in(context_); } void InputMethodIBus::ProcessKeyEventPostIME(const KeyEvent& key, guint32 ibus_keyval, bool handled) { // If we get here without a focused text input client, then it means the key // event is sent to the global ibus input context. if (!GetTextInputClient()) { DispatchKeyEventPostIME(key); return; } const View* old_focused_view = GetFocusedView(); // Same reason as above DCHECK. DCHECK(old_focused_view); if (key.type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED && handled) ProcessFilteredKeyPressEvent(key); // In case the focus was changed by the key event. The |context_| should have // been reset when the focused view changed. if (old_focused_view != GetFocusedView()) return; if (HasInputMethodResult()) ProcessInputMethodResult(key, handled); // In case the focus was changed when sending input method results to the // focused View. if (old_focused_view != GetFocusedView()) return; if (key.type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED && !handled) ProcessUnfilteredKeyPressEvent(key, ibus_keyval); else if (key.type() == ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED) DispatchKeyEventPostIME(key); } void InputMethodIBus::ProcessFilteredKeyPressEvent(const KeyEvent& key) { if (NeedInsertChar()) { DispatchKeyEventPostIME(key); } else { KeyEvent key(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_PROCESSKEY, key.flags()); DispatchKeyEventPostIME(key); } } void InputMethodIBus::ProcessUnfilteredKeyPressEvent(const KeyEvent& key, guint32 ibus_keyval) { const View* old_focused_view = GetFocusedView(); DispatchKeyEventPostIME(key); // We shouldn't dispatch the character anymore if the key event caused focus // change. if (old_focused_view != GetFocusedView()) return; // Process compose and dead keys if (character_composer_.FilterKeyPress(ibus_keyval)) { string16 composed = character_composer_.composed_character(); if (!composed.empty()) { ui::TextInputClient* client = GetTextInputClient(); if (client) client->InsertText(composed); } return; } // If a key event was not filtered by |context_| and |character_composer_|, // then it means the key event didn't generate any result text. So we need // to send corresponding character to the focused text input client. ui::TextInputClient* client = GetTextInputClient(); char16 ch = key.GetCharacter(); if (ch && client) client->InsertChar(ch, key.flags()); } void InputMethodIBus::ProcessInputMethodResult(const KeyEvent& key, bool handled) { ui::TextInputClient* client = GetTextInputClient(); DCHECK(client); if (result_text_.length()) { if (handled && NeedInsertChar()) { for (string16::const_iterator i = result_text_.begin(); i != result_text_.end(); ++i) { client->InsertChar(*i, key.flags()); } } else { client->InsertText(result_text_); composing_text_ = false; } } if (composition_changed_ && !IsTextInputTypeNone()) { if (composition_.text.length()) { composing_text_ = true; client->SetCompositionText(composition_); } else if (result_text_.empty()) { client->ClearCompositionText(); } } // We should not clear composition text here, as it may belong to the next // composition session. result_text_.clear(); composition_changed_ = false; } bool InputMethodIBus::NeedInsertChar() const { return GetTextInputClient() && (IsTextInputTypeNone() || (!composing_text_ && result_text_.length() == 1)); } bool InputMethodIBus::HasInputMethodResult() const { return result_text_.length() || composition_changed_; } void InputMethodIBus::SendFakeProcessKeyEvent(bool pressed) const { KeyEvent key(pressed ? ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED : ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED, ui::VKEY_PROCESSKEY, 0); DispatchKeyEventPostIME(key); } void InputMethodIBus::FinishPendingKeyEvent(PendingKeyEvent* pending_key) { DCHECK(pending_key_events_.count(pending_key)); // |pending_key| will be deleted in ProcessKeyEventDone(). pending_key_events_.erase(pending_key); } void InputMethodIBus::AbandonAllPendingKeyEvents() { for (std::set::iterator i = pending_key_events_.begin(); i != pending_key_events_.end(); ++i) { // The object will be deleted in ProcessKeyEventDone(). (*i)->abandon(); } pending_key_events_.clear(); } void InputMethodIBus::OnCommitText(IBusInputContext* context, IBusText* text) { DCHECK_EQ(context_, context); if (suppress_next_result_ || !text || !text->text) return; // We need to receive input method result even if the text input type is // ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_NONE, to make sure we can always send correct // character for each key event to the focused text input client. if (!GetTextInputClient()) return; string16 utf16_text(UTF8ToUTF16(text->text)); // Append the text to the buffer, because commit signal might be fired // multiple times when processing a key event. result_text_.append(utf16_text); // If we are not handling key event, do not bother sending text result if the // focused text input client does not support text input. if (pending_key_events_.empty() && !IsTextInputTypeNone()) { SendFakeProcessKeyEvent(true); GetTextInputClient()->InsertText(utf16_text); SendFakeProcessKeyEvent(false); result_text_.clear(); } } void InputMethodIBus::OnForwardKeyEvent(IBusInputContext* context, guint keyval, guint keycode, guint state) { DCHECK_EQ(context_, context); ui::KeyboardCode key_code = ui::VKEY_UNKNOWN; #if defined(USE_AURA) key_code = ui::KeyboardCodeFromXKeysym(keyval); #elif defined(TOOLKIT_USES_GTK) key_code = ui::WindowsKeyCodeForGdkKeyCode(keyval); #endif if (!key_code) return; KeyEvent key(state & IBUS_RELEASE_MASK ? ui::ET_KEY_RELEASED : ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, key_code, EventFlagsFromIBusState(state)); // It is not clear when the input method will forward us a fake key event. // If there is a pending key event, then we may already received some input // method results, so we dispatch this fake key event directly rather than // calling ProcessKeyEventPostIME(), which will clear pending input method // results. if (key.type() == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED) ProcessUnfilteredKeyPressEvent(key, keyval); else DispatchKeyEventPostIME(key); } void InputMethodIBus::OnShowPreeditText(IBusInputContext* context) { DCHECK_EQ(context_, context); if (suppress_next_result_ || IsTextInputTypeNone()) return; composing_text_ = true; } void InputMethodIBus::OnUpdatePreeditText(IBusInputContext* context, IBusText* text, guint cursor_pos, gboolean visible) { DCHECK_EQ(context_, context); if (suppress_next_result_ || IsTextInputTypeNone()) return; // |visible| argument is very confusing. For example, what's the correct // behavior when: // 1. OnUpdatePreeditText() is called with a text and visible == false, then // 2. OnShowPreeditText() is called afterwards. // // If it's only for clearing the current preedit text, then why not just use // OnHidePreeditText()? if (!visible) { OnHidePreeditText(context); return; } ExtractCompositionTextFromIBusPreedit(text, cursor_pos, &composition_); composition_changed_ = true; // In case OnShowPreeditText() is not called. if (composition_.text.length()) composing_text_ = true; // If we receive a composition text without pending key event, then we need to // send it to the focused text input client directly. if (pending_key_events_.empty()) { SendFakeProcessKeyEvent(true); GetTextInputClient()->SetCompositionText(composition_); SendFakeProcessKeyEvent(false); composition_changed_ = false; composition_.Clear(); } } void InputMethodIBus::OnHidePreeditText(IBusInputContext* context) { DCHECK_EQ(context_, context); if (composition_.text.empty() || IsTextInputTypeNone()) return; // Intentionally leaves |composing_text_| unchanged. composition_changed_ = true; composition_.Clear(); if (pending_key_events_.empty()) { ui::TextInputClient* client = GetTextInputClient(); if (client && client->HasCompositionText()) client->ClearCompositionText(); composition_changed_ = false; } } void InputMethodIBus::OnDestroy(IBusInputContext* context) { DCHECK_EQ(context_, context); g_object_unref(context_); context_ = NULL; context_focused_ = false; ConfirmCompositionText(); // We are dead, so we need to ask the client to stop relying on us. // We cannot do it in DestroyContext(), because OnDestroy() may be called // automatically. OnInputMethodChanged(); } void InputMethodIBus::OnIBusConnected(IBusBus* bus) { DCHECK_EQ(GetIBus(), bus); DCHECK(ibus_bus_is_connected(bus)); DestroyContext(); CreateContext(); } void InputMethodIBus::OnIBusDisconnected(IBusBus* bus) { DCHECK_EQ(GetIBus(), bus); // TODO(suzhe): Make sure if we really do not need to handle this signal. // And I'm actually wondering if ibus-daemon will release the resource of the // |context_| correctly when the connection is lost. } // static IBusBus* InputMethodIBus::GetIBus() { // Everything happens in UI thread, so we do not need to care about // synchronization issue. static IBusBus* ibus = NULL; if (!ibus) { ibus_init(); ibus = ibus_bus_new(); DCHECK(ibus); } return ibus; } // static void InputMethodIBus::ProcessKeyEventDone(IBusInputContext* context, GAsyncResult* res, PendingKeyEvent* data) { DCHECK(data); DCHECK(!data->input_method() || data->input_method()->context_ == context); gboolean handled = ibus_input_context_process_key_event_async_finish( context, res, NULL); data->ProcessPostIME(handled); delete data; } // static void InputMethodIBus::CreateInputContextDone(IBusBus* bus, GAsyncResult* res, PendingCreateICRequest* data) { DCHECK_EQ(GetIBus(), bus); DCHECK(data); IBusInputContext* ic = ibus_bus_create_input_context_async_finish(bus, res, NULL); if (ic) data->StoreOrAbandonInputContext(ic); delete data; } } // namespace views