// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "ui/views/window/custom_frame_view.h" #include #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "grit/ui_resources.h" #include "grit/ui_strings.h" #include "ui/base/hit_test.h" #include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "ui/gfx/font.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image.h" #include "ui/gfx/path.h" #include "ui/views/color_constants.h" #include "ui/views/controls/button/image_button.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget_delegate.h" #include "ui/views/window/client_view.h" #include "ui/views/window/frame_background.h" #include "ui/views/window/window_resources.h" #include "ui/views/window/window_shape.h" #if defined(USE_AURA) #include "ui/views/widget/native_widget_aura.h" #elif defined(OS_WIN) #include "ui/views/widget/native_widget_win.h" #endif namespace views { namespace { // The frame border is only visible in restored mode and is hardcoded to 4 px on // each side regardless of the system window border size. const int kFrameBorderThickness = 4; // Various edges of the frame border have a 1 px shadow along their edges; in a // few cases we shift elements based on this amount for visual appeal. const int kFrameShadowThickness = 1; // While resize areas on Windows are normally the same size as the window // borders, our top area is shrunk by 1 px to make it easier to move the window // around with our thinner top grabbable strip. (Incidentally, our side and // bottom resize areas don't match the frame border thickness either -- they // span the whole nonclient area, so there's no "dead zone" for the mouse.) const int kTopResizeAdjust = 1; // In the window corners, the resize areas don't actually expand bigger, but the // 16 px at the end of each edge triggers diagonal resizing. const int kResizeAreaCornerSize = 16; // The titlebar never shrinks too short to show the caption button plus some // padding below it. const int kCaptionButtonHeightWithPadding = 19; // The titlebar has a 2 px 3D edge along the top and bottom. const int kTitlebarTopAndBottomEdgeThickness = 2; // The icon is inset 2 px from the left frame border. const int kIconLeftSpacing = 2; // The icon never shrinks below 16 px on a side. const int kIconMinimumSize = 16; // The space between the window icon and the title text. const int kTitleIconOffsetX = 4; // The space between the title text and the caption buttons. const int kTitleCaptionSpacing = 5; #if defined(USE_AURA) const SkColor kDefaultColorFrame = SkColorSetRGB(109, 109, 109); const SkColor kDefaultColorFrameInactive = SkColorSetRGB(176, 176, 176); #else const SkColor kDefaultColorFrame = SkColorSetRGB(66, 116, 201); const SkColor kDefaultColorFrameInactive = SkColorSetRGB(161, 182, 228); #endif const gfx::Font& GetTitleFont() { static gfx::Font* title_font = NULL; if (!title_font) { #if defined(USE_AURA) title_font = new gfx::Font(NativeWidgetAura::GetWindowTitleFont()); #elif defined(OS_WIN) title_font = new gfx::Font(NativeWidgetWin::GetWindowTitleFont()); #elif defined(OS_LINUX) // TODO(ben): need to resolve what font this is. title_font = new gfx::Font(); #endif } return *title_font; } } // namespace /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CustomFrameView, public: CustomFrameView::CustomFrameView() : frame_(NULL), window_icon_(NULL), minimize_button_(NULL), maximize_button_(NULL), restore_button_(NULL), close_button_(NULL), should_show_minmax_buttons_(false), frame_background_(new FrameBackground()) { } CustomFrameView::~CustomFrameView() { } void CustomFrameView::Init(Widget* frame) { frame_ = frame; close_button_ = new ImageButton(this); close_button_->SetAccessibleName( l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_APP_ACCNAME_CLOSE)); // Close button images will be set in LayoutWindowControls(). AddChildView(close_button_); minimize_button_ = InitWindowCaptionButton(IDS_APP_ACCNAME_MINIMIZE, IDR_MINIMIZE, IDR_MINIMIZE_H, IDR_MINIMIZE_P); maximize_button_ = InitWindowCaptionButton(IDS_APP_ACCNAME_MAXIMIZE, IDR_MAXIMIZE, IDR_MAXIMIZE_H, IDR_MAXIMIZE_P); restore_button_ = InitWindowCaptionButton(IDS_APP_ACCNAME_RESTORE, IDR_RESTORE, IDR_RESTORE_H, IDR_RESTORE_P); should_show_minmax_buttons_ = frame_->widget_delegate()->CanMaximize(); if (frame_->widget_delegate()->ShouldShowWindowIcon()) { window_icon_ = new ImageButton(this); AddChildView(window_icon_); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CustomFrameView, NonClientFrameView implementation: gfx::Rect CustomFrameView::GetBoundsForClientView() const { return client_view_bounds_; } gfx::Rect CustomFrameView::GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds( const gfx::Rect& client_bounds) const { int top_height = NonClientTopBorderHeight(); int border_thickness = NonClientBorderThickness(); return gfx::Rect(std::max(0, client_bounds.x() - border_thickness), std::max(0, client_bounds.y() - top_height), client_bounds.width() + (2 * border_thickness), client_bounds.height() + top_height + border_thickness); } int CustomFrameView::NonClientHitTest(const gfx::Point& point) { // Sanity check. if (!bounds().Contains(point)) return HTNOWHERE; int frame_component = frame_->client_view()->NonClientHitTest(point); // See if we're in the sysmenu region. (We check the ClientView first to be // consistent with OpaqueBrowserFrameView; it's not really necessary here.) gfx::Rect sysmenu_rect(IconBounds()); // In maximized mode we extend the rect to the screen corner to take advantage // of Fitts' Law. if (frame_->IsMaximized()) sysmenu_rect.SetRect(0, 0, sysmenu_rect.right(), sysmenu_rect.bottom()); sysmenu_rect.set_x(GetMirroredXForRect(sysmenu_rect)); if (sysmenu_rect.Contains(point)) return (frame_component == HTCLIENT) ? HTCLIENT : HTSYSMENU; if (frame_component != HTNOWHERE) return frame_component; // Then see if the point is within any of the window controls. if (close_button_->GetMirroredBounds().Contains(point)) return HTCLOSE; if (restore_button_->GetMirroredBounds().Contains(point)) return HTMAXBUTTON; if (maximize_button_->GetMirroredBounds().Contains(point)) return HTMAXBUTTON; if (minimize_button_->GetMirroredBounds().Contains(point)) return HTMINBUTTON; if (window_icon_ && window_icon_->GetMirroredBounds().Contains(point)) return HTSYSMENU; int window_component = GetHTComponentForFrame(point, FrameBorderThickness(), NonClientBorderThickness(), kResizeAreaCornerSize, kResizeAreaCornerSize, frame_->widget_delegate()->CanResize()); // Fall back to the caption if no other component matches. return (window_component == HTNOWHERE) ? HTCAPTION : window_component; } void CustomFrameView::GetWindowMask(const gfx::Size& size, gfx::Path* window_mask) { DCHECK(window_mask); if (frame_->IsMaximized()) return; GetDefaultWindowMask(size, window_mask); } void CustomFrameView::ResetWindowControls() { restore_button_->SetState(CustomButton::STATE_NORMAL); minimize_button_->SetState(CustomButton::STATE_NORMAL); maximize_button_->SetState(CustomButton::STATE_NORMAL); // The close button isn't affected by this constraint. } void CustomFrameView::UpdateWindowIcon() { if (window_icon_) window_icon_->SchedulePaint(); } void CustomFrameView::UpdateWindowTitle() { SchedulePaintInRect(title_bounds_); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CustomFrameView, View overrides: void CustomFrameView::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { if (frame_->IsMaximized()) PaintMaximizedFrameBorder(canvas); else PaintRestoredFrameBorder(canvas); PaintTitleBar(canvas); if (ShouldShowClientEdge()) PaintRestoredClientEdge(canvas); } void CustomFrameView::Layout() { LayoutWindowControls(); LayoutTitleBar(); LayoutClientView(); } gfx::Size CustomFrameView::GetPreferredSize() { return frame_->non_client_view()->GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds( gfx::Rect(frame_->client_view()->GetPreferredSize())).size(); } gfx::Size CustomFrameView::GetMinimumSize() { return frame_->non_client_view()->GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds( gfx::Rect(frame_->client_view()->GetMinimumSize())).size(); } gfx::Size CustomFrameView::GetMaximumSize() { gfx::Size max_size = frame_->client_view()->GetMaximumSize(); gfx::Size converted_size = frame_->non_client_view()->GetWindowBoundsForClientBounds( gfx::Rect(max_size)).size(); return gfx::Size(max_size.width() == 0 ? 0 : converted_size.width(), max_size.height() == 0 ? 0 : converted_size.height()); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CustomFrameView, ButtonListener implementation: void CustomFrameView::ButtonPressed(Button* sender, const ui::Event& event) { if (sender == close_button_) frame_->Close(); else if (sender == minimize_button_) frame_->Minimize(); else if (sender == maximize_button_) frame_->Maximize(); else if (sender == restore_button_) frame_->Restore(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CustomFrameView, private: int CustomFrameView::FrameBorderThickness() const { return frame_->IsMaximized() ? 0 : kFrameBorderThickness; } int CustomFrameView::NonClientBorderThickness() const { // In maximized mode, we don't show a client edge. return FrameBorderThickness() + (ShouldShowClientEdge() ? kClientEdgeThickness : 0); } int CustomFrameView::NonClientTopBorderHeight() const { return std::max(FrameBorderThickness() + IconSize(), CaptionButtonY() + kCaptionButtonHeightWithPadding) + TitlebarBottomThickness(); } int CustomFrameView::CaptionButtonY() const { // Maximized buttons start at window top so that even if their images aren't // drawn flush with the screen edge, they still obey Fitts' Law. return frame_->IsMaximized() ? FrameBorderThickness() : kFrameShadowThickness; } int CustomFrameView::TitlebarBottomThickness() const { return kTitlebarTopAndBottomEdgeThickness + (ShouldShowClientEdge() ? kClientEdgeThickness : 0); } int CustomFrameView::IconSize() const { #if defined(OS_WIN) // This metric scales up if either the titlebar height or the titlebar font // size are increased. return GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON); #else return std::max(GetTitleFont().GetHeight(), kIconMinimumSize); #endif } gfx::Rect CustomFrameView::IconBounds() const { int size = IconSize(); int frame_thickness = FrameBorderThickness(); // Our frame border has a different "3D look" than Windows'. Theirs has a // more complex gradient on the top that they push their icon/title below; // then the maximized window cuts this off and the icon/title are centered // in the remaining space. Because the apparent shape of our border is // simpler, using the same positioning makes things look slightly uncentered // with restored windows, so when the window is restored, instead of // calculating the remaining space from below the frame border, we calculate // from below the 3D edge. int unavailable_px_at_top = frame_->IsMaximized() ? frame_thickness : kTitlebarTopAndBottomEdgeThickness; // When the icon is shorter than the minimum space we reserve for the caption // button, we vertically center it. We want to bias rounding to put extra // space above the icon, since the 3D edge (+ client edge, for restored // windows) below looks (to the eye) more like additional space than does the // 3D edge (or nothing at all, for maximized windows) above; hence the +1. int y = unavailable_px_at_top + (NonClientTopBorderHeight() - unavailable_px_at_top - size - TitlebarBottomThickness() + 1) / 2; return gfx::Rect(frame_thickness + kIconLeftSpacing, y, size, size); } bool CustomFrameView::ShouldShowClientEdge() const { return !frame_->IsMaximized(); } void CustomFrameView::PaintRestoredFrameBorder(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { frame_background_->set_frame_color(GetFrameColor()); const gfx::ImageSkia* frame_image = GetFrameImage(); frame_background_->set_theme_image(frame_image); frame_background_->set_top_area_height(frame_image->height()); ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); frame_background_->SetCornerImages( rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_WINDOW_TOP_LEFT_CORNER).ToImageSkia(), rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_WINDOW_TOP_RIGHT_CORNER).ToImageSkia(), rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_WINDOW_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER).ToImageSkia(), rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_WINDOW_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER).ToImageSkia()); frame_background_->SetSideImages( rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_WINDOW_LEFT_SIDE).ToImageSkia(), rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_WINDOW_TOP_CENTER).ToImageSkia(), rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_WINDOW_RIGHT_SIDE).ToImageSkia(), rb.GetImageNamed(IDR_WINDOW_BOTTOM_CENTER).ToImageSkia()); frame_background_->PaintRestored(canvas, this); } void CustomFrameView::PaintMaximizedFrameBorder(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { const gfx::ImageSkia* frame_image = GetFrameImage(); frame_background_->set_theme_image(frame_image); frame_background_->set_top_area_height(frame_image->height()); frame_background_->PaintMaximized(canvas, this); ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); // TODO(jamescook): Migrate this into FrameBackground. // The bottom of the titlebar actually comes from the top of the Client Edge // graphic, with the actual client edge clipped off the bottom. const gfx::ImageSkia* titlebar_bottom = rb.GetImageNamed( IDR_APP_TOP_CENTER).ToImageSkia(); int edge_height = titlebar_bottom->height() - (ShouldShowClientEdge() ? kClientEdgeThickness : 0); canvas->TileImageInt(*titlebar_bottom, 0, frame_->client_view()->y() - edge_height, width(), edge_height); } void CustomFrameView::PaintTitleBar(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { WidgetDelegate* delegate = frame_->widget_delegate(); // It seems like in some conditions we can be asked to paint after the window // that contains us is WM_DESTROYed. At this point, our delegate is NULL. The // correct long term fix may be to shut down the RootView in WM_DESTROY. if (!delegate) return; canvas->DrawStringInt(delegate->GetWindowTitle(), GetTitleFont(), SK_ColorWHITE, GetMirroredXForRect(title_bounds_), title_bounds_.y(), title_bounds_.width(), title_bounds_.height()); } void CustomFrameView::PaintRestoredClientEdge(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { gfx::Rect client_area_bounds = frame_->client_view()->bounds(); int client_area_top = client_area_bounds.y(); ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); const gfx::ImageSkia* top_left = rb.GetImageNamed( IDR_APP_TOP_LEFT).ToImageSkia(); const gfx::ImageSkia* top = rb.GetImageNamed( IDR_APP_TOP_CENTER).ToImageSkia(); const gfx::ImageSkia* top_right = rb.GetImageNamed( IDR_APP_TOP_RIGHT).ToImageSkia(); const gfx::ImageSkia* right = rb.GetImageNamed( IDR_CONTENT_RIGHT_SIDE).ToImageSkia(); const gfx::ImageSkia* bottom_right = rb.GetImageNamed( IDR_CONTENT_BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER).ToImageSkia(); const gfx::ImageSkia* bottom = rb.GetImageNamed( IDR_CONTENT_BOTTOM_CENTER).ToImageSkia(); const gfx::ImageSkia* bottom_left = rb.GetImageNamed( IDR_CONTENT_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER).ToImageSkia(); const gfx::ImageSkia* left = rb.GetImageNamed( IDR_CONTENT_LEFT_SIDE).ToImageSkia(); // Top. int top_edge_y = client_area_top - top->height(); canvas->DrawImageInt(*top_left, client_area_bounds.x() - top_left->width(), top_edge_y); canvas->TileImageInt(*top, client_area_bounds.x(), top_edge_y, client_area_bounds.width(), top->height()); canvas->DrawImageInt(*top_right, client_area_bounds.right(), top_edge_y); // Right. int client_area_bottom = std::max(client_area_top, client_area_bounds.bottom()); int client_area_height = client_area_bottom - client_area_top; canvas->TileImageInt(*right, client_area_bounds.right(), client_area_top, right->width(), client_area_height); // Bottom. canvas->DrawImageInt(*bottom_right, client_area_bounds.right(), client_area_bottom); canvas->TileImageInt(*bottom, client_area_bounds.x(), client_area_bottom, client_area_bounds.width(), bottom_right->height()); canvas->DrawImageInt(*bottom_left, client_area_bounds.x() - bottom_left->width(), client_area_bottom); // Left. canvas->TileImageInt(*left, client_area_bounds.x() - left->width(), client_area_top, left->width(), client_area_height); // Draw the color to fill in the edges. canvas->FillRect(gfx::Rect(client_area_bounds.x() - 1, client_area_top - 1, client_area_bounds.width() + 1, client_area_bottom - client_area_top + 1), kClientEdgeColor); } SkColor CustomFrameView::GetFrameColor() const { return frame_->IsActive() ? kDefaultColorFrame : kDefaultColorFrameInactive; } const gfx::ImageSkia* CustomFrameView::GetFrameImage() const { return ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetImageNamed( frame_->IsActive() ? IDR_FRAME : IDR_FRAME_INACTIVE).ToImageSkia(); } void CustomFrameView::LayoutWindowControls() { close_button_->SetImageAlignment(ImageButton::ALIGN_LEFT, ImageButton::ALIGN_BOTTOM); int caption_y = CaptionButtonY(); bool is_maximized = frame_->IsMaximized(); // There should always be the same number of non-shadow pixels visible to the // side of the caption buttons. In maximized mode we extend the rightmost // button to the screen corner to obey Fitts' Law. int right_extra_width = is_maximized ? (kFrameBorderThickness - kFrameShadowThickness) : 0; gfx::Size close_button_size = close_button_->GetPreferredSize(); close_button_->SetBounds(width() - FrameBorderThickness() - right_extra_width - close_button_size.width(), caption_y, close_button_size.width() + right_extra_width, close_button_size.height()); // When the window is restored, we show a maximized button; otherwise, we show // a restore button. bool is_restored = !is_maximized && !frame_->IsMinimized(); ImageButton* invisible_button = is_restored ? restore_button_ : maximize_button_; invisible_button->SetVisible(false); ImageButton* visible_button = is_restored ? maximize_button_ : restore_button_; FramePartImage normal_part, hot_part, pushed_part; if (should_show_minmax_buttons_) { visible_button->SetVisible(true); visible_button->SetImageAlignment(ImageButton::ALIGN_LEFT, ImageButton::ALIGN_BOTTOM); gfx::Size visible_button_size = visible_button->GetPreferredSize(); visible_button->SetBounds(close_button_->x() - visible_button_size.width(), caption_y, visible_button_size.width(), visible_button_size.height()); minimize_button_->SetVisible(true); minimize_button_->SetImageAlignment(ImageButton::ALIGN_LEFT, ImageButton::ALIGN_BOTTOM); gfx::Size minimize_button_size = minimize_button_->GetPreferredSize(); minimize_button_->SetBounds( visible_button->x() - minimize_button_size.width(), caption_y, minimize_button_size.width(), minimize_button_size.height()); normal_part = IDR_CLOSE; hot_part = IDR_CLOSE_H; pushed_part = IDR_CLOSE_P; } else { visible_button->SetVisible(false); minimize_button_->SetVisible(false); normal_part = IDR_CLOSE_SA; hot_part = IDR_CLOSE_SA_H; pushed_part = IDR_CLOSE_SA_P; } ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); close_button_->SetImage(CustomButton::STATE_NORMAL, rb.GetImageNamed(normal_part).ToImageSkia()); close_button_->SetImage(CustomButton::STATE_HOVERED, rb.GetImageNamed(hot_part).ToImageSkia()); close_button_->SetImage(CustomButton::STATE_PRESSED, rb.GetImageNamed(pushed_part).ToImageSkia()); } void CustomFrameView::LayoutTitleBar() { // The window title position is calculated based on the icon position, even // when there is no icon. gfx::Rect icon_bounds(IconBounds()); bool show_window_icon = window_icon_ != NULL; if (show_window_icon) window_icon_->SetBoundsRect(icon_bounds); // The offset between the window left edge and the title text. int title_x = show_window_icon ? icon_bounds.right() + kTitleIconOffsetX : icon_bounds.x(); int title_height = GetTitleFont().GetHeight(); // We bias the title position so that when the difference between the icon and // title heights is odd, the extra pixel of the title is above the vertical // midline rather than below. This compensates for how the icon is already // biased downwards (see IconBounds()) and helps prevent descenders on the // title from overlapping the 3D edge at the bottom of the titlebar. title_bounds_.SetRect(title_x, icon_bounds.y() + ((icon_bounds.height() - title_height - 1) / 2), std::max(0, (should_show_minmax_buttons_ ? minimize_button_->x() : close_button_->x()) - kTitleCaptionSpacing - title_x), title_height); } void CustomFrameView::LayoutClientView() { int top_height = NonClientTopBorderHeight(); int border_thickness = NonClientBorderThickness(); client_view_bounds_.SetRect(border_thickness, top_height, std::max(0, width() - (2 * border_thickness)), std::max(0, height() - top_height - border_thickness)); } ImageButton* CustomFrameView::InitWindowCaptionButton( int accessibility_string_id, int normal_image_id, int hot_image_id, int pushed_image_id) { ui::ResourceBundle& rb = ui::ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance(); ImageButton* button = new ImageButton(this); button->SetAccessibleName(l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(accessibility_string_id)); button->SetImage(CustomButton::STATE_NORMAL, rb.GetImageNamed(normal_image_id).ToImageSkia()); button->SetImage(CustomButton::STATE_HOVERED, rb.GetImageNamed(hot_image_id).ToImageSkia()); button->SetImage(CustomButton::STATE_PRESSED, rb.GetImageNamed(pushed_image_id).ToImageSkia()); AddChildView(button); return button; } } // namespace views