// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "views/controls/label.h" #include #include #include "base/i18n/rtl.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_split.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h" #include "ui/base/text/text_elider.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas_skia.h" #include "ui/gfx/color_utils.h" #include "ui/gfx/font.h" #include "ui/gfx/insets.h" #include "views/background.h" namespace views { // static const char Label::kViewClassName[] = "views/Label"; SkColor Label::kEnabledColor, Label::kDisabledColor; const int Label::kFocusBorderPadding = 1; Label::Label() { Init(std::wstring(), GetDefaultFont()); } Label::Label(const std::wstring& text) { Init(text, GetDefaultFont()); } Label::Label(const std::wstring& text, const gfx::Font& font) { Init(text, font); } Label::~Label() { } gfx::Size Label::GetPreferredSize() { // Return a size of (0, 0) if the label is not visible and if the // collapse_when_hidden_ flag is set. // TODO(munjal): This logic probably belongs to the View class. But for now, // put it here since putting it in View class means all inheriting classes // need ot respect the collapse_when_hidden_ flag. if (!IsVisible() && collapse_when_hidden_) return gfx::Size(); gfx::Size prefsize(GetTextSize()); gfx::Insets insets = GetInsets(); prefsize.Enlarge(insets.width(), insets.height()); return prefsize; } int Label::GetBaseline() { return GetInsets().top() + font_.GetBaseline(); } int Label::GetHeightForWidth(int w) { if (!is_multi_line_) return View::GetHeightForWidth(w); w = std::max(0, w - GetInsets().width()); int h = font_.GetHeight(); gfx::CanvasSkia::SizeStringInt(text_, font_, &w, &h, ComputeMultiLineFlags()); return h + GetInsets().height(); } std::string Label::GetClassName() const { return kViewClassName; } void Label::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { OnPaintBackground(canvas); std::wstring paint_text; gfx::Rect text_bounds; int flags = 0; CalculateDrawStringParams(&paint_text, &text_bounds, &flags); PaintText(canvas, paint_text, text_bounds, flags); } void Label::OnPaintBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { const Background* bg = contains_mouse_ ? GetMouseOverBackground() : NULL; if (!bg) bg = background(); if (bg) bg->Paint(canvas, this); } void Label::SetFont(const gfx::Font& font) { font_ = font; text_size_valid_ = false; PreferredSizeChanged(); SchedulePaint(); } void Label::SetText(const std::wstring& text) { text_ = WideToUTF16Hack(text); url_set_ = false; text_size_valid_ = false; SetAccessibleName(WideToUTF16Hack(text)); PreferredSizeChanged(); SchedulePaint(); } const std::wstring Label::GetText() const { return url_set_ ? UTF8ToWide(url_.spec()) : UTF16ToWideHack(text_); } void Label::SetURL(const GURL& url) { url_ = url; text_ = UTF8ToUTF16(url_.spec()); url_set_ = true; text_size_valid_ = false; PreferredSizeChanged(); SchedulePaint(); } const GURL Label::GetURL() const { return url_set_ ? url_ : GURL(UTF16ToUTF8(text_)); } void Label::SetColor(const SkColor& color) { color_ = color; } SkColor Label::GetColor() const { return color_; } void Label::SetHorizontalAlignment(Alignment alignment) { // If the View's UI layout is right-to-left and rtl_alignment_mode_ is // USE_UI_ALIGNMENT, we need to flip the alignment so that the alignment // settings take into account the text directionality. if (base::i18n::IsRTL() && (rtl_alignment_mode_ == USE_UI_ALIGNMENT) && (alignment != ALIGN_CENTER)) alignment = (alignment == ALIGN_LEFT) ? ALIGN_RIGHT : ALIGN_LEFT; if (horiz_alignment_ != alignment) { horiz_alignment_ = alignment; SchedulePaint(); } } void Label::SetMultiLine(bool multi_line) { DCHECK(!multi_line || !elide_in_middle_); if (multi_line != is_multi_line_) { is_multi_line_ = multi_line; text_size_valid_ = false; PreferredSizeChanged(); SchedulePaint(); } } void Label::SetAllowCharacterBreak(bool allow_character_break) { if (allow_character_break != allow_character_break_) { allow_character_break_ = allow_character_break; text_size_valid_ = false; PreferredSizeChanged(); SchedulePaint(); } } void Label::SetElideInMiddle(bool elide_in_middle) { DCHECK(!elide_in_middle || !is_multi_line_); if (elide_in_middle != elide_in_middle_) { elide_in_middle_ = elide_in_middle; text_size_valid_ = false; PreferredSizeChanged(); SchedulePaint(); } } void Label::SetTooltipText(const std::wstring& tooltip_text) { tooltip_text_ = WideToUTF16Hack(tooltip_text); } bool Label::GetTooltipText(const gfx::Point& p, std::wstring* tooltip) { DCHECK(tooltip); // If a tooltip has been explicitly set, use it. if (!tooltip_text_.empty()) { tooltip->assign(UTF16ToWideHack(tooltip_text_)); return true; } // Show the full text if the text does not fit. if (!is_multi_line_ && (font_.GetStringWidth(text_) > GetAvailableRect().width())) { *tooltip = UTF16ToWideHack(text_); return true; } return false; } void Label::OnMouseMoved(const MouseEvent& e) { UpdateContainsMouse(e); } void Label::OnMouseEntered(const MouseEvent& event) { UpdateContainsMouse(event); } void Label::OnMouseExited(const MouseEvent& event) { SetContainsMouse(false); } void Label::SetMouseOverBackground(Background* background) { mouse_over_background_.reset(background); } const Background* Label::GetMouseOverBackground() const { return mouse_over_background_.get(); } void Label::SetEnabled(bool enabled) { if (enabled == enabled_) return; View::SetEnabled(enabled); SetColor(enabled ? kEnabledColor : kDisabledColor); } gfx::Insets Label::GetInsets() const { gfx::Insets insets = View::GetInsets(); if (IsFocusable() || has_focus_border_) { insets += gfx::Insets(kFocusBorderPadding, kFocusBorderPadding, kFocusBorderPadding, kFocusBorderPadding); } return insets; } void Label::SizeToFit(int max_width) { DCHECK(is_multi_line_); std::vector lines; base::SplitString(UTF16ToWideHack(text_), L'\n', &lines); int label_width = 0; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter = lines.begin(); iter != lines.end(); ++iter) { label_width = std::max(label_width, font_.GetStringWidth(WideToUTF16Hack(*iter))); } label_width += GetInsets().width(); if (max_width > 0) label_width = std::min(label_width, max_width); SetBounds(x(), y(), label_width, 0); SizeToPreferredSize(); } AccessibilityTypes::Role Label::GetAccessibleRole() { return AccessibilityTypes::ROLE_STATICTEXT; } AccessibilityTypes::State Label::GetAccessibleState() { return AccessibilityTypes::STATE_READONLY; } void Label::SetHasFocusBorder(bool has_focus_border) { has_focus_border_ = has_focus_border; if (is_multi_line_) { text_size_valid_ = false; PreferredSizeChanged(); } } void Label::PaintText(gfx::Canvas* canvas, const std::wstring& text, const gfx::Rect& text_bounds, int flags) { canvas->DrawStringInt(WideToUTF16Hack(text), font_, color_, text_bounds.x(), text_bounds.y(), text_bounds.width(), text_bounds.height(), flags); if (HasFocus() || paint_as_focused_) { gfx::Rect focus_bounds = text_bounds; focus_bounds.Inset(-kFocusBorderPadding, -kFocusBorderPadding); canvas->DrawFocusRect(focus_bounds.x(), focus_bounds.y(), focus_bounds.width(), focus_bounds.height()); } } gfx::Size Label::GetTextSize() const { if (!text_size_valid_) { // For single-line strings, we supply the largest possible width, because // while adding NO_ELLIPSIS to the flags works on Windows for forcing // SizeStringInt() to calculate the desired width, it doesn't seem to work // on Linux. int w = is_multi_line_ ? GetAvailableRect().width() : std::numeric_limits::max(); int h = font_.GetHeight(); // For single-line strings, ignore the available width and calculate how // wide the text wants to be. int flags = ComputeMultiLineFlags(); if (!is_multi_line_) flags |= gfx::Canvas::NO_ELLIPSIS; gfx::CanvasSkia::SizeStringInt(text_, font_, &w, &h, flags); text_size_.SetSize(w, h); text_size_valid_ = true; } return text_size_; } void Label::OnBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& previous_bounds) { text_size_valid_ &= !is_multi_line_; } // static gfx::Font Label::GetDefaultFont() { return ResourceBundle::GetSharedInstance().GetFont(ResourceBundle::BaseFont); } void Label::Init(const std::wstring& text, const gfx::Font& font) { static bool initialized = false; if (!initialized) { #if defined(OS_WIN) kEnabledColor = color_utils::GetSysSkColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT); kDisabledColor = color_utils::GetSysSkColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT); #else // TODO(beng): source from theme provider. kEnabledColor = SK_ColorBLACK; kDisabledColor = SK_ColorGRAY; #endif initialized = true; } contains_mouse_ = false; font_ = font; text_size_valid_ = false; SetText(text); url_set_ = false; color_ = kEnabledColor; horiz_alignment_ = ALIGN_CENTER; is_multi_line_ = false; allow_character_break_ = false; elide_in_middle_ = false; collapse_when_hidden_ = false; rtl_alignment_mode_ = USE_UI_ALIGNMENT; paint_as_focused_ = false; has_focus_border_ = false; } void Label::UpdateContainsMouse(const MouseEvent& event) { SetContainsMouse(GetTextBounds().Contains(event.x(), event.y())); } void Label::SetContainsMouse(bool contains_mouse) { if (contains_mouse_ == contains_mouse) return; contains_mouse_ = contains_mouse; if (GetMouseOverBackground()) SchedulePaint(); } gfx::Rect Label::GetTextBounds() const { gfx::Rect available_rect(GetAvailableRect()); gfx::Size text_size(GetTextSize()); text_size.set_width(std::min(available_rect.width(), text_size.width())); gfx::Insets insets = GetInsets(); gfx::Point text_origin(insets.left(), insets.top()); switch (horiz_alignment_) { case ALIGN_LEFT: break; case ALIGN_CENTER: // We put any extra margin pixel on the left rather than the right. We // used to do this because measurement on Windows used // GetTextExtentPoint32(), which could report a value one too large on the // right; we now use DrawText(), and who knows if it can also do this. text_origin.Offset((available_rect.width() + 1 - text_size.width()) / 2, 0); break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: text_origin.set_x(available_rect.right() - text_size.width()); break; default: NOTREACHED(); break; } text_origin.Offset(0, std::max(0, (available_rect.height() - text_size.height())) / 2); return gfx::Rect(text_origin, text_size); } int Label::ComputeMultiLineFlags() const { if (!is_multi_line_) return 0; int flags = gfx::Canvas::MULTI_LINE; #if !defined(OS_WIN) // Don't elide multiline labels on Linux. // Todo(davemoore): Do we depend on eliding multiline text? // Pango insists on limiting the number of lines to one if text is // elided. You can get around this if you can pass a maximum height // but we don't currently have that data when we call the pango code. flags |= gfx::Canvas::NO_ELLIPSIS; #endif if (allow_character_break_) flags |= gfx::Canvas::CHARACTER_BREAK; switch (horiz_alignment_) { case ALIGN_LEFT: flags |= gfx::Canvas::TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT; break; case ALIGN_CENTER: flags |= gfx::Canvas::TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER; break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: flags |= gfx::Canvas::TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT; break; } return flags; } gfx::Rect Label::GetAvailableRect() const { gfx::Rect bounds(gfx::Point(), size()); gfx::Insets insets(GetInsets()); bounds.Inset(insets.left(), insets.top(), insets.right(), insets.bottom()); return bounds; } void Label::CalculateDrawStringParams(std::wstring* paint_text, gfx::Rect* text_bounds, int* flags) const { DCHECK(paint_text && text_bounds && flags); if (url_set_) { // TODO(jungshik) : Figure out how to get 'intl.accept_languages' // preference and use it when calling ElideUrl. *paint_text = UTF16ToWideHack( ui::ElideUrl(url_, font_, GetAvailableRect().width(), std::string())); // An URLs is always treated as an LTR text and therefore we should // explicitly mark it as such if the locale is RTL so that URLs containing // Hebrew or Arabic characters are displayed correctly. // // Note that we don't check the View's UI layout setting in order to // determine whether or not to insert the special Unicode formatting // characters. We use the locale settings because an URL is always treated // as an LTR string, even if its containing view does not use an RTL UI // layout. *paint_text = UTF16ToWide(base::i18n::GetDisplayStringInLTRDirectionality( WideToUTF16(*paint_text))); } else if (elide_in_middle_) { *paint_text = UTF16ToWideHack(ui::ElideText(text_, font_, GetAvailableRect().width(), true)); } else { *paint_text = UTF16ToWideHack(text_); } *text_bounds = GetTextBounds(); *flags = ComputeMultiLineFlags(); } } // namespace views