// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "views/controls/native/native_view_host.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "ui/gfx/canvas.h" #include "views/controls/native/native_view_host_views.h" #include "views/controls/native/native_view_host_wrapper.h" #include "views/widget/widget.h" namespace views { // static const char NativeViewHost::kViewClassName[] = "views/NativeViewHost"; #if defined(OS_LINUX) // GTK renders the focus. // static const bool NativeViewHost::kRenderNativeControlFocus = false; #else // static const bool NativeViewHost::kRenderNativeControlFocus = true; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NativeViewHost, public: NativeViewHost::NativeViewHost() : native_view_(NULL), views_view_(NULL), fast_resize_(false), focus_view_(NULL) { } NativeViewHost::~NativeViewHost() { } void NativeViewHost::Attach(gfx::NativeView native_view) { DCHECK(native_view); DCHECK(!native_view_); DCHECK(!views_view_); native_view_ = native_view; // If set_focus_view() has not been invoked, this view is the one that should // be seen as focused when the native view receives focus. if (!focus_view_) focus_view_ = this; native_wrapper_->NativeViewAttached(); } void NativeViewHost::AttachToView(View* view) { if (view == views_view_) return; DCHECK(view); DCHECK(!native_view_); DCHECK(!views_view_); native_wrapper_.reset(new NativeViewHostViews(this)); views_view_ = view; // If set_focus_view() has not been invoked, this view is the one that should // be seen as focused when the native view receives focus. if (!focus_view_) focus_view_ = this; native_wrapper_->NativeViewAttached(); } void NativeViewHost::Detach() { Detach(false); } void NativeViewHost::SetPreferredSize(const gfx::Size& size) { preferred_size_ = size; PreferredSizeChanged(); } void NativeViewHost::NativeViewDestroyed() { // Detach so we can clear our state and notify the native_wrapper_ to release // ref on the native view. Detach(true); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NativeViewHost, View overrides: gfx::Size NativeViewHost::GetPreferredSize() { return preferred_size_; } void NativeViewHost::Layout() { if ((!native_view_ && !views_view_) || !native_wrapper_.get()) return; gfx::Rect vis_bounds = GetVisibleBounds(); bool visible = !vis_bounds.IsEmpty(); if (visible && !fast_resize_) { if (vis_bounds.size() != size()) { // Only a portion of the Widget is really visible. int x = vis_bounds.x(); int y = vis_bounds.y(); native_wrapper_->InstallClip(x, y, vis_bounds.width(), vis_bounds.height()); } else if (native_wrapper_->HasInstalledClip()) { // The whole widget is visible but we installed a clip on the widget, // uninstall it. native_wrapper_->UninstallClip(); } } if (visible) { // Since widgets know nothing about the View hierarchy (they are direct // children of the Widget that hosts our View hierarchy) they need to be // positioned in the coordinate system of the Widget, not the current // view. Also, they should be positioned respecting the border insets // of the native view. gfx::Rect local_bounds = ConvertRectToWidget(GetContentsBounds()); native_wrapper_->ShowWidget(local_bounds.x(), local_bounds.y(), local_bounds.width(), local_bounds.height()); } else { native_wrapper_->HideWidget(); } } void NativeViewHost::OnPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas) { // Paint background if there is one. NativeViewHost needs to paint // a background when it is hosted in a TabbedPane. For Gtk implementation, // NativeTabbedPaneGtk uses a NativeWidgetGtk as page container and because // NativeWidgetGtk hook "expose" with its root view's paint, we need to // fill the content. Otherwise, the tab page's background is not properly // cleared. For Windows case, it appears okay to not paint background because // we don't have a container window in-between. However if you want to use // customized background, then this becomes necessary. OnPaintBackground(canvas); // The area behind our window is black, so during a fast resize (where our // content doesn't draw over the full size of our native view, and the native // view background color doesn't show up), we need to cover that blackness // with something so that fast resizes don't result in black flash. // // It would be nice if this used some approximation of the page's // current background color. if (native_wrapper_->HasInstalledClip()) canvas->FillRect(SK_ColorWHITE, GetLocalBounds()); } void NativeViewHost::VisibilityChanged(View* starting_from, bool is_visible) { Layout(); } bool NativeViewHost::NeedsNotificationWhenVisibleBoundsChange() const { // The native widget is placed relative to the root. As such, we need to // know when the position of any ancestor changes, or our visibility relative // to other views changed as it'll effect our position relative to the root. return true; } void NativeViewHost::OnVisibleBoundsChanged() { Layout(); } void NativeViewHost::ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, View* parent, View* child) { if (is_add && GetWidget()) { if (!native_wrapper_.get()) native_wrapper_.reset(NativeViewHostWrapper::CreateWrapper(this)); native_wrapper_->AddedToWidget(); } else if (!is_add) { native_wrapper_->RemovedFromWidget(); } } std::string NativeViewHost::GetClassName() const { return kViewClassName; } void NativeViewHost::OnFocus() { native_wrapper_->SetFocus(); GetWidget()->NotifyAccessibilityEvent( this, ui::AccessibilityTypes::EVENT_FOCUS, true); } gfx::NativeViewAccessible NativeViewHost::GetNativeViewAccessible() { if (native_wrapper_.get()) { gfx::NativeViewAccessible accessible_view = native_wrapper_->GetNativeViewAccessible(); if (accessible_view) return accessible_view; } return View::GetNativeViewAccessible(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NativeViewHost, private: void NativeViewHost::Detach(bool destroyed) { if (native_view_ || views_view_) { native_wrapper_->NativeViewDetaching(destroyed); native_view_ = NULL; views_view_ = NULL; } } } // namespace views