// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "views/controls/menu/menu_item_view.h" #include #include #include "grit/app_strings.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas_skia.h" #include "ui/gfx/native_theme_win.h" #include "views/controls/menu/menu_config.h" #include "views/controls/menu/submenu_view.h" using gfx::NativeTheme; namespace views { gfx::Size MenuItemView::CalculatePreferredSize() { const gfx::Font& font = MenuConfig::instance().font; return gfx::Size( font.GetStringWidth(title_) + label_start_ + item_right_margin_ + GetChildPreferredWidth(), font.GetHeight() + GetBottomMargin() + GetTopMargin()); } void MenuItemView::PaintButton(gfx::Canvas* canvas, PaintButtonMode mode) { const MenuConfig& config = MenuConfig::instance(); bool render_selection = (mode == PB_NORMAL && IsSelected() && parent_menu_item_->GetSubmenu()->GetShowSelection(this) && !has_children()); int state = render_selection ? MPI_HOT : (IsEnabled() ? MPI_NORMAL : MPI_DISABLED); HDC dc = canvas->BeginPlatformPaint(); NativeTheme::ControlState control_state; if (!IsEnabled()) { control_state = NativeTheme::CONTROL_DISABLED; } else { control_state = render_selection ? NativeTheme::CONTROL_HIGHLIGHTED : NativeTheme::CONTROL_NORMAL; } // The gutter is rendered before the background. if (config.render_gutter && mode == PB_NORMAL) { gfx::Rect gutter_bounds(label_start_ - config.gutter_to_label - config.gutter_width, 0, config.gutter_width, height()); AdjustBoundsForRTLUI(&gutter_bounds); RECT gutter_rect = gutter_bounds.ToRECT(); NativeTheme::instance()->PaintMenuGutter(dc, MENU_POPUPGUTTER, MPI_NORMAL, &gutter_rect); } // Render the background. if (mode == PB_NORMAL) { gfx::Rect item_bounds(0, 0, width(), height()); AdjustBoundsForRTLUI(&item_bounds); RECT item_rect = item_bounds.ToRECT(); NativeTheme::instance()->PaintMenuItemBackground( NativeTheme::MENU, dc, MENU_POPUPITEM, state, render_selection, &item_rect); } int top_margin = GetTopMargin(); int bottom_margin = GetBottomMargin(); if (type_ == CHECKBOX && GetDelegate()->IsItemChecked(GetCommand())) { PaintCheck(dc, IsEnabled() ? MC_CHECKMARKNORMAL : MC_CHECKMARKDISABLED, control_state, config.check_height, config.check_width); } else if (type_ == RADIO && GetDelegate()->IsItemChecked(GetCommand())) { PaintCheck(dc, IsEnabled() ? MC_BULLETNORMAL : MC_BULLETDISABLED, control_state, config.radio_height, config.radio_width); } // Render the foreground. // Menu color is specific to Vista, fallback to classic colors if can't // get color. int default_sys_color = render_selection ? COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT : (IsEnabled() ? COLOR_MENUTEXT : COLOR_GRAYTEXT); SkColor fg_color = NativeTheme::instance()->GetThemeColorWithDefault( NativeTheme::MENU, MENU_POPUPITEM, state, TMT_TEXTCOLOR, default_sys_color); const gfx::Font& font = MenuConfig::instance().font; int accel_width = parent_menu_item_->GetSubmenu()->max_accelerator_width(); int width = this->width() - item_right_margin_ - label_start_ - accel_width; gfx::Rect text_bounds(label_start_, top_margin, width, font.GetHeight()); text_bounds.set_x(GetMirroredXForRect(text_bounds)); if (mode == PB_FOR_DRAG) { // With different themes, it's difficult to tell what the correct // foreground and background colors are for the text to draw the correct // halo. Instead, just draw black on white, which will look good in most // cases. canvas->AsCanvasSkia()->DrawStringWithHalo( GetTitle(), font, 0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, text_bounds.x(), text_bounds.y(), text_bounds.width(), text_bounds.height(), GetRootMenuItem()->GetDrawStringFlags()); } else { canvas->DrawStringInt(GetTitle(), font, fg_color, text_bounds.x(), text_bounds.y(), text_bounds.width(), text_bounds.height(), GetRootMenuItem()->GetDrawStringFlags()); } PaintAccelerator(canvas); if (icon_.width() > 0) { gfx::Rect icon_bounds(config.item_left_margin, top_margin + (height() - top_margin - bottom_margin - icon_.height()) / 2, icon_.width(), icon_.height()); icon_bounds.set_x(GetMirroredXForRect(icon_bounds)); canvas->DrawBitmapInt(icon_, icon_bounds.x(), icon_bounds.y()); } if (HasSubmenu()) { int state_id = IsEnabled() ? MSM_NORMAL : MSM_DISABLED; gfx::Rect arrow_bounds(this->width() - item_right_margin_ + config.label_to_arrow_padding, 0, config.arrow_width, height()); AdjustBoundsForRTLUI(&arrow_bounds); // If our sub menus open from right to left (which is the case when the // locale is RTL) then we should make sure the menu arrow points to the // right direction. NativeTheme::MenuArrowDirection arrow_direction; if (base::i18n::IsRTL()) arrow_direction = NativeTheme::LEFT_POINTING_ARROW; else arrow_direction = NativeTheme::RIGHT_POINTING_ARROW; RECT arrow_rect = arrow_bounds.ToRECT(); NativeTheme::instance()->PaintMenuArrow( NativeTheme::MENU, dc, MENU_POPUPSUBMENU, state_id, &arrow_rect, arrow_direction, control_state); } canvas->EndPlatformPaint(); } void MenuItemView::PaintCheck(HDC dc, int state_id, NativeTheme::ControlState control_state, int icon_width, int icon_height) { int top_margin = GetTopMargin(); int icon_x = MenuConfig::instance().item_left_margin; int icon_y = top_margin + (height() - top_margin - GetBottomMargin() - icon_height) / 2; // Draw the background. gfx::Rect bg_bounds(0, 0, icon_x + icon_width, height()); int bg_state = IsEnabled() ? MCB_NORMAL : MCB_DISABLED; AdjustBoundsForRTLUI(&bg_bounds); RECT bg_rect = bg_bounds.ToRECT(); NativeTheme::instance()->PaintMenuCheckBackground( NativeTheme::MENU, dc, MENU_POPUPCHECKBACKGROUND, bg_state, &bg_rect); // And the check. gfx::Rect icon_bounds(icon_x / 2, icon_y, icon_width, icon_height); AdjustBoundsForRTLUI(&icon_bounds); RECT icon_rect = icon_bounds.ToRECT(); NativeTheme::instance()->PaintMenuCheck( NativeTheme::MENU, dc, MENU_POPUPCHECK, state_id, &icon_rect, control_state); } } // namespace views