// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "ui/base/hit_test.h" #include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_border.h" #include "ui/views/bubble/bubble_frame_view.h" #include "ui/views/controls/button/checkbox.h" #include "ui/views/controls/button/label_button.h" #include "ui/views/test/views_test_base.h" #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #include "ui/views/window/dialog_client_view.h" #include "ui/views/window/dialog_delegate.h" namespace views { namespace { class TestDialog : public DialogDelegateView, public ButtonListener { public: TestDialog() : canceled_(false), accepted_(false), closeable_(false), last_pressed_button_(NULL) {} virtual ~TestDialog() {} // DialogDelegateView overrides: virtual bool Cancel() OVERRIDE { canceled_ = true; return closeable_; } virtual bool Accept() OVERRIDE { accepted_ = true; return closeable_; } // DialogDelegateView overrides: virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize() const OVERRIDE { return gfx::Size(200, 200); } virtual base::string16 GetWindowTitle() const OVERRIDE { return title_; } // ButtonListener override: virtual void ButtonPressed(Button* sender, const ui::Event& event) OVERRIDE { last_pressed_button_ = sender; } Button* last_pressed_button() const { return last_pressed_button_; } void PressEnterAndCheckStates(Button* button) { ui::KeyEvent key_event(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_RETURN, 0, false); GetFocusManager()->OnKeyEvent(key_event); const DialogClientView* client_view = GetDialogClientView(); EXPECT_EQ(canceled_, client_view->cancel_button()->is_default()); EXPECT_EQ(accepted_, client_view->ok_button()->is_default()); // This view does not listen for ok or cancel clicks, DialogClientView does. CheckAndResetStates(button == client_view->cancel_button(), button == client_view->ok_button(), (canceled_ || accepted_ ) ? NULL : button); } void CheckAndResetStates(bool canceled, bool accepted, Button* last_pressed) { EXPECT_EQ(canceled, canceled_); canceled_ = false; EXPECT_EQ(accepted, accepted_); accepted_ = false; EXPECT_EQ(last_pressed, last_pressed_button_); last_pressed_button_ = NULL; } void TearDown() { closeable_ = true; GetWidget()->Close(); } void set_title(const base::string16& title) { title_ = title; } private: bool canceled_; bool accepted_; // Prevent the dialog from closing, for repeated ok and cancel button clicks. bool closeable_; Button* last_pressed_button_; base::string16 title_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestDialog); }; class DialogTest : public ViewsTestBase { public: DialogTest() : dialog_(NULL) {} virtual ~DialogTest() {} virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE { ViewsTestBase::SetUp(); dialog_ = new TestDialog(); DialogDelegate::CreateDialogWidget(dialog_, GetContext(), NULL)->Show(); } virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE { dialog_->TearDown(); ViewsTestBase::TearDown(); } TestDialog* dialog() const { return dialog_; } private: TestDialog* dialog_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DialogTest); }; } // namespace TEST_F(DialogTest, DefaultButtons) { DialogClientView* client_view = dialog()->GetDialogClientView(); LabelButton* ok_button = client_view->ok_button(); // DialogDelegate's default button (ok) should be default (and handle enter). EXPECT_EQ(ui::DIALOG_BUTTON_OK, dialog()->GetDefaultDialogButton()); dialog()->PressEnterAndCheckStates(ok_button); // Focus another button in the dialog, it should become the default. LabelButton* button_1 = new LabelButton(dialog(), base::string16()); client_view->AddChildView(button_1); client_view->OnWillChangeFocus(ok_button, button_1); EXPECT_TRUE(button_1->is_default()); dialog()->PressEnterAndCheckStates(button_1); // Focus a Checkbox (not a push button), OK should become the default again. Checkbox* checkbox = new Checkbox(base::string16()); client_view->AddChildView(checkbox); client_view->OnWillChangeFocus(button_1, checkbox); EXPECT_FALSE(button_1->is_default()); dialog()->PressEnterAndCheckStates(ok_button); // Focus yet another button in the dialog, it should become the default. LabelButton* button_2 = new LabelButton(dialog(), base::string16()); client_view->AddChildView(button_2); client_view->OnWillChangeFocus(checkbox, button_2); EXPECT_FALSE(button_1->is_default()); EXPECT_TRUE(button_2->is_default()); dialog()->PressEnterAndCheckStates(button_2); // Focus nothing, OK should become the default again. client_view->OnWillChangeFocus(button_2, NULL); EXPECT_FALSE(button_1->is_default()); EXPECT_FALSE(button_2->is_default()); dialog()->PressEnterAndCheckStates(ok_button); } TEST_F(DialogTest, AcceptAndCancel) { DialogClientView* client_view = dialog()->GetDialogClientView(); LabelButton* ok_button = client_view->ok_button(); LabelButton* cancel_button = client_view->cancel_button(); // Check that return/escape accelerators accept/cancel dialogs. const ui::KeyEvent return_key(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_RETURN, 0, false); dialog()->GetFocusManager()->OnKeyEvent(return_key); dialog()->CheckAndResetStates(false, true, NULL); const ui::KeyEvent escape_key(ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED, ui::VKEY_ESCAPE, 0, false); dialog()->GetFocusManager()->OnKeyEvent(escape_key); dialog()->CheckAndResetStates(true, false, NULL); // Check ok and cancel button behavior on a directed return key events. ok_button->OnKeyPressed(return_key); dialog()->CheckAndResetStates(false, true, NULL); cancel_button->OnKeyPressed(return_key); dialog()->CheckAndResetStates(true, false, NULL); // Check that return accelerators cancel dialogs if cancel is focused. cancel_button->RequestFocus(); dialog()->GetFocusManager()->OnKeyEvent(return_key); dialog()->CheckAndResetStates(true, false, NULL); } TEST_F(DialogTest, RemoveDefaultButton) { // Removing buttons from the dialog here should not cause a crash on close. delete dialog()->GetDialogClientView()->ok_button(); delete dialog()->GetDialogClientView()->cancel_button(); } TEST_F(DialogTest, HitTest) { // Ensure that the new style's BubbleFrameView hit-tests as expected. const NonClientView* view = dialog()->GetWidget()->non_client_view(); BubbleFrameView* frame = static_cast(view->frame_view()); const int border = frame->bubble_border()->GetBorderThickness(); struct { const int point; const int hit; } cases[] = { { border, HTSYSMENU }, { border + 10, HTSYSMENU }, { border + 20, HTCAPTION }, { border + 40, HTCLIENT }, { border + 50, HTCLIENT }, { 1000, HTNOWHERE }, }; for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); ++i) { gfx::Point point(cases[i].point, cases[i].point); EXPECT_EQ(cases[i].hit, frame->NonClientHitTest(point)) << " with border: " << border << ", at point " << cases[i].point; } } TEST_F(DialogTest, BoundsAccommodateTitle) { TestDialog* dialog2(new TestDialog()); dialog2->set_title(base::ASCIIToUTF16("Title")); DialogDelegate::CreateDialogWidget(dialog2, GetContext(), NULL); // Titled dialogs have taller initial frame bounds than untitled dialogs. View* frame1 = dialog()->GetWidget()->non_client_view()->frame_view(); View* frame2 = dialog2->GetWidget()->non_client_view()->frame_view(); EXPECT_LT(frame1->GetPreferredSize().height(), frame2->GetPreferredSize().height()); // Giving the default test dialog a title will yield the same bounds. dialog()->set_title(base::ASCIIToUTF16("Title")); dialog()->GetWidget()->UpdateWindowTitle(); EXPECT_EQ(frame1->GetPreferredSize().height(), frame2->GetPreferredSize().height()); } } // namespace views