// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/views/touchui/touch_selection_controller_impl.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "ui/aura/client/cursor_client.h" #include "ui/aura/env.h" #include "ui/aura/window.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" #include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h" #include "ui/gfx/path.h" #include "ui/gfx/screen.h" #include "ui/resources/grit/ui_resources.h" #include "ui/strings/grit/ui_strings.h" #include "ui/views/resources/grit/views_resources.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h" #include "ui/wm/core/coordinate_conversion.h" #include "ui/wm/core/masked_window_targeter.h" namespace { // Constants defining the visual attributes of selection handles // The distance by which a handle image is offset from the bottom of the // selection/text baseline. const int kSelectionHandleVerticalVisualOffset = 2; // When a handle is dragged, the drag position reported to the client view is // offset vertically to represent the cursor position. This constant specifies // the offset in pixels above the bottom of the selection (see pic below). This // is required because say if this is zero, that means the drag position we // report is right on the text baseline. In that case, a vertical movement of // even one pixel will make the handle jump to the line below it. So when the // user just starts dragging, the handle will jump to the next line if the user // makes any vertical movement. So we have this non-zero offset to prevent this // jumping. // // Editing handle widget showing the padding and difference between the position // of the ET_GESTURE_SCROLL_UPDATE event and the drag position reported to the // client: // ___________ // Selection Highlight --->_____|__|<-|---- Drag position reported to client // _ | O | // Vertical Padding __| | <-|---- ET_GESTURE_SCROLL_UPDATE position // |_ |_____|<--- Editing handle widget // // | | // T // Horizontal Padding // const int kSelectionHandleVerticalDragOffset = 5; // Padding around the selection handle defining the area that will be included // in the touch target to make dragging the handle easier (see pic above). const int kSelectionHandleHorizPadding = 10; const int kSelectionHandleVertPadding = 20; const int kQuickMenuTimoutMs = 200; const int kSelectionHandleQuickFadeDurationMs = 50; // Minimum height for selection handle bar. If the bar height is going to be // less than this value, handle will not be shown. const int kSelectionHandleBarMinHeight = 5; // Maximum amount that selection handle bar can stick out of client view's // boundaries. const int kSelectionHandleBarBottomAllowance = 3; // Creates a widget to host SelectionHandleView. views::Widget* CreateTouchSelectionPopupWidget( gfx::NativeView context, views::WidgetDelegate* widget_delegate) { views::Widget* widget = new views::Widget; views::Widget::InitParams params(views::Widget::InitParams::TYPE_POPUP); params.opacity = views::Widget::InitParams::TRANSLUCENT_WINDOW; params.shadow_type = views::Widget::InitParams::SHADOW_TYPE_NONE; params.ownership = views::Widget::InitParams::WIDGET_OWNS_NATIVE_WIDGET; params.parent = context; params.delegate = widget_delegate; widget->Init(params); return widget; } gfx::Image* GetCenterHandleImage() { static gfx::Image* handle_image = nullptr; if (!handle_image) { handle_image = &ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetImageNamed( IDR_TEXT_SELECTION_HANDLE_CENTER); } return handle_image; } gfx::Image* GetLeftHandleImage() { static gfx::Image* handle_image = nullptr; if (!handle_image) { handle_image = &ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetImageNamed( IDR_TEXT_SELECTION_HANDLE_LEFT); } return handle_image; } gfx::Image* GetRightHandleImage() { static gfx::Image* handle_image = nullptr; if (!handle_image) { handle_image = &ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetImageNamed( IDR_TEXT_SELECTION_HANDLE_RIGHT); } return handle_image; } // Return the appropriate handle image based on the bound's type gfx::Image* GetHandleImage(ui::SelectionBound::Type bound_type) { switch(bound_type) { case ui::SelectionBound::LEFT: return GetLeftHandleImage(); case ui::SelectionBound::CENTER: return GetCenterHandleImage(); case ui::SelectionBound::RIGHT: return GetRightHandleImage(); default: NOTREACHED() << "Invalid touch handle bound type."; return nullptr; }; } // Calculates the bounds of the widget containing the selection handle based // on the SelectionBound's type and location gfx::Rect GetSelectionWidgetBounds(const ui::SelectionBound& bound) { gfx::Size image_size = GetHandleImage(bound.type())->Size(); int widget_width = image_size.width() + 2 * kSelectionHandleHorizPadding; int widget_height = bound.GetHeight() + image_size.height() + kSelectionHandleVerticalVisualOffset + kSelectionHandleVertPadding; // Due to the shape of the handle images, the widget is aligned differently to // the selection bound depending on the type of the bound. int widget_left = 0; switch (bound.type()) { case ui::SelectionBound::LEFT: widget_left = bound.edge_top_rounded().x() - image_size.width() - kSelectionHandleHorizPadding; break; case ui::SelectionBound::RIGHT: widget_left = bound.edge_top_rounded().x() - kSelectionHandleHorizPadding; break; case ui::SelectionBound::CENTER: widget_left = bound.edge_top_rounded().x() - widget_width / 2; break; default: NOTREACHED() << "Undefined bound type."; break; }; return gfx::Rect( widget_left, bound.edge_top_rounded().y(), widget_width, widget_height); } gfx::Size GetMaxHandleImageSize() { gfx::Rect center_rect = gfx::Rect(GetCenterHandleImage()->Size()); gfx::Rect left_rect = gfx::Rect(GetLeftHandleImage()->Size()); gfx::Rect right_rect = gfx::Rect(GetRightHandleImage()->Size()); gfx::Rect union_rect = center_rect; union_rect.Union(left_rect); union_rect.Union(right_rect); return union_rect.size(); } // Convenience methods to convert a |bound| from screen to the |client|'s // coordinate system and vice versa. // Note that this is not quite correct because it does not take into account // transforms such as rotation and scaling. This should be in TouchEditable. // TODO(varunjain): Fix this. ui::SelectionBound ConvertFromScreen(ui::TouchEditable* client, const ui::SelectionBound& bound) { ui::SelectionBound result = bound; gfx::Point edge_bottom = bound.edge_bottom_rounded(); gfx::Point edge_top = bound.edge_top_rounded(); client->ConvertPointFromScreen(&edge_bottom); client->ConvertPointFromScreen(&edge_top); result.SetEdge(gfx::PointF(edge_top), gfx::PointF(edge_bottom)); return result; } ui::SelectionBound ConvertToScreen(ui::TouchEditable* client, const ui::SelectionBound& bound) { ui::SelectionBound result = bound; gfx::Point edge_bottom = bound.edge_bottom_rounded(); gfx::Point edge_top = bound.edge_top_rounded(); client->ConvertPointToScreen(&edge_bottom); client->ConvertPointToScreen(&edge_top); result.SetEdge(gfx::PointF(edge_top), gfx::PointF(edge_bottom)); return result; } gfx::Rect BoundToRect(const ui::SelectionBound& bound) { return gfx::BoundingRect(bound.edge_top_rounded(), bound.edge_bottom_rounded()); } } // namespace namespace views { typedef TouchSelectionControllerImpl::EditingHandleView EditingHandleView; class TouchHandleWindowTargeter : public wm::MaskedWindowTargeter { public: TouchHandleWindowTargeter(aura::Window* window, EditingHandleView* handle_view); ~TouchHandleWindowTargeter() override {} private: // wm::MaskedWindowTargeter: bool GetHitTestMask(aura::Window* window, gfx::Path* mask) const override; EditingHandleView* handle_view_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TouchHandleWindowTargeter); }; // A View that displays the text selection handle. class TouchSelectionControllerImpl::EditingHandleView : public views::WidgetDelegateView { public: EditingHandleView(TouchSelectionControllerImpl* controller, gfx::NativeView context, bool is_cursor_handle) : controller_(controller), image_(GetCenterHandleImage()), is_cursor_handle_(is_cursor_handle), draw_invisible_(false), weak_ptr_factory_(this) { widget_.reset(CreateTouchSelectionPopupWidget(context, this)); widget_->SetContentsView(this); aura::Window* window = widget_->GetNativeWindow(); window->SetEventTargeter(scoped_ptr( new TouchHandleWindowTargeter(window, this))); // We are owned by the TouchSelectionControllerImpl. set_owned_by_client(); } ~EditingHandleView() override { SetWidgetVisible(false, false); } // Overridden from views::WidgetDelegateView: bool WidgetHasHitTestMask() const override { return true; } void GetWidgetHitTestMask(gfx::Path* mask) const override { gfx::Size image_size = image_->Size(); mask->addRect( SkIntToScalar(0), SkIntToScalar(selection_bound_.GetHeight() + kSelectionHandleVerticalVisualOffset), SkIntToScalar(image_size.width()) + 2 * kSelectionHandleHorizPadding, SkIntToScalar(selection_bound_.GetHeight() + kSelectionHandleVerticalVisualOffset + image_size.height() + kSelectionHandleVertPadding)); } void DeleteDelegate() override { // We are owned and deleted by TouchSelectionControllerImpl. } // Overridden from views::View: void OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) override { if (draw_invisible_) return; // Draw the handle image. canvas->DrawImageInt( *image_->ToImageSkia(), kSelectionHandleHorizPadding, selection_bound_.GetHeight() + kSelectionHandleVerticalVisualOffset); } void OnGestureEvent(ui::GestureEvent* event) override { event->SetHandled(); switch (event->type()) { case ui::ET_GESTURE_SCROLL_BEGIN: { widget_->SetCapture(this); controller_->SetDraggingHandle(this); // Distance from the point which is |kSelectionHandleVerticalDragOffset| // pixels above the bottom of the selection bound edge to the event // location (aka the touch-drag point). drag_offset_ = selection_bound_.edge_bottom_rounded() - gfx::Vector2d(0, kSelectionHandleVerticalDragOffset) - event->location(); break; } case ui::ET_GESTURE_SCROLL_UPDATE: { controller_->SelectionHandleDragged(event->location() + drag_offset_); break; } case ui::ET_GESTURE_SCROLL_END: case ui::ET_SCROLL_FLING_START: { // Use a weak pointer to the handle to make sure the handle and its // owning selection controller is not destroyed by the capture release // to diagnose a crash on Windows (see crbug.com/459423) // TODO(mohsen): Delete the diagnostics code when the crash is fixed. base::WeakPtr weak_ptr = weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); widget_->ReleaseCapture(); CHECK(weak_ptr); controller_->SetDraggingHandle(nullptr); break; } default: break; } } gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() const override { return GetSelectionWidgetBounds(selection_bound_).size(); } bool IsWidgetVisible() const { return widget_->IsVisible(); } void SetWidgetVisible(bool visible, bool quick) { if (widget_->IsVisible() == visible) return; widget_->SetVisibilityAnimationDuration( base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds( quick ? kSelectionHandleQuickFadeDurationMs : 0)); if (visible) widget_->Show(); else widget_->Hide(); } void SetBoundInScreen(const ui::SelectionBound& bound) { bool update_bound_type = false; // Cursor handle should always have the bound type CENTER DCHECK(!is_cursor_handle_ || bound.type() == ui::SelectionBound::CENTER); if (bound.type() != selection_bound_.type()) { // Unless this is a cursor handle, do not set the type to CENTER - // selection handles corresponding to a selection should always use left // or right handle image. If selection handles are dragged to be located // at the same spot, the |bound|'s type here will be CENTER for both of // them. In this case do not update the type of the |selection_bound_|. if (bound.type() != ui::SelectionBound::CENTER || is_cursor_handle_) update_bound_type = true; } if (update_bound_type) { selection_bound_.set_type(bound.type()); image_ = GetHandleImage(bound.type()); SchedulePaint(); } selection_bound_.SetEdge(bound.edge_top(), bound.edge_bottom()); widget_->SetBounds(GetSelectionWidgetBounds(selection_bound_)); aura::Window* window = widget_->GetNativeView(); gfx::Point edge_top = selection_bound_.edge_top_rounded(); gfx::Point edge_bottom = selection_bound_.edge_bottom_rounded(); wm::ConvertPointFromScreen(window, &edge_top); wm::ConvertPointFromScreen(window, &edge_bottom); selection_bound_.SetEdge(gfx::PointF(edge_top), gfx::PointF(edge_bottom)); } void SetDrawInvisible(bool draw_invisible) { if (draw_invisible_ == draw_invisible) return; draw_invisible_ = draw_invisible; SchedulePaint(); } private: scoped_ptr widget_; TouchSelectionControllerImpl* controller_; // In local coordinates ui::SelectionBound selection_bound_; gfx::Image* image_; // If true, this is a handle corresponding to the single cursor, otherwise it // is a handle corresponding to one of the two selection bounds. bool is_cursor_handle_; // Offset applied to the scroll events location when calling // TouchSelectionControllerImpl::SelectionHandleDragged while dragging the // handle. gfx::Vector2d drag_offset_; // If set to true, the handle will not draw anything, hence providing an empty // widget. We need this because we may want to stop showing the handle while // it is being dragged. Since it is being dragged, we cannot destroy the // handle. bool draw_invisible_; base::WeakPtrFactory weak_ptr_factory_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EditingHandleView); }; TouchHandleWindowTargeter::TouchHandleWindowTargeter( aura::Window* window, EditingHandleView* handle_view) : wm::MaskedWindowTargeter(window), handle_view_(handle_view) { } bool TouchHandleWindowTargeter::GetHitTestMask(aura::Window* window, gfx::Path* mask) const { handle_view_->GetWidgetHitTestMask(mask); return true; } TouchSelectionControllerImpl::TouchSelectionControllerImpl( ui::TouchEditable* client_view) : client_view_(client_view), client_widget_(nullptr), selection_handle_1_(new EditingHandleView(this, client_view->GetNativeView(), false)), selection_handle_2_(new EditingHandleView(this, client_view->GetNativeView(), false)), cursor_handle_(new EditingHandleView(this, client_view->GetNativeView(), true)), command_executed_(false), dragging_handle_(nullptr) { selection_start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); aura::Window* client_window = client_view_->GetNativeView(); client_window->AddObserver(this); client_widget_ = Widget::GetTopLevelWidgetForNativeView(client_window); if (client_widget_) client_widget_->AddObserver(this); aura::Env::GetInstance()->AddPreTargetHandler(this); } TouchSelectionControllerImpl::~TouchSelectionControllerImpl() { UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("Event.TouchSelection.EndedWithAction", command_executed_); HideQuickMenu(); aura::Env::GetInstance()->RemovePreTargetHandler(this); if (client_widget_) client_widget_->RemoveObserver(this); client_view_->GetNativeView()->RemoveObserver(this); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::SelectionChanged() { ui::SelectionBound anchor, focus; client_view_->GetSelectionEndPoints(&anchor, &focus); ui::SelectionBound screen_bound_anchor = ConvertToScreen(client_view_, anchor); ui::SelectionBound screen_bound_focus = ConvertToScreen(client_view_, focus); gfx::Rect client_bounds = client_view_->GetBounds(); if (anchor.edge_top().y() < client_bounds.y()) { auto anchor_edge_top = gfx::PointF(anchor.edge_top_rounded()); anchor_edge_top.set_y(client_bounds.y()); anchor.SetEdgeTop(anchor_edge_top); } if (focus.edge_top().y() < client_bounds.y()) { auto focus_edge_top = gfx::PointF(focus.edge_top_rounded()); focus_edge_top.set_y(client_bounds.y()); focus.SetEdgeTop(focus_edge_top); } ui::SelectionBound screen_bound_anchor_clipped = ConvertToScreen(client_view_, anchor); ui::SelectionBound screen_bound_focus_clipped = ConvertToScreen(client_view_, focus); if (screen_bound_anchor_clipped == selection_bound_1_clipped_ && screen_bound_focus_clipped == selection_bound_2_clipped_) return; selection_bound_1_ = screen_bound_anchor; selection_bound_2_ = screen_bound_focus; selection_bound_1_clipped_ = screen_bound_anchor_clipped; selection_bound_2_clipped_ = screen_bound_focus_clipped; if (client_view_->DrawsHandles()) { UpdateQuickMenu(); return; } if (dragging_handle_) { // We need to reposition only the selection handle that is being dragged. // The other handle stays the same. Also, the selection handle being dragged // will always be at the end of selection, while the other handle will be at // the start. // If the new location of this handle is out of client view, its widget // should not get hidden, since it should still receive touch events. // Hence, we are not using |SetHandleBound()| method here. dragging_handle_->SetBoundInScreen(screen_bound_focus_clipped); // Temporary fix for selection handle going outside a window. On a webpage, // the page should scroll if the selection handle is dragged outside the // window. That does not happen currently. So we just hide the handle for // now. // TODO(varunjain): Fix this: crbug.com/269003 dragging_handle_->SetDrawInvisible(!ShouldShowHandleFor(focus)); if (dragging_handle_ != cursor_handle_.get()) { // The non-dragging-handle might have recently become visible. EditingHandleView* non_dragging_handle = selection_handle_1_.get(); if (dragging_handle_ == selection_handle_1_.get()) { non_dragging_handle = selection_handle_2_.get(); // if handle 1 is being dragged, it is corresponding to the end of // selection and the other handle to the start of selection. selection_bound_1_ = screen_bound_focus; selection_bound_2_ = screen_bound_anchor; selection_bound_1_clipped_ = screen_bound_focus_clipped; selection_bound_2_clipped_ = screen_bound_anchor_clipped; } SetHandleBound(non_dragging_handle, anchor, screen_bound_anchor_clipped); } } else { UpdateQuickMenu(); // Check if there is any selection at all. if (screen_bound_anchor.edge_top() == screen_bound_focus.edge_top() && screen_bound_anchor.edge_bottom() == screen_bound_focus.edge_bottom()) { selection_handle_1_->SetWidgetVisible(false, false); selection_handle_2_->SetWidgetVisible(false, false); SetHandleBound(cursor_handle_.get(), anchor, screen_bound_anchor_clipped); return; } cursor_handle_->SetWidgetVisible(false, false); SetHandleBound( selection_handle_1_.get(), anchor, screen_bound_anchor_clipped); SetHandleBound( selection_handle_2_.get(), focus, screen_bound_focus_clipped); } } bool TouchSelectionControllerImpl::IsHandleDragInProgress() { return !!dragging_handle_; } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::HideHandles(bool quick) { selection_handle_1_->SetWidgetVisible(false, quick); selection_handle_2_->SetWidgetVisible(false, quick); cursor_handle_->SetWidgetVisible(false, quick); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::SetDraggingHandle( EditingHandleView* handle) { dragging_handle_ = handle; if (dragging_handle_) HideQuickMenu(); else StartQuickMenuTimer(); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::SelectionHandleDragged( const gfx::Point& drag_pos) { DCHECK(dragging_handle_); gfx::Point drag_pos_in_client = drag_pos; ConvertPointToClientView(dragging_handle_, &drag_pos_in_client); if (dragging_handle_ == cursor_handle_.get()) { client_view_->MoveCaretTo(drag_pos_in_client); return; } // Find the stationary selection handle. ui::SelectionBound anchor_bound = selection_handle_1_.get() == dragging_handle_ ? selection_bound_2_ : selection_bound_1_; // Find selection end points in client_view's coordinate system. gfx::Point p2 = anchor_bound.edge_top_rounded(); p2.Offset(0, anchor_bound.GetHeight() / 2); client_view_->ConvertPointFromScreen(&p2); // Instruct client_view to select the region between p1 and p2. The position // of |fixed_handle| is the start and that of |dragging_handle| is the end // of selection. client_view_->SelectRect(p2, drag_pos_in_client); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::ConvertPointToClientView( EditingHandleView* source, gfx::Point* point) { View::ConvertPointToScreen(source, point); client_view_->ConvertPointFromScreen(point); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::SetHandleBound( EditingHandleView* handle, const ui::SelectionBound& bound, const ui::SelectionBound& bound_in_screen) { handle->SetWidgetVisible(ShouldShowHandleFor(bound), false); if (handle->IsWidgetVisible()) handle->SetBoundInScreen(bound_in_screen); } bool TouchSelectionControllerImpl::ShouldShowHandleFor( const ui::SelectionBound& bound) const { if (bound.GetHeight() < kSelectionHandleBarMinHeight) return false; gfx::Rect client_bounds = client_view_->GetBounds(); client_bounds.Inset(0, 0, 0, -kSelectionHandleBarBottomAllowance); return client_bounds.Contains(BoundToRect(bound)); } bool TouchSelectionControllerImpl::IsCommandIdEnabled(int command_id) const { return client_view_->IsCommandIdEnabled(command_id); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::ExecuteCommand(int command_id, int event_flags) { command_executed_ = true; base::TimeDelta duration = base::TimeTicks::Now() - selection_start_time_; // Note that we only log the duration stats for the 'successful' selections, // i.e. selections ending with the execution of a command. UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES("Event.TouchSelection.Duration", duration, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(500), base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(60), 60); client_view_->ExecuteCommand(command_id, event_flags); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::RunContextMenu() { // Context menu should appear centered on top of the selected region. const gfx::Rect rect = GetQuickMenuAnchorRect(); const gfx::Point anchor(rect.CenterPoint().x(), rect.y()); client_view_->OpenContextMenu(anchor); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::OnAncestorWindowTransformed( aura::Window* window, aura::Window* ancestor) { client_view_->DestroyTouchSelection(); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::OnWidgetClosing(Widget* widget) { DCHECK_EQ(client_widget_, widget); client_widget_->RemoveObserver(this); client_widget_ = nullptr; } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::OnWidgetBoundsChanged( Widget* widget, const gfx::Rect& new_bounds) { DCHECK_EQ(client_widget_, widget); SelectionChanged(); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::OnKeyEvent(ui::KeyEvent* event) { client_view_->DestroyTouchSelection(); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::OnMouseEvent(ui::MouseEvent* event) { aura::client::CursorClient* cursor_client = aura::client::GetCursorClient( client_view_->GetNativeView()->GetRootWindow()); if (cursor_client && !cursor_client->IsMouseEventsEnabled()) return; // Do not hide handles on mouse-capture-changed event which might occur when a // selection handle is released. Normally, cursor client should report mouse // events as disabled (the above check), but there are crashes on Windows // devices suggesting it is not always the case (see crbug.com/459423). if (event->type() == ui::ET_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CHANGED) return; client_view_->DestroyTouchSelection(); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::OnScrollEvent(ui::ScrollEvent* event) { client_view_->DestroyTouchSelection(); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::QuickMenuTimerFired() { gfx::Rect menu_anchor = GetQuickMenuAnchorRect(); if (menu_anchor == gfx::Rect()) return; ui::TouchSelectionMenuRunner::GetInstance()->OpenMenu( this, menu_anchor, GetMaxHandleImageSize(), client_view_->GetNativeView()); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::StartQuickMenuTimer() { if (quick_menu_timer_.IsRunning()) return; quick_menu_timer_.Start( FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kQuickMenuTimoutMs), this, &TouchSelectionControllerImpl::QuickMenuTimerFired); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::UpdateQuickMenu() { // Hide quick menu to be shown when the timer fires. HideQuickMenu(); StartQuickMenuTimer(); } void TouchSelectionControllerImpl::HideQuickMenu() { if (ui::TouchSelectionMenuRunner::GetInstance()->IsRunning()) ui::TouchSelectionMenuRunner::GetInstance()->CloseMenu(); quick_menu_timer_.Stop(); } gfx::Rect TouchSelectionControllerImpl::GetQuickMenuAnchorRect() const { // Get selection end points in client_view's space. ui::SelectionBound b1_in_screen = selection_bound_1_clipped_; ui::SelectionBound b2_in_screen = cursor_handle_->IsWidgetVisible() ? b1_in_screen : selection_bound_2_clipped_; // Convert from screen to client. ui::SelectionBound b1 = ConvertFromScreen(client_view_, b1_in_screen); ui::SelectionBound b2 = ConvertFromScreen(client_view_, b2_in_screen); // if selection is completely inside the view, we display the quick menu in // the middle of the end points on the top. Else, we show it above the visible // handle. If no handle is visible, we do not show the menu. gfx::Rect menu_anchor; if (ShouldShowHandleFor(b1) && ShouldShowHandleFor(b2)) menu_anchor = ui::RectBetweenSelectionBounds(b1_in_screen, b2_in_screen); else if (ShouldShowHandleFor(b1)) menu_anchor = BoundToRect(b1_in_screen); else if (ShouldShowHandleFor(b2)) menu_anchor = BoundToRect(b2_in_screen); else return menu_anchor; // Enlarge the anchor rect so that the menu is offset from the text at least // by the same distance the handles are offset from the text. menu_anchor.Inset(0, -kSelectionHandleVerticalVisualOffset); return menu_anchor; } gfx::NativeView TouchSelectionControllerImpl::GetCursorHandleNativeView() { return cursor_handle_->GetWidget()->GetNativeView(); } gfx::Rect TouchSelectionControllerImpl::GetSelectionHandle1Bounds() { return selection_handle_1_->GetBoundsInScreen(); } gfx::Rect TouchSelectionControllerImpl::GetSelectionHandle2Bounds() { return selection_handle_2_->GetBoundsInScreen(); } gfx::Rect TouchSelectionControllerImpl::GetCursorHandleBounds() { return cursor_handle_->GetBoundsInScreen(); } bool TouchSelectionControllerImpl::IsSelectionHandle1Visible() { return selection_handle_1_->IsWidgetVisible(); } bool TouchSelectionControllerImpl::IsSelectionHandle2Visible() { return selection_handle_2_->IsWidgetVisible(); } bool TouchSelectionControllerImpl::IsCursorHandleVisible() { return cursor_handle_->IsWidgetVisible(); } gfx::Rect TouchSelectionControllerImpl::GetExpectedHandleBounds( const ui::SelectionBound& bound) { return GetSelectionWidgetBounds(bound); } views::WidgetDelegateView* TouchSelectionControllerImpl::GetHandle1View() { return selection_handle_1_.get(); } views::WidgetDelegateView* TouchSelectionControllerImpl::GetHandle2View() { return selection_handle_2_.get(); } } // namespace views